Some issues of phraseology formation in changing gender stereotypes in azerbaijanian language
The article highlights the features of phraseological units contained in the phraseological system of the Azerbaijani language, reflecting gender stereotypes formed in the ethnopsychology of the Azerbaijani people. The translation of ethnographic lacunae.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.10.2023 |
Размер файла | 23,6 K |
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Some issues of phraseology formation in changing gender stereotypes in azerbaijanian language
Aliyeva Kamala Lecturer, PhD., Ganja State University Ganja, Azerbaijan
Abstract. The main aim of the article is to study the stages of formation of specific phraseologies associated with expressing gender stereotypes in the Azerbaijani language. Parallels were drawn with the semantic analysis of such phraseological units that are part of the concept of the family and denoting gender stereotypes. When grouping terminative- component generic phraseological units, it was found that the bulk of these phraseological units were formed in order to bring clarity of expressions describing the features of acute intra-family problems.
Methods and methodologies. In the research work, the method of cognitive analysis was used and specific examples of scientific work, articles of phraseological units expressing gender stereotypes in the Azerbaijani language were analyzed. translation ethnographic lacunae
The main scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time parallels were drawn in the lexical and semantic features of genderological phraseological units.
Conclucions. The article highlights the features of phraseological units contained in the phraseological system of the Azerbaijani language, reflecting gender stereotypes formed in the ethnopsychology of the Azerbaijani people. It is also emphasized that some phraseological units further deviate from the expression of family relations, while others retain their original semantics.
The translation of ethnographic lacunae into another language is rather difficult, or rather impossible without additional explanations.
It is also noted that the specificity of gender relations was considered as a factor that generates phraseological brevity. It was concluded that the translation of ethnographic gaps into another language is rather difficult, or rather, usually impossible without additional explanations. Cognitive analysis of the component composition of phraseology, reflecting gender relations in the Azerbaijani language, shows that the semantic load and additional semantic shades reflected by terms and metaphors are directly related to the stereotypes of society, accumulated information memory.
Keywords: Cognitive analysis of phraseological units, phraseological systems, gender stereotypes, the concept of "family".
Алієва Камала викладач, доктор філософії з філології, Гянджинський державний університет, Гянджа, Азербайджан
Анотація. Основною метою статті є вивчення етапів формування специфічних фразеологій пов'язані з гендерними стереотипами в азербайджанській мові. Було проведено паралели з семантичним аналізом подібних фразеологізмів, які входять у поняття сім'ї та позначають гендерні стереотипи. При угрупованні термінородственно-компонентнихродових фразеологізмів було
встановлено, що основна маса цих фразеологізмів формувалася з метою принести ясність виразів, що описують особливості гострих внутрішньосімейних проблем.
Методи та методології. У дослідницькій роботі було використано метод когнітивного аналізу та проаналізовано конкретні приклади наукової роботи, статті фразеологічних одиниць, що виражають гендерні стереотипи в азербайджанській мові.
Основна наукова новизна дослідження полягає в тому, що вперше було проведено паралели у лексико-семантичних особливостях гендерологічних фразеологізмів.
Висновки. У статті зазначені особливості фразеологізмів, що містяться у фразеологічній системі азербайджанської мови, що відображають ґендерні стереотипи, що сформувалися в етнопсихології азербайджанського народу. Також підкреслюється, що одні фразеологізми надалі відхиляються від висловлювання сімейних відносин, інші зберігають свою початкову семантику.
Переклад етнографічних лакун іншою мовою досить скрутний, вірніше, взагалі неможливий без додаткових пояснень.
Також зазначається, що специфіка гендерних відносин розглядалася як чинник, що породжує фразеологічну стислість. Були зроблені висновки, що переклад етнографічних лакун іншою мовою досить утруднений, вірніше, зазвичай неможливий без додаткових пояснень. Когнітивний аналіз компонентного складу фразеології, що відображає гендерні відносини в азербайджанській мові, показує, що смислове навантаження та додаткові смислові відтінки, що відображаються термінами та метафорами, безпосередньо пов'язані зі стереотипами суспільства, накопиченою інформаційною пам'яттю.
Ключові слова:Когнітивний аналіз фразеологізмів, фразеологічні системи, ґендерні стереотипи, концепт "сім'я".
