Impact of globalizing transformations of gender linguistics in the field of translation and general linguistics
The latest phenomenon of the current globalized world - gender equality. In connection with modern world globalization processes, the influence of Western culture is becoming more and more significant in the field of linguistics and translation studies.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.11.2023 |
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Impact of globalizing transformations of gender linguistics in the field of translation and general linguistics
Karachova D. V.
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
Ahibalova T. M.
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
Kalashnyk O. V.
Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts
У статті розглянуто новітній феномен сучасного глобалізованого всесвіту - гендерну рівність. У зв'язку з нинішніми світовими глобалізаційними процесами вплив Заходу й західної культури стає все більш істотним у сфері мовознавства й перекладознавства. Як відомо, наразі західне життя зазнає суттєвого впливу нового соціокультурного феномена - гендерноїрівності, що виявляє себе як у соціальній, так і в науковій сферах: культурі поведінки, літературі, перекладі й інших сферах життя. Зазначимо, що з точки зору мовознавства, він базується на принципах гендерноїлінгвістики, адже несе в собі певні лексичні особливості мови, пов'язані з поняттям “гендер”. Його основи можна знайти ще у ХХ столітті у феміністичних течіях, що вимагали зміни лексичної складової з урахуванням вживання фемінітивів, але тогочасне суспільство не визнало цей феномен офіційно й не сприйняло його. Тому лише деякі фемінітиви закріпилися в літературних творах і дослідженнях. З плином часу феномен гендерної рівності знов нагадав про себе вже у ХХІ столітті. Приблизно з 2016 року в суспільстві починають активно обговорювати й застосовувати гендерно-нейтральний вокабуляр, або гендерно- нейтральну мову (гендерно-інклюзивну мову). Приблизно у той самий час цей важливий аспект прав людини офіційно визнається світом і набуває активного вжитку в різних галузях науки. Поява феномена гендерної рівності одразу привернула до себе увагу дослідників, адже він є надзвичайно цікавою і перспективною для подальшого вивчення галуззю суспільного розвитку. У галузі гендерної лінгвістики феномен гендерної рівності є унікальним у своєму роді й характеризується виокремленням спеціальної нейтральної лексики, яка впливає на граматичні конструкції англійської мови й може навіть спричинити граматичні трансформації в майбутньому. У наш час виділяють декілька підходів до утворення гендерно-нейтральної мови: максимальне уникнення гендерно-маркованих займенників, як наприклад, he or she, заміна їх нейтральним they; реструктуризація мови задля уникнення вживання займенників, гендерно-бінарних іменників та прикметників загалом. Поняття “гендер” вже не є лише простим позначенням статевої приналежності людини, “гендер” почав розглядатися як соціокультурний та психолінгвістичний феномен. А це значить, що гендерну рівність може вивчати як загальна лінгвістика, так і психолінгвістика. Зазнала впливу цього феномена і галузь сучасного перекладознавства, адже будь-який переклад має бути адекватним і зберігати всі деталі та специфіку оригінального тексту, включно з гендерним аспектом. Тому надзвичайно важливо визначити, хто є автором тексту, який ви збираєтесь перекладати, і спробувати врахувати всі специфічні деталі перекладу, аби він якнайточніше відповідав оригінальному тексту.
Ключові слова: мовознавство, гендер, перекладознавство, гендерно-нейтральна мова, трансформації.
