Pragma-communicative aspect of the President Zelensky speech before the US Congress, 12.21.2022

Study of the features of President Zelensky's speech before the US Congress, 12/21/22, as a political-ideological, institutional, argumentative, declarative and call-to-action discourse. Ideas of struggle and victory over the Russian Federation.

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Pragma-communicative aspect of the President Zelensky speech before the US Congress, 12.21.2022

Humeniuk N.H.

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

The following work deals with pragma-communicative peculiarities of the President Zelensky speech before the US Congress, 12.21.22, which is defined in given work as politico-ideological, institutional, argumentative, declarative and appealing to act discourse. The President Zelensky speech before the US Congress, 12.21.22 is considered to be historically valuable, relevant and unique in terms of global disaster, caused by the Russian Federation aggression over Ukraine, and the ways of global tyranny stopping, proposed by President Zelensky. It is stated that the President Zelensky appeal to the US Congress, 12.21.22, being the politico-ideological discourse of the followers and defenders of the free, democratic world with values of good, contains the ideas to fight, to struggle, to win 2023 Victory over the empire of evil - the Russian Federation, to make joint efforts in the battle with it, to restore international legal order. It is emphasized that the President Zelensky speech before the US Congress, 12.21.22, having the features of the institutional discourse, is considered to be organized according to its norms. It is underlined that the President Zelensky address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, with its features of the argumentative discourse, is organized and realized through the valid arguments and true facts presentation in the form of logically united informative-argumentative blocks with focus on the recipient thinking and system of values. It is determined that the President Zelensky address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, being the appealing to act discourse, contains the pragma-communicative purposes to influence the American community and the US Congress as part of its community to accept the politico-ideological ideas of the defenders and followers of the free, democratic world with their values of good to fight, to struggle, to win 2023 Victory over еру Russian Federation, to be allies in the battle against it, to restore international legal order, to persuade the US Congress to make decisions on the material, financial, military assistance to Ukraine as the American contribution to 2023 Victory. It is emphasized that the President Zelensky address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, being declarative discourse, is aimed to to express deep gratitude to the American people support of the Ukrainian people in their struggle for independence and sovereignty against the Russian Federation and to express Christmas, New Year wishes to the American community.

Key words: politico-ideological discourse, institutional discourse, argumentative discourse, declarative discourse, appealing to act discourse.


Подана робота присвячена розгляду прагмо-комунікативних особливостей виступу Президента Зеленського перед Конгресом США, 21.12.22, який визначено як політико-ідеологічний, інституційний, аргументний, декларативний та закликаючий до дії дискурс. Виступ Президента Зеленського перед Конгресом США, 21.12.22, вважається історично цінним, актуальним і унікальним як з огляду на глобальну катастрофу, спричинену агресією Російської Федерації проти України, так і з огляду на шляхи зупинення глобальної тиранії, які були запропоновані Президентом Зеленським. Зазначається, що звернення Президента Зеленського до Конгресу США від 21.12.22, будучи політико-ідеологічним дискурсом послідовників і захисників вільного, демократичного світу з цінностями добра, містить ідеї боротьби та здобуття 2023 Перемоги над імперією зла - Російською Федерацією, а також ідеї спільними зусиллями в боротьбі з нею відновити міжнародний правопорядок. Наголошується, що виступ президента Зеленського перед Конгресом США, 21.12.22, маючи ознаки інституційного дискурсу, вважається організованим за його нормами. Наголошується, що звернення Президента Зеленського до Конгресу США, 21.12.22, з його ознаками аргументного дискурсу організовано та реалізовано за рахунок надання вагомих аргументів та викладення правдивих фактів у формі логічно об'єднаних інформаційно-аргументних блоків з орієнтацією на мислення реципієнта та системи його цінностей. Визначено, що звернення Президента Зеленського до Конгресу США 21.12.22, будучи дискурсом із закликом до дій, містить прагма-комунікативні наміри вплинути на американську спільноту та Конгрес США як частину цієї спільноти для сприйняття політико-ідеологічних ідей захисників і послідовників вільного, демократичного світу з цінностями добра для боротьби і здобуття 2023 Перемоги над Російською Федерацією, сприйняття ідей бути союзниками в боротьбі з Російською Федерацією, відновити міжнародний правопорядок, а також містить прагма-комунікативні наміри переконати Конгрес США ухвалити рішення про матеріальну, фінансову, військову допомогу Україні як американський внесок у Перемогу 2023 року. Наголошується, що звернення Президента Зеленського до Конгресу США, 21.12.22, будучи декларативним дискурсом, має на меті висловити глибоку вдячність американському народу за підтримку українського народу в його боротьбі за незалежність і суверенітет проти Російської Федерації та висловити Різдвяні та новорічні побажання американській громаді.

