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Iryna Freger-Kovalenko - Lecturer at the Department of Oriental Languages and Intercultural Communication, School of Foreign Languages of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University; e-mail: irynafreher@karazin.ua; RESEARCH GATE: https://www. researchgate.net/profile/Freher-Kovalenko-Iryna
Dana Turchaninova - Lecturer at the Department of Oriental Languages and Intercultural Communication, School of Foreign Languages of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University; e-mail: dana.borisova.ua@gmail.com; RESEARCH GATE: https://www. researchgate.net/profile/Dana-Turchaninova
The article considers the methodological aspects of teaching Chinese in the field of law. Due to the processes of globalization and integration, the demand for learning new languages is growing, and Chinese has gained the particular interest. Future specialists have a high interest in acquiring a wider range of topics. The value of our study is that future translators prioritize the expansion of knowledge in the field of law. The purpose of this study is to ensure intensive acquisition of knowledge and new translation skills in a narrow aspect. The object of our research is the methodological aspects of teaching Chinese, and the subject -professionally-oriented methods and tools of teaching Chinese. The results of the study are a summary of the main provisions on the methodological aspects of teaching. Due to the correct selection of materials, future translators were given the opportunity not only to study basic and everyday vocabulary, but also to learn and develop vocabulary on the subject of jurisprudence. After a survey of students, we identified the most vulnerable areas in the translation of this topic. Such places are, for example, a bad idea of the context of the use of new vocabulary, the problem of lack of experience in working with real documentation, etc. Our approach has therefore been aimed to work to eliminate all the problems listed as much as possible. The teacher should pay serious attention to the development of methodological aspects of teaching and the correct compilation of teaching materials so that students can learn, practice more effectively, and use the material provided. Translation practice classes should help students not only to improve their professional level, but also to hone their skills in conditions close to future occupation.
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