Tourist text: peculiarities of translation

The article describes the specifics of the translator's work in the field of tourism, in particular, on the translation of written texts. The authors identify the main factors affecting translation decisions in the process of translating a tourist text.

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Tourist text: peculiarities of translation

Sikaliuk Anzhela Ivanivna

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Foreign Philology Department, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Chernihiv,

Perminova Vladyslava Anatoliyivna

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Foreign Philology Department, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Chernihiv


The article describes the specifics of the translator's work in the field of tourism, in particular, on the translation of written texts. The article analyzes the linguistic-stylistic originality of tourist texts of various genres. Based on the selected linguistic and stylistic characteristics, the basic skills and abilities that a translator must possess perfectly to overcome the difficulties of translating a tourist text have been revealed.

The authors identify the main factors affecting translation decisions in the process of translating a tourist text. First of all, it is a double structure of information of the tourist text, which can be described as cognitive and emotional. Secondly, it is the perception of the recipient, which can be both mass and individual.

A translator specializing in the field of tourism should be well aware of the structural, compositional and linguistic stylistic features of texts of various styles. Among the variety of texts that serve tourist activities, it is possible to distinguish texts of such functional styles as official-business, scientific and journalistic.

A translator must be well aware of archaic language elements and cliches. He also needs to know well the structure of the document, which may differ in different language versions. The translator must also have knowledge of the most appropriate grammatical constructions in the text of the documents.

Previous specialization in the field of tourism can be a great advantage of a translator, since the tourism business requires knowledge of the specifics of accommodation, transportation, food and leisure for tourists. Such specialization can be achieved through familiarization with tourism literature or in the process of acquiring translation experience. So, in particular, knowledge of the international classification of hotels by the number of stars allows the translator to choose the correct correspondences for indicators of hotel services.

Thus, for a translator of a tourist text for a wide audience, the difficulties of translation are determined by the openness of such texts, while the translation of documents for a limited number of recipients determines such difficulties as adapting the text and finding formal correspondences. Targeting the recipient determines translation decisions when overcoming various difficulties of translating a tourist text.

Keywords: tourist text, peculiarities of translation, translation transformations, linguistic stylistic characteristics, interference, translation correspondences.


Сікалюк Анжела Іванівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземної філології, Національний університет «Чернігівська політехніка», м. Чернігів

Пермінова Владислава Анатоліївна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземної філології, Національний університет «Чернігівська політехніка», м. Чернігів


Стаття описує специфіку роботи перекладача у сфері туризму, зокрема над перекладом письмових текстів. У статті аналізується лінгвостилістична своєрідність туристичних текстів різних жанрів. В опорі на виділені лінгвостилістичні характеристики виявляються основні навички та вміння, якими повинен досконало володіти перекладач для подолання труднощів перекладу туристичного тексту.

Автори визначають основні чинники, що впливають на перекладацькі рішення у процесі перекладу туристичного тексту. Насамперед, це подвійна структура інформації туристичного тексту, яка може бути описана як когнітивна і емоційна. По-друге, це сприйняття реципієнта, який може бути як масовим, так і індивідуальним.

Перекладач, який спеціалізується у сфері туризму, має добре знати структурно-композиційні та лінгвостилістичні особливості текстів різних стилів. У різноманітті текстів, які обслуговують туристичну діяльність, можна виділити тексти таких функціональних стилів, як офіційно-діловий, науковий та публіцистичний.

Перекладач повинен добре знати архаїчні мовні елементи та кліше. Йому також необхідно добре знати структуру документа, яка може різнитися в різних мовних втіленнях. Перекладач також повинен мати знання про найбільш підходящі граматичні конструкції в текстах документів.

Великою перевагою перекладача може стати попередня спеціалізація в галузі туризму, оскільки туристичний бізнес вимагає знання специфіки розміщення, транспортування, харчування та дозвілля туристів. Така спеціалізація може бути досягнута шляхом знайомства з туристичною літературою або у процесі набуття досвіду перекладу. Так, зокрема, знання про міжнародну класифікацію готелів за кількістю зірок дозволяє перекладачеві вибрати правильні відповідності для індикаторів готельних послуг.

Таким чином, для перекладача туристичного тексту широкій аудиторії труднощі перекладу визначаються відкритістю таких текстів, тоді як переклад документів для обмеженого числа реципієнтів визначає такі труднощі, як адаптація тексту та знаходження формальних відповідностей. Націленість на реципієнта визначає перекладацькі рішення при подоланні різноманітних труднощів перекладу туристичного тексту.

Ключові слова: туристичний текст, особливості перекладу, перекладацькі перетворення, лінгвостилістичні характеристики, інтерференція, перекладацькі відповідності.