Ключові слова: політико-ідеологічний дискурс, інституційний дискурс, аргументний дискурс, декларативний дискурс , закликаючий до дії дискурс.

Problem statement

president zelensky's speech us congress

The Russian Federation aggression over Ukraine, its attempt to ruin and destroy everything, to enslave peoples, to kill, to genocide, to torture, to humiliate human-beings is considered to be a crime against mankind and God, which should be condemned and punished. The President Zelensky speech before the US Congress,

12.21.22, is considered to be historically unique in terms of global challenging, caused by the Russian Federation aggression, and ways of its overcoming. The ideas circulating in the President Zelensky speech before the US Congress, 12.21.22, its pragma-communicative purposes realization in the form of certain strategies and tactics make the given discourse by President Zelensky unique, informative and valuable.

Literature review. Volodymyr Zelensky's entering the politics, his way from a comic to the global elite, his specific way of communication, full of expressiveness and emotional coloring, his enormous love to Motherland and people and boundless energy and power on behalf of Ukraine provoked numerous scientific researches [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 14]. The given research is part of the ongoing investigation of the global elite discourses with emphasis on their pragma-communicative objectives realization [10; 11; 12; 13]. The factor of Russian-Ukrainian war conflict, the role of Ukraine and its leader in global history provoke to make the given investigation and to get its results as acute and valuable.

The aim of the paper is to investigate pragma- communicative peculiarities of the President Zelensky speech before the US Congress, 12.21.22, using Discourse Analysis and Cognitive approaches. Realization of this objective is possible by using several methods: discourse analysis method, comparative method pure sampling method, method of simple calculation.

The material of the article

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky made his speech addressing the US Congress on the 21of December, 2022, some days before the great Christian holiday - Christmas. His historical speech, full of hopes and belief in victory and triumph of good over evil, was broadcasted worldwide.

In the given work the President Zelensky speech before the US Congress, 12.21.22 is determined as a politico-ideological, institutional, argumentative, declarative discourse given in a form of monologue, addressing the audience - the Americans, who “value freedom and justice”, the way the Ukrainians value, who fight and defend their country and the entire world from the horror and cruelty of the Russian Federation attempt to slave and reign globally:

Dear Americans, in all states, cities and communities, all those who value freedom and justice, who cherish it as strongly as we Ukrainians in our cities, in each and every family, I hope my words of respect and gratitude resonate in each American heart.

Ukrainians gained this victory, and it gives us courage which inspires the entire world [15].

Being the politico-ideological discourse, the President Zelensky speech before the US Congress, 12.21.22 is considered to contain the ideas of the defenders and followers of the free, democratic world to defend the whole mankind from theRus- sian Federation tyranny, to restore the international world order. The focus on freedom and democracy as socio-political phenomena is transformed and perceived as inner quality, essence of the human-being nature, determined by its Creator - God. The attempts to limit free will of a person, to conquer and enslave it is determined as an attempt to interfere God's providence, to eliminate God's role as a Creator and Ruler of Universe, who granted free will to a person. The attempts to kill, to destroy, to ruin a human-being as the beloved creature of God is considered to be demonic in its nature. The so-called philosophical notions of free will, love and respect to each person are considered to receive the Universe meaning with God's providence of eternal good. The war of Russian Federation for global reining and enslaving peoples, its attempt to genocide and to kill is demonic in its nature and destined to fail in the battle of values, in the battle of good against evil.

