Modern changes in the transformational paradigm of the stereotyped grammatical structures of the English language: linguodidactic aspect
Develop methodical recommendations for learning the translation of foreign texts for the purpose of writing scientific articles. Study of modern changes in paradigm of translation into Ukrainian of typical grammatical structures of the English language.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.11.2023 |
Размер файла | 25,2 K |
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Modern changes in the transformational paradigm of the stereotyped grammatical structures of the English language: linguodidactic aspect
Lebedeva N.M., Frantsuzova K.S.
The methods of teaching translation are an important part of the pedagogical basis for the formation of a special component of the translation competence of scientists. There is still no generally accepted classification of methodical principles of teaching the translation of special texts. The main goal of the article is to develop methodical recommendations for learning the translation of foreign texts for the purpose of writing scientific articles (annotations, etc.) on the material of stereotyped grammatical constructions of the English language. This is explained by the fact that, at the first stage of their professional scientific activity, searchers face the difficulties of translating the specified constructions into Ukrainian due to the lack of skills and abilities to analyse translation difficulties and find ways to solve them. This situation indicates a low level of formation of translation skills among non-linguistic (graduate) students in higher educational institutions.
The article investigates the problems of studying modern changes in the paradigm of functioning and translation of typical grammatical structures of the English language, represented by impersonal forms of the verb (infinitive and participial constructions). The authors analyse the above-mentioned constructions to determine their grammatical meaning when translating original English texts and teaching translation. It is proved that the incorrect transformation of the grammatical meanings of these constructions leads to distortion of the meaning of the original literary and scientific texts.
The article draws attention of the readers to the fact that during translation it is necessary to maintain an inseparable connection between the lexical meanings of words and grammatical forms. Moreover, the translation of an English text consists not only in adequate reproduction the meaning of each word included in the grammatical structure of the syntactic construction, but in many cases it is essential to change the structure of the sentence, the order of words, to break one sentence into two or, on the contrary, to combine two sentences in one.
The authors state that the reason for such changes is the lack of appropriate grammatical phenomena in the foreign language, as well as the mismatch of features of grammatical constructions and semantic structures in English and corresponding word combinations. Scientific interest in methods of teaching text translation and the problem of functioning and translation of lexical-grammatical constructions is due to its relevance and the need to find new ways of forming the creative qualities of students in writing formal words, reports, articles, annotations, summaries in foreign languages. The models considered in the article can be used in the theory and practice of text translation, which will contribute to the creation of scientifically based teaching methods for the translation of literary and scientific texts. For instance, it would be useful for graduate students, scientists and those seeking scientific degrees.
Key words: linguodidactics, methods of teaching translation, creativity, transformational paradigm, stereotyped grammatical structures of the language, lexical meaning, grammatical meaning, Infinitive and Participial constructions, language equivalents.
Лебедева Н. М., Французова К. С.
У статті розглядається методика навчання перекладу, що є важливою частиною педагогічної основи формування спеціальної складової перекладацької компетенції вчених. У сучасній методиці поки ще не існує загальноприйнятої класифікації методичних принципів навчання перекладу спеціальних текстів для здобувачів немовних спеціальностей.
Основною метою статті є розроблення методичних рекомендацій щодо навчання перекладу іноземних текстів із метою написання наукових статей (анотацій тощо) на матеріалі стереотипних граматичних конструкцій англійської мови. Це пояснюється тим, що на першому етапі своєї професійної наукової діяльності пошукувачі стикаються з труднощами перекладу таких конструкцій українською мовою через відсутність навичок і вмінь аналізувати перекладацькі труднощі та знаходити засоби їх вирішення. Такий стан свідчить про низький рівень формування перекладацьких навичок у здобувачів немовних спеціальностей, що навчаються у вищих навчальних закладах.
Виходячи з вищевикладеного актуальним є вивчення сучасних змін у парадигмі перекладу українською мовою типових граматичних структур англійської мови, репрезентованих безособовими формами дієслова (інфінітивними і партисипіальними конструкціями). Доведено, що неправильна трансформація граматичних значень таких конструкцій призводить до спотворення смислу тексту, що аналізується.
Звертається увага на те, що під час перекладу потрібно зберегти нерозривний зв'язок між лексичними значеннями слів і граматичними формами. Більше того, переклад англійського оригінального тексту полягає не тільки в адекватному відтворенні значення кожного слова, що входить до граматичної структури синтаксичної конструкції, але й у багатьох випадках доводиться змінювати структуру речення, порядок слів, розбивати одне речення на два або навпаки - об'єднувати два речення в одне.
