The correct use of English legal terms as an integral component of speech culture in the business environment
Correct use of English legal terms in a business environment. Special translation of economic or legal discourse. Analysis of legal terms regarding preservation or loss of original semantics, their de-semanticization in the structure of the economic text.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 13.11.2023 |
Размер файла | 26,7 K |
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West Ukrainian national university
Foreign Languages Department
The correct use of English legal terms as an integral component of speech culture in the business environment
O. Tsaryk, Dr Ped. Sci., Professor
N. Rybina, PhD in Phil., Ass.e professor
I. Humovska, PhD in Phil., Ass. professor
Ternopil, Ukraine
The article deals with the issue of correct use of English legal terms in the business environment. Translation of economic or legal discourse belongs to the category of special translation. Its essence consists in working with texts of various genres of legal or economic topics. The word is a multifaceted phenomenon, it has physiological, acoustic, mental, and social characteristics. The authors conducted an analysis of legal terms regarding the preservation or loss of original semantics based on the examples of some legal terms.
It has been found out that semantics in the field of economic texts of various genres correspond to about 99.6% of terms and are translated in the same way, whereas about 0.2% of terms can partially realize the meaning of one or another legal term, they are translated taking into account the context. It has been noted that there is also a de-semanticization of the mentioned terms in the structure of the economic text (0.2% of the terms). The authors claim that there are a lot of cases when, simultaneously in different economic contexts, term elements of the legal term system can preserve legal semantics, partially implement it, and completely preserve it.
The research makes it possible to conclude that legal term elements are increasingly used in the structure of economic texts. The high percentage of compliance with the legal meaning of the term in the economic discourse is primarily explained by the close connection between economics and jurisprudence.
Legal terms are included in the context of economics at the level of its various genres: monographic literature on economic topics (dissertations, monographs, articles, reports), popular scientific literature on economic topics, newspaper genre on issues of economic life, economic documentation (contracts, agreements). In all these genres of economic literature, the authors trace the functioning of legal vocabulary, terminology, terminological phrases, we record common and individual features regarding semantic implementation, social and cultural orientation.
Analysis of these issues facilitates the task of translating professional literature at the appropriate level.
Key words: legal terms, business environment, Business English, culture of speech, translation.
Коректне вживання англомовних юридичних термінів як невід'ємна складова культури мовлення у бізнес-середовищі
О. Царик, д.п.н., професор; Н. Рибіна, к. філол. н., доцент; І. Гумовська, к. філол. н., доцент кафедри іноземних мов Західноукраїнського національного університету (Тернопіль, Україна)
У статті розглядається питання коректного використання англійських юридичних термінів у бізнес-середовищі. Переклад економічного чи юридичного дискурсу належить до категорії спеціального перекладу. Його суть полягає в роботі з текстами різного жанру юридичної чи економічної тематики. Автори стверджують, що явище багатогранне, воно має фізіологічні, акустичні, психічні, соціальні характеристики. На прикладах окремих юридичних термінів авторами проведено аналіз юридичних термінів щодо збереження або втрати оригінальної семантики. З'ясовано, що семантика у сфері економічних текстів різних жанрів відповідає приблизно 99,6% термінів і перекладається однаково, тоді як близько 0,2% термінів можуть частково реалізовувати значення того чи іншого юридичного терміну, вони перекладаються з урахуванням контексту. Відмічено також десемантизацію зазначених термінів у структурі економічного тексту (0,2% термінів). Автори зазначають, що є чимало випадків, коли одночасно в різних економічних контекстах терміноелементи юридичної терміносистеми можуть зберігати юридичну семантику, частково її реалізовувати та повністю зберігати.
Проведене дослідження дає змогу зробити висновок про те, що юридичні терміноелементи все частіше вживаються в структурі економічних текстів. Високий відсоток відповідності юридичному змісту терміну в економічному дискурсі пояснюється насамперед тісним зв'язком економіки та юриспруденції. Було зазначено, що юридичні терміни включені в контекст економіки на рівні різних її жанрів: монографічна література з економічної тематики (дисертації, монографії, статті, доповіді), науково-популярна література з економічної тематики, газетний жанр з питань господарського життя, економічна документація (договори, угоди). В усіх цих жанрах економічної літератури автори простежують функціонування юридичної лексики, термінології, термінологічних словосполучень, фіксують спільні та індивідуальні риси щодо семантичної реалізації, соціальної та культурної спрямованості. Автори роблять висновок, що аналіз цих питань полегшує завдання перекладу фахової літератури на належному рівні.
