New trends in philology: internet-linguistics

It should be noted that the big difference between the language functioning on the Internet is the changes that occur in various aspects: at the level of vocabulary, rules for constructing statements and coherent text, genre and stylistic norms

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New trends in philology: internet-linguistics

Lytvyn Svitlana Volodymyrivna Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of Foreign Philology Department, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Chernihiv

Sikaliuk Anzhela Ivanivna Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Foreign Philology Department, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, SChernihiv

Perminova Vladyslava Anatoliyivna Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Foreign Philology Department, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Chernihiv


Thanks to the Internet, both interpersonal and other social communications have expanded significantly. Thus, communication and the means of its implementation have taken a prominent place in the Internet. This caused the emergence of a new type of communication - computer- mediated communication. The emergence of this type of communication led, accordingly, to the emergence of a language that serves this environment and, as a result, to the emergence of a new direction of linguistics - Internet linguistics.

Having become an integral part of modern life, computer-mediated communication in all its manifestations (communication in the chat room, maintaining network diaries, electronic correspondence) is necessary for us in all spheres of our life, including business, educational, and personal spheres. And, accordingly, Internet communication attracts the attention of researchers of various fields, including linguists, which determined the relevance of our research.

The emergence of the Internet led not only to the emergence of a new type of communication that serves this environment, but also to the emergence of a language that functions in a new communication environment. A number of reasons allow us to consider the language of electronic communication as a functional variety of language, which has distinctive features at all levels - at the level of vocabulary, grammar, rules of construction of expressions, genre and stylistic norms, the ratio of norms of oral and written speech.

The emergence of a language that serves computer-mediated communication led to the emergence of a new direction in linguistics - Internet linguistics, under the object of which we understand Internet communication and the language that serves it, and we consider the peculiarities of language functioning as the subject of this science on the Internet at different levels: morphological, syntactic, lexical, phonetic- graphic.

With regard to domestic Internet linguistics, the conducted analysis allows us to say that the linguistic school and the corresponding methodology for studying computer-mediated communication and language functioning on the Internet are currently in the process of formation in Ukraine. At the same time, we can already talk about the emergence of a conceptual apparatus, peculiar only to Internet communication, and the definition of typological features of all levels of computer-mediated communication. In the analysis of Internet communication, both traditional purely linguistic research methods and methods modified for the Internet environment, and even new methods of data analysis, are used. Several methods are also used simultaneously.

Keywords: language, Internet, Internet-linguistics, computer-mediated communication, interpersonal communication, Internet-communication.

Литвин Світлана Володимирівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувачка кафедри іноземної філології, Національний університет «Чернігівська політехніка», м. Чернігів

Сікалюк Анжела Іванівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземної філології, Національний університет «Чернігівська політехніка», м. Чернігів

Пермінова Владислава Анатоліївна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземної філології, Національний університет «Чернігівська політехніка», м. Чернігів



Завдяки Інтернету значно розширилася як міжособистісна комунікація, так і інші соціальні комунікації. Таким чином, комунікація та засоби її здійснення зайняли в мережі Інтернет чільне місце. Це спричинило появу нового виду комунікації - комп'ютерно-опосередкованої комунікації. Виникнення цього виду комунікації призвело, відповідно, до появи мови, що обслуговує цю середу і, внаслідок цього, до появи нового напряму мовознавства - інтернет-лінгвістики.

Ставши невід'ємною частиною сучасного життя, комп'ютерно- опосередкована комунікація у всіх її проявах (спілкування в чаті, ведення мережевих щоденників, електронне листування) необхідні нам у всіх сферах нашого життя, включаючи ділову, освітню, особисту сфери. І, відповідно, інтернет-комунікація привертає увагу дослідників різних напрямів, зокрема і вчених-лінгвістів, що й зумовило актуальність нашого дослідження.

Поява Інтернету призвела не тільки до виникнення нового виду комунікації, що обслуговує дане середовище, а й до появи мови, що функціонує у новому комунікаційному середовищі. Ряд причин дозволяє вважати мову засобів електронної комунікації функціональним різновидом мови, що має відмінні риси на всіх рівнях - на рівні лексики, граматики, правил побудови висловлювань, жанрово-стилістичних норм, співвідношення норм усного та писемного мовлення.

Поява мови, що обслуговує комп'ютерно-опосередковану комунікацію, призвела до появи нового напряму в мовознавстві - інтернет-лінгвістики, під об'єктом дослідження якої ми розуміємо інтернет-комунікацію та мову, що обслуговує її, а предметом даної науки вважаємо особливості функціонування мови в Інтернеті на різних рівнях: морфологічному, синтаксичному, лексичному, фонетико-графічному.

