On the issue of the peculiarities of Chinese diplomatic discourse translation into English

Translation of Chinese-language diplomatic discourse. Lexical and grammatical translation transformations of the translation of international agreements from Chinese into Ukrainian. The specificity of reproduction of the linguistic and cultural aspect.

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Дата добавления 17.11.2023
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SI “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky”

On the issue of the peculiarities of Chinese diplomatic discourse translation into English

Derik I.M.


This research is aimed at investigating the peculiarities oftranslating Chinese diplomatic discourse into Ukrainian. The main objective is seen as the study of the lexical and grammatical translation transformations involved in translating international agreements from Chinese into Ukrainian, as well as the specificity of rendering the linguistic and cultural aspect. The scientific value and novelty of the findings consist in the attempt to analyze the translated versions of international agreements both in the linguistic and cultural fields. The achievement of the set goal is provided by fulfilling all the tasks related to the determination of the linguistic specificity of Chinese and Ukrainian diplomatic discourse, the identification and analysis of the lexical and grammatical translation transformations employed, as well as the study of the linguistic and cultural component of the source diplomatic texts in Chinese and its reproduction in the target Ukrainian language. The most appropriate and efficient translation devices have been selected on the basis of the findings of the research. The conclusions of the study have proved the relevance of the linguistic and cultural phenomena for adequate translation and made it possible to determine the main translation strategy and techniques. The findings allow to state that the linguistic and cultural component, its identification, and the choice of methods of rendering it require the greatest attention during translation. The scientific value and source for future research can be related to the idea that rendering the cultural component in translating Chinese international agreements into Ukrainian, involves primarily the use ofthe complex of linguistic means. The perspective is seen in the involvement of other Indo-European languages into the research work.

Key words: diplomatic discourse, international agreement, lexical and grammatical translation transformations, linguistic and cultural component, adequate translation.


Дерік І.М. До питання про особливості перекладу українською мовою китайського дипломатичного дискурсу

Статтю присвячено дослідженню особливостей перекладу китайськомовного дипломатичного дискурсу українською мовою. Мета дослідження вбачається у вивченні лексичних і граматичних перекладацьких трансформацій, задіяних у перекладі міжнародних угод із китайської мови українською, а також специфіки відтворення лінгвокультурного аспекту. Наукова цінність і новизна результатів дослідження полягає у спробі аналізу перекладів міжнародних угод у лінгвістичній та культурній площинах.

Для досягнення поставленої мети передбачене виконання усіх завдань, пов'язаних із визначенням мовної специфіки китайськотаукраїнськомовного дипломатичного дискурсу, виявленням та аналізом використаних лексичних і граматичних перекладацьких трансформацій, а також дослідження лінгвокультурного компоненту вихідних дипломатичних текстів китайською мовою та його відтворення у цільовій українській мові. За результатами дослідження було виявлено найбільш влучні лексичні та граматичні перекладацькі трансформації, необхідні для адекватного перекладу текстів дипломатичного стилю.

Застосування перекладачем граматичної трансформації об'єднання декількох речень дозволило ідентифікувати лінгвокультурний компонент дипломатичних угод.

Висновки роботи засвідчили релевантність лінгвокультурного компоненту як феномену, важливість його визначення та вибору способів його відтворення для здійснення адекватного перекладу. Наукова цінність дослідження як джерела подальших розвідок зумовлена тим, що відтворення культурного компоненту при перекладі українською мовою китайськомовних міжнародних угод передбачає застосування комплексу лінгвістичних засобів. Перспективою подальших досліджень є залучення інших індо-європейських мов як вихідних і цільових мов, а також висвітлення різних аспектів перекладу інституціонального дискурсу в цілому та дипломатичного дискурсу зокрема.

Ключові слова: дипломатичний дискурс, міжнародна угода, лексичні та граматичні перекладацькі трансформації, лінгвокультурний компонент, адекватний переклад.


The conclusion of diplomatic documents in Chinese and Ukrainian is the result of the establishment of close economic ties between Ukraine and China, which officially began when our state was recognized as an independent state. The ties are still continuously developing. The problem of translating texts of diplomatic documents (international agreements) is caused by the linguistic specificity of the diplomatic discourse of the Chinese and Ukrainian languages, and their lexicalgrammatical and linguistic-cultural differences. To overcome difficulties, in the process of translation, the interpreter uses a set of translation operations relevant to creating a socially significant professional translation. The essence of the research consists in the in-depth study of the applied translation techniques lexical and grammatical, relevant for the adequate interpretation of the diplomatic texts, first attempt to research the linguistic and cultural phenomenon in the texts selected for analysis, and to determine the main methods of its transmission.