Причиною таких змін є відсутність відповідних граматичних явищ в українській мові, а також неспівпадіння особливостей граматичних конструкцій, семантичних структур в англійських та українських словосполученнях.
Ці методичні рекомендації сприяють розробленню методики викладання перекладу оригінальних текстів для здобувачів немовних спеціальностей (а саме щодо перекладу лексико- граматичних конструкцій) та вимагають пошуку нових шляхів формування креативних якостей наукових працівників щодо написання доповідей, статей, анотацій, резюме іноземними мовами. Розглянуті у статті моделі можуть бути застосовані у практиці перекладу наукового тексту, що сприятиме створенню науково обґрунтованої методики навчання перекладу оригінальних текстів за спеціальністю аспірантів і пошукувачів наукових ступенів та науковців.
Ключові слова: лінгводидактика, методика викладання перекладу, креативність, трансформаційна парадигма, стереотипні прагматичні структури мови, лексичне значення, граматичне значення, інфінітивні та партисипіальні конструкції, мовні еквіваленти.
The statement of the issue. Necessity to proceed to teaching foreign languages on a scientific basis and not to separate the linguistic aspect from the pedagogical was emphasized by the linguists in the last century. H. Palmer theoretically developed this requirement by introducing the term "principles of linguistic pedagogy" into scientific usage [12].
The process of creating a text in a foreign language is close to translation, since, as it is known, the speaker relies on his/her native language. The works on the theory and practice of translation emphasize the crucial importance of the adequacy of content transfer, which is reflected by the means of another language. At the same time, the process of translation is defined as a certain type of conversion or transformation of a text from one language to another. Translation is an important auxiliary tool that ensures the performance of a communicative function in language when expressing thoughts in another language. In the process of translation, the meaning of what is expressed (written) in one language is transferred by the means of another one [4].
Thus, the creation of a foreign language text is similar to translation in the sense that its content must be adequately expressed by means of another language. In this case, the native language is a potential producer of meaning and is a kind of vector in the search for foreign language equivalents. The meaning has its own structure and can be represented in the form of words and phrases connected structurally, that is, when constructing a text, the meaning is conveyed by lexical and grammatical means of another language. When creating an abstract, summary, theses, etc., it is recommended to choose the necessary grammatical forms, preserving elements of established meaning and stereotyped constructions. The article gives methodical recommendations to a translation analysis of English grammatical structures typical of modern English texts.
The analysis of relevant research. Scientific concepts of translation and, in particular, the functioning and use of syntactic constructions are highlighted in the works of G. Verba, Chernovaty, V. Karaban, I. Nabokova [1; 3; 4] and others. Modern areas of application of translation and their new roles, characteristic of the era of globalization and digitalization of modern society, are actively being developed by scientists (L. Chernovaty, V. Karaban, Nabokova, O. Rebriy [3; 4]). According to these new directions of application of translation, new requirements arise in the methods of teaching translation in higher education.
Accordingly, scientists study the regulations developed by the General Directorate for Translation at the European Commission and emphasize that key competences are unstable, have a variable and dynamic structure, depend on the priorities of society, educational goals, peculiarities and opportunities for self-determination of the individual in society [2].
The analysis of factual material confirms that translation should be considered as an act of interlingual communication. The theory of translation - the theory of correspondences reveals the general regularities of the translation process, based on functional dependence.
The purpose of the article is to provide methodical recommendations on functioning and translation of grammatical syntactic forms and constructions that can be found in practical grammars of the English language or in practical translation manuals based on the analysis of scientific literature and scientific models of translation. Usually, practical guides limit too much the translation options of phrases, forms and constructions, considering them outside the situations of certain decoding texts. As a result of the translation, there may be repetitions of constructions similar in form, which cause the need for changes and transformations in the structure of the text.
The body of the research
The Infinitive in English differs significantly in terms of form, and the presence of infinitive inflections. Imperfect forms (Indefinite Active "to do", Indefinite Passive "to be done", Continuous "to be doing") differ from perfect forms (Perfect Active "to have done", Perfect Passive "to have been done", Perfect Continuous "to have been doing") by referring the action to the present and future time. translation text grammatical
There are certain ways of translating the Infinitive depending on the function it performs:
1. The Infinitive in the function of the subject is ordinary translated by an infinitive or noun: “To pull down is easier than to build" [9, p. 163], “To learn is never too late" [9, p. 164].
