Lexical, phraseological and stylistic means of speech objectification of the military concept(based on English military vocabulary and phraseology)
Deals with the functional-semantic parameters and pragmatic-expressive specificity of the formation of military jargonisms. Analysis of figurative motivation of connotative meanings based on variation by different types of phonosemantic associations.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.11.2023 |
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Lexical, phraseological and stylistic means of speech objectification of the military concept(based on English military vocabulary and phraseology)
К.Т. Yarynovska, V.L. Vyhivskyi, O.L. Bashmanivskyi
The article deals with the functional-semantic parameters and pragmatic-expressive specificity of the formation and functioning of military jargonisms - lexical-phraseological symbolic forms of objectification of the military concept. Expressive-evaluative and figurative motivation of connotative meanings on the basis of variation with various phonosemantic associations, humorous-ironic reinterpretation of the meanings of military abbreviations, formal-content compression of components, as well as various formal-structural euphemistic substitutions ensures the formation and use along with expressive-neutral terms stylistically marked signs, which diversify the specific picture of world perception in a functionally branched collective of military personnel.
Any professional language subsystem, in particular, a military one, is a rather specific form of language reproduction, which has a military orientation, and therefore is used mainly in the field of communication of military personnel. Its least standardized component is the lexical subsystem, which has a field character, which means that its structure is organized by analogy with the field, in which there is a center (the core - a system of terms and symbols) and a periphery (here we can include all other lexemes and substandard vocabulary). Military vocabulary is an accumulation of language units that are united by a common meaning and reflect the substantive, conceptual and functional similarity of the nomen that they mean or denote.
The unified nature of language norms postulates the situational use of nomination signs, the consistency of the rules of their discursive implementation. The spontaneity and logical surprise of the operative speech reaction that arises in the process of developing social interaction gives rise to rethinking, reinterpretation and formal restructuring of generally accepted, conventional linguistic units.
Keywords: pragmatic-semantic polyfunctionality, recurrent symbolic forms, associative-figurative connotation, phono-semantic associations, stylistic effect, professional communication.
Яриновська К.Т., Вигівський В.Л., Башманівський О.Л.
У статті розглянуто функціонально-семантичні параметри та прагматико-експресивні особливості утворення та функціонування військових жаргонізмів - лексико-фразеологічних знакових форм об'єктивації концепту MILITARY. Експресивно-оцінна та образна мотивація конотативних значень на основі варіювання різнотипними фоносемантичними асоціаціями, жартівливо-іронічному переосмисленню значень військових абревіатур, формально-змістовій компресії компонентів, а також різноманітним формально-структурним евфемістичним замінам забезпечує утворення та використання поряд з експресивно-нейтральними термінами стилістично-маркованих знаків, що урізноманітнює специфічну картину світосприйняття у функціонально-розгалуженому колективі військовослужбовців.
Будь-яка фахова мовна підсистема, зокрема військова, є доволі специфічною формою відтворення мови, що має військову спрямованість, а отже, і використовується переважно у сфері комунікації військовослужбовців. Її найменш стандартизованим компонентом є лексична підсистема, що має польовий характер, а це означає, що її структура організована за аналогією до поля, у якому є центр (ядро - система термінів і позначень) і периферія (сюди можемо відносити всі інші лексеми й субстандартну лексику). Військова лексика - нагромадження мовних одиниць, котрі об'єднані спільним змістом та відображають предметну, понятійну й функціональну схожість номенів, які вони означають чи позначають.
Уніфікований характер мовних норм постулює ситуативність використання номінаційних знаків, узгодженість правил їх дискурсивної реалізації. Спонтанність і логічна несподіванка оперативної мовленнєвої реакції, що виникає в процесі розвитку соціальної взаємодії, породжує переосмислення, переосмислення та формальну перебудову загальноприйнятих, конвенційних мовних одиниць.
Ключові слова: прагматико-семантична поліфункційність, рекурентні знакові форми, асоціативно-образна конотація, фонетико-семантичні асоціації, стилістичний ефект, професійне спілкування.
The University of Oslo and the Norwegian Academy of Sciences estimate that there have been 14,531 wars since 3600 BC. Virtually anytime anywhere on the planet there are 40 to 100 wars or military conflicts [1]. Such a dramatic spread of military means of solving socio-political and economic problems indicates their institutionalization in intra- and interstate relations, as well as a certain integration of wars and/or military conflicts into the socio-political and economic sphere of functioning of national and ethnic communities.