The objective is to study lexical and grammatical techniques used while translating diplomatic documents and to identify adequate methods for transmitting the linguistic and cultural features of the texts under analysis (the international agreements translated from Chinese into Ukrainian).

The tasks of the research:

- to determine the linguistic specificity of Chinese and Ukrainian texts of the diplomatic discourse;

- to identify the lexical and grammatical techniques used in the translation of diplomatic documents from Chinese into Ukrainian to render their full content;

- to investigate the linguistic and cultural features of diplomatic texts and their translation from the source language (Chinese) into the target language (Ukrainian).

The object of the research Chinese texts of the diplomatic papers and their translations into Ukrainian (international agreements).

The subject of the research lexical and grammatical techniques used while translating international agreements from Chinese into Ukrainian and ways of rendering cultural phenomena in translation.

The methods of the research are the following: the continuous sampling method, used to create a corpus of research data; the method of comparative analysis applied to compare Chinese and Ukrainian texts of the international agreements between the government of the People's Republic of China and Ukraine; techniques analysis covers the translational lexical and grammatical operations necessary for adequate translation with an exclusive emphasis on the identification and reproduction of the linguistic and cultural phenomenon; finally, descriptive and quantitative methods, applied to graphically display the results of the work carried out in a percentage ratio.

The significance of the research lies in the possibility of using the conclusions of this scientific research as the basis for developing theoretical and practical courses for students of higher education mastering in the specialty 035 Philology in the higher education institutions of Ukraine. The data analyzed in the research may be of interest to future research in theoretical and practical translation studies.

Review of the previous publications on the issue

At the current stage of linguistic science development, there is a large list of discourse varieties. One of the cliched types of discourse is called institutional, which in the list of its samples has a diplomatic direction, which is expressed by language phrases and other lexical units that are identified as belonging to the official business style of speech. And although according to Western researchers, among the results of their scientific investigations special attention is focused on the conclusions of N. Kashchyshyn, where it is said that the oldest traces of diplomatic language date back to about 2400 BC., which scientists agreed to call the peace and friendship agreement between the kingdoms of Ebla and Hamazi (Mesopotamia) [1, p. 117], however, the term diplomacy was first used by social and political activist Edmund Burke only in 1796 [ibid.].

The fact remains that the language of diplomacy is still considered the language of international communication, the establishment of international relations, the language of finding conflict-free ways of international understanding, and the language of peaceful solutions to problems between countries, which in turn is the goal of diplomatic discourse. The realization of the set goals in diplomacy takes place by concluding official papers of international importance, among which agreements are singled out.

Like any other text of another genre of discourse, the construction structure of diplomatic texts needs a logical, concise, consistent, and clear design. The difference between diplomatic and other discourses is the presence of linguistic cliches of a diplomatic direction, the unequivocal nature of the information message, objectivity, and lack of emotionality (not to be confused with emotiveness, which, according to N. Kashchyshyn, is “an integral discursive category of modern <...> diplomatic discourse” [2, p. 1]).

The functional features of diplomatic discourse are expressed in the exchanging of information, influencing the addressee, and exchanging stable politeness formulas. According to L.V. Volodina and O.K. Karpukhina, the language of diplomacy is most distinguished by its persuasiveness, expression (pressure), suggestiveness, and rituality. The first of the factors is expressed in the formation of value orientations and attitudes, expression in persuasion and incitement to action, suggestiveness means the influence on changes in motivation, behavior, and rituality implies the formation and maintenance of conventional relations [3, p. 30].

In one of the modern scientific articles devoted to the decoding of diplomatic discourse in the Chinese language [4], two so-called strategies for the transmission of document texts are singled out: onrecord politeness strategy (approx. translated as “visible politeness strategy”) and off-record politeness strategy (approx. translation “strategy of hidden politeness”). The first one of the strategies is implemented through the use of techniques showing modesty (speech forms for expressing modesty), making promises (taking “promises”), expressing interest (expression of interest), and using slogans (using slogans during speech). The second strategy involves inserting metaphors, association clues, intertextuality, aphorisms, and presuppositions into speech [ibid.].

Also, one of the specific characteristics of Chinese diplomatic discourse, which causes problems while perceiving and understanding the discourse texts, is its interdiscoursivity, as it is determined by the researcher Yu. V. Sudus in the scientific study “Speech tactics for implementing the strategy of discrediting in English diplomatic discourse” [5]. This is mainly expressed through the inseparable connection of diplomatic discourse with other discourses: legal, propaganda, and especially political. Such a connection is conditioned by the same pragmatic mission of the two types of discourse aiming at preventing conflict situations. Also common to the discourses was the need for the constant use of coercive strategies and tactics, which as a result caused the emergence of a new channel in the form of a persuasive discourse for further scientific exploration [ibid.].

