Psychological Paradigm of the Implementation of Awakening-Motivational, Analytical-Synthetic and Executive Phases into the Process of Translation Activity

Language as a means of social communication and understanding. Analysis of features and psychological content of translation activity, structure and conditions of its implementation. Consideration of operations used by the translator to express thought.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Rivne State University of the Humanities

Psychological Paradigm of the Implementation of Awakening-Motivational, Analytical-Synthetic and Executive Phases into the Process of Translation Activity

Ivashkevych Ernest Ph.D. in Psychology, Translator

Rivne (Ukraine)


Психологічна парадигма імплементації спонукально-мотиваційної, аналітико-синтетичної та виконавчої фаз у процесі перекладацької діяльності

Івашкевич Ернест

кандидат психологічних наук, перекладач,

Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет, м. Рівне (Україна)

Мета дослідження - розкрити шляхи імплементації спонукально- мотиваційної, аналітико-синтетичної та виконавчої фаз у процесі перекладацької діяльності.

Методи дослідження. Для розв'язання поставлених завдань використовувалися такі теоретичні методи дослідження: категоріальний, структурно-функціональний, аналіз, систематизація, моделювання, узагальнення, а також метод констатувального дослідження як емпіричний метод.

Результати дослідження. Аналізуючи мовленнєву діяльність перекладача, ми наголошуємо, що кожен окремий акт перекладацької діяльності починається мотивом і плануванням, і завершується результатом, досягненням певної мети, а в основу структури перекладацької діяльності покладено динамічну систему конкретних дій і операцій, спрямованих на результат цього досягнення. Така динамічна система перекладацької діяльності є основою її операційного механізму; цей механізм великою мірою визначає швидкість і автоматизм виконання перекладацької діяльності. До психологічного змісту перекладацької діяльності входять умови її здійснення, які визначаються такими елементами, як предмет, засоби, знаряддя, продукт, результат.

Висновки. Предмет перекладацької діяльності визначає її характер, саме в ньому і реалізується потреба здійснення перекладацькоїдіяльності. Наприклад, в усній перекладацькій діяльності предметом є думка як форма відображення взаємостосунків предметів і явищ реальної дійсності. У процесі вираження думки полягає, зокрема, мета говоріння. У відтворенні думки реалізується, в свою чергу, мета аудіювання. При цьому мова, яка є засобом соціального спілкування, засобом висловлювання і розуміння, є інструментом, знаряддям реалізації перекладацької діяльності. Саме думка як елемент психологічного змісту усної перекладацької діяльності визначає особливості і умови її здійснення.

Ключові слова: перекладацька діяльність, усна перекладацька діяльність, спонукально-мотиваційна фаза, аналітико-синтетична фаза, виконавча фаза, соціальна комунікація, швидкість, автоматизм, рефлексія.


The purpose of our research is to reveal the ways of the implementation of awakening-motivational, analytical-synthetic and executive phases into the process of translation activity.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling and generalization. The ascertaining research was used as an empirical method. communication psychological translation content

The results of the research. Analyzing speech activity, we'd like to emphasize that each individual act of the translation activity begins with a motive and planning.

Also, each act ends with a result, the achievement of a certain goal, and the basis of the structure of the translation activity.

In such a way, translation activity is a dynamic system of specific actions and operations, which have the aim to be the result of this achievement. Such a dynamic system of Translation is the basis of the operational and prognostic mechanisms of the translator's activity; it largely determines the speed and automatism of translation activities in the whole.

The psychological content of translation activity includes different conditions of this activity, in which this activity takes a place. In such a way translation activity is determined by such elements, as the subject, means, tools, product and result.

Conclusions. The subject of the translational activity determines its nature. It is precisely in it that the need of providing translational activity is realized. For example, in oral translational activity the subject is thought as a form of reflection of the relationships between objects and phenomena of a natural reality. It is in the process of expressing thoughts that the purpose of speech lies, in particular, in the reproduction of thoughts by the translator.