The President Zelensky speech before the US Congress, 12.21.22, being an institutional discourse, is organized according to the norms of the political elite official speeches with emphasis on the national - American - values and manner to organize such type od discourse. In this case, President's personal addresses to Vice President (1), to Speaker (2), to the members of Congress of both Parties (3), to the representatives of diaspora (4), to the journalists (5), as well as final wish of God's favor and patronage to America (6) are relevant to have a success and to achieve the pragmatic purpose of the speaker:

1. Madam Vice President, I thank you for your efforts in helping Ukraine... [15].

2. Madam Speaker, you bravely visited Ukraine during the full-fledged war....[the same].

3. Dear members of the Congress, representatives of both parties who also visited Kyiv, esteemed congressmen and senators from both parties who will visit Ukraine, I am sure, in the future... [the same].

4. ... dear representatives of diaspora, present in this chamber, and spread across the country... [the same].

5. ...dear journalists, it's a great honor for me to be at the U.S. Congress and speak to you and all Americans [the same].

6. ...may God forever bless the United States of America [the same].

At the same time, being produced in foreign language for speaker, the President Zelensky address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, bears the features of the Ukrainian language and culture including the final moto “Slava Ukraini”, which became worldwide recognizable as a symbol of the Ukrainian indomitability, braveness and will power to fight and win victory over the empire of evil - the Russian Federation.

The President Zelensky address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, is defined in the given work as politico-ideological discourse of the followers and defenders of the free, democratic world with its values of good in their struggle against the empire of evil - Russian Federation with its values and forms of tyranny, totalitarianism, repressions, genocide, suppression, humiliation, intimidation, raping, victimization, killing, kidnapping, despotism, cruelty, tortures, bombing, ruining and destroying.

The President Zelensky address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, being a politico-ideological discourse of the followers and defenders of the free, democratic world with its values of good, occurs not at the period of the potentially distant struggle with the forces of evil, being a struggle of ideas and notions, but on the actual battlefield of Ukraine with all the cruelty of war. The battle of the Ukrainian people is not only for their country freedom and sovereignty but for the whole globe future to live in free and democratic society, with God's love to each person and God's grant to be free and have free will, not to be enslaved:

This battle is not only for the territory, for this or another part o f Europe. The battle is not only for life, freedom and security of Ukrainians or any other nation which Russia attempts to conquer. This struggle will define in what world our children and grandchildren will live, and then their children and grandchildren [15].

Being a politico-ideological discourse of the followers and defenders of the free, democratic world with its values of good, the President Zelensky address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, contains the ideas of necessity for the whole mankind, who value freedom and independence: 1) to struggle, to fight and receive victory over the empire of evil - the Russian Federation, not to “ignore, to postpone, to frozen that battle”, but to take an active part in it and make its contribution, as the Ukrainian nation does by its heroic fighting against the Russian Federation, by taking the burden of the whole globe protection against evil, and 2) to be united in the struggle against the empire of evil:

1.It will define whether it will be a democracy of Ukrainians and for Americans - for all. This battle cannot be frozen or postponed. It cannot be ignored,

hoping that the ocean or something else will provide a protection. From the United States to China, from Europe to Latin America, and from Africa to Australia, the world is too interconnected and interdependent to allow someone to stay aside and at the same time to feel safe when such a battle continues [15].

2. We stand, we fight and we will win because we are united - Ukraine, America and the entire free world [the same].

The key, strategic ideas of being united and receive victory over the Russian Federation, expressed within the President Zelensky address to the US Congress,

12.21.22, presupposes tactic decisions: (1) to be strategic allies against the empire of evil -the Russian Federation; (2) to make efforts to transform the next year of 2023 into the year of Victory over the empire of evil; (3) to restore the international law:

1. Our two nations are allies in this battle [ 15].

2. And next year will be a turning point, I know it, the point when Ukrainian courage and American resolve must guarantee the future of our common freedom, the freedom of people who stand for their values [the same].

3. The restoration of international legal order is our joint task [the same].

President Zelensky stresses the idea that tactic decision to be strategic allies against the empire of evil - the Russian Federation - is based on the mutual contribution of each state: the Ukrainian courage in the actual battlefield and the American resources in the form of material, financial and military help to Ukraine:

1. And next year will be a turning point, I know it, the point when Ukrainian courage and American resolve must guarantee the future of our common freedom, the freedom of people who stand for their values [15].