Стосовно вітчизняної інтернет-лінгвістики, то проведений аналіз дозволяє говорити про те, що лінгвістична школа та відповідна методологія вивчення комп'ютерно-опосередкованої комунікації та мови, що функціонує в Інтернеті, зараз перебувають у процесі становлення в Україні. При цьому вже можна говорити про появу понятійного апарату, властивого лише інтернет-комунікації та визначення типологічних особливостей усіх рівнів комп'ютерно- опосередкованої комунікації. При аналізі інтернет-комунікації використовуються як традиційні суто лінгвістичні методи дослідження, так і методики, модифіковані до середовища Інтернет, і навіть нові методи аналізу даних. Також застосовується кілька методів одночасно.

Ключові слова: мова, Інтернет, інтернет-лінгвістика,

комп'ютерно- опосередкована комунікація, міжособистісна комунікація, інтернет-комунікація.

Target setting. Appearance in the second half of the twentieth century of the Internet, the rapid development of information technology at the present stage has significantly changed our lives not only in the field of searching, storing, presenting and processing information, but also greatly influenced the nature of interaction between people.

Because of the Internet, both interpersonal communication and other social communications have expanded significantly. Thus, communication and means of its implementation have taken the leading place in the Internet. This led to the emergence of a new type of communication - computer- mediated communication. The emergence of this type of communication has led, respectively, to the emergence of a language that serves this environment and, as a result, to the emergence of a new direction in linguistics - Internet linguistics.

Having become an integral part of modern life, computer-mediated communication in all its manifestations - chatting, keeping online diaries, electronic correspondence, etc. - we need in all spheres of our life, including business, educational, personal spheres [1, p.5]. And, accordingly, Internet communication attracts the attention of researchers from various fields, including linguists, which determined the relevance of our study.

Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The emergence of the Internet and, as a result, computer-mediated communication made it possible to talk about the appearance of a language on the Internet, the functioning of which in the space of Internet communications became the object of study of a new direction of linguistics - Internet linguistics [2]. The study of the functioning of the language on the Internet in foreign linguistics has more than ten years. Such well-known scientists as D. Crystal, D. Yeats,K. Tarlow, S. Herring, P. Shlobinsky and many others paid attention to various aspects of this science.

However, despite the growing interest in Internet linguistics on the part of scientists, many aspects of this science have not yet received sufficient understanding and description, a unified terminological system and research methodology have not been developed.

The research objective. So, the purpose of this article is an attempt to consider the main problem areas of a new trend of philology - Internet linguistics.

The statement of basic materials. The concept of computer-mediated communication entered active scientific use in the English-speaking scientific space in the 1990s. This terminologically consolidated the tradition of studying communication using a computer and the Internet for several years.

However, many scientists are gradually also beginning to use two more terms, electronically mediated communication and digitally mediated communication [3, p.1-2].

In the Ukrainian-speaking scientific tradition, there has also not yet been a well-established consensus on the terms used in this area and, in particular, the term for communication through a computer. In research in this area, there are several definitions of this phenomenon. Researchers I.N. Rozina, L.Yu. Shchipitsina have supported the term computer-mediated communication, which is well-established in foreign linguistics.

Other scientists have proposed their own definitions of communication via the Internet: Internet communication, electronic communication, computer communication, interactive interpersonal communication. In addition to the term communication, other basic concepts that are used to denote communication using a computer and the Internet are the terms discourse and text.

Most researchers interpret the concept of discourse as a text in conjunction with extra-linguistic (pragmatic, sociocultural, psychological, etc.) factors [4, p.136]. The most expedient for us is the explanation of the differences between the terms discourse and communication, proposed by Yu. Shchipitsina. The researcher believes that the concept of communication is associated with a technical channel of communication and is more preferable as a base when studying communication in a new communication environment. The concept of discourse can be applied in those cases when it comes to a specific area of activity of the communicant. As a result, the scientist proposes to talk about oral, written, printed, computer-mediated forms of communication that serve personal, scientific, business, medical and other types of discourses [1, p. 34].

As for the definition of the very concept of “computer-mediated communication”, many researchers (S.V. Bondarenko, I.N. Rozina, etc.) offer their own definitions. L.Yu. Shchipitsina under computer-mediated communication proposes to consider "... the interaction of a person with a person, the activity of exchanging text and other sign messages, mediated by computers connected to a network, expressing the intentions of the communicants " [1, p. 41].

So, the emergence of computer-mediated communication has led a lot of scientists (A.E. Voiskunskyi, E.N. Galichkina, E.I. Goroshko, L.Yu. Ivanov,

M.L. Makarov, F.O. Smirnov) to the question of the features of Internet communication: sociological, psychological, communicative, speech.