The purpose of listening is realized, in turn. At the same time, a foreign language is a means of social communication, a means of expression and understanding, a tool of translational activity. It is a thought as an element of the psychological content of oral translational activity that determines the features and the conditions of its implementation.

Key words: translation activity, oral translational activity, awakening-motivational phase, analytical-synthetic phase, executive phase, social communication, speed, automatism, reflection.


The professional activity of a translator is very difficult from the psychological point of view. Its understanding involves the implementation of the integrative approach that synthesizes the theoretical positions of psycholinguistics, semiotics, cognitive linguistics and intercultural communication (Bates, Maechler, Bolker & Walker, 2014). As a rule, when talking about trans lation activity scientists offer the concept of verbal mediating activity of a specialist, with the aim to implement intercultural communication, in which the qualities of speech of the person are the determinants of translation.

The concepts “speech mediation”, “speech mediator” in the most general form are revealed by the analysis of the process of communication in two languages (original one and the language of translation) by the third person - the mediator (Mykhalchuk & Bihunova, 2019). In the process of implementing certain types of speech mediation (we mean translation, abstracting, compressed translation, “designing” the text (Chen, 2022)), the mediator assumes the responsibility to make certain changes according to formal and content sides of the text. In this case, the secondary text activity may be accompanied by compression, deployment, restructuring, commenting, parodying and, even, creation of a completely new text, and the mediator becomes to play a role of a full co-author of a new text. Therefore, it is quite understandable that translation activity is generally recognized as the integral process of speech mediation (Гончарук & Онуфрієва, 2018). The translator always strives to correlate so-called “language codes”, frames and scripts with the peculiarities of the outlook and mentality of partners of communication, to achieve the most adequate perception of the text material, bringing the process of translation activity closer to monolingual communication (Ivashkevych Ed. & Koval, 2020).

The indirect nomination of a translator in both languages (to compare Ukrainian: по-серед-н-ик; English: a goer-between) actualizes the person's central status position, emphasizing his/ her place in the process of communication. But in this content mediation also performs the function of reconciliation on the translator. For example, in the dictionary this term is interpreted in such a way: “Mediation is the process of promoting the agreement or reconciliation between two partners of communication” (Тлумачний словник, 2021: 756), “the mediator is a peacemaker between two opposite “parties” (Тлумачний словник, 2021: 757). The mediating function of a translator always is on the border of the existence of two consciousness; it is the interaction of two subjects, the intersection of two languages and two cultures; under the condition of updating the mediating function, as a rule, the process of translation activity is performed (Mykhalchuk & Onufriieva, 2020).

At the same time, the translator always “feels” the influence of the person whose language he/she is translating and focuses on the needs of the person for whom he/she is translating (Caramazza, Laudanna & Romani, 1988). This effects the dynamic transformations of the character of the speech activity of the specialist, the formation of his/her translational competence. As scientists (Максименко, Ткач, Литвинчук & Онуфрієва, 2019) say, then the formation of a personality as a professional occurs, first of all, as a result of the hierarchization of various systems of the activities, in the process of which the professional qualities of the subject of the activity are developed (Blagovechtchenski, Gnedykh, Kurmakaeva, Mkrtychian, Kostromina & Shtyrov, 2019). Therefore, it is quite clear that during the implementation of mediation activities, such qualities are formed, changed and improved (hierarchization of the motives of mediation activity, actualization of the interpreter's translation consciousness (exchanging of information/restructuring of the content), exchanging of energy content of statements (actualization of emotions and expressive content statements), exchanging of the translator's conceptual meaning systems, formation of his/her speech abilities, etc.) (Batel, 2020).

