Lancsbox software options for the prospective investigation of the multilingual corpus for European studies
The paper presents a comparative analysis of the lexeme European in two language variations (American English) based on the built-in corpora represented by newspapers, fiction, etc. that are licensed by LancsBox software (AmE06 and BE06 respectively).
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 13.11.2023 |
Размер файла | 5,2 M |
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Lancsbox software options for the prospective investigation of the multilingual corpus for European studies
О. Iu. Andrushenko
Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine
The paper presents a comparative analysis of the lexeme European in two language variations (British and American English) based on the built-in corpora represented by newspapers, fiction, etc. that are licensed by LancsBox software (AmE06 and BE06 respectively). The investigation describes the algorithms of implementing linguistic research as part of the project taught during the course “Multilingual Corpus and its Resources for European Studies (KNLU)” (Erasmus+ Program). The LancsBox user-friendly software, that works with major operating systems, has proved to be a powerful manager for compiling and using the existing corpora. It enables to visualize the textual data based on the following software package tools: KWIC, GraphColl, Words, Ngrams, Wizard, etc. essential for the study of a specific linguistic unit. The statistical analysis of both corpora under analysis has revealed that the word European belongs to the lexemes that are seldom employed in the language. The comparison of the two variations has shown that the word occurs in similar top-ten frequent collocates, however, the GraphColl tool visualization has indicated the major differences between two oorpora. Thus, in British English Corpus N+N structures are more commonly employed and are more vibrant than in American English Corpus. The t-test has proved a statistically significant difference between the corpora with regard to the linguistic variable European. These data may testify to cultural differences between the users of two language variations taking into account that both corpora represent the same time frame. european lancsbox corpus studies
Keywords: European, LancsBox, corpus studies, corpus tools, automated analysis.
У статті представлено компаративний аналіз лексеми European у двох мовних варіантах англійської мови (британський та американський) на основі вбудованих ліцензованих корпусів програмного забезпечення LancsBox (AmE06 та BE06 відповідно), що репрезентовані газетними статтями, художньою літературою тощо. Описано алгоритм виконання лінгвістичного дослідження, що є частиною проекту “Мультилінгвальний корпус та його ресурси для дослідження Європеїстики” (КНЛУ) (програма Erasmus+). LancsBox - зручне програмне забезпечення, що працює з основними операційними системами та є ефективним менеджером для укладання й використання вже наявних корпусів. Це дає змогу візуалізувати текстуальні дані на основі наступного пакету програмного забезпечення: KWIC, GraphColl, Words, Ngrams, Wizard. Вони є основними для вивчення окремої лінгвістичної одиниці. Статистичний аналіз обох окреслених корпусів довів, що слово European належить до лексичних одиниць із низькою частотою використання в мові. Порівняння двох мовних варіантів показало, що слово використовується в майже однакових найпоширеніших 10 колокаціях, проте при імплементації інструмента візуалізації GraphColl зауважена основна відмінність між уживанням одиниці в корпусах. Так, у корпусі британської англійської мови найчастіше трапляються структури N+N, що більш динамічні порівняно з відповідними структурами в корпусі американської англійської мови. Окрім цього, T-тест статистично показав значну різницю між корпусами у функціонуванні лінгвістичної змінної European. Отримані дані можуть свідчити про культурну відмінність носіїв у двох мовних варіантах, зважаючи на те, що обидва корпуси представляють тексти, укладені в межах однакових часових рамок.
Ключові слова: European, LancsBox, корпусні дослідження, корпусний інструментарій, автоматичний аналіз.
Implementing the project “Multilingual Corpus and its Resources for European Studies Research (KNLU)” the article presents the LancsBox tool (Brezina et al, 2020) and its options for the automated analysis of built-in and self-compiled corpora which enable the investigation of a specific search term with reference to the language selected. The course aimed at PhD students of Kyiv National Linguistic University is carried out within Jean Monnet Activities (Erasmus+ Program) and has a goal to provide practical instruments for the young researchers to conduct their linguistic research. The aim of the current paper is to study the lexeme European in two balanced corpora (American English and British English) built-in LancsBox software that contain 500 texts each (Baker, 2009; Potts & Baker, 2012) and present software opportunities for the future automated analysis of the Multilingual corpus for European studies.