2. Financial assistance is also critically importan... [the same].

3. ... but for the Russian Army to completely pull out, more cannons and shells are needed [the same].

Consequently, the implicit idea of the equal responsibility and contribution of both allies in the struggle against the empire of evil - the Russian Federation - appears within the President Zelensky address to the US Congress, 12.21.22. Thus, the American material, financial, military factors are as important, as high the Ukrainian price in the form of the Ukrainian solders' lives on the battlefield and the Ukrainian civilians' lives in this war:

I know that everything depends on us, on Ukrainian armed forces, yet so much depends on the world. So much in the world depends on you [15].

In order to influence the Americans, the House of Representatives and senators to make some decisions on the material, financial and military help for Ukraine as the strategic ally in the struggle with the empire of evil - the Russian Federation - V. Zelensky uses argumentative strategy within his address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, which is based on the arguments and facts presentation.

The argumentative component of V. Zelensky discourse is based on presenting information in a form of logical informative blocks with valid arguments and truly facts, which are connected to and united each other by the common intention of the speaker to influence addressee of information by appealing to addressee's thinking and system of values.

Being the argumentative discourse, the President Zelensky address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, contains several informative-argumentative blocks:

1) the first battle for the minds and the first victory over Russian Federation;

2) the new battle for future on the battlefield;

3) Ukraine and USA are allies in this battle:

4) heroic Ukrainian contribution in this battle;

5) USA contribution in the battle;

6) Russian Federation as terroristic state with its allies;

7) 2023 Victory over Russian Federation.

All the mentioned above informative- argumentative blocks are logically united into a unit with emphasis on the realization of the pragma- communicative purposes of the given discourse. Thus, the speech of President Zelensky to the US Congress,

12.21.22, starts with emphasizing the idea that the first world-wide battle for minds has finished and the first victory over the Russian Federation has received. The results of the first joint victory over the Russian Federation are obvious: 1) people world-wide have no fear in their mind; 2) the Russian Federation has lost control over nations:

1. And it gives me good reason to share with you our first, first joint victory: We defeated Russia in the battle for minds of the world. We have no fear, nor should anyone in the world have it [15].

2. The Russian tyranny has lost control over us. And it will never influence our minds again [the same].

Ukrainians gained this victory first by being courageous and brave in their struggle against the Russian occupants, their courage inspired the whole world to resist and oppress the empire of evil - the Russian Federation (1); as a result, Europe became stronger and independent (2); America strengthened its position of a global leader for the democratic, free and just world order (3); Russians have a chance to be free by “defeating Kremlin” in their mind (4):

1. Ukrainians gained this victory, and it gives us courage which inspires the entire world [15].

2. Europeans gained this victory, and that's why Europe is now stronger and more independent than ever [the same].

3. Americans gained this victory, and that's why you have succeeded in uniting the global community to protect ^ freedom and international law... [the same].

4. The Russians will stand a chance to be free only when they defeat the Kremlin in their minds [the same].

The first informative-argumentative block with the idea of the first world-wide victory in minds against the Russian Federation and its successful results logically creates the background for switching over to the other informative-argumentative block concerning the necessity for a new battle with the Russian Federation on the battlefield:

Yet, the battle continues, and we have to defeat the Kremlin on the battlefield, yes [15].

It is clear logically from the valid arguments of the first informative-argumentative block that it is possible to win the Russian Federation, as it was proved to happen during the first battle for minds. President Zelensky stresses that the new battle with the Russian Federation should be on the battlefield and this battle should be for global future:

1. This battle is not only for the territory, for this or another part of Europe. The battle is not only for life, freedom and security of Ukrainians or any other nation which Russia attempts to conquer. This struggle will define in what world our children and grandchildren will live, and then their children and grandchildren [15].

2. It will define whether it will be a democracy of Ukrainians and for Americans - for all [the same].

Addressing the US Congress, 12.21.22, President Zelensky stresses the idea that the battle on the battlefield against the Russian Federation shouldn't be ignored or postponed in time (1), that 2023 should be a turning point of this battle (2):

1. This battle cannot be frozen or postponed. It cannot be ignored, hoping that the ocean or something else will provide a protection. From the United States to China, from Europe to Latin America, and from Africa to Australia, the world is too interconnected and interdependent to allow someone to stay aside and at the same time to feel safe when such a battle continues [15].