Introduction (statement of issue)
he article examines phraseological units expressing gender stereotypes in the Azerbaijani language. A semantic analysis of phraseological units included in the concept of the family and denoting gender stereotypes is carried out. When grouping the term kinship component gender phraseologisms, it was found that the bulk of these phraseological units were formed with the aim of expressing the severity of intra-family problems.
Methods and methodology of the article. Scientific works, articles on the topic were used in the research work. Phraseological units expressing gender stereotypes in the Azerbaijani language were analyzed on the basis of concrete examples.
The main scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time the lexical semantic features of phraseological units reflecting gender relations in the Azerbaijani language were investigated.
Review of works on the topic
It is known that there are quite different approaches to stereotypical concepts, including gender stereotypes. So, according to E.Arsonson, “thinking with stereotypes means creating an identical characteristic of any individual in a social group and not taking into account real differences between members of that group” [3, 307]. L.Kim makes a more accurate characterization, noting that “traditionally, a stereotype means a scheme, a cliche that makes it possible to perceive and evaluate any kind of information obtained. This scheme performs the function of generalizing a certain event, object or concept, and with its help a person automatically, thoughtlessly, evaluates or moves to action” [5].
The main aim of the article is to study the stages of formation of specific phraseologies associated with expressing gender stereotypes in the Azerbaijani language.
Basic material
Namely, the female and male typifications, which are subconsciously formed on the basis of gender stereotypes of that society, directly acquire their metaphorical or adequate verbal realization in the phraseological system. For example, Ogul odur atdan du§ub atlana, Ogul odur hsr szaba qatlana, Qiz yuku, duz yuku, Ogul du§msn gspsridir, Qizini doymsysn dizini doysr, Qizini ozbapna qoysan, ya zurnagiya gedsr, ya da halvagiya and etc .
Apparently, the formed stereotypes refer to the image of a woman- mother with many positive signs, as well as they acquire features such as weakness, recessiveness, subordination to power and so on. On the other hand, the male image along with strength is characterized by such characteristics as dominance, superiority-priority position,
Formed archetypes “make possible schematic generalizations of the images of femininity, masculinity” Gender stereotypes conditioned by the social categories masculinities and feminities find their confirmation in the social roles and behavior of a person within society, depending on gender [6, 120-139]. Namely, on the basis of existing stereotypes, the sharp barrier between the femininity of the female image, the masculinization of the Male Image, its juxtaposition, is also reflected in the image comparisons in the phraseological system. Ki§itizlti arvaddan, arvaduzlu ki§idsn hszsr//Olhszsr, arvad uzlu ki§idsn, ki§i uzlu arvaddan [2, 344]. Apparently, since the behavior that contradicts stereotypes about female and male images is condemned by society, phraseologisms have also appeared, which logically express a similar meaning.
According to Y.P.ilyin, gender stereotypes mean “psychophysiological characteristics that distinguish men from women in the mass consciousness”, including “independence, courage, rudeness, activity, logic” inherent in men, “dependence, shyness, cowardice, dreaminess, spontaneity, emotionality” inherent in women, etc. he points out that the features are intended above [4]. For example, In Azerbaijani arvadagiz ki§i, arvadagiz olmaq, arvadagizliq elsmsk [2, 95] phraseological units are undoubtedly used to expose the vanity, gossip of a person of the male gender. In other words, here directly refers to the inconsistency of the characteristic features of a stereotyped image, that is, such characteristics as conversationalism, a tendency to gossip, extreme emotionality inherent in a woman, with a male image. Let us pay attention to the positions of elaboration of those phraseological units, arvadagiz ki§i-henpecked man: Onda yens min §tikur bizim arvada... Gorsssn bu hansi arvadagiz ki§inin arvadidir? (S. Rustem) [7, 235]. Biz ki§ilsr mentalitetimizs xas olan ciddi ki§i modeli ils arvadagiz ki§i modeli arasinda gixilmaz vsziyystds qaldiq [9]. As it can be seen, the characterization of an image outside the male image, formed on the basis of gender stereotypes in the Azerbaijani ethnomentality, is carried out here. In the examples presented, the characteristics of the opposite gender are addressed in order to reveal the characteristic of “a man without a mouth, a man behaving like a woman, who cannot be the master of his words"
Arvadagizliq elomok - we also follow the phraseological combination of the verb within the framework of the analogous meaning load: Belo soz- sohbotlor Temirin gox da beynino batmirdi.... “Araga pis deyon gorum heg xeyir tapmasin, - arvadagizliq elodi, qargidi” [8]. Ozunu Musayevo qohroman gostormoyo gali§anlara, monim arxamca arvadagizliq edonlori gozol bilirom [10].