Telling about psycholinguistic mechanisms of translation, there is always actualization of basic problems of many humanities, which allow the possible connection between a language and the person's consciousness, thinking and speech (Booth, MacWhinney & Harasaki, 2000). Perceptions of these relationships are always debatable, and their understanding is usually determined by the philosophical and epistemological paradigms, which are of particular priority, including the point of view ad opted by a scientific community (Beauvillain, 1994). Anthropocentrism of Contemporary Psychology has contributed to the emergence of a completely new approach to a language as means of actualization of mental processes, which determine the desire of researchers to find verified correlations between the operative units of consciousness and their objectifying linguistic signs (Bredart, 1991). This requires further development of approaches according to translation activity not only as a method of studying linguistic phenomena, thus more clearly highlighting translation activity's latent characteristics, but also as one of the types of explications of a mental model of the world by a translator (Alexandrov, Boricheva, Pulvermuller & Shtyrov, 2011). So, the system of meanings, presented in the original and translated texts, has the aim to interpret the values of consciousness of the author of the text, and constitutes concepts of displaying by the translator the basic ways of knowing the surrounding reality, which allows to qualify the translation as a speech-thinking process, a dominant role in which mental models play (Arbuthnott & Frank, 2000). In this case, all translation operations are necessarily fixed in translated text, it is a kind of “meta-text” of understanding the information (Cilibrasi, Stojanovik, Riddell & Saddy, 2019).

However, once again, returning to the consideration of the issue of psychological mechanisms of translation activity, it should be noted that the aspects of speech and thought activity of the translator as a subject who occupies a central position in the verbal mediation process also remain insufficiently studied. So, the understanding of how exactly language reflects the personal and professionally significant experience of people, presented in the content of different ethnic consciousnesses, remains insufficiently comprehensive. In such a way, models of the relationship between meanings and sense in relation to translation activity remain insufficiently substantiated. The semiotic aspects of translation require further development. Also, they are largely determined by the specialist's translation competence, his/her speech characteristics and abilities, which actualize the translator's creative abilities, his/her ability to generate integrative cognitive structures in his/her mind.

In the psychological literature translation activity is most often considered as three-level one. Its structure includes awakening-motivational, analytical-synthetic and executive phases.

These three basic phases create the basic operational mechanism of the interpreter's activity. The first phase is implemented by a complex interaction of needs, motives and goals of the activity. At the same time, the need is the main source of the activity of the individual. According to scientists (Aleksandrov, Memetova & Stankevich, 2020; Онуфрієва, 2020), the prerequisite for the implementation of any activity is one or another need.

The need itself, however, cannot determine the specific direction of the activity. The need finds its determination only in the object of the activity: it must somehow find itself in it. Since the need, as a rule, explains its determination in a certain subject (“it is objectified” in it), then this subject becomes a motive for the whole paradigm of the activity, thereby - it is facilitated by the latter (Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych Er., 2019).

Thus, the source of translation activity is a communicative-cognitive need and, accordingly, a communicative-cognitive motive. This need, finding itself in the subject of translation activity (a text, a video), becomes the motive of this activity. The motive largely determines the dynamics and the character of the translation activity. Thus, the awakening-motivational phase is determining and guiding phase of the translation activity, which determines the structure of the latter.

The next, the second phase of translation activity is the analytical-synthetic phase. This phase involves the selection and appropriate organization of means and ways of carrying out activities. It is at this phase that the selection of means and ways of formulating one's own or someone else's (in the process of oral translation activity) opinion is implemented in the process of communication. Analytical-synthetic phase is the phase of planning, programming and presenting internal speech organization of translation activity.

The third phase of translation activity is executive one. If we consider the features of this phase in relation to the translation activity itself, it should be noted that it can be explicit and implicit. For example, the executive phase of listening is purely implicit. The executive phase of speaking, in turn, is explicitly expressed by the articulatory and motor movements of the subject, who is speaking.

So, the purpose of our research is to show the ways of the implementation of awakening-motivational, analytical-synthetic and executive phases into the process of translation activity.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. The empirical method is ascertaining research.

Results and their discussion

Awakening-motivational level of translation activity is presented by the effective (informational) aspect of communication. It is inherent in any sphere of communication: colloquial, business, professional, etc. This level has certain characteristics:

- there is always a subject of communication;

- it is always the implementation of the tactics of adopting a partner;

- it is always the realization of the situation of partnership in communication;

- it is always self-presentation of the person of translator.