Target setting. At present, inter-lingual communication is becoming an urgent need for social life. One of the most rapidly and successfully developing areas of human activity is tourism, the key to success of which, in turn, is successful intercultural communication. It involves both participants in the tourism business, as well as tourists and residents of the visited countries. Intermediaries in such communication are translators, who provide high-quality translation services for this area in the shortest possible time. The effectiveness of advertising that encourages consumers to use tourist services, the correctness of paperwork, as well as the accuracy of information about the place of stay depends on translators [1].

In this paper, the main concept under study is a tourist text, which is a diverse stylistic phenomenon. Translation work with a tourist text is of great interest for studying in the field of translation, which is associated with the active development of the tourism business in Ukraine and the improvement of the professional training of translators in the light of the convergence of university training and translation practice. tourist text translation

Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Despite the fact that the theory of the tourist text is widely studied in modern linguistics, attention is paid only to certain difficulties of translation in the field of tourism. In particular, the work of E.A. Kutsenko considers overcoming the difficulties in translating tourism information texts, the work of A.A. Novozhilova pays attention to the difficulties of translating a tourist site, L.V. Bazarova considers the difficulties of translating guidebooks, S. Maki and V. Godnich describe the difficulties of transferring special tourist vocabulary [2; 3; 4; 5]. In addition, as V.V. Korableva notes, the cultural and logical aspects of the translation of a tourist text is also not well studied [6].

The research objective of the article is to systematize the difficulties of translating a tourist text in the light of the requirements which are applied to a translator, specializing in this field.

The statement of basic materials. The object of the study is the translation solutions used by professional translators in the practice of tourist translation. The material of the study was English-language advertising booklets, guidebooks of travel agencies and documents related to tourism activities. Comparison of the original and translation of these texts made it possible to identify the main difficulties associated with the translation of texts in the field of tourism, and the skills that a translator working in this field should have.

A translator specializing in the field of tourism should be well aware of the structural, compositional and lingua-stylistic features of texts of different styles. In the variety of texts serving tourism activities, one can single out texts of such functional styles as official business, scientific and journalistic.

The journalistic style is represented by advertising booklets, brochures, promotional materials for tourist sites. First of all, the client gets acquainted with the tourist offer through advertising texts [7]. S. Horner and J. Swarbrooke consider that an advertising message as a kind of communication act [8]. The main task of the advertiser is to cause certain changes in the perception of the communicant, that is, the client of the tourism business [9]. Therefore, the translator must take into account that when translating, it is necessary, first of all, to preserve the influencing function, which can be defined as a combination of emotive, aesthetic and persuasive functions [10]. All aspects of organization and language design are subordinated to this function.

Advertising is a fairly effective tool in the attempts of a travel company to convey information to its customers, draw attention to the services offered, and create a positive image of a travel company. Tourism business owners rely on advertising text as a key component of the tourism marketing strategy [10]. Statistics of business activity in the field of tourism shows that travel companies spend a significant part of their income on advertising tours.

The translator must also take into account the non-personal nature of advertising that comes to the client of travel services through the media and various advertising media, each of which has its own characteristics of information presentation. Since the interaction between the advertiser and the addressee is one-sided and it is difficult to accurately measure the effect of advertising, its impact should be maximum, which requires the translator to be especially skilled in recreating the expressive potential of the advertising text [11].

A tourist business client reads an advertisement and receives information about the place of visit, about the benefits of a particular tour. Since tourism advertising is responsible for the reliability, truthfulness and accuracy of the information transmitted, this imposes special obligations on the translator in terms of the accuracy of the translation. The translator must also be attentive to the recognition of parallel and anaphoric constructions that have expressive potential.

In addition to advertising texts, a translator in the field of tourism can also deal with scientific style texts: safety instructions, health certificates, chemical analysis results.

Documents accompanying the tourist from signing the contract to the end of the tourist trip belong to the official business style: questionnaires, forms, job descriptions for staff, contracts and agreements. The client encounters them when he decides to formalize his relationship with a company representing a tourist holiday. Such documents require accuracy of translation: the address of the company or person with whom the contract is concluded, the main terms of the contract, the date of the conclusion of the agreement, the price and terms of the contract must be recreated with maximum accuracy [12].

The translator must take into account that in such a translation there is no place for figurativeness, since their presence creates an ambiguity that is unacceptable in a legal text, leading to the loss of the document's main property - legal normativity. The translator must have a good knowledge of archaic language elements and cliches. The translator also needs a good knowledge of the structure of the document, which may differ in different language incarnations. The translator must also have knowledge of the preferred grammatical structures in the texts of documents. Thus, English documents make extensive use of the passive voice and modal means with the semantics of must: “To insure compliance with health and safety matters and to further assist the staff in identifying hazards, the camp shall receive annual inspections and be licensed by the State of New Jersey Department of Health...”; “...all group members and leaders shall be oriented to their location...” [12].