As it can be seen, the meaning of phraseology such as “to commit adultery" or “to be adulterous", as in the example we will follow, also includes meanings such as “cursing, laughing in the face and talking behind the back", which are incompatible with the image of a man in our national mentality.
Let's take a look at the processing positions of the phraseological combination of arvadagiz olmaq:
Allah, yordu moni dedi-qodular,
Arvadagiz oldu ki§ilor goxu.
Hor yerdo, hor yanda tolo qurdular,
Hor yerdon, hor yandan kosdilor arxi.
Onun hor dediyi sozu ilo razila§maga borclu deyilson. No qodor nozakotli gorunmoyo gali§san da, bu daha gox arvadagiz oldugunu gostorocok.
In this context we can note the phraseological units such as “arvad sohboti”, “arvad sohboti elomok” [2, 95].
Rusiya kimi bir olkonin ba§gisi deyirso ki, arzunuzu tiroyinizdo qoyacam vo tez sagalacam, onda digorlorindon no gozloyoson. Bu bilirsiz noyo ox§ayir, arvad sohbotino...[11], Mondon sono moslohot, he? qorxub elomo, biri var balaca yalan, yoni dedi-qodu, arvad sohboti, biri do var boyuk yalan, yoni camaatin uroyindon xobor veron yalan [18].
As can be clearly seen from the presented examples, the meaning of the phraseological unit “arvad sohboti - wife talk" covers a wide semantic spectrum such as “gossip, nonsense, meaningless talk, empty promise".
It should be noted that among the expressions included in the phraseological system of the Azerbaijani language and included in the concept of “family" there are quite interesting phraseological units reflecting gender stereotypes inherent in our people, and in some cases with contrasting semantics. For example, among the phraseologisms characterizing the role of a woman and a man within the family Arvadi sri saxlar, pendiri - dsri [2, 95]. Bilirsiniz, qadin ssassn ki§idsn asilidir. Atalarin bir msssli var: pendiri dsri, arvadi sri saxlar, Ssmays ana omru boyu 70 il sursn Sovet hokumstins bir gun ds i§lsmsyib. Omrunu ovladlarina, nsvslsrins, nsticslsrins hssr edib. Bels yerds deyiblsr “ arvadi sri saxlar, pendiri dsri ”.
It should be noted that in the Southern dialects of the Azerbaijani language, there are variants of the phraseological unit in the following forms- Arvadi sr saxlar, bostani bar vsya Arvadi sr saxlar, bostani vsl [12, 160].
The presence of certain contradictions of Gender stereotypes in itself inevitably led to the antonym of their respective semantics. The most obvious example of this kind of contrasting approach can be traced in statements characterizing the attitude of a woman to her mind, the level of female intelligence. For example, Agilli olan arvad sozuns baxmaz, Agli olan arvad sozuns baxmaz [12, 83] expression such as Arvadi olmayanin agli olamz, Arvad yox, agil yox [12, 44] is in complete semantic conflict with its phraseological units.
As you can see, along with objective assessment, an extreme masculine approach is also reflected here. This is primarily due to the stereotypical attitude towards female intelligence. In the ethnomental approach, women were also given features such as trickery, infidelity, which contributed to the appearance of the next group of phrases:
Bsylsrls arvadlara inanma, xar suya dayanma [11, 160],
Arvaddan vsfa, zshsrdsn §sfa olmaz [11, 82],
Arvadyixan evi, fslsk ds yixa bilmsz,
Arvad yixan evdsn Allahin xsbsri yoxdur,
Arvad mali algaq qapidir, bir girsnds alnina dsysr, bir gixanda [1, 7], Arvad tufani ba§layanda Nuhun tufani yaddan gixar [9, 67].