2. ...And next year will be a turning point.. [the same].

Consequently, the informative-argumentative block with the idea of the new battle with the Russian Federation on the battlefield for the global democratic future logically comes to the idea of joined efforts to win the victory, the idea of being strategic allies in this battle:

Our two nations are allies in this battle.

It is stressed in the speech of President Zelensky to the US Congress, 12.21.22, that allies need: 1) trust to each other; 2) coordinated efforts:

1. I believe there should be no taboos between us in our alliance [15].

2. And next year will be a turning point, I know it, the point when Ukrainian courage and American resolve must guarantee the future of our common freedom, the freedom of people who stand for their values [the same].

Trust on allies is considered to be priority to win victory over the Russian Federation. President Zelensky stresses in his speech to the US Congress, 12.21.22 that Ukraine is a trustful partner in this battle, as the Ukrainian people stand, the Ukrainian military forces stand and Ukraine will never surrender, will hold the front lines:

1. The occupiers have a significant advantage in artillery. They have an advantage in ammunition. They have much more missiles and planes than we ever had. It's true, but our defense_forces stand [15].

2. Ukraine holds its lines and will never surrender [the same].

Coordinated actions of the allies presuppose the role distribution between them with emphasis on each side contribution to the mutual victory over the Russian Federation. Thus, the following informative- argumentative blocks within the President Zelensky speech to the US Congress, 12.21.22, are devoted to the Ukrainian and American contribution to the join victory over the Russian Federation.

It is stressed within the President Zelensky speech to the US Congress, 12.21.22, that Ukraine stands front line defending its country and the entire world from the cruelty of Russian Federation tyranny at the cost of the Ukrainian people lives. The Ukrainian contribution to the join victory over the Russian Federation is extremely high:

When I was in Bakhmut yesterday, our heroes gave me the flag, the battle flag, the flag of those who defend Ukraine, Europe and the world at the cost of their lives [15].

The heroic battle for the Ukrainian Bakhmut, where land is soaked in blood, where the Russian occupants have been attacking the Ukrainian town non-stop, symbolizes the Ukrainian courage, braveness, will power to stand, to defend the civilians, to win the victory over cruel and violent enemy, symbolizes the war of good over evil with triumph of good:

1. The Russian military and mercenaries have been attacking Bakhmut nonstop since May. They have been attacking it day and night, but Bakhmut stands [15].

2. Every inch of that land is soaked in blood; roaring guns sound every hour. Trenches in the Donbas change hands several times a day in fierce combat, and even hand fighting. But the Ukrainian Donbas stands [the same].

Appealing to the US Congress, 12.21.22, President Zelensky proposes the American community to make their contribution to the join victory over the Russian Federation in the form of military help (1, 2), financial assistance to Ukraine (3) and in the form of political support to the Ukrainian global peace formula (4) and to restore international legal world order:

1. To ensure Bakhmut is not just a stronghold that holds back the Russian Army, but for the Russian Army to completely pull out, more cannons and shells are needed [15].

2. If your Patriots stop the Russian terror against our cities, it will let Ukrainian patriots work to the full to defend our freedom [the same].

3. Financial assistance is also critically important, and I would like to thank you, thank you very much, thank you for both _ financial packages you have already provided us with and the ones you may be willing to decide on [the same].

4. The restoration of international legal order is our joint task. We need peace, yes. Ukraine has already offered proposals, which f just discussed with

President Biden, our peace formula, 10 points which should and must be implemented for our joint security, guaranteed for decades ahead and the summit which can be held [the same].

The American financial, military, material assistant to Ukraine is treated by President Zelensky and the Ukrainian community not as charity to the Ukrainian society, but as the American part, share in Victory over the Russian Federation, as its contribution and “investment in global security and democracy”:

Your money is not charity. It's an investment in the global security and democracy that we handle in the most responsible way [15].