The article examines the latest phenomenon of the current globalized world - gender equality. In connection with modern world globalization processes, the influence of Western culture is becoming more and more significant in the field of linguistics and translation studies. In recent years, modern Western life has been dramatically influenced by a relatively new socio-cultural phenomenon - gender equality, which manifests itself in both social and scientific spheres: in the culture of behavior, in literature, translation and other spheres of life. It should be noted that from the point of view of linguistics, it is based on gender linguistics because it carries certain lexical features of the language related to the concept of “gender”. The foundations of this phenomenon can be found in the 20th century in the feminist movement, which demanded changes in the lexical component, considering the use of feminine forms. But the society of that time did not officially recognize this phenomenon and did not accept it. That is why only some feminisms have taken hold in literary works and research. Over time, the phenomenon of gender equality has re-emerged already in the 21st century. Around 2016, society began actively discussing and using gender-neutral vocabulary or gender-neutral language (gender-inclusive language). At this time, this phenomenon is officially recognized and accepted by the world and is actively used in various fields of science. The appearance of the phenomenon of gender equality immediately attracted considerable attention of scientists because it can surely be extremely interesting and promising for further study, because having appeared in the field of gender linguistics, the phenomenon of gender equality is unique and is characterized by the selection of a special neutral vocabulary that affects grammatical constructions of the English language and may even cause grammatical transformations in the future. Nowadays, there are several approaches to forming gender-neutral language: the maximum avoidance ofgender-marked pronouns in the language, such as he or she, their replacement by the neutral substitute they; restructuring of the language to avoid pronouns and gender-binary nouns and adjectives altogether. The concept of “gender” is no longer just a simple designation of a person's sexuality, “gender” has begun to be considered as a socio-cultural and psycholinguistic phenomenon. And this means that gender equality can be studied in general linguistics and psycholinguistics. The field of modern translation studies was also affected by this phenomenon. After all, any translation must be adequate and preserve all the details and specificity of the original text, including the gender aspect. Therefore, it is essential to determine who is the author of the text you will translate and try to consider all the specific details of the translation so that it corresponds as closely as possible to the original text. transformation gender equality
Key words: linguistics, gender, translation studies, gender-neutral language, transformations.
Today, in connection with the world globalization processes, the influence of the West and Western culture is becoming increasingly significant in linguistics and translation studies. As you know, in recent years, modern Western life has been greatly influenced by a fairly new socio-cultural phenomenon - gender equality, which manifests itself in both social and scientific spheres: the culture of behavior, literature, translation and other spheres of life. Ignoring this influence is no longer possible, so various methods of studying the latest gender characteristics are gaining popularity.
So, based on all of the above, it is important to note that the concept of «gender» is no longer just a simple designation of a person's sexuality, «gender» began to be considered a socio-cultural and psycholinguistic phenomenon. And this means that gender equality can be studied by both general linguistics and psycholinguistics [1].
Let's consider this in more detail. Various psycholinguistic studies are highly relevant nowadays because they combine two or more scientific fields, an opportunity to understand and explain linguistic features.
It is important to note that both in linguistics and in the process of translation, one cannot ignore the psychological factor of a person because communication is not only the speech activity of a person but also a reflection of his mental state, which bears the imprint of a psychological component and worldview .
The subject of psycholinguistics research is primarily language activity as a specifically human type of activity, its psychological condition, structure, types (methods) in which it is carried out, the forms in which it is realized and the functions it performs.
Psycholinguistics is designed to study language as a phenomenon of the psyche, to «reveal» the translator's work and his actual actions at the psychological level.
For a linguist, translation is a type of linguistic communication, an internal communication between two semantic elements, in which language systems, their adequacy and difference, the rules and norms of their transfer from one language to another are implemented, and a selective comparison of semantic elements is carried out.
The psychological study of all aspects of communication - language, thinking, and behavior - will allow us to reveal the psychological nature of language, to determine the rules of communication through language, as well as other regularities implemented by the translator in his work.
Some researchers believe that psycholinguistics arose in connection with the need to provide a theoretical understanding of several practical tasks, for the solution of which only the linguistic approach, connected only with the analysis of the text and not of the person speaking, turned out to be insufficient.
Psycholinguistics is a branch of general linguistics which is developing surprisingly quickly under the influence of today's globalization processes and which can significantly help researchers in studying the peculiarities of the phenomenon of gender equality because it would be appropriate to consider this phenomenon from different angles to be able to create certain thorough conclusions about the functioning of this phenomenon and be able to predict its further development.
The phenomenon of gender equality is unique from a linguistic point of view and deserves a detailed study because, in our opinion, it can significantly transform the entire system of classical English grammar and bring it to entirely new level in the future, which cannot but be reflected in the field of linguistics, but also the field of translation, because the translator will be responsible for a high-quality and adequate translation, considering all the latest globalization processes that have appeared in linguistics in recent years.