Ключові слова: юридичні терміни, бізнес-середовище, ділова англійська мова, культура мовлення, переклад.
In the period of scientific and technical progress and globalization processes, the translation of professional texts, which constitute a significant part of terminological units, remains relevant. The terms are included in the texts of various fields of science, and the task of the translator is to adequately convey the meaning of these technical words. Important for our research is the question of the meaning of a word, in particular a terminological unit in a certain context. Different linguists present many versions of verbal meaning. As we know, the word is a multifaceted phenomenon, it has physiological, acoustic, mental, and social characteristics. In order to enter the semantic system of the language, the subject and concept must be named. If we consider the meaning of a word as a connection between the reflection of the physical side of the word and the reflection of the object, then the relations with which the word enters the language are clear: denotative (word object), significant (word concept), structural (word another word).
Analysis of recent research and publications. A number of works are devoted to the issue of translation, semanticization and semantic evolution, in particular, the works of T. Kiyak, O. Balatska, O. Kuts, S. Pedashev, F. Palmer, V. Ovcharenko, L. Kozub, M. Guzynets are interesting for our research. G. Klychkova and others. Functions and translation of terms in professional texts are analyzed by T. Kyyak. The Ukrainian linguist investigates the peculiarities of the vocabulary of a specialized text, considers its classification, identifies the regularities of the construction of specialized texts, and classifies specialized languages.
T. Kyyak notes that specialized texts differ on the textual and terminological levels (Kyyak, 2007: 104-108). Problems of the semantics of terminological structures, generally different aspects, are considered by F. Palmer. The scientist defines semantics as a term specially used to correlate it with the study of meaning (Epstein, 1993: 125). Scientists A. Superanska and N. Podolska note in their works that the term is unambiguous, it does not have connotative meanings and synonyms, regardless of the text, the term is translated as a full or absolute equivalent (Ababilova, 2015: 127).
The aim of the article is to study the use of legal terms as a sign of speech culture in business English.
Presenting main material
Translation of economic or legal discourse belongs to the category of special translation. Its essence consists in working with texts of various genres of legal or economic topics. Such materials, of course, have their own characteristics, which significantly affect the process and result of translation. The specific legal and economic systems of different countries of the world should be taken into account here. If we were to translate a legal document from an international organization, the translator must clearly convey the content of the original document, its format, style and semantics.
The question of the meaning of a word, in particular a terminological unit, is also important for our research. There is much speculation as to the meaning of the language. It is known that a word as a unit of language is a multifaceted phenomenon and has acoustic, physiological, mental, and social characteristics. To enter the semantic system of the language, both the subject and the concept must be named. If the meaning of a word is a connection of two reflections the reflection of the physical side of the word and the reflection of the object, then it becomes clear the relations with which the word enters the language: denotative (word object), significant (word concept), structural (word other word). According to this, B. Golovin distinguishes three types of values object, subject and structural (Snitovska, 2016: 331). The values of all named types are inherent in words-terms.
Since we consider terms in economic literature of various genres, it should be remembered that the context plays a significant role in the processes of terminological semanticization and de-semanticization. Some scientists analyze the semanticization of a multi-meaning term in texts on political economy, examining in detail the issues of the conceptual and thematic field and the thematic context according to a certain political and economic category (Mauranen: 2014). Others analyze the semantics and structure of the scientific and technical term. The scientist believes that when the proper meaning of a term ceases to correspond to its terminological meaning, the formal-semantic structure of the term or the term in general changes and this correspondence is restored by changing the proper meaning of the sign that acts as a term (Tannen: 2015, 12).
P. Giro examines the question of the expediency of including the sociological context in the meaning of any word, which is interesting for our work. Distinguishing the semantic and stylistic aspects of the term system, as well as the differentiation of each of them, is of great interest in terms of the methodology of discourse research updating the structure and semantics, the form of content, pragmatics and stylistics (Huzynets:2015, 73).