Previous research of S.L. Holoshchuk, where the topic of cognitive-communicative features of motivational discourse is highlighted, has indicated that the motivational discourse is aimed at managing the mental and intellectual activity of a person, which in the future could lead to changes in his/her character, behavior, actions [6, p. 59], that differs from the main features of diplomatic discourse.

The linguist H. Trabelsi in the study “Linguistic and communicative analysis of diplomatic discourse” also expresses the opinion about the uniqueness of diplomatic discourse, where he notes that its features can be recognized by the presence of special copyright marks, which are always international terms [7].

Undoubtedly, the translation of diplomatic documents (№«ОДУпМе (gфngwйn y? t?) / КВДкУпМе (shмwщyu ti)) requires a competent, experienced, authorized translator, because there is no right to make mistakes.

As the researcher, M. Larson noted in the conclusions of scientific research entitled “Meaning-Based Translation”, the case should not be entrusted to a person who does not possess the knowledge and skills necessary to reproduce diplomatic papers [8]. After analyzing this point of view, the conclusion is drawn that one of the most urgent and indisputably necessary knowledge is knowledge of the legal system of the countries with which languages the translator works, that is, education in the systems of government of the People's Republic of China and Ukraine. lexical grammatical translation diplomatic chinese ukrainian

There is an opinion that it would be appropriate to include comparative jurisprudence in educational and professional programs in the specialty 035 Philology as a mandatory subject for training future translators of diplomatic papers from Chinese to Ukrainian [ibid.]. According to Chinese researcher Y. Zhang, expressed in the work “Communicative Purposes in Translational Activities”, just such an innovation will be able to create a reliable basis for the further implementation of diplomatic translation, which is considered more complex than any other type of translation activity [9].

The purely linguistic problem of reproduction of Chinese texts of international documents concerns the transfer of stencil phrases, phraseological stamps, special stable expressions, terminology, etc. Chinese writing is completely different from other languages a t various linguistic levels: lexical, grammatical, and stylistic. Characteristic features of classical writing are the conciseness and rhythm of expressions and the presence of “empty hieroglyphs” that act as official grammatical elements [10]. The absence of punctuation marks is replaced by strict phrase construction stamps.

The above-mentioned features of Chinese writing are a small part of what a professional translator pays close attention to in the process of his work [ibid.].

Another problem of the issue of translating the texts of diplomatic documents can be identified as a linguistic and cultural one, according to the opinion of U.S. Pulatova in the work “The Problems in Translating Legal Documents” [11]. The scientist believes that the informative content of the source text is not enough for work on diplomatic translations, another equally important aspect is the translation's understanding of cultural aspects. The linguist is convinced that the cultural nuances of a Chinese text interpreted incorrectly in Ukrainian can lead to quite serious consequences. That is why the requirements for a Chinese-Ukrainian translator are quite demanding, they involve mandatory knowledge of the source language and the language of translation, knowledge of the culture of the countries, knowledge of their legal systems, constant improvement of one's general knowledge in the field of translation, objectivity, the ability to re-read the text and to make sure there are no hidden errors that could later lead to a misinterpretation of the document [ibid.].

To improve and facilitate the process of translation work, scientists in the field of linguistic science have developed several translation techniques that can help the interpreter quickly decide which of the possible translation options is more appropriate. The task of techniques that can be involved in the work process is to overcome translation difficulties that stand in the way of providing an equivalent, adequate translation. The problem of finding the correct equivalent is related to the peculiarity of building a specialized language and creating a specialized translation. According to the conclusions of T.V. Stoyanova [12, p. 96-98], formed in the form of a visual list of translation techniques, primarily outlined in the scientific studies of O.O. Selivanova [13, p. 545], two sets of operations - lexical and grammatical - are useful for translation from Chinese into Ukrainian.

In the process of translation of such international agreements asЎ¶ЦР»ЄИЛГс№ІєН№ъХюё®єНОЪ їЛАјХюё®№ШУЪП໥іРИП С§АъєНС§О»Ц¤ КйµДР­¶ЁЎ· [15] (zhфnghuб rйnmнn gтnghйguу zhиngfu hй wыkиlбn zhиngfu guвnyъ xiвnghщ chйngrиn xuйlм hй xuйwиi zhиngshы de xiйdмng) - “Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the People's Republic of China on mutual recognition of documents on education and scientific degrees” [16], Ў¶ЦР »ЄИЛГс№ІєН№ъХюё®єНОЪїЛАјХюё® №ШУЪ№ДАшєНПа »Ґ±Ј»¤Н¶ЧК Р­¶ЁЎ·[15] (zhфnghuб rйnmнn gтnghйguу zhиngfu hй wыkиlбn zhиngfu guвnyъ gulм hй xiвnghщ baohщ tуuzо xiйdмng) - “Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the promotion and mutual protection of investments” [17], a consider-able number of samples of lexical units were found, reproduced in Ukrainian by involving some subtypes of lexical techniques, among which we single out:

formal: transcoding:

- transcription (transmission of “the sound form of the word of the source language by the letters of the target language” [19]): ОЪїЛАј (wыkиlбn) - Ukraine;

- tracing “ЧЁУРјјКх” - “know-how”, ЙМУю - “goodwill”. (The first of the mentioned respondents has an approximate translation of “patented technology”, and the second - “goodwill”. It is important to note that in the given case, tracing is not used for reproducing a Chinese expression, but an English one).