So, E.I. Goroshko, having analyzed a number of works, notes the following features characteristic of Internet communication:

polyphony of this type of communication;

hypertext and interactive features of the Web;

anonymity, distance, physical non-representation, the ability to "join" or "disconnect" at any time from communication on the Web, lack of coercive tools;

the replaced nature of communication, when the participants in the communication process seek to obtain the necessary information about the interlocutor by nickname, avatar, pseudonym, etc.;

emotionality of this type of communication;

voluntariness and desirability of contacts on the Internet [2, p. 230].

N.G. Asmus points out that the distinguishing characteristics of

Internet communication are “... dialogicity, the presence of an authorization category with a clearly defined subject, involvement in social activities, a special nature of authorship, a combination of the author-reader category, a special idea of the object of study, the removal of temporal and spatial restrictions, status equality of participants, the formation of a common picture of the world, unlimited choice of language means” [5, p. 43].

It should also be noted that the emergence of information technology, the emergence of the Internet and, consequently, Internet communication has also led to changes in the language serving this area. Moreover, these language changes are so large-scale and global that some linguists are already talking about the emergence of a network, or electronic language, especially in relation to the English language space [6], or about a special functional type of language - a language serving electronic means of communication, which primarily refers to the language Internet (A.A. Atabekova, L.Yu. Ivanov, F.O. Smirnov, G.N. Trofimova).

There are a number of reasons why electronic communication language can currently be considered a functional variety of language. It is believed that: the sphere of functioning of this sublanguage is clearly delimited from other areas of communication, since it is carried out with the help of technical electronic means and is always mediated by them; this sublanguage serves to satisfy specific communicative goals (phatic goal - communication for the sake of communication, etc.); this sublanguage "initiated" the emergence of a new system of multimedia genres and genre formats, and as a result, contributed to the development of a new direction in the theory of conventional genres - virtual genre studies; the linguistic means of this functional variety of the language are characterized by a certain set of lexical and grammatical characteristics that can be easily distinguished, formalized and which form a single pragmatic complex [7].

It should be noted that the big difference between the language functioning on the Internet is the changes that occur in various aspects: at the level of vocabulary, rules for constructing statements and coherent text, genre and stylistic norms, the correlation of norms of oral and written speech, communicative strategies and tactics. The most significant and frequent of them are the following changes: trends philology internet

mixing speech strategies in almost any communicative Internet format (blog, forum, chat, personal page, etc.) (service);

intensive generation of computer slang, the elements of which pass into common vocabulary;

the revival of the epistolary genre (especially with the advent of second web technologies on the Internet);

in connection with the spread of gaming conditions of communication, there is a frequent use of the language game;

a high degree of dynamism, interactivity, hypertextuality of texts in almost all formats of Internet communication [8, p. 278].

So, all of the above problems - the emergence of computer-mediated communication, a language that serves a new communicative environment - became the object of research in a new field of linguistics - Internet linguistics, and the subject of the new science was the features of the functioning of the language on the Internet at various levels: morphological, syntactic, lexical, phonetic-graphic. The famous English scientist D. Crystal defines Internet linguistics as the simultaneous analysis of language in all areas of the Internet, including e-mail, various types of chats, games, web pages, as well as areas related to computer-mediated communication, such as, for example, SMS messages.

According to the scientist, the rate of change over the past 15 years has become so high that one can already see the diachronic as well as the synchronic aspects of the subject - in vocabulary, grammar, spelling and even pronunciation. One can also trace the rapid growth of comparative Internet linguistics, as the communication environment is becoming more and more multilingual [8, p. 7].

If we talk about domestic Internet linguistics, then we can say that the linguistic school and the corresponding methodology for studying computer- mediated communication are currently in the process of formation. However, some researchers, for example, L.F. Kompantseva, believe that "... Internet linguistics has finally taken shape in a new area of linguistic knowledge, as evidenced by a number of factors" [8]:

typological features of all levels of Internet communication (functional-systemic; discursive; conceptual,

sociolinguistic and linguo-genderological);

the emerging paradigm of Internet linguistics is fixed in its terminological system, which is confirmed by the emergence of a conceptual apparatus inherent exclusively in Internet communication (Internet communication, virtual linguistic personality, virtual discourse, hypertext, etc.) [9].

As for the methodology, in addition to purely linguistic methods for analyzing the communicative space of the Internet, based on all the previous experience of philological and humanitarian knowledge, Internet linguistics is beginning to form its own special linguistic tools.

Having analyzed a number of works that pay attention to the problem of conducting linguistic research on the Web, notes that scientists, along with traditional research methods, also use methods modified for this environment, which include, for example, automatic quantitative analysis of electronic text via the web environment, ways of analyzing visual information and new methodologies for data analysis: creating programs for parsing web pages, special software for studying the graphic placement of text on the screen, etc.