Such an understanding of the context was practically realized in the studies of separate terminological systems legal, economic and others. In our work, we apply it to some extent to analyze the correlation of two term systems legal and economic, to understand the features of modern (legally grounded) economic discourse, that is, to more qualified argumentation of the legal aspects of the literature of the economic genre.
The study of legal and economic terms is mainly carried out within the framework of structural-semantic analysis, in the system of the corresponding discourse economic terminology in economic discourse, legal in legal, etc. For the first time, the problem of the functioning of legal terminology in economic discourse, as well as the semantic field of legal terminology in the structure of economic discourse. semantics translation legal economic text
We can consider semantic fields by the degree of terminology or by the degree of storage of meaning in a certain highly specialized field, as well as by the pragmatics of the context. In economic discourse, a legal term can retain its meaning completely, retain it partially, or lose it completely.
It is worth noting that when entering the economic context, legal terms undergo the so-called specialization, changing definitions and their place in the system. They are homonyms of the original terms or can become homonyms. For example, the term liability that can be translated into Ukrainian as “осудність, відповідальність, зобов'язання in the legal terminology system is a homonym of the economic term liability (in the plural form) пасиви.
The analysis of the theoretical material related to the problems of semantics and terminology drew our attention to the processes of transterminologizing in the coverage of O. Snitovska (Snitovska: 2016, 331). According to the author, the essence of this phenomenon is that the term of one field can, after appropriate revision, enter the term system of another science. As a result, cross-industry homonyms can be formed. Both a separate term and some terminological block are subject to transposition. According to our observations, such a process does not always occur, as there are cases of borrowing terms from one branch of science by another. In this case, the translator needs to pay special attention to the context. Let's consider this question on the basis of economic discourse.
We recorded in the English-language factual material on economics terms as homonyms of legal terms that appeared as a result of the process of transterminologizing, i.e. economic terms and legal terms. This will mainly concern such spheres of economic communication, such social groups that are directly engaged in legal practice at enterprises that are related to economic activity. Lawyers often deal with the legal aspects of drawing up various types of agreements, contracts, documents of a certain enterprise, that is, here we are talking about the terminological interference of economics and jurisprudence as a subtext.
Analysis of economic literature of various genres showed that approximately 73% of all legal terms in economic literature of various genres are an integral part of the economic context. This is due to their frequent use in the field of economic activity and the legal status of business operations. At the same time, these elements in the process of transmission into the economic terminology system fully retain their legal meaning. These are the terms and the translation: appeal оскарження, апеляція, касаційна скарга; acceptance акцепт; act акт; breach порушення; bond бона, купюра, облігація; credit кредит; creditor кредитор; employment найм; tax податок; mortgage застава, іпотека; patent патент; rent рента; auction аукціон; witness свідок; share акція, пайова участь; and so on.
Let us consider the semantics of terms in the process of their functioning in legal and economic discourses in a contrastive plan. First of all, let's examine the definitions of some legal terms in special dictionaries: in them, the term correlates with a special concept, and the features recorded in the definitions are essential. Next, we will check how these signs work when using the term in business communication.
The term fraud has the translation of fraud and can often be traced in economic texts. As the literature analysis showed, it has the same meaning as in jurisprudence. Let's compare: in a legal context, this term can be used as follows: The court also noted that this is the measure ofdamages for breach ofwarranty and that the measure of damages for fraudulent misrepresentation should be the same: “[S]urely the defendants cannot claim a more favorable rule of damages on the ground of their own fraud.” (Partington: 2017, 72). In the economic context, the legal meaning fraud a false representation by means of a statement or conduct made knowingly or recklessly in order to gain a material advantage збережене: As information becomes more transparent, the firms engaging in fraud are subject to more public scrutiny. (Xin: 2018). Fraud is an activity that takes place in a social setting and has severe social consequences for the economy, corporation, and individuals. (Rudden: 2000, 117).