Language acts as a universal form of designation of being and internalization of different forms and types of experience. One of the models of representation of knowledge (along with a picture of the world, a scenario, stereotypes) is a concept considered as a complex mental image that serves as an operating unit of thinking and is verbalized in the process of communication by certain speech means [2].
Statement of a scientific problem. Military vocabulary and phraseology as a special subsystem of linguistic signs is implemented in the field of professional communication - military discourse. Military discourse is defined as the mental and communicative interaction of the military in situations of official and unofficial communication.
The language of the military is represented by a wide range of linguistic phenomena from extremely rationalized bureaucratic jargon to emotionally coloured military slang. It performs various communicative tasks in a diverse speech environment.
The concept is considered a quantum of structurally organized knowledge, containing signs of objective or subjective reality, differentially reflected in consciousness [1].
Analysis of recent research and publications. The following scientists paid considerable attention to the study of military vocabulary: N. O. Yatsenko [13], [14], Yaremko Y. P. [12]. In the field of study and research of military vocabulary in artistic works, the following worked: O. Dubynets [5], M.O. Zaitseva. [4], K. Panasiuk [6]. The pragmatic use of military sociolect and terminology in professional speech is represented in the scientific studies of the following scientists: O. D. Selivanova [7], N. I. Tsyganok [9], N. Shalygina[10], [11], O. D. Tarasenko. [8] etc.
Around the central concepts that form the basis of social institutions, a wide semantic space with great generative power is concentrated [3].
The central concept of MILITARY discourse is complex and extremely branched in semantic terms, which leads to the need to describe and systematize the means of its linguistic objectification of various structural organizations (words, phrases, sentences, phraseological units).
The purpose of the article is the analysis and description of associatively figurative, emotionally expressive linguistic forms and structures as lexical-phraseological and stylistic means of linguistic objectification of the MILITARY CONCEPT.
Topic Relevance of the article is determined by the correspondence of its materials to the modern systemfunctional model of analysis of linguistic knowledge, within the framework of which the research of structural- semantic, pragmatic and stylistic characteristics of nominative signs are organically combined.
The main methods of research are semantic and functional oppositions to identify the specificity of connotative semantics of linguistic units, methods of pragmatic and stylistic analysis to consider communicative-pragmatic and stylistic features of the functioning of professional vocabulary and phraseology in English military discourse.
The materials of the article are an explanatory dictionary of modern American military and related vocabulary, journalistic military texts and relevant Internet sites.
Presentation of the main material of the study with justification of the obtained scientific results
The essence of the creative component of the speech game is to find new ways to derive a sign from the systemically conditioned context of its creation and perception in order to optimize the speech's interactive impact. In the case where the associative valence of a word makes it possible to vary in the combination of the plan of content and the plan of expression and, as a consequence, various interpretations of its semantics, we observe the effect of the language game [3].
Given the dynamic and open nature of the self-organization of the language system, the creative potential of the language game is virtually inexhaustible. In one case, the communicative task is the need to inform; in the other case, to cause emotional arousal or simply support the topic of conversation. In this regard, two functional aspects of the concept interact - the layering of value connotations in the semantics of words and the lexical expression of generally accepted concepts.
Here are some examples of a deliberate parody of formally similar lexemes in the context of phrases and playful decoding of the abbreviation by participants in the informal circle of communication: military jargonism semantic
gigadier breneral "brigadier general" - a pun on Brigadier General, expressing the point of view of ordinary soldiers in relation to generals as confused, retarded and inept people;
records manglement - the play of words concerning records management, which indicates the impossibility of achieving a complete order in this area of work;
never say anything - a play on the initials of the top-secret NSA (National Security Agency) abbreviation [18], [17].
The following humorous remark illustrates how the mechanism of contextual identification of the implicit and explicit meanings of homophones works: guerilla "guerilla war" and gorilla "gorilla":
"Guerilla warfare is more than just throwing a banana".
An example of using the method of morpheme convergence of the paronyms heaven "heaven, paradise" and haven "with an additional stylistic shade of the meaning of "shelter", which makes the semantic connection between them transparent:
The port was very beautiful. The sailors said it was heaven on earth [17].
Another example of paronymic convergence based on pun is the replacement of the lexeme engagement - "duty, work" and engorgement - "gluttony" as components of the permanent terminological combination of military vocabulary the rules of engagement - "rules of combat" with the clear intention of the speaker to create a playful associative-figurative perception:
The overweight fighter pilot was grounded for violating the rules of engorgement [Ibid.].
The expression of a jokingly ironic shade of meaning can be realized due to the partial phonetic similarity of the alphabetical reading of the abbreviation "MP" (military police) and the adjective "empty" (empty), where the element of the language game is the phonetic insert:
Why should you never trust the military police? Because they are full of MP promises [Ibid.].