Literature review
Recent developments in corpus linguistics and the relevant technological progress have enabled to elaborate specific software for analysing the language. Such software appears to be more intuitively friendly for scholars who are not experts in computer science (O'Keeffe&McCarthy, 2021). The access to the corpora via online interfaces has “empowered a broader number of linguists to explore the data from a greater range of languages, which wasn't the case in the last decade, providing access to multi-million and multi-billion-word corpora of present-day and historical English” (Davies, 2019), moreover it can serve as a repository of over 500 corpora across 95 languages (Kilgarriff et al., 2014). Computerized corpora have proved to be excellent recourses for a wide range of research tasks connected with learning the language (Andrushenko, 2021) since they facilitate the automated search of the linguistic data, assist in analysing language phenomena based on significantly large collections of texts that represent various natural languages (Davies, 2019; Johansson, 2009; McEnery&Hardie, 2015; Rissanen, 2009). Modern linguistics has been continually and constantly enriched with the new collective monographs (see.: Lopez-Couso et al., 2016; Whitt, 2018), manuals (see: Collins, 2019; Lange&Leuckert, 2020; Stefanowitsch, 2020) and articles (Andrushenko, 2022; Anokhina, 2023; Lavidas&Haugh, 2020) that represent fundamental theoretical and methodological ground for research and specify the possibilities of different software aimed at corpora investigation. Despite simplifying the data search on the one hand, the corpus system requires knowledge of different approaches and methodologies of investigation, on the other hand. This presupposes competence in statistic verification that helps to support or disprove the hypothesis made (Andrushenko, 2021).
Undoubtedly, artificial intelligence programs are powerful tools for an automated analysis of linguistic phenomena, among which LancsBox stands out as a new generation software package for the study of languages. Initially developed at the University of Lancaster in 2015 (Brezina et al., 2015), it can work with the existing corpora, that have recently been elaborated, or with linguist's own data assisting in visualizing language facts, which presupposes their automatic annotation for part-of-speech. The major features of the software are 1) working with user's data or existing corpora that can be loaded in various formats (pdf, xml, docx, .doc, etc.); 2) language facts visualization; 3) analyzing the data irrespective of the language; 4) automatic annotation of data for part-of-speech, 5) compatibility with the main operating systems (Mac, Windows, Linux) (Brezina et al., 2018). The main asset of the software, according to its principal developers, lies in “automated research on word associations, identifying collocates based on traditional three criteria: distance (specifying the span around a node word, `collocation window'), frequency (an important indicator of typicality of word association) and exclusivity” (Brezina, 2018). The other criteria that should be taken into account are directionality (which presupposes to measure the attraction strength between collocates), dispersion (the distribution of the node and the two adjacent words in text corpora) and type-token distribution among collocates (viz. the strength of the collocational relationship and the level of competition for the slots around the node word from other collocate type) (Gries, 2013). Additionally, the developers of LancsBox take into account the connectivity between individual collocates (Brezina et al., 2015). Apart from working with user's data, LancsBox grants access to built-in corpora that approximately include 1,000,000 tokens each. Such corpora can be exemplified by American and British English text samples (AmE06; BE06, BNC1940-baby, etc.) (Brezina et al., 2020). Non-European languages are brought forward by Lancaster Corpus of Mandarin Chinese (L-C-M-C), etc. The full list of corpora accessible for download is given in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. The list of available built-in corpora in LancsBox
The two corpora selected for the pilot investigation and licensed by LancsBox software are AmE06 (American English) and BE06 (British English) representing Brown Family of corpora (Baker, 2009). These are a “carefully balanced set of samples with approximately the same number of words (1,000,000+) for each genre coming from a single period of time” (Potts & Baker, 2012), i.e. the year of 2006. This allows comparing words within the same time frame and different types of English (in case of the current study the usage of the lexeme European has been estimated). Each sample from different genres in corpora amounts to over 2,000 words. The allotment of samples per genre is as follows: press editorials (27), press reportage (44), press reviews (17), skills, biographies and essays (75), trades and hobbies (36), religion (17), popular lore (48), miscellaneous (reports, science (academic prose) (80), official documents (30), mystery and detective fiction (24), general fiction (29), western and adventure fiction (29), romantic fiction (29), science fiction (6), humor (9) (Lawrence, 2019).
To simplify the data search and visualize the results obtained the following tools from LancsBox package have been used: KWIC (enables co-textual information about the token under scrutiny. It generates a list of all instances of a search term in a corpus in the form of a concordance (Andrushenko, 2023). Double clicking on the node opens a pop-up window with a larger number of the texts which allows investigating the word in a broader context), Words (which main function is to seek words belonging to the same word class), GraphColl (provides data on the collocational patterning of the node search. It can visualize both right and left collocates simultaneously or separately depending on the parameters identified for a collocation network graph taking into account three parameters: strength, frequency, position) (Brezina & Porizka, 2021). The Words tool provides in-depth analysis of frequencies of types, part-of-speech categories and lemmas as well as allows to compare corpora using the keywords technique. The Ngrams tool enables the analysis of frequencies of different ngram types, lemmas and part-of-speech categories and it also facilitates the comparison of corpora using the key ngram technique. (Brezina, 2018; Brezina et al., 2020).