In addition to knowledge of the functional and stylistic features of tourism texts, the translator must have well-formed skills in working with certain language units that may be encountered when working in the field of tourism. The translator must include ready-made translation solutions in the strategy for working with such texts. In particular, an extensive group of lexical units requires knowledge of ready-made translation correspondences. First of all, these are proper names. This includes place names (Turkey, Kemer, Antalya, Istanbul, Ankara, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Dubai); hotel names (Marriot, Hilton, Hyatt, Rixos, Plaza, Sheraton); common cultural names (Turkish bath, Swiss cheese, Arabian night, Italian cuisine).

The translator should have a baggage of correspondences for the names of travel operators and transport companies, especially those that are well known in the tourism market: Tez Tour, Sunrise Tour, Natalie Tours. Thomas Cook, Atlantic. This group should also include the names of large transport companies: British Airways, Lufthansa, Aeroflot, Swissair. The translator must have knowledge of the measurement system and the ability to translate units of precision information from one system to another. In particular, when translating the following examples, it will be necessary to convert measurements to the international system: “five times longer than Cunard's first ship, Britannia (230 ft.)”, “113 feet longer than the original Queen Mary”, “only 117 feet shorter than the Empire State Building is tall (1248 ft.)” [12]. Another important unit requiring equivalent solutions is the abbreviation: FC - Find a Cruise, VIP - Very Important Person, LMC - Last Minute Cruise, Cab - Cabin, GTC - Group & Theme Cruisers [12].

A major advantage of an interpreter can be a preliminary specialization in the field of tourism, since the tourism business requires knowledge of the specifics of accommodation, transportation, food and entertainment for tourists. Such specialization can be achieved through familiarization with tourism literature or through the process of acquiring translation experience. Thus, in particular, knowledge of the international classification of hotels by the number of stars allows the translator to choose the correct matches for hotel service indicators: luxury, premium, deluxe.

Knowing the classification of rooms allows you to create a glossary of translation correspondences for such units as “standard room, handicapped rooms, senior suite, selected villa”, etc.

The thematic vocabulary of the tourism business can be divided into four groups: customer accommodation (facilities, lobby bar, wellness center, room service), entertainment (activities, diving, shopping, outdoor sports), food (international cuisine, open buffet, world-class gastronomy, specialties, gourmet booking), transport (liner, service bureau, high season, cruise, route end, rout).

Knowledge of thematic vocabulary may depend on the type of tourism. So, in particular, when translating ecological tourism texts, the translator will have to deal with a large number of words describing the landscape, flora and fauna: “natural outdoor wellness, unspoiled nature, natural wilderness, natural heritage”.

The advertising text of the tourism sector often contains a variety of stylistic means that require the translator to be especially sensitive in recognizing and conveying expressiveness, which makes the translation of a tourist text related to literary translation. First, there are numerous epithets: “unique charm, bewitching beauty, rest brilliant, dazzling white sandy beaches, sun-drenched part of the country, idyllic landscapes”. In addition, in tourist advertising you can find a metaphor - "an oasis of wellbeing, a taste of homeland, historic highlights of Germany"; hyperbole - “a spa atmosphere stolen from heaven; transformed phraseological units: “chocolate heaven, Europe's seventh heaven”.

It should be noted that another difficulty associated with the work of an interpreter in the tourism sector is the intercultural aspect of translation. The translator must have both erudition regarding foreign culture, and methods of transferring non-equivalent vocabulary. Being alien, realities can often present difficulties for the translator due to their form, lexical, phonetic and morphological features, as well as their behavior in the text [12].

The richness of the lexical composition of the tourist text determines the need to master translation techniques and correspondences for their quick and adequate transmission in the target language. Although grammatical transformations are not so often used in the translation of tourist texts, they are nevertheless important, since they allow avoiding interference, bringing the grammatical structure of the translated text closer to the grammatical norm of the target language.

An analysis of the work of a translator in the field of tourism shows that high demands are placed on professional translation and the translator must be able to overcome the difficulties associated with the translation of these texts. First of all, these are the difficulties of recreating the genre diversity of tourism texts and the features of the structure and compositional construction of documents, catalogs, brochures, references, contracts and other types of text.

Another difficulty in translating tourist texts is to recreate the balance of informativeness and expressiveness of the text of the tourism sector. In addition, overcoming the difficulties of translating tourist texts is possible if the translator has knowledge of the tourism business, erudition in the field of culture, excellent knowledge of the language and translation techniques.

An important tool in overcoming the difficulties of translation in the field of tourism is the baggage of translation correspondences for terminology, abbreviations; units of measurement and thematic vocabulary, which are quite frequent in such texts.