The second phase of translation activity (we mean the analytical-synthetic phase) is realized by business (convention) aspect of this activity. It is primarily characterized by a clear role of differentiation of objects by the translator and the recipient.

This level also has its own basic regularities:

- not always the subject of communication is present in the speech of translator (more often the translator presents in his/ her speech not the subject of speech, of topic, but only himself/ herself);

- the translator provides implementation of the tactics of adopting a partner of communication. These tactics are not always productive in the process of translational activity;

- the partnership situation in the process of translational activity is realized only in accordance with the interpreter's dominant role;

- in translational activity the interpreter has done his/her self-presentation according to its role.

So, we proceed from the goals and objectives of the translational activity and the concrete situation of communication, the role of partners in it. So, we distinguish the following varieties of prognostic dialogical communication, based on the situation of translational activity:

- household conversations;

- business conversations;

- interview;

- negotiations.

For each of these types of dialogical communication in the sphere of translational activity there are certain peculiar features which are characteristics of them. For example, a prognostic household conversation in the sphere of translational activity is characterized by:

- non-planning forms;

- a great variety of topics for providing further communication;

- using of different language means and expressions;

- quick transition and cross-comings from one theme to another one, from one topic to another one;

- lack of goals for providing effective forms of translational activity and necessity of making any decision;

- self-presentation of the personality of translator;

- use of the spoken language of speech in the process of translational activity.

According to proposed phases of translation activity (awakening-motivational, analytical-synthetic and executive phases) we'll say, that the process of translation activity includes business conversation is an act of direct mutual communication in the official business sphere, which is carried out with the help of words and nonverbal means (facial expressions, gestures, manner of behavior). Prognostic business conversation in the process of translation activity also has the following features:

- differential psychological approaches to the subject of the discussion, taking into account the communicative goals of the partners and in the interests of clear and convincing thought;

- the speed of translation response to the statements of partners of communication, which contributes to the achievement of the translation goal;

- critical assessment by the translators of their own opinions, suggestions and objections of partners of communication;

- analytical approach to the accounting and evaluation of the subjective and objective factors of the problem of translation activity in the complex;

- feelings of personal significance and increasing the communicative competence of partners as a result of critical analysis of other points of view on the given problem;

- a sense of involvement and responsibility in solving the problems in the process of the translational activity;

- negotiations as a process of purposeful and indicative achievements of some certain results of business communication in the form of translation or a dialogue.

We think, that prognostic negotiations take a place in a case:

- for some reason;

- for a certain purpose;

- on certain issues.

So, we distinguish the prognostic component of translational activity of students at the English lessons. This component presupposes, first of all, students' ability to participate and to anticipate in translational activities. Speaking provides oral translation and communication at the lessons of foreign language in dialogical (also, with listening) and in monologue forms. It was directed to one person or to unlimited number of persons. Like any other activity, the act of speaking always has a certain purpose, a motive that is based on the need: the subject is the mind of the speaker, who translates; the product is a statement (a dialogue or a monologue) and the result that can be expressed in a verbal or nonverbal reaction of other student to a statement.

How is verbal speech pronouncement generated in the process of translational activities? Initially, in a given situation there is a motive of the statement, which is translated, indicating the initial moment of the beginning of speech, and accordingly it is a Prognostic communicative Intention of the translator who speaks. A Prognostic communicative Intention defines the role of the speaker as a participant in the process of translation and communication, the specific purpose of the interpreter's statement: whether he/she is asking for something, claiming about something, calling for something, condemning or endorsing, advising, requiring, etc.

At this level, the translator has already known what to say, he/she has the general idea of a further statement, which does not have its linguistic embodiment, but already exists in the subject-image code. This idea applies to the entire text/statement in general: it outlines the main thesis of the text, that is redone into the preliminary semantic plan, which is specified by the speaker throughout the process of its implementation.