So, we see that the nature of computer-mediated communication is very complex and heterogeneous. The conducted research allowed us to come to the following conclusions:

the emergence and dynamic development of information technology, which led to the emergence of the Internet, led to the emergence of a new type of communication carried out in this environment. However, due to its relative novelty and high dynamics of development, this type of communication, although it attracts the attention of many domestic and foreign linguists, has not yet received sufficient understanding and description. Also, there has not yet been a well-established consensus on the terminology used in this area and, in particular, the term for a new type of communication. The most frequently used term, both in English and in domestic literature, and which we use as a base in this work, is the term computer-mediated communication;

the emergence of the Internet has led not only to the emergence of a new type of communication that serves this environment, but also to the emergence of a language that functions in a new communication environment, and a number of reasons allow us to consider the language of electronic communications as a functional variety of a language that has distinctive features at all levels - at the level of vocabulary , grammar, rules for constructing statements, genre and stylistic norms, correlation of norms of oral and written speech, etc.;

the emergence of a language serving computer-mediated communication has led to the emergence of a new direction in linguistics - Internet linguistics, under the object of study of which we mean Internet communication and the language serving it, and the subject of this science we consider the features of the functioning of the language on the Internet at various levels: morphological, syntactic, lexical, phonetic-graphic;

As for domestic Internet linguistics, the analysis allows us to say that the linguistic school and the corresponding methodology for studying computer-mediated communication and the language that functions on the Internet are currently in the process of formation in Ukraine. At the same time, it is already possible to speak about the emergence of a conceptual apparatus inherent only in Internet communication and about the definition of typological features of all levels of computer-mediated communication. When analyzing Internet communication, both traditional purely linguistic research methods and techniques modified for the Internet environment, as well as new methods of data analysis, are used. It is also used to use several methods at the same time.

In general, it can be noted that Internet linguistics is an extremely promising area of linguistics, attracting more and more attention from scientists from different countries and directions.

Computer-mediated communication, characterized by a large number of diverse speech practices, the disappearance of certain genres and the emergence of new ones, the various features of the language functioning in the electronic environment, the constant changes that occur with the language on the Internet, is undoubtedly of great interest to researchers and poses new challenges for them.


Shchipitsina, L.Yu. (2018). Kompjuterno-oposeredkovana komunikatsiya [Computer-mediatedcommunication]. Zaporizhya: ZNU [in Ukrainian].

Goroshko, O.I. (2019). Lingvistyka Internetu [Linguistics of the Internet]. Kyiv: Talkom [in Ukrainian].

Crystal, D. (2016). Internet Linguistics: a student guide. London, New-York : Taylor & Francis Group [in English].

Asmus N.G. Lingvistychni osoblyvosti virtualnoho komunikatyvnoho prostoru [Linguistic features of the virtual communicative space]. Kyiv: TsUL [in Ukrainian].

Goroshko, O.I. (2016). Suchasni Internet komunikatsii: struktura ta osnovni harakterystyky [Modern Internet communications: structure and main characteristics]. Kherson: Oldi [in Ukrainian].

Goroshko, O.I. (2017). Psyholingvistyka [Psycholinguistics]. Zaporizhya: ZNU [in Ukrainian].

Crystal, D. (2018). The scope of Internet linguistics. London, New-York : Taylor & Francis Group [in English].

Kompantseva, L.F. (2017). Internet lingvistyka: kognityvno-pragmatychnyi pidhid [Internet linguistics: a cognitive-pragmatic approach]. Lutsk: Znannya [in Ukrainian].

Herring, S.C. (2016). A faceted classification scheme for computer mediated discourse. London : Taylor [in English].


Щіпіцина Л. Ю. Комп'ютерно-опосередкована комунікація : монографія. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2018. 296 с.

Горошко О. І. Лінгвістика Інтернету. Київ : Талком, 2019. 267 с.

Crystal D. Internet Linguistics: a student guide. London, New-York : Taylor & Francis Group, 2016. 179 p.

Асмус Н. Г. Лінгвістичні особливості віртуального комунікативного простору. Київ : ЦУЛ, 2017. 266 с.

Горошко О. І. Сучасні Інтернет комунікації: структура та основні характеристики. Херсон : Олді, 2016. 341 с.

Горошко О. І. Психолінгвістика. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2017. 356 с.

Crystal D. The scope of Internet linguistics. London, New-York : Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. 241p.

Компанцева Л. Ф. Інтернет лінгвістика: когнітивно-прагматичний підхід : монографія. Луцьк : Знання, 2017. 528 с.

Herring S. C. A faceted classification scheme for computer mediated discourse. London : Taylor, 2016. 297 p.

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