Of particular difficulty in translation are expressive means, for the translation of which a good linguistic sense and a creative approach are required. A number of grammatical and phraseological difficulties associated with the typology of the English and Ukrainian languages can cause difficulties in choosing adequate grammatical solutions in translation.

Translation in the field of tourism presents a particular difficulty due to the specifics of information transfer for a large target audience. The high information content of the tourist text and the practically unlimited presence of such texts in a computer network require the translator to have high translation accuracy and attention to details.


Thus, for a translator of a tourist text for a wide audience, the difficulties of translation are determined by the openness of such texts, while the translation of documents for a limited number of recipients determines such difficulties as adapting the text and finding formal correspondences. The focus on the recipient determines translation solutions in overcoming various difficulties in translating a tourist text.

Thus, when translating reality, the translator must determine the degree of adaptation of this phenomenon and choose the translation solution that will allow the most complete transfer of both cognitive and expressive information for a specific recipient. The study of the difficulties of translation and the requirements for a translator in the field of tourist translation are important both: for the practice of translation and for the practice of professional training of translators in the field of special types of translation.


1. Woodside, A. & Lysonski, S. (2019). A general model of traveller destination choice. London: Bloomsbury [in English].

2. Kutsenko, O. A. (2017). Tehnologiya perekladu informatsiinyh tekstiv turystychnogo Internet-dyskursu [Translation technology of informational texts of tourist Internet discourse]. Kyiv: Lira [in Ukrainian].

3. Novozhilova, A. A. (2020). Strategii perekladu tekstiv turystychnogo dyskursu [Strategies for translating tourist discourse texts]. Kyiv: Osnova [in Ukrainian].

4. Bazarova, L. V. (2017). Osoblyvosti perekladu turystychnyh statei ta putivnykiv [Translation peculiarities of tourist articles and guidebooks]. Zaporizhya: Status [in Ukrainian].

5. Maci, S. & GodniC, V. (2018). The language of tourism: an introduction to the topical issue. London : Pluto Press [in English].

6. Korablova, V. V. (2019). Osoblyvosti perekladu turystychnyh tekstiv pro Ispaniyu (na prykladi turystychnoi broshury pro Ispaniyu) [Translation peculiarities of tourist texts about Spain (using the example of a tourist brochure about Spain)]. Kyiv: Znannya [in Ukrainian].

7. Pearce, D. G. (2021). An integrative framework for urban tourism research. London, New-York: Taylor & Francis Group [in English].

8. Horner, S. & Swarbrooke J. (2018). Consumer behavior in tourism. Oxford : Elsevier [in English].

9. Leung, D. & Law, R. (2017). Social media in tourism and hospitality: a literature review. London : Verso [in English].

10. Napu, N. (2019). Translating tourism promotional texts: translation quality and its relationship to the commissioning process. Oxford : Elsevier [in English].

11. Dastjerdi, H. V. & Abdolmaleki, S. D. (2018). A study of translation problems of tourism industry guidebooks: an error analysis perspective. New-York : Warner Publishing Group [in English].

12. Agornii, M. (2017). Tourism communication: the translator's responsibility in the translation of cultural difference. New-York : Picador [in English].


1. Woodside A., Lysonski S. A general model of traveller destination choice. London : Bloomsbury, 2019. 346 p.

2. Куценко О. А. Технологія перекладу інформаційних текстів туристичного Інтернет-дискурсу. Київ : Ліра, 2017. 296 с.

3. Новожилова А. А. Стратегії перекладу текстів туристичного дискурсу. Київ : Основа, 2020. 378 с.

4. Базарова Л. В. Особливості перекладу туристичних статей та путівників. Запоріжжя : Статус, 2017. 196 с.

5. Maci S., Godnic V. The language of tourism: an introduction to the topical issue. London : Pluto Press, 2018. 254 p.

6. Корабльова В. В. Особливості перекладу туристичних текстів про Іспанію (на прикладі туристичної брошури про Іспанію). Київ : Знання, 2019. 328 с.

7. Pearce D. G. An integrative framework for urban tourism research. London, New-York : Taylor & Francis Group, 2021. 238 p.

8. Horner S., Swarbrooke J. Consumer behavior in tourism. Oxford : Elsevier, 2018. 279 p.

9. Leung D., Law R. Social media in tourism and hospitality: a literature review. London : Verso, 2017. 178 p.

10. Napu N. Translating tourism promotional texts: translation quality and its relationship to the commissioning process. Oxford : Elsevier, 2019. 324 p.

11. Dastjerdi H. V., Abdolmaleki S. D. A study of translation problems of tourism industry guidebooks: an error analysis perspective. New-York : Warner Publishing Group, 2018. 235 p.

12. Agornii M. Tourism communication: the translator's responsibility in the translation of cultural difference. New-York : Picador, 2017. 298 p.

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