Then the design of the text is carried out by the selection of some linguistic means - they are grammatical structures, words, which are implemented initially in the prognostic internal speech, where the potential speech scheme of the statement is created. Even with the direct communication by speakers' thoughts at the time of their occurrence, their expression in external speech still precedes the appearance of speech- motor impulses, which, at least for the second, is advanced with the pronunciation of words. The inner speech is elliptical. It always is built on the principle of the abstract, it is characterized by curvature, it is not voiced. Then the inclusion of the vocal apparatus takes a place, and the formed statement through articulation and intonation is embodied in the prognostic external (pronounced) speech. The process of generating oral verbalization is accompanied by auditory control, which makes the feedback to be constantly carried out, which leads to the statement in accordance with the plan.

To teach students to translate the text material, we need them to ask such questions: “What do you need to learn?” “Did you know that there were over half a million words in English but that the average native speaker only used about 5,000 in everyday speech?” “You have already known many of those 5,000 words. These exercises will help you to learn many of those lexical units that you do not know and it will help you to use them appropriately and accurately”.

Also, we've to propose students such exercises:

1. Here are some aspects of Grammar to be aware of when learning new vocabulary. Give two examples of words that reflect this aspect of Grammar, name it:

1) a noun only used in the plural form;

2) it is uncountable noun;

3) it is irregular verb;

4) it is a noun with an irregular plural form.

2. What aspect of pronunciation should you notice about the following words?

1) subtle (b is silent, it is not pronounced)

2) catastrophe

3) Chemistry

4) answer

5) a record / to record

6) photograph / photographer / photographic

3. Read the following text (we proposed the extract from the novel by J.D. Salinger “The Catcher in the Rye”) and its

translation done by O. Logvynenko. Analyze how the translator translated lexical units, denoting colloquial and everyday vocabulary.

The example: In the text there are examples, when a lexical unit «goddam» is used in the second sentence, and the colloquial translation takes a place in the previous one.

For example: «He could hear me all right through the shower curtains... Finally he came over, through the goddam curtains» (Salinger, 2003: 16) -- «Той каналія, певна річ, добре чув мене крізь душову. Нарешті він прохилив завісу в душовій» (Селінджер, 1984: 22). So, the lexical unit «каналія» in the first sentence was facilitated by a lexical unit «goddam curtains» from the second sentence.

O. Logvynenko translated «Corny-looking or something» (Salinger, 2003: 6) as «недорого вдягнена» (Селінджер, 1984: 8). After all, the direct meaning of «corny» is “bread”, “cereal”. Slang «corny» means “low-educated”, “sentimental”, “flat joke”, “stupid”. In the American colloquial language «corny» is translated as “sweet”, “tasteless” (Тлумачний словник, 2021). O. Logvynenko translated this expression as colloquial one, and the translator was prompted to do in such a way by the conjunction « or something».

4. Analyze the translation done by O. Logvynenko the following sentences:

- «.very corny, I'll admit, but I liked it that way» (Salinger, 2003: 8) - «.дурниця, звісно, нічого не скажеш, але мені так подобалося» (Селінджер, 1984: 11).

- «Very corny, I'll admit» (Salinger, 2003: 23) - «Теж знайшов красу, нічого не скажеш!» (Селінджер, 1984: 32).

- «I hate saying corny things like «traveling incognito». But when I'm with somebody that's corny, I always act corny too» (Salinger, 2003: 26) - «Не можу терпіти заяложених і дурнуватих фраз на зразок «подорожую інкогніто», але з дурнями тільки так, по-дурному, й доводиться розмовляти» (Селінджер, 1984: 36).

- «Very brassy, but not good brassy - corny brassy» (Salinger, 2003: 30) - «Хоч вуха затикай - тільки не від музики, а від гуркоту» (Селінджер, 1984: 41).

- «I can't sit in a corny place like this cold sober» (Salinger, 2003: 30) - «Бо кругом усі вже напідпитку, а я ще й не нюхав» (Селінджер, 1984: 42).

5. Write the letter “i” by the words that are used in informal style and “f” by those ones that are used in a formal style.

1) guys - i

2) a minor

3) sober

4) Awesome!

5) to alight (from the bus)

6) act corny

7) to feel gutted

8) a felon

9) a girl

10) to bug someone

11) to zone out

6. Read each of these sets of words as a whole group. What is the unifying factor for each group? Can you add one more word to each group?