The semantic ambivalence of a linguistic sign in specially created contexts allows expressing both direct and associative meaning. The creative field for the language game is a successfully modeled associative context due to the partial phonetic similarity in the reading of the acronym SEAL (SeaAir-Land, Black Berets - elite teams of unconventional warfare of the Navy) and the infinitive to see in the well-known expression "See you later." The inciting moment for the appearance of such an ironic pun was the widespread, somewhat disdainful attitude of infantrymen to coast guard units:
What did the Navy say to the Coast Guards?
"I'll SEAL you later." [Ibid.].
Other examples of semiotic actualization of value orientations in the army environment are the jokingly ironic decoding of acronyms and various types of abbreviations of compound nominations, as well as the creation of various humorous names of everyday life of the military:
CIA - "Christians in Action" for the Central Intelligence Agency;
TESTICLES - "Team player, Enthusiasm, Stamina, Tenacity, Initiative, Courage, Loyalty, general technical Excellence, and good Sense of humour" - character traits and physical qualities that a ranger should possess;
MARINE - "Muscles are essential, Intelligence Not Essential, My Ass Rides in Navy Equipment" (marine n. - Marine);
MARINES - "Many Americans Running in Never Ending Shit" (marines n. - Marines);
NAVY - "Never Again Volunteer Yourself" (navy n. - Navy);
OBE - "Overcome By Events" (a satirical abbreviation for an object that is no longer a problem, given the change in the situation);
ROAD - "Retired On Active Duty" (an acronym used in relation to the military with more than 18 years of service, who know that they can not be dismissed legally. Accordingly, they are not particularly worried about the performance of their duties and expect an early retirement) [18].
As you know, ordinary terms are characterized by lack of expressiveness, but at the same time there are many acronyms- homonyms with a bright expressive color, with the explicit expectation of achieving a certain pragmatic effect. In the following case, in order to create a stylistic (obviously ironic) impression, the coincidence of the sound form of acronyms with names and proper names is used.
DEUCE (digital electronic universal computing engine);
MANIAC (mechanical and numerical integrator and calculator);
RASCAL (Royal Air Force Sequence Controlled Calculator).
The presence of homonymous forms in different classes of word combinations (free:: phraseological) implements the homophrasal type of semantic relations. Typically, contextual information eliminates polysemy due to lexical and syntactic pointer minima, but the following example of associative context illustrates the simultaneous actualization of both direct and idiomatic meanings, which creates functional- semantic associations for a language game:
Paratroopers pull strings to stay on the job (to pull strings (free word combination)):: to pull strings (idiom) - secretly use connections with influencers to get something, or help someone. According to stylistic features, homophrasal phraseological units can be not only (and not necessarily) traditional compound terms, but also professional and slang phrases.
The following nominations include occasional expressive elements in the structure of commonly used wordforming models or words:
Somebody who throws grenade from Canada is called a Grenadian (occasional realization of the suffix model of adjectival formation in the context of a pun) [17];
When I accidentally shot myself in the crotch with a bazooka I felt quite mortarfied
(A play on the word "mortified" - to experience extreme embarrassment). A mortar is a portable artillery weapon of indirect fire.
Another stylistic technique of the language game is contamination, thanks to which speech units undergo motivated formal-semantic compression.
Emotional-evaluative modality of contaminated structures is based on actualization of the set of nominative and differential semes. The level of complexity in deciphering contaminants is determined by the nature of the compression of the phonographic and semantic composition of the motivating elements and the degree of the semantic transparency of the content of derivative compressives. Here are examples of lexical contamination, which is motivated by the values of the components of occasionalisms "Manimal" and "Biggles", respectively, "man" / "animal", "big"/"giggles", is directly associated with the psycho-physical nature of the referents and creates the corresponding humorous nicknames of the military.
Jacks is six foot two, powerfully built, and has a smile made unforgettable by his missing two front teeth (shot out in a BB-gun fight with his brother when he was sixteen). The Marines nickname for him is "Manimal," not so much in tribute to his size but because of his deep, booming voice, which when he yells, is oddly reminiscent of a bellowing farm animal.
It was a big, goofy name for a big goofy guy. Dauber takes credit for it - the word he claims, was a combination of "big" and "giggles" that had been invented for one of his relatives. He mentioned it one day, applying it to Rayn. Someone else on the team used it, and within seconds, it had stuck. Biggles [15].