Another term term is defined as any provision forming part of a contract. In the legal text term is used in the terminological sense: While it is true that the court relied on only one letter in defining the terms and conditions of the contract, this was the intention of the letter, objectively assessed. (Partington: 2017, 74). In economic discourse, the meaning of the word is completely preserved and its translation will coincide with the one in legal literature: With this type of credit, the terms of the sale are an important consideration. COD terms mean cash on delivery of the goods. A contract is express when the parties have directly stated its terms at the time the contract was formed. (Xin: 2018).
The legal meaning of a wrongful act or omission for which damages can be obtained in a civil court by the person wronged, other than a wrong that is only a breach of contract where tort “делікт” in Ukrainian kept in the economic text: The principal may be liable to third persons for the torts ofan agent under either direct liability or respondeat superior. Principals may be liable to third persons injured by the torts of their agents under the doctrine of respondeat superior, which means let the master answer. This theory of imputed liability generally applies to principals who are employers, making them liable for the torts of their employees. Unless on intentional tort was encouraged by the principal, courts tend to find that it was committed outside the scope of the agency [(Partington: 2017, 72). For comparison, let's give an example of a legal text: Many torts are unintentional, such as damages in traffic accidents. But if tort is deliberate and involves serious harm, it may be treated as a crime. A tort is a private wrong for which the wronged person may recover monetary damages, many of the facts or omissions which have been defined as crimes may also be torts. Torts can be classified into three general categories. First, there are intentional torts. Second, there are negligent torts. Third, there are strict liability torts (Xin: 2018).
In monographs on commercial law, we record jurisprudence terms that, at first glance, do not relate to commerce. At the same time, we follow the preservation of the semantics of the terms (we are talking about, for example, the terms law, attorney). In legal discourse, attorney is used in the sense of “councellor": An attorney owes the client a fiduciary duty that is a duty of highest care, trust, loyalty, and good faith in the exercise of the representation of that client. (Rudden: 2000, 204). Economic discourse preserves this meaning: One way to avoid both errors is to establish an ongoing professional relationship with an attorney in general practice before events force such a hasty choice. (Xin: 2018).
Another legal term law is mostly recorded in scientific articles and monographs of an economic and legal nature. In them, we observe certain identical parallels in the use of this term element, which retains its semantics. We will compare the pragmatic use of the term in the contexts of legal and economic literature. In legal discourse, the use of the term element is as follows: Law is one of the most basic social institutions and one of the most necessary. The law thus establishes the rules that define a person's rights and obligations. The law also sets penalties for people who violate these rules, and it states how government shall enforce the rules andpenalties (Xin: 2018). In the economic context, we record the following examples: Contract law and commercial law deals with the rights and obligations of people who make contracts. [(Rudden: 2000, 202).
We can see from the examples that the terms of the legal terminology are often used in economic texts, while they retain their legal meaning and are translated in the same way as in a legal context.
We conducted an analysis of legal terms regarding the preservation or loss of original semantics and these are the following words: term, contract, tort, fraud, law, etc. Semantics in the field of economic texts of various genres correspond to about 99.6% of terms and are translated in the same way, about 0.2% of terms can partially realize the meaning of one or another legal term, they are translated taking into account the context. It should be noted that there is also a de-semanticization of the mentioned terms in the structure of the economic text (0.2% of the terms). We also found cases when, simultaneously in different economic contexts, term elements of the legal term system can preserve legal semantics, partially implement it, and completely preserve it. There were two such terms: valid, capacity.
Our research makes it possible to conclude that legal term elements are increasingly used in the structure of economic texts. The high percentage of compliance with the legal meaning of the term in the economic discourse is primarily explained by the close connection between economics and jurisprudence. Legal terms are included in the context of economics at the level of its various genres: monographic literature on economic topics (dissertations, monographs, articles, reports), popular scientific literature on economic topics, newspaper genre on issues of economic life, economic documentation (contracts, agreements). In all these genres of economic literature, we trace the functioning of legal vocabulary, terminology, terminological phrases, we record common and individual features regarding semantic implementation, social and cultural orientation. Analysis of these issues facilitates the task of translating professional literature at the appropriate level.
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5. Сніговська О.В. Особливості перекладу англійських і новогрецьких Економічних багатокомпонентних термінів. Наукові записки Національного університету «Острозька академія». Серія «Філологічна». 2016. Випуск 61. С. 329-332.