Results and discussion
The statistical analysis bar shows that the word European in BE06 corpus occurs 175 times (1.76 per 10K) in 72 texts out of 500, while the frequency of the same word in Am06 is significantly lower, viz. 96 occurrences (0.96 per 10K) in 53 out of 500 texts, which can be explained by the cultural differences of speakers in terms of their interest to the current events. The comparative data for both language variations are presented in Figure 2.
Fig. 2. Frequency of search term European in BE06 and Am06 (LancsBox)
The GraphColl tool has allowed singling out collocates of European in Am06 and BE06 using the Collocation frequency (01 - Freq (5.0), L5-R5, C: 5.0 - NC: 5.0) (Brezina, 2018). Word associations of the top 10 collocates in both corpora are presented in Tables 1-2.
Collocates of search term European in AmE06
Table 1
ID |
Position |
Collocate |
Stat (Freq) |
Freq coll |
Freq corpus |
1 |
L |
the |
56 |
56 |
59942 |
2 |
L |
of |
34 |
34 |
30270 |
3 |
L |
and |
28 |
28 |
28797 |
4 |
L |
in |
25 |
25 |
19813 |
5 |
L |
a |
24 |
24 |
23381 |
6 |
L |
to |
20 |
20 |
25899 |
7 |
L |
with |
11 |
11 |
6961 |
8 |
L |
for |
10 |
10 |
8884 |
9 |
L |
on |
9 |
9 |
6866 |
10 |
L |
that |
8 |
8 |
11842 |
Table 2
ID |
Position |
Collocate |
Stat (Freq) |
Freq coll |
Freq corpus |
1 |
L |
the |
169 |
169 |
58919 |
2 |
L |
of |
76 |
76 |
30653 |
3 |
R |
and |
48 |
48 |
27911 |
4 |
L |
to |
44 |
44 |
26189 |
5 |
L |
a |
37 |
37 |
22758 |
6 |
R |
in |
33 |
33 |
19264 |
7 |
R |
union |
31 |
31 |
101 |
8 |
L |
for |
19 |
19 |
9252 |
9 |
R |
on |
17 |
17 |
7382 |
10 |
M |
that |
16 |
16 |
10231 |
Collocates of the search term European in BE06
The comparison of the search term in two Corpora has shown that the frequencies of the first three collocates are almost identical. Hence, the word European is most often used with the article the, preposition of and conjunction and. However, there is a slight difference in right and left dislocation of collocates when it comes to the conjunction usage in both Corpora. Moreover, the lexeme European rather frequently collocates with the noun union (31 collocates out of 175 amounting to 17.71%) in British English and further investigation of the American English (AmE06) has shown that it occupies the 15th place in terms of frequency being represented by 7 collocates only (7.29%). The collocation networks for both variations of the language are given in Figures 3-4.
Fig. 3. Collocation network: European in BE06
Fig. 4. Collocation network: European in AmE06
The collocation networks in Figures 3 and 4 indicate that the most typical collocates in British English are exemplified by N+N structures: European Parliament, European Countries, European Court, European Treaty, European Commission, European Union. This can suggest that the European studies are given a significant coverage in this language variation, while in American English the most frequent tokens with N+N are found in the single collocate European Union.
The t-test (t (782.19) = -2.16, p = 0.031) has revealed a statistically significant difference between the corpora with regard to the linguistic variable European. This result is visualised in Fig. 5 below. Cohen's d (-0.14, 95% CI [-0.26, -0.01]) showed a minimum effect. Figure 5 shows error bars plot in both corpora.
Fig. 5. Error bars plot for European in AmE06 and BE06
LancsBox also enables to trace the frequency of the lexical unit in the corpus. Thus, such software tool as Words visualizes the most frequent words in the selected corpus, which is illustrated in Figure 6 based on AmE06.
Fig. 6. The most frequent words in AmE06
The study of the word European in AmE06 has indicated that it belongs to non-frequent vocabulary with the dispersion that amounts to 4.147510 (Figure 7). The same is true for BE06 corpus (Figure 8), where the collocate the European has a bit higher dispersion of 5.239762.
Fig. 7. The frequency of the lexical unit European in AmE06
Fig. 8. The frequency of the lexical unit European in BEE06
Concluding remarks
The automated analysis of the word European has shown that owing to LancsBox software the lexical unit can be analysed in parallel in two different corpora: BE06 and AmE06. The software tools allow visualizing not only the most frequent collocates with the word based on left, middle and right dislocation but also enable to find the most regular collocation patterns for every language variation. As the investigation has indicated, N+N structure is frequently traced in BE06, although this tendency is not characteristic of AmE06. Moreover, the LancsBox provides the opportunity to trace the frequency of the word usage in both corpora representing and visualizing the peculiarities of both language variations related to cultural differences. This software can be implemented for analysis of user's corpora that will further compile the Multilingual language corpus for European studies.
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