However, it should be noted that there are a large number of phraseological units that highly value the role of a woman in the family and express our national gender stereotypes about this point:
Arvadsiz ev - susuz dsyirman [2, 95],
Arvadsiz ev - urvatsiz ev [9, 67],
Evi abad edsn arvaddir [9, 376],
Evi abad edsn arvad, yurdu §sn edsn dovlst [9, 376].
It should be noted that in phraseological units with a more neutral attitude, it is possible to trace the adequacy of the gender stereretip, that is, its objectivity. For example, Arvad var, ev yigar, arvad var, ev yixar [2, 7], Arvad srini rszil ds edsr, vszir ds [2, 7].
Among the phraseological units included within the framework of the concept of “family”, there are no less phraseological units expressing gender stereotypes about the distribution between the role-functions of parents. Ati atasi ih tanidarlar, qatiri anasi ih [12], U§aq atadan yox, anadan yetim qalar, Ana gizina tdxt versr, ata ogluna bdxt [9, 66].
As it can be seen, among the phraseological units reflecting gender relations in the phraseological system of the Azerbaijani language, there are many interesting linguistic facts reflecting the gender stereotypes of our people.
It should be noted that the expression of gender relations in phraseological units with ethnographic content increases the lacunity coefficient even more. Thus, both ethnographic data and gender stereotypes inherent in the people complicate the task of adequate explanation of these statements. Thus, the phraseological units included in this group do not act on the nature of gender differences, that is, the fact that a woman is a weak, graceful creature, and a man has a strong and dominant position. This group of phraseologisms reflects the peculiarities of the society, specifically the Turkic existence of the Azerbaijani people, Islamic values, and belonging to the multicultural environment of the Caucasus. Gender relations, reflected in phraseologisms with ethnographic content, directly reflect on the centuries- old cultural heritage, the basis of traditions, refer to the existing historical- social and historical-philological “vertical context”. This group of phraseologisms directly reveals the “frameworks” of the linguistic picture of the world inherent in the Azerbaijani people, allows us to define the basis and core of the “world picture”characteristic of our people. Because the family is the foundation of society, and gender relations establish a code of conduct, models of behavior that regulate that minisosium. Our analysis and research clearly reveals the correlation of the linguistic picture of the world inherent in the people - ethnographic lacunae - phraseological units with ethnographic content, reflecting gender relations. “Culture is not what a person receives ready-made from nature but his own creation” - the author of the idea R.Ladon rightly points out, “the linguistic picture of the world differs from the conceptual or cognitive models of the world”, and the linguistic picture of the world “actually embodies a verbal conceptualization of a person's knowledge of the world” [13; 34-35, 51] . Since mold concepts arising from traditions play an exceptional role in the formation of the linguistic picture of the world inherent in the Azerbaijani people, no doubt, phrases such as “Oglan evi alinca, qiz evi oluncd , “Oglan adami - sindirar badami, Qiz adami - sindirar adami” [15; 126] , Qiz qapisi, §ah qapisi // Qiz qapisi, §ah qapisi, mini gdbr biri razi gedsr [14; 74] would not be understandable to peoples of different cultures and, therefore, of different world models.
However, the models of behavior dictated by the traditions of the Azerbaijani people fully clarify the historical and social vertical context of these phraseological units: according to a well-known model of behavior, the girl's family representatives should not say “yes” to the messengers from the first time, and the boy's family representatives should be in a difficult situation a bit. Saying “yes” to a boy's family representatives from the first time could be regarded as “keeping a girl cheap” and not valuing a girl's family, even if such a “precious” and “heavy” image of the girl's family laid the foundation for certain family conflicts in the later stages. It is noteworthy that even the fact that young people had already agreed and made a decision to be together, it did not play a very important role here. Thus, the centuries- old model of behavior on the basis of the existing wedding customs ultimately led to the formation of ethnographic lacunae-status expressions in the language. Despite the fact that some customs become obsolete and life dictates more modern and more liberal living standards, these expressions continue to function in the modern Azerbaijani language.