Nowadays, gender linguistics remains an understudied linguistic variety, although it was distinguished as a variety quite a long time ago. Therefore, more and more scientists are trying to investigate this topic. And the appearance of such a phenomenon as gender equality, in general, has caused considerable interest among scientists and researchers worldwide.
Among researchers of gender topics, such names can be mentioned as T A. Kosmeda, N. A. Karpenko, T F. Osipova, L. M. Salionovych, O. V. Khaliman, O. Malakhova, L. O. Stavytska and others.
Relevance of the research topic. Although gender linguistics has been distinguished as a separate scientific field for a long time, it has undergone significant transformations in recent years under the influence of powerful global social changes.
In our opinion, considering gender linguistics only from the point of view of feminism or masculinity is no longer relevant in recent years because the modern world tends to lose clear gender distinctions. All this caused the emergence of a new phenomenon - gender equality - with it, the emergence of a certain specific gender-neutral vocabulary.
Note that gender equality has manifested itself in the modern globalized world recently. It is new and almost unexplored in linguistics, which shows some interest in it and its current and future influence on this scientific field. It can carry massive transformations of the grammatical component of the language in the future, so it deserves to be studied.
The purpose of our research is to provide a general introduction to the emergence of gender equality and to study its development in the linguistic field during the few years of its existence.
Results and discussion. Let's investigate the origins of this latest phenomenon and its development. In general, it is challenging to determine the exact year of the appearance of gender equality. Still its active use began to appear in 2016 in several European and American media. This phenomenon immediately gains popularity, spreads through various social networks and begins to actively announce itself worldwide, thereby confirming its recognition by society.
If we look at the origins of this phenomenon, the first mentions of gender equality can be found in the 20th century. It was caused by the emergence of the women's feminist movement and even caused the emergence of gender-neutral language. Let's consider this in more detail.
Gender-neutral (gender-inclusive) language is usually understood as a language based on maximum isolation from gender. In some sources, it is also called non-sexist or gender-fair language. The purpose of using this language is to avoid words that can be perceived as a manifestation of discrimination or humiliation of representatives of a specific gender. Introducing and spreading gender-neutral language aims to reduce the number of gender stereotypes rooted in traditional language and culture and to bring society to social changes [3].
In the 1980s, many representatives of the feminist school tried to transform the standard language of the time. But these attempts, although they led to the use of a particular neutral vocabulary, were not officially accepted by the society of that time.
Currently, gender-neutral language is widespread in many academic and state institutions [3].
Looking at this phenomenon from a social perspective today, we can note that the spread of socialization trends in cyberspace and the anonymity inherent in social networks allow people to go beyond physical and social limitations and expand the boundaries of their own identity without looking back at gender roles. In the modern world, the concept of a “virtual body” is widespread, i.e., the ability to create a specific “avatar” in cyberspace, which will have characteristics different from the natural human body [2, 47].
All this is explained by the globalizing processes of today and the massive influence of the Internet on our daily life and our reality. Many people can no longer imagine their lives without cyberspace, leading to significant social changes. And social changes, in turn, have a powerful influence on the scientific field and contribute to its transformation. These modern processes are so interconnected that it becomes almost impossible to separate them.
But let's consider this phenomenon from a linguistic point of view. It must be noted that gender equality in the field of linguistics involves the use of a certain gender-free vocabulary, which is an interesting topic for research.
Gender neutrality is based on the idea that language and other social institutions should avoid distinguishing according to people's gender to avoid discrimination and the impression that there are social roles for which one gender is better suited than another.
Thus, as we can see, such a phenomenon is already beginning to affect the linguistic field and, perhaps, will significantly transform it in the future because the appearance of such processes is usually an essential step toward profound speech transformations.
For example, the pronoun they were always used in the plural [4] and based on this, the use of grammatical constructions in the sentence where it was used was subject to clear rules. However, with the influence of gender equality, the pronoun they began to be also used in the singular, which makes it much more challenging to subordinate the constructions of classical English grammar to it. Such newly formed linguistic processes require careful research and analysis and are extremely interesting to study.
All these processes could not but affect the field of modern translation. Therefore, the translator will now have to pay great attention to an adequate and correct translation, considering all the latest aspects of grammatical constructions of gender-neutral vocabulary.