6. Adamson J. Basic Law and the Legal Environment of Business. Chicago, 2006. 630 p.
7. Dorothy Duplessis Canadian Business and the Law. Solution Manual. 5th Edition. 2014. 171p.
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10. Mauranen, A., & Louhiala-Salminen, L. (2018). English as a lingua franca in the legal context: How is it different from general and professional English? English for Specific Purposes, 52, 26-36.
11. Okoye Emmanuel Ikechukwu An Evaluation of the Effect of Fraud and Related Financial Crimes on the Nigerian Economy.
12. Partington, A. Law, culture and multimodal communication: An investigation of the use of legal language in commercial contracts. Language and Law/Linguagem e Direito, 2017, 4(2), 58-85.
13. Rybina N., Koshil N., Hyryla O. Legal English and adapted legal texts in the aspect of translation into Ukrainian. Закарпатські філологічні студії: наукове видання. Видавничий дім «Гельветика», Ужгород, 2022. №24, Том 2. С. 121-129.
14. Tannen, D. (2015). Legal culture and discourse: An introduction. In E. Solan & P. Tiersma (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Language and Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. P. 91-106.
15. Rudden B. Basic Community Laws. Oxford. 2000. 301 p.
16. Wagner, A., & Pleil, T. The linguistic construction of identity in law: Implications for legal translators. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2017, 25(4). P. 565-583.
17. Xin, Qingquan The economic consequences of financial fraud: evidence from the product market in China.
18. Ye, S. Language, culture, and legal discourse: A corpus-based approach. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse, 2014, 4(1). P. 1-25.
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3. Huzynets M., Kozub L. Spetsyfika perekladu terminiv v pidmovi ahrarnoi haluzi [The specificity of the translation of terms in the context of the agricultural industry]. Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka akademiia». Seriia «Filolohichna», 2015. Is. 55. P. 73-74.
4. Kyiak T.R.Funktsii ta pereklad terminiv u fakhovykh tekstakh. [Functions and translation of terms in professional texts] Visn. Zhytomyr. derzh. un-tu im. I. Franka. Is. 32.2007. P. 104-108. [in Ukrainian]
5. Snihovska O.V. Osoblyvosti perekladu anhliiskykh i novohretskykh Ekonomichnykh bahatokomponentnykh terminiv. [Peculiarities of translation of English and Modern Greek economic multicomponent terms] Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka akademiia». Seriia «Filolohichna». Is. 61. 2016. P. 329-332.
6. Adamson J. Basic Law and the Legal Environment of Business. Chicago, 2006. 630 p.
7. Dorothy Duplessis Canadian Business and the Law. Solution Manual. 5th Edition. 2014. 171p.
8. Epstein M., Spalding A. The Accountant's Guide to Legal Liability and Ethics. Irwin, Inc., 1993. 296 p.
9. Jill Wieber Lens Honest Confusion: The Purpose of Compensatory Damages in Tort and Fraudulent Misrepresentation.
10. Mauranen, A., & Louhiala-Salminen, L. (2018). English as a lingua franca in the legal context: How is it different from general and professional English? English for Specific Purposes, 52, 26-36.
11. Okoye Emmanuel Ikechukwu An Evaluation of the Effect of Fraud and Related Financial Crimes on the Nigerian Economy
12. Partington, A. Law, culture and multimodal communication: An investigation of the use of legal language in commercial contracts. Language and Law/Linguagem e Direito, 2017, 4(2), 58-85.
13. Rybina N., Koshil N., Hyryla O. Legal English and adapted legal texts in the aspect of translation into Ukrainian. Закарпатські філологічні студії. Наукове видання. Видавничий дім «Гельветика», Ужгород, 2022. №24, Том 2. С. 121-129.
14. Tannen, D. (2015). Legal culture and discourse: An introduction. In E. Solan & P. Tiersma (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Language and Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. P. 91-106.
15. Rudden B. Basic Community Laws. Oxford. 2000. 301 p.
16. Wagner, A., & Pleil, T. The linguistic construction of identity in law: Implications for legal translators. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2017, 25(4). P. 565-583.