1) king, queen, prince, princess royalty - duke

2) sunshade, shady, shadow, shade, to shadow, shadowy

3) articulate, communicate, convey, express, put across

4) noun, verb, adjective, adverb

5) subtle, comb, lamb, crumb, debt, plumber

So, speaking in his/her native language, the speaker thinks only about what to say and in what circumstances. These actions are at the level of conscious leading translation activity. Separate operations of the process of generating speech by students are invisible, since they are completely automated and implemented instantly.

In case of speaking a foreign language (under conditions of the analytical-synthetic phase of the translation), these operations become noticeable due to the absence of strong links between the speech plan and the linguistic means of its expression, which exists in the speech of native speakers. Therefore, the condition of the activity of speaking is the presence of speech automation or speech skills: grammatical, lexical, verbal (we mean articulation and intonation). These skills are collectively the operational level of speaking as a skill of translation.

However, this set is not a proper skill yet, because the latter cannot be reduced to a simple sum of elements that make up it. Skill of translation has its own qualities: purposefulness, productivity, dynamism, integrability. All these characteristics show the prognostic component of communicative activity of students at the English lessons in the process of their translation activities.

The purposefulness of the translational abilities ensures the functioning of the sphere of thinking of a future interpreter: there is a constant correlation of the motive and the goal (main and intermediate levels of the realization of translational activity), feedback signals - the verbal and nonverbal reactions of the translator, knowledge about this complicated process, the concrete situation and the context of all activities, including translational ones.

Purposefulness is also expressed in the correlation of the speech statement of the translator with the expected result.

Productivity of translational activity concerns both the content and the form of its expression. In terms of content - it is a wealth of facts, information, thoughts, which are necessary to achieve the goal. With regard to the form of productivity it is determined by the number of new combinations of assimilated material: the less in the statement having been learned, the higher its productivity is.

Independence of the ability of translator to provide his/her professional activity involves a great independence from the native language (the untransparent character of speaking), as well as from the pillars-tips, which testify to the independent planning of the statement of translator and the selection of appropriate speech means.

Dynamic skills of providing the translational activity are the ability of the interpreter to transfer some meanings and sense. Dynamic skills correlate with such a sign of skills as flexibility. In such a way flexibility provides the transfer of skills in similar (but not constant) situations of the translational activity, and presents the dynamism of translational skills and abilities.

Under integration of prognostic skills, the quality of skills to anticipate that is arisen on the basis of the active synthesis of the various prognostic and translational skills on which it is based (automated components of translational activity), we mean as well as the integration of automated and non-automated components of translational abilities - motives, interests, life experiences, knowledge, all spheres of the personality of the translator. From the latter we've to do one of the most important methodological conclusions: the process of teaching of speech skills is impossible without connecting all levels, mechanisms, phases and ways of translational activity.

Analyzing speech activity, we'd like to emphasize that each individual act of the translation activity begins with a motive and planning. Also, each act ends with a result, the achievement of a certain goal, and the basis of the structure of translation activity. In such a way, translation activity is a dynamic system of specific actions and operations, which have the aim to be the result of this achievement. Such a dynamic system of Translation is the basis of the operational and prognostic mechanisms of the activity of the translator; it largely determines the speed and automatism of translation activities in the whole. The psychological content of translation activity includes different conditions of this activity, in which this activity takes a place. In such a way translation activity is determined by such elements, as the subject, means, tools, product and result.


The subject of the translational activity determines its nature. It is precisely in it that the need of providing translational activity is realized. For example, in oral translational activity the subject is thought as a form of reflection of the relationships between objects and phenomena of a natural reality. It is in the process of expressing thoughts that the purpose of speech lies, in particular, in the reproduction of thoughts by the translator. The purpose of listening is realized, in turn. At the same time, a foreign language is a means of social communication, a means of expression and understanding, a tool of translational activity. It is a thought as an element of the psychological content of oral translational activity that determines the features and the conditions of its implementation.


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