2. The Infinitive in the function of circumstances is also translated using the Ukrainian infinitive or a noun, less often - using a verb or participle:
- purpose circumstance: “You worked day and night to make a success" [8, p. 44];
- the circumstance of the consequence (after "enough", "too", "", ""): “Now I think he is clever enough to get back to policy <...>" [8, p. 69];
- circumstance of accompanying conditions: “It's very dangerous because someone is in grief to think" [6, p. 13].
3. The Infinitive as part of a compound predicate:
- in the construction "be + infinitive" (including the modal value as well) is translated by the Ukrainian infinitive (rarely by a noun): “It is easy to be wise after event" [9, p. 164], “It is too good to be true" [9, p. 172];
- after modal verbs it is translated by a verbal predicate or an infinitive: “You must be sure to come and see us when you get back to New York" [9, p. 180];
- in the reverse "nominative case with infinitive" the Infinitive is translated by the verbal predicate of the relative clause: “I thought you might give us that one. It may be corrupt" [6, p. 50], “Our job is mainly to listen and to learn" [6, p. 3].
4. The Infinitive in the function of attribute often has a modal meaning, expressing possibility or obligation. In such cases, the English infinitive is translated into Ukrainian by a subordinate clause: “Their instinct is to try and stop everything always" [8, p. 12].
The infinitive meaning after the words "the first", "the second", "the last", etc., is translated into the Ukrainian language by the personal (predicative) form of the verb: "He was the first to leave the room" [9, p. 183].
5. Expressions with the infinitive in the function of the introductory member of the sentence: "to cut a long story short (to cut it short)" - коротше кажучи; "to say nothing of" - не кажучи про; "to put it mildly" - м'яко кажучи; "so to speak" - так би мовити; "to say the least"
- м'яко кажучи; "suffice it to say" - досить сказати, що; "to begin with" - для початку; "that is to say" - тобто; "to tell the truth" - правду кажучи; "to anticipate a little" - забігаючи трохи вперед; "to be sure" - безсумнівно; "to conclude (to sum up)" - насамкінець, підсумовуючи; "needless to say" - само собою зрозуміло; "not to mention" - не кажучи вже; "to put it another way" - інакше кажучи [1; 10; 11; 13] etc.
6. The object is translated by the Ukrainian infinitive: "It is easy to be wise after event" [9, p. 164].
7. A part of a complex object is translated by a verb predicate of a subordinate clause: "A lot of people are struggling to make a life of at all" [6, p. 14].
We should analyse three frequently used infinitive constructions in order to unmistakably recognize them in the text, understand and translate them correctly.
Construction "for + Noun (Pronoun) + Infinitive"
When translating into Ukrainian, the preposition "for" is omitted, while the Infinitive is translated as a predicate of a subordinate clause, and the noun standing before functions as the subject: "People went to work for something they can't be proud of. But let's face it" [8, p. 22].
Construction "Complex Object"
The Infinitive as a part of a Complex Object on many occasions is translated into Ukrainian by the predicate of an additional subordinate clause. Thus, an English simple sentence with a complex adjunct becomes a peculiar complex sentence when translated: "To live long it is necessary to live slow. He wants her to stay" [9, p. 183].
The Infinitive "to be" is omitted in the complex application, due to the fact that there is no linking verb in the translating language. In this case, the Ukrainian sentence will also be simple in composition: "He is to become a great scientist. In life you want to be proud of what you do" [8, p. 22].
3. Construction "Complex Subject"
In the inversion "Complex Subject" (nominative case with infinitive) the Infinitive is a part of a complex verbal predicate and can stand after verbs in two forms - passive and active: "I'm here with a completely open brief from the British Olympic Committee. With a mind to the next Olympics in Seoul'88. To award the concession for sportswear to whichever of the many competing firms, including your own, which I judge best. I like amateur sport we need money - and if the price is wearing some of this beautiful clothing..." [5, p. 31].
As it can be noticed from the above translation options, sentences with this construction can be translated from the middle or using an introductory word, while the infinitive is translated by a predicate (a subordinate clause in the first case or a simple sentence in the second).
Depending on the form of the Infinitive when translated, the predicate is expressed by a perfect and imperfect verb in the present, future or past tenses. Sometimes only one of the above ways of translating the phrase "Complex Subject" is possible.