The informative-argumentative block on the Russian Federation as a terroristic state and its allies occurs in each informative-argumentative block of the given discourse, as the Russian Federation is a subject, initiator of this war conflict with Ukraine, with free democratic world. Its terroristic nature is determined by its attempt: to kill civilians (1, 2); to genocide the Ukrainians (3); to ruin infrastructure of Ukraine (4); to use convicts and thugs in the war (5).

1. Russians use everything, everything they have against Bakhmut and other our beautiful cities [15].

2. ...last year, 70,000people lived here in Bakhmut, in this city, and now only few civilians stay. Every inch of that land is soaked in blood; roaring guns sound every hour [the same].

3. ...when Russia cannot reach our cities by its artillery, it tries to destroy them with missile attacks.

More than that, Russia found an ally in this - in this genocidalpolicy: Iran [the same].

4. Iranian deadly drones sent to Russia in hundreds - in hundreds became a threat to our critical infrastructure. That is how one terrorist has_ found the other [the same].

5. The Russians' tactic is primitive. They burn down and destroy everything they see. They sent thugs to the front lines. They sent convicts to the war.

They threw everything against us [the same].

It is known, that according to the principals of international law, terrorism should be punished, the same should be done for the Russian Federation: will prove to any potential aggressor that no one can succeed in breaking national borders, no one committing atrocities and reigning over people against their will [15].

The final informative-argumentative block of the President Zelensky address to the US Congress,

12.21.22, contains the idea of 2023 Victory over the Russian Federation. This idea is logically reinforced by valid arguments:

1. The Russian Federation doesn't want peace, doesn't want to stop aggression:

Russia, Russia could stop its aggression, really, if it wanted to... It would be naive to wait for steps towards peace _ from Russia, which enjoys being a terrorist state [15].

2. Aggression should be stopped by winning a victory over the Russian Federation on the battlefield:

Yet, the battle continues, and we have to defeat the Kremlin on the battlefield, yes [the same].

3. 2023 should become victorious year, the result of joint efforts of Ukraine, USA and the entire democratic world:

a) Our two nations are allies in this battle. And next year will be a turning point [the same];

b) We stand, we _fight and we will win because we are united - Ukraine, America and the entire free world [the same].

The idea of 2023 Victory circulates through the President Zelensky discourse of his address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, by repetition of the words “victory”, `victorious”:

Thus, the Ukrainians have the strong wish of Victory (1); President Zelensky expresses his gratitude to all the people who make this Victory coming true

(2) ; he wishes victorious New Year to the Americans

(3) ; President of Ukraine uses citing F. D. Roosevelt about the Americans absolute victory and transform it into the Ukrainian absolute victory in the new coming battle of 2023 (4); President Zelensky presents the battle flag for Bakhmut to the US Congress not only as symbol of the 2023 Victory over the Russian Federation, but as a flag of the actual army of followers and defenders of the free, democratic world, who will win 2023 Victory over the Russian Federation (5):

1. And we don't, don't have to know everyone's wish, as we know that all of us, millions of Ukrainians, wish the same: Victory. Only victory [15].

2. Thank you all, from everyone who is now at the front line, from everyone who is awaiting victory [the same].

3. Merry Christmas and a happy, victorious New Year [the same].

4. Standing here today, I recall the words of the president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, which are I think so good for this moment. “The American people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory. ” The Ukrainian people will win, too, absolutely [the same].

5. When I was in Bakhmut yesterday, our heroes gave me the _ flag, the battle _ flag, the _ flag of those who defend Ukraine, Europe and the world at the cost of their lives. They asked me to bring this flag to you, to the U.S. Congress, to members of the House of Representatives and senators whose decisions can save millions of people. So, let these decisions be taken. Let this flag stay with you, ladies and gentlemen. This flag is a symbol of our victory in this war [the same].

The argumentative component of the President Zelensky address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, is characterized by mentioning the heroic Battle of Bulge (1) during the Christmas 1944 and the Battle of Saratoga (2):

1. They threw everything against us, similar to the other tyranny, which is in the Battle of the Bulge. Threw everything it had against the free world, just like the brave American soldiers which held their lines and fought back Hitler's forces during the Christmas of1944. Brave Ukrainian soldiers are doing the same to Putin's forces this Christmas [15].

2. If so, just like the Battle of Saratoga, the fight for Bakhmut will change the trajectory of our war for independence and for freedom [the same].