To optimize operational professional communication on the basis of functional and symbolic analogy by metaphorical reinterpretation of the meanings of attributive-kernel components of a free word combination, coded names of emergency situations are formed.
For the nomination of the state of a real threat, a number of coded names function, depending on the degree of its manifestation:
bent spear - state of increased nuclear danger (defect of nuclear warhead or malfunction of technical equipment);
dull sword - a sudden event that has a low degree of danger.
Signal transmission using different colours actualizes the signs of conditional-symbolic similarity:
red rocket - a guideline of the National Military Command Center on the need for urgent actions with mandatory confirmation of its receipt;
white rocket - an encrypted warning (during military exercises), informing the troops about the simulated nature of the danger in order not to perceive it as real (e.g., "HQ just got a white rocket. Get ready for some action ...") [17].
Let's move on to the following methods of non-traditional objectification technique of the MILITARY concept - functional-discursive actualization of recurrent communication signs (words, phrases and sentences) as stereotypical forms of communicative interaction with the meaning of the reaction to the words of the interlocutor or speech situation.
Semantic-expressive diffusion of the content of the sentence Get some! allows expanding its reference field with an unlimited number of situational meanings of the expression of feelings - excitement, fear, feelings of physical strength, etc. The complexity of
recognizing and expressing signs of ambivalent concepts and emotional states motivates the search for and use of speech equivalents of their actualization, in particular, recurrent idiomatic forms of situational response, which are formed on the basis of metaphorical and expressive-evaluative connections:
Make a hole, Regular Navy! - get out of the way!
Put a wrench on that! (Air Force) - we need to solve this problem immediately!
Light'em Up! - fire at the enemy!
If the military wanted you to have a wife, it would have issued you one! The ironic connotation of this statement is that the army as an organization with strict and clear rules for regulating official relations is not interested in the presence or absence of family problems among its members. According to the materials of Internet blogs, the indifference of this kind is an obvious manifestation of mental violence to intentionally cause guilt, which undoubtedly contributes to an increase in the number of divorces in the families of servicemen. Other expressions of similar reaction are those relating to education, personal opinion, or mental ability (e.g., "If the army wanted you to have an education, it would have issued you one") [17].
Adapted versions of religious texts as communicative reactions can function as elements of allusive subjectivization of the concept, for example, Your ass is grass! Soldier, you go AWOL and your ass is grass. Isaiah 40:6, in particular, reads "...All flesh is grass..."
A popular catchphrase that expresses a soldier's reluctance to assume the responsibility of leadership is "Taught to follow, too tired to lead."
There are many ready-made phrases based on phonetic consonance with a pronounced rhythmic intonation accent:
Whip it out! - a fragment of the rhyming saying: "When in doubt, whip it out." She reminds inexperienced servicemen of the need to always salute an officer or a superior, especially when they are not sure of it;
Same mud, same blood! is a concise formula for reflecting the philosophy of interpersonal race relations in the army. In combat conditions, the race of the soldiers does not matter, the only thing that is essential for survival and successful completion of the combat mission is whether they act as one team. Such expressions can be considered elements of linguistic and cultural profiling of the MILITARY concept. An interesting attempt to use occasional forms of structural and integral component composition as a means of formalizing emotional and evaluative considerations regarding the features of interpersonal relations in order to find out who controls the operational situation and whether it is controlled at all. What a few minutes ago was considered an "iron" rule or order (which, incidentally, is fully represented by occasionalisms) is subject to subsequent levelling in order to give place to the manifestation of other emotions and moods.
"Next to me, Trombley opens up an MRE (meals ready to eat) and furtively pulls out a pack of Charms. " Keep it a secret," he says. In full violation of Colbert's iron clad no-Charms-because- Charms-are-bad-luck policy, he unwraps the candies and stuffs them into his mouth".
"A bunch of bearded men shout, "Good! Good! Good!" The Marines wave back. In the span of a few minutes, they have gone from kill-anyone-that-looks- dangerous mode to smiling and waving as if they're on a float in the Rose Bowl parade" [19].
Objectifying the enemy and the means of warfare, euphemism as a means of pragmatically determined lexical transformations of direct designations of an undesirable, inappropriate or obscene nature neutralizes the name of the real degree of violence and the number of victims during military operations, which can contribute to the establishment of certain standards of double thinking, forming a strategic code of distortion of reality. Here are some examples of the euphemistic interpretation of conceptual concepts of the functioning of military and related systems:
enhanced interrogation techniques - torture (CIA abduction of suspected terrorists followed by "enhanced interrogation techniques");
detention facilities - prison ("places of detention");
improvised explosive devices - land mines, road-side bombs;
asymmetrical warfare - no-regulations war (war is not according to the rules, that is, when the enemy cowardly hides behind the backs of the civilian population, mixing with it).