Summing up the results of the factual material we should underline that the Object Infinitive Complex is mostly translated as a subordinate clause. The first part of the complex - a noun or a pronoun - corresponds to the subject of a subordinate clause, and the second part an infinitive - a predicate.
Sentences with the Subject Infinitive Complex are mostly translated into Ukrainian as compound sentences. The translation should begin with a predicate, which in the Ukrainian language turns into an indefinite-personal or impersonal main clause. The first part of the complex (noun or pronoun), which is the subject of the English sentence, becomes the subject of the subordinate clause, and the infinitive is translated by the personal form of the verb, which becomes the predicate of the subordinate clause.
Sentences with a predicate verb, which means command, request, permission, compulsion, as well as with the verbs "to consider", "to believe", "to think" are translated into Ukrainian by simple indefinite or impersonal sentences, and sometimes by simple personal sentences.
Sentences with the predicate verb "to prove", "to turn out" are translated as simple personal sentences.
Sentences with a predicate expressed by the phrases "to be likely", "to be sure", "to be certain", and in many cases by the verbs "to seem", "to appear" are translated into simple sentences with interjections.
Further our aim is to concentrate the attention of the readers on the functioning and translation the Participle and participial constructions.
Depending on the form, the Participle is traditionally translated into Ukrainian as participle, adverb or predicate of a subordinate clause. Among the difficulties of translating the English participle into Ukrainian, the following should be noted:
1. The form Participle II regular verbs coincide with the Past Simple, for example, "closed - зачинив і зачинений": "United we stand, divided we fall" [9, p. 204].
2. The Participle in the function of attribute in an English sentence can stand after the signified word, which can create difficulties in its recognition: "A house divided against itself cannot stand" [9, p. 15], "I saw him the day before. A broken man. A completely broken man" [8, p. 35].
3. In cases where the combination of an English noun and an adjective does not meet the norms of compatibility in the Ukrainian language, it should be translated by other lexical- semantic means: "It's racket. Based on a massive failure of nerve" [6, p. 51], "You don't even try to make the signatures match" [8, p. 16].
4. Participle II at the beginning of the sentence is translated as an impersonal subordinate clause in the function of circumstance: "A threatened blow is seldom given" [9, p. 204].
5. Participle II, formed from English verbs that do not match Ukrainian verbs in terms of the presence/absence of prepositions that follow them, require special attention during translation: "He wanted to shake me up. To set me on a path which leads there via you. Via my conversation" [6, p. 67].
6. Participle II that comes first in the sentence is a part of the predicate. These are sentences with inversion, and they must be translated starting with the circumstance or adjunct that comes after the verb, after which the predicate is translated, and finally the subject: "To make a success what you are given to do work day and night" [8, p. 14].
7. Participle II as an introductory part of the sentence, is generally translated in different ways: "I found myself acting eventually for fifty-one families who needed to get to the bottom of what happened, and to be honest, the point is that I didn't give up on them when the money ran out" [8, p. 35].
The Present Participle expresses an action that precedes the action expressed by the predicate verb, and both actions take place directly one after the other, then in this case the Present Participle is translated into Ukrainian by a perfect verb [1].
In case the Perfect Participle expresses an action that precedes the action expressed by the predicate verb, then the Perfect Participle corresponds to the Ukrainian perfect adverb [1].
The Absolute Participle Complex is translated into Ukrainian: a subordinate circumstantial sentence, a simple sentence that is part of a complex sentence, and an adverbial inflection. Also, the Absolute Participle Complex can be translated: in Ukrainian as a main clause in the complex subjunctive, an interjection clause, a noun with a preposition [1].
If the Absolute Participle Complex is used in the function of a circumstance of a mode of action or accompanying circumstances, it is mostly translated into Ukrainian as an independent sentence or an adverbial inflection [1].
The creation of the text is not the result of compiling a mosaic of words and constructions of a foreign language; it is a process of finding/searching for linguistic equivalents of the content. Words, combinations of words, grammatical constructions and sentences, structurally organized into a single entity - a sentence - can be equivalent. At the same time, foreign language equivalents almost never show complete identity to the structures of the native language and require partial replacements and transformations. Any text allows such individual options. In the process of translating a text, the use of a foreign language is consciously or unconsciously based on the native language. At the same time, the Ukrainian translations serve as a hint. Since the grammatical structures for expressing the same meaning in both languages are different, and sometimes similar, the presence of Ukrainian translations should help to see the specificity of English grammatical constructions.