The usage of facts appealing to the historical heroic deeds of the American nation, their comparison to the heroic deeds of the Ukrainian people is able to reinforce the argumentative component of the President Zelensky address to the US Congress,

12.21.22, by stressing the idea of the same values, national features of patriotism, braveness, heroism and justice presence in the American and Ukrainian nations, that makes them not only allies, but brothers in Christian meaning.

Appealing to Christmas as a great Christian holiday, as a symbol of hope and belief in good triumph over evil, President Zelensky compares the hard situation of the Ukrainian people on the eve of Christmas to the depth of their love to each other, depth of their belief in victory and strong desire and magnificent wish to win the victory over the Russian Federation. In spite of lack of electricity, gas, running water and other living conditions they beg God and wish each other to receive the Christmas present in the form of 2023 Victory:

1. two days we will celebrate Christmas. Maybe candlelit. Not because it's more romantic, no, but because there will not be, there will be no electricity. Millions won't have neither heating nor running water. All of these will be the result of Russian missile and drone attacks on our energy infrastructure [15].

2. We'll celebrate Christmas. Celebrate Christmas and, even if there is no electricity, the light of our faith in ourselves will not be put out. If Russian - if Russian missiles attack us, we'll do our best to protect ourselves. If they attack us with Iranian drones and our people will have to go to bomb shelters on Christmas Eve, Ukrainians will still sit down at the holiday table and cheer up each other. And we don't, don't have to know everyone's wish, as we know that all of us, millions of Ukrainians, wish the same: Victory. Only victory [the same].

Christian love of the Ukrainian people to each other, belief in good triumph over evil is transported by President Zelensky to the sphere of the American people Happy Christmas and New Year wishes, inspiring them: Merry Christmas and a happy, victorious New Year [15].

The exploiting of Christmas notion is successful in terms of the argumentative and declarative strategies of the President Zelensky appeal to the US Congress, 12.21.22. Being the declarative discourse, the President Zelensky address to the US Congress,

12.21.22, is his gratitude and wishes declaration to the Americans.

President Zelensky15 times uses word combination “Thank you” or “Thanks” to express his personal and the Ukrainian people gratitude to the American community for their support to Ukraine (1, 2); he expresses personal thanks to President Biden and both parties, at the Senate and the House:

1. Now, on this special Christmastime, I want to thank you, all of you. I thank every American family which cherishes the warmth of its home and wishes the same warmth to other people [15].

2. I thank your cities and your citizens who supported Ukraine this year, who hosted our Ukrainians, our people, who waved our national flags, who acted to help us [the same].

3. I thank President Biden and both parties, at the Senate and the House, for your invaluable assistance [the same].

Being the declarative discourse, the President Zelensky address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, contains his wishes declaration to the Americans, concerning Happy New Year and Merry Christmas (1), as well as wishes of God's patronage to America, its citizens and military forces (2):

1. Merry Christmas and a happy, victorious New Year [15].

2. - thank you so much, may God protect our brave troops and citizens, may God forever bless the United States of America [the same].

Being the appealing to act discourse, the President Zelensky address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, contains 2 direct appeals to act. They are preceded by the macro argumentation given to the whole text, which has been presented earlier in the following research. Each appeal to act of the given discourse by President Zelensky has its structure in the form of 3 elements: 1) the appeal to act arguments; 2) the appeal to act itself; 3) the prospective results of the appeal to act.

President Zelensky makes his first appeal to act in order to punish the terroristic state of the Russian Federation according to the international law. This punishment presupposes legal responsibility of a criminal and losses compensation to a victim:

You can strengthen sanctions to make Russia feel how ruinous its aggression truly is. It is in your power, really, to help us bring to justice everyone who started this unprovoked and criminal war. Let's do it. Let terrorist - let the terrorist state be held responsible for its terror and aggression and compensate all losses done by ths war. Let the world see that the United States are here [15].

In this case, the appeal to act (to punish the terroristic Russian Federation) is preceded by micro argumentation for it: 1) sanctions are able to influence the Russian Federation to make feel the ruinous force of its aggressive war; 2) American community, the USA Congress have the power to the bring Russian Federation to justice:

You can strengthen sanctions to make Russia feel how ruinous its aggression truly is. It is in your power, really, to help us bring to justice everyone who started this unprovoked and criminal war [the same].