Nowadays, there are several approaches to the formation of gender-neutral language:
maximum avoidance of gender-marked pronouns in the language, such as he or she, replacing them with the neutral substitute they;
language restructuring to avoid pronouns and gender-binary nouns and adjectives altogether. For example, “a person whose profession is teaching children conducts an open lesson” instead of “a teacher conducts an open lesson” [5];
lengthening sentences to avoid the gender of nouns.
So, suppose we look at these approaches from a linguistic point of view. In that case, you can immediately notice that usually, the binary nature of some words significantly lengthens sentences and avoids details, making such language a little more difficult to understand. These processes affect not only linguistics in general but also translation processes. The translator's task is to convey the message as correctly and reliably as possible, and lengthening sentences can, on the contrary, confuse a person and cause a situation in which the essence of the message is lost. Therefore, the translator must be extremely careful with the use of modern linguistic phenomena in order not to offend the author of the message in any way and to be able to convey information to the addressee correctly.
After all, any translation must be adequate and preserve all the details and specificity of the original text, including the gender aspect. Therefore, it is essential to determine who is the author of the text you will translate and try to consider all the specific details of the translation so that it corresponds as closely as possible to the original text. It applies not only to artistic texts but also to scientific and technical texts because it can help to understand better the style of the text and the specifics of working with it.
We believe that it will be appropriate to also consider the gender picture of the translator's world, which includes a variety of representations of gender relations and ideas, which can be understood as a structural set, social differentiation of gender, and the specificity of the similarity of the gender picture of the author's world and the translator's world.
As we can see, it is almost impossible to bypass the gender aspect when translating any text because it contains many tips, taking into account which you can make the translation work much more accessible. In our opinion, this can significantly expand the possibilities of translation activity and bring it to a new modern level.
In the modern world, English, as an international language, undergoes the most powerful changes and lexical-grammatical transformations. With the spread of the influence of the Internet, modern society seeks to communicate faster, so the length of words plays a vital role in saving time. Therefore, the phenomenon of gender equality, with its desire to eliminate any sexual affiliation, may also indicate significant changes in the future.
The emergence of a new phenomenon - gender equality in the context of globalization has significantly impacted the linguistic and translation fields, highlighting gender-neutral vocabulary and its influence on the grammatical constructions of the language.
It is important to note that the foundations of the phenomenon of gender equality were traced back to the 20th century. Still, society at that time was not ready to accept this social phenomenon, so it manifested itself only in the appearance of a certain amount of gender-neutral vocabulary (gender-neutral language), which was used in literary works and some research. But this phenomenon began to experience a real spread and formation around 2016 when it began to be actively discussed and started to influence the society and scientific fields.
The appearance of the phenomenon of gender equality immediately attracted considerable attention of scientists because it is exciting and promising for further study; because having appeared in the field of gender linguistics, the phenomenon of gender equality is unique and is characterized by the selection of a unique neutral vocabulary that affects grammatical constructions of the English language and may even cause grammatical transformations in the future.
A significant interest in the study and detailed analysis of these new linguistic changes can be seen. Though this phenomenon is new it needs to be explored in detail, it would be useful to pay attention to grammatical categories of its realization in modern language. Gender-neutral language can lead to many grammatical transformations in the future, so it is a highly relevant topic for discussion and study.
In our opinion, possible changes in grammatical constructions and their functioning in the modern English language can be sufficient as different perspectives of the study of this phenomenon. The influence of current globalizing tendencies and the Internet can lead to sufficient transformations in lexical and grammatical fields, which can be an interesting new sphere for linguistic research.
Карачова Д. В. Тендерні особливості перекладу науково-технічних текстів. Вісник Луганського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка: Педагогічні науки. 2019. № 2 (325), Ч. 2. С. 163-170.
Dvorsky G., Hughes J. Postgenderism: Beyond the Gender Binary. Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. 2008. 20, pp. 44-57.
European Parliament. Gender-neutral language in the European Parliament. Retrieved from journal URL:
Gender-Neutral Pronouns. Retrieved from: pronouns/
Glossar zur Grunen Jugend. Grune Jugend Dortmund. Retrieved from: Glossar-der-gruenen-jugend-berlin.html
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