17. Xin, Qingquan The economic consequences of financial fraud: evidence from the product market in China.
18. Ye, S. Language, culture, and legal discourse: A corpus-based approach. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse, 2014, 4(1). P. 1-25.
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контрольная работа [19,9 K], добавлен 15.01.2014Translating of suggestion into the English language. Use of regular shape of participle. The use of correct times of verbs is in suggestion. Putting of verbs in brackets in Gerund or Infinitive. Development of skills of business intercourse in English.
контрольная работа [27,1 K], добавлен 04.03.2011Business English and its characteristic features. Classification of organization cultures. Advice for job seekers. The Internet, fax, E-mail, memo. Social responsibility of business. Money and methods of payment. Stores and consumers. Business in the USA.
учебное пособие [106,8 K], добавлен 12.07.2013Comparative analysis of acronyms in English business registers: spoken, fiction, magazine, newspaper, non-academic, misc. Productivity acronyms as the most difficult problem in translation. The frequency of acronym formation in British National Corpus.
курсовая работа [145,5 K], добавлен 01.03.2015Investigation of the process of translation and its approaches. Lexical Transformations, the causes and characteristics of transformation; semantic changes. The use of generic terms in the English language for description specific objects or actions.
курсовая работа [38,0 K], добавлен 12.06.2015English official style: socially related sublanguages, types of business correspondence, business correspondence style. English official style and ways of its rendering into Kazakh: conventional Symbols. Style rendering on the word and structure level.
дипломная работа [142,5 K], добавлен 22.04.2013Overview of civil law system. History of appearance and development of the Roman-German legal family. General characteristics of civil law legal system. Sourses of the right. Distinctive features of the system. Soubgroups in the civil law system.
курсовая работа [36,7 K], добавлен 10.08.2011The peculiarities in texts of business documents, problems of their translation, interpretation and analysis of essential clauses. The main features of formal English as the language of business papers: stylistic, grammatical and lexical peculiarities.
дипломная работа [70,2 K], добавлен 05.07.2011Estimation of influence of economic growth, level of incomes of the population, the interest rate, inflation and exchange rate on company Hydrolife activity. Hydrolife Company the company which makes potable water and water with useful minerals.
реферат [15,8 K], добавлен 31.01.2012Studying the translation methods of political literature and political terms, their types and ways of their translation. The translation approach to political literature, investigating grammatical, lexical, stylistic and phraseological difficulties.
дипломная работа [68,5 K], добавлен 21.07.2009English songs discourse in the general context of culture, the song as a phenomenon of musical culture. Linguistic features of English song’s texts, implementation of the category of intertextuality in texts of English songs and practical part.
курсовая работа [26,0 K], добавлен 27.06.2011The general English programmes for students from backgrounds. Objectives of teaching business English. The rules of grammar, the domain of vocabulary and pronunciation. Major elements of business English. The concept of intercultural communication.
реферат [22,0 K], добавлен 21.03.2012Theoretical aspects of gratitude act and dialogic discourse. Modern English speech features. Practical aspects of gratitude expressions use. Analysis of thank you expression and responses to it in the sentences, selected from the fiction literature.
дипломная работа [59,7 K], добавлен 06.12.2015English is more and more necessary for international business, but less and less sufficient. Companies should invest more in foreign-language skills. Many people are facing the problem of how to keep a balance between their business and private life.
учебное пособие [49,5 K], добавлен 25.01.2010Definition and stages of business cycles, their causes and the characteristic of kinds. Types and a continuity of business cycles. Kondratyev's wave. A role of cycles in stabilization of a policy of the state. Great depression as an economic crisis.
реферат [130,5 K], добавлен 20.03.2011Recommendations about use of a text material and work with expressions. Rules of learning and a pronunciation of texts taking into account articles, prepositions and forms of verbs. The list of oral conversational topics on business English language.
методичка [50,8 K], добавлен 15.02.2011The word is the minimum normally separable. Grammatical structure to a class. What is grammar. The place o grammar teaching. Grammatical terms. Presenting and explaining grammar. Structures: grammar and functions. Exercises on a theme "Grammar".
конспект урока [42,2 K], добавлен 25.12.2010