The variety of formal-structural euphemistic substitutions determines the quantitative ratio of the components of the initial and final names [6]:
1) word - word combination (assassination - dismissal with extreme prejudice; executive action; kill - nutralize with extreme prejudice; dismemberment (of a leg or arm caused by violent means) - traumatic amputation);
2) word combination - word (combat clashes - engagements; the smell of burning bodies - pork; dead men (women) - statistics;
3) the number of components of the initial and resulting nominations does not change ( be the object of RPG - be on the receiving end of an RPG (rocket propelled grenade); disloyal person - disaffected person; military action - kinetic operation; property damage - collateral damage).
Depending on certain group, personal, general cultural or situational needs, the semantics of euphemized vocabulary and phraseology eliminates negative evaluative connotations of structurally different linguistic units, reduces the categorical nature of statements, gives them additional semantic and stylistic shades both in official and in everyday professional speech. As examples show, denotations related to the course and consequences of hostilities are subject to priority euphemization and dysphemization. The increased danger of performing combat missions in the deep hostile rear motivates the functioning, along with euphemistic vocabulary, of dysphemisms with obvious macambrian semantics. This is an auxiliary tool to reduce the feeling of fear and unpredictability in anticipation of current events. The following fragment of the text illustrates the use of such expressively coloured dysphemistic expressions in conducting the farewell party of comrades-in-arms called "The Last Supper", an almost ritualistic in practice relationship between warriors before performing an extremely dangerous sabotage mission behind enemy lines during the war in Iraq.
The Last Supper is quite a big thing before you go out on a job. Everybody turns up and takes the piss. "Next time I see you I'll be looking down as I'm filling you in," somebody said, going through the motion of shovelling earth on your grave.
"Nice knowing you, wanker," - somebody else said. "What sort of bike you got at home then? Anyone here to witness he's going to give me his bike if he gets topped?" [16].
Summarizing the above, we note that the actualization of heterogeneous connotative meanings of neological nominative-communicative units of professional vocabulary and phraseology of the MILITARY concept is based on the use of mechanisms of functional, conditionally symbolic, historical- symbolic analogy and context-specific ocasiononalisms in the conditions of both spontaneous and prepared discourse. The inadequacy of the use of expressive-neutral nominations of ascertaining nature motivates the search for such connotative-associative correspondences in the communicative consciousness of subjects of speech of the professional sphere of activity that would meet the direct conscious motives of a person to improve the systemic mechanisms of his self-organization and circumstantial priorities.
The unified nature of language norms postulates the situational use of nomination signs, the consistency of the rules of their discursive implementation. The spontaneity and logical surprise of the operative speech reaction that arises in the process of developing social interaction gives rise to rethinking, reinterpretation and formal restructuring of generally accepted, conventional linguistic units.
The sources of the formation of expressive units of speech interaction include the parody use of formally similar lexemes, explicit and implicit homophones that arose on the basis of puns, paronymic convergence of lexemes in specially modeled associative contexts, the insertion of occasional expressive elements into the structure of words.
Conclusions and perspectives of research
The language game in the context of certain socio-cultural conditions, in our case, military linguistic culture, serves as an adequate mechanism for overcoming the stylistic neutrality of the terminological expression of the concepts of the MILITARY and indirectly reflects the subject-procedural specifics of the professional environment.
Taking into account the multifaceted correlation between the semantics of a word and the set of meanings of the concept of the same name, we consider promising the research interest in the phenomenon of the antinomy of cultural concepts, that is, a harmonious combination of opposing ideas within the framework of one concept, which would expand the scope of the content analysis of linguistic phenomena.
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14. Яценко Н. О. Формування назв військового одягу в українській мові. К.: ВД Дмитра Бураго, 2009. 180 с.
15. Kyle Ch. and McEwen S. American Sniper. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2012. 400 p.
16. McNab A. Bravo Two Zero. London: Bantam Press, 1993. 400 p.
17. Puns about People (Military) - Pun of the Day. - URL: https: www.punoftheday.com/ cgi - bin/ disppuns.pl (дата звернення: 14.04.2023)
18. Tomajczyk S. F. Dictionary of the Modern United States Military. Jefferson, North Carolina: Mc Farland & Co, 1996. 785 p.
19. Wright E. Generation kill: Devil Dogs, Iceman, Captain America and the New Face of American War. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2004. 368 p.
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