The appeal to punish the Russian Federation for its aggression and crimes in Ukraine is realized through series of appeals by the usage of “Let's.” phrases. The last phrase “Let the world see that the United States are here”, which has the appealing to act power, is considered to have the prospective result of the given actions: the world's respect for the USA attempt to bring criminal to justice, to protect international law and the whole mankind from the cruelty and ruinous force of the Russian Federation.

President Zelensky uses another the appealing to act tactics, which is similar in structure and logically united to the preceding one, forming the certain appealing to act model of the given discourse. President Zelensky appeals to win victory over the Russian Federation and proposes the US Congress to make some important decisions to realize the victorious plans, using “Let” phrases.

I know that everything depends on us, on Ukrainian armed forces, yet so much depends on the world. So much in the world depends on you. When I was in Bakhmut yesterday, our heroes gave me the flag, the battle flag, the flag of those who defend Ukraine, Europe and the world at the cost of their lives. They asked me to bring this flag to you, to the U.S. Congress, to members of the House of Representatives and senators whose decisions can save millions of people. So, let these decisions be taken. Let this_flag stay with you, ladies and gentlemen. This flag is a symbol of our victory in this war. We stand, we fight and we will win because we are united - Ukraine, America and the entire free world [15].

The micro argumentation to the given appeal is given before the appeal to act itself and contains the informative arguments of: 1) the result of battle with the Russian Federation depends on the Ukrainians, Americans and entire world; 2) the decisions of the US Congress are able to change vector of war with the Russian Federation; 3) the battle flag of the Ukrainian courageous Bakhmut is presented to the US Congress as a symbol of victory over the Russian Federation:

I know that everything depends on us, on Ukrainian armed forces, yet so much depends on the world. So much in the world depends on you. When I was in Bakhmut yesterday, our heroes gave me the flag, the battle flag, the flag of those who defend Ukraine, Europe and the world at the cost of their lives. They asked me to bring this flag to you, to the U.S. Congress, to members of the House of Representatives and senators whose decisions can save millions of people [the same].

As a result, the prospective of the given actions to win victory over the Russian Federation, to make important decisions by the USA Congress in the form of political, material, financial, military assistance to Ukraine is doubtlessly predictable: good triumph over evil, just and righteous victory over the Russian Federation:

We stand, we fight and we will win because we are united - Ukraine, America and the entire free world [15].

Summing up the material, it is important to underline the idea that the President Zelensky address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, bears features of the politico-ideological, institutional, argumentative, declarative and appealing to act discourse with the intentions of speaker to express deep gratitude to the American people support of the Ukrainian people in their struggle for independence and sovereignty against the Russian Federation; to express Christmas, New Year wishes to the American community; to persuade the Americans, the US Congress to be allies in the battle with the Russian Federation; to win 2023 Victory over the empire of evil - the Russian Federation; to make decisions on the material, financial, military assistance to Ukraine as the American contribution to 2023Victory; to restore the international legal world order as the means of global justice.


The President Zelensky address to the US Congress, 12.21.22, has features of the politico-ideological, institutional, argumentative, declarative and appealing to act discourse and is created by its speaker with the pragma-communicative purposes to influence the American community and the US Congress as part of its community to accept the politico-ideological ideas of the defenders and followers of the free, democratic world with their values of good to fight, to struggle, to win 2023 Victory over the empire of evil - the Russian Federation, to be allies in the battle with it, to restore international legal order, persuade the US Congress to make decisions on the material, financial, military assistance to Ukraine as the American contribution to 2023Victory, to restore the international legal world order.

Appealing to logical argumentation, to the recipient system of values (national, Christian, universal), exploiting the ideas of Christmas, using some symbolism, the authoritative points of view, direct appeals to act make it possible to organize the given discourse in appropriate way with its strategic and tactic purposes realization.

It is perspective to investigate stylistic features of the given discourse, as well as to deal with other President Zelensky discourses of the Russian-Ukrai- nian war conflict period, with the discourses of the other global elite of the same time and on the same problem.


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