The perspectives of our research lie in the further working out the methodical recommendations on translation and usage of complicated grammar phenomena in a practical work with foreign texts in the speciality for researchers and graduate students.
The transformational models that are focused on a wide variety of questions and issues include the relationships between the preferences of the chosen translation models and the author's characteristics (educational level, ethnic background and knowledge of native and foreign languages).
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5. Hare, D., & Brenton, H. (1985). Pravda. A Fleet Street Comedy. Great Britain, London: Ltd Methuem Publishing [in English].
6. Hare, D. (1988). Racing Demon. Great Britain, London: Clays Ltd, St Ives plc [in English].
7. Hare, D. (1988). The Absence of War. Great Britain. England, London: Ltd National House [in English].
8. Hare, D. (2007). The Permanent Way. The USA: Straus and Giroux LLC, New York [in English].
9. Hewings, M. (2000). Advanced Grammar in Use. A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Advanced Learners of English. Cambridge University Press [in English].
10. Vince, M. (2012). Macmillan English Grammar in Context. Intermediate. Macmillan education [in English].
11. Coe, N., Harrison, M., & Paterson, K. (2006). Oxford Practice Grammar. Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press [in English].
12. Palmer, H. (2003). Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Logos studies in language & linguistics. Pioneers of ELT (Volume 2) [in English].
13. Murphy, R. (2011). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press [in English].
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презентация [281,2 K], добавлен 27.03.2014Theoretical foundation devoted to the usage of new information technologies in the teaching of the English language. Designed language teaching methodology in the context of modern computer learning aid. Forms of work with computer tutorials lessons.
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методичка [463,5 K], добавлен 18.01.2012Article as a part of speech. Theoretical and practical aspect. The historical development of articles. Lexico-grammatical aspects of translation of the definite and indefinite articles. Realization of the contextual meanings of the indefinite article.
дипломная работа [2,1 M], добавлен 14.11.2011Adjectives and comparatives in modern English. Definition, grammatical overview of the term adjectives. Expression and forms of comparative in the language. Morphological, lexical ways of expressing. Features and basic principles of their expression.
курсовая работа [37,0 K], добавлен 30.01.2016A critical knowledge of the English language is a subject worthy of the attention of all who have the genius and the opportunity to attain it. A settled orthography is of great importance, as a means of preserving the etymology and identity of words.
курсовая работа [28,1 K], добавлен 14.02.2010Translation has a polysemantic nature. Translation as a notion and subject. The importance of translating and interpreting in modern society. Translation in teaching of foreign languages. Descriptive and Antonymic Translating: concept and value.
реферат [26,9 K], добавлен 05.08.2010Comparative teaching methodologies. Effective ways and techniques of teaching a foreign language. Role plays as a method of teaching. Comparative characteristics of modern techniques of teaching english. Grammar translation method. Communicative approach.
дипломная работа [71,9 K], добавлен 18.04.2015Study of lexical and morphological differences of the women’s and men’s language; grammatical forms of verbs according to the sex of the speaker. Peculiarities of women’s and men’s language and the linguistic behavior of men and women across languages.
дипломная работа [73,0 K], добавлен 28.01.2014English is a language particularly rich in idioms - those modes of expression peculiar to a language (or dialect) which frequently defy logical and grammatical rules. Without idioms English would lose much of its variety, humor both in speech an writing.
реферат [6,1 K], добавлен 21.05.2003The lexical problems of literary translation from English on the Russian language. The choice of the word being on the material sense a full synonym to corresponding word of modern national language and distinguished from last only by lexical painting.
курсовая работа [29,0 K], добавлен 24.04.2012Recommendations about use of a text material and work with expressions. Rules of learning and a pronunciation of texts taking into account articles, prepositions and forms of verbs. The list of oral conversational topics on business English language.
методичка [50,8 K], добавлен 15.02.2011Translation as communication of meaning of the original language of the text by the text equivalent of the target language. The essence main types of translation. Specialized general, medical, technical, literary, scientific translation/interpretation.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 21.11.2015The lessons of reading and translation of different texts and word-combinations into Ukrainian. The most frequently used expressions with the verbs to be, to have and sentences with them. Reading and translation the dialogue used in the usual speech.
учебное пособие [89,2 K], добавлен 25.03.2010The peculiarities in texts of business documents, problems of their translation, interpretation and analysis of essential clauses. The main features of formal English as the language of business papers: stylistic, grammatical and lexical peculiarities.
дипломная работа [70,2 K], добавлен 05.07.2011