It can be concluded that the phraseological units contained in the phraseological system of the Azerbaijani language and showing gender relations fully reflect the gender stereotypes molded in the ethno-psychology of the Azerbaijani people. It has been established that some phraseological units deviate from the expression of gender relations over time, while others retain the initial semantics.
The translation of ethnographic lacunae into another language is quite complicated, or rather, impossible at all without additional explanations.
In particular, the specificity of gender relations was considered as a factor generating phraseological lacunity. It can be concluded that the translation of ethnographic lacunae into another language is quite difficult, more precisely, usually impossible without additional explanation. The cognitive analysis of the component composition of phraseological units reflecting gender relations in the Azerbaijani language shows that the load of meaning and additional shades of meaning reflected by terms and metaphors are directly related to the stereotypes of society, the accumulated informative “memory”.
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курсовая работа [103,4 K], добавлен 25.01.2013Background of borrowed words in the English language and their translation. The problems of adoptions in the lexical system and the contribution of individual linguistic cultures for its formation. Barbarism, foreignisms, neologisms and archaic words.
дипломная работа [76,9 K], добавлен 12.03.2012English idioms and their Russian equivalents. Semantic, Stylistic Identity of Translating. The Difficulties of Translation. Pedagogical implications idiomatic tasks in classes. Phraseological fusions, phraseological unities, phraseological collocations.
презентация [911,6 K], добавлен 03.01.2013Idioms and stable Phrases in English Language. Idiomatic and stable expressions: meanings and definitions. Ways of forming phraseological units. Translation of idioms and stable phrases. Transformation of some idioms in the process of translating.
курсовая работа [57,1 K], добавлен 05.04.2014Essence of the lexicology and its units. Semantic changes and structure of a word. Essence of the homonyms and its criteria at the synchronic analysis. Synonymy and antonymy. Phraseological units: definition and classification. Ways of forming words.
курс лекций [24,3 K], добавлен 09.11.2008The history of the English language. Three main types of difference in any language: geographical, social and temporal. Comprehensive analysis of the current state of the lexical system. Etymological layers of English: Latin, Scandinavian and French.
реферат [18,7 K], добавлен 09.02.2014The general outline of word formation in English: information about word formation as a means of the language development - appearance of a great number of new words, the growth of the vocabulary. The blending as a type of modern English word formation.
курсовая работа [54,6 K], добавлен 18.04.2014Translation as communication of meaning of the original language of the text by the text equivalent of the target language. The essence main types of translation. Specialized general, medical, technical, literary, scientific translation/interpretation.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 21.11.2015Concept, essence, aspects, methods and forms of oral translation. Current machine translation software, his significance, types and examples. The nature of translation and human language. The visibility of audiovisual translation - subtitling and dubbing.
реферат [68,3 K], добавлен 15.11.2009The notion of the grammatical category of gender. The main approaches in investigating the category of gender, the ways of expressing in English and Uzbek. Zoonims as separate lexical units. Generic categorization of zoonims in English and Uzbek.
курсовая работа [79,3 K], добавлен 05.04.2013Study of the basic grammatical categories of number, case and gender in modern English language with the use of a field approach. Practical analysis of grammatical categories of the English language on the example of materials of business discourse.
магистерская работа [273,3 K], добавлен 06.12.2015Profession in the USA. Regulation of the legal profession. Lawyers: parasites of the back of the American taxpayer. The legal profession for women: a problem of gender equality. The legal system of the USA. The principles of the USA System of justice.
курсовая работа [35,9 K], добавлен 31.08.2008Metonymy: definition, structure and function, types. The relationship of metonymy and phraseology. Metonymy features of the secondary nomination in the system of the contemporary English phraseology in chick-lit novels. Stylistic features of metonymy.
курсовая работа [40,4 K], добавлен 25.01.2015The influence of other languages and dialects on the formation of the English language. Changes caused by the Norman Conquest and the Great Vowel Shift.Borrowing and influence: romans, celts, danes, normans. Present and future time in the language.
реферат [25,9 K], добавлен 13.06.2014Language as main means of intercourse. Cpornye and important questions of theoretical phonetics of modern English. Study of sounds within the limits of language. Voice system of language, segmental'nye phonemes, syllable structure and intonation.
курсовая работа [22,8 K], добавлен 15.12.2010