- generalization (a lexical unit of a narrow meaning is replaced by a unit of a broader, more general meaning [ibid.]): Ц¤Кй (zhиngshы) - a document (only in some cases it is translated as a “certificate”);

- modulation (transformations related to the choice of the counterpart in the target language, selected by logical selection: Л®ЖЅ (shuipнng) - qualifications;

- lexical-semantic replacement (replacement of a lexical unit of the source text with a unit of the translated language that does not correspond to the meaning of the first one, but their similarity is proven by logical transformations [ibid.]: К№УГ (shiyтng) - cover;

- omission (transformations, as a result of which parts of what is expressed are removed due to their redundancy or inappropriateness during translation [ibid.]): іЦёГЦ¤КйХЯ (chн gвi zhиngshы zhм) - holder of the certificate. (The given phrase is extracted from the Ukrainian expression “...entering to higher educational institutions...”. The expression of the full translation will look like this: “...entering of the certificate holder(s) to higher educational institutions...”).

- permutation (changing the order of lexical units in a lexical expression [ibid.]): ОЪїЛАј°д·ў (wыkиlбn bвnfв) - “issued in Ukraine” (this expression in the source text takes the middle position, after reproduction - the extreme one: Ў¶ЦР·ЅіРИПФЪОЪїЛАј°д·ўµД Ц°ТµјјКх№¤ИЛЦ¤КйЎЈЎ· [15] (Zhфngfвng chйngrиn zаi wыkиlбn bвnfв de zhнyи jмshщ gфngrйn zhиngshы) - “The Chinese side recognizes the diploma of a skilled worker issued in Ukraine”[17]);

- addition (adding into the target translation text some additional expression or element that is necessary for the meaning and the correct semantic construction, which V.N. Komisarov calls “implicit” [19]): Ў¶ЅрЗ®ЗлЗуИЁ»тѕЯУРѕ­јГ јЫЦµµДРРОЄЗлЗуИЁЎ· [15] (jоnqiбn qingqiъ quбn huт jщyou jоngjм jiаzhн de xнngwйi qingqiъ quбn) - “The right to demand money and obligations that have an economic value” [17]. The original expression does not use the lexical unit in the sense of “any”).

The analysis of the lexical techniques used during the translation of the samples proves that the interpreter most often used such methods of transformation as permutation, addition, and omission, which is caused primarily by the difference between the Chinese and Ukrainian languages` features of the construction of a coherent speech text on the example of international diplomatic papers in the form of agreements.

The following selection of examples is characterized by using the grammatical transformations in the process of translation:

- literal translation: Ў¶±ѕµзКУЧФГАЦ®ИХЖр°І И«ЎЈЎ· [15] (bмn xiйyм zм qiвn zhо rм qi shзngxiаo) - “This Agreement shall enter into force from the date of its signing” [17]; - dividing sentences: Ў¶№Щ·ЅНҐУ¦єПГы№Щ·ЅЖд µзУ°ФєјыЈ¬К№УГЦЦФЪµзКУНҐФЪ№Щ ·ЅФєК±їЙТФРВЛ№ µВёз¶ыД¦»бЖдУЪ ФєФєФєЎ·[15] (Zhтngcбi tнng yоng zмxнng zhмdмng qн chйngxщ guоzй, zаi ci zhong qнngkuаng xiа zhтngcбi tнng zаi zhмdмng chйngxщ shн kмyi cвnzhаo sоdйgз'мrmу shвnghuм zhтngcбi yuаn guоzй.) - «The arbitration court itself establishes the rules of procedure. At the same time, the court can adopt the Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce as a guideline during the determination of the procedure” [16];

- combining sentences: Ў¶ЦР·ЅКЦ»ъОЪїЛАјКЦ ·ўµДНкИ«ЖХНЁЦР µИЅМУэЅМјЗѕзЗйЎЈ КЦ»ъ±ѕЅб№ы ХЯУРЖ·ЙэИлЦР»ЄИЛ ГсєНєН№ъёЯµИФєРЈЎ·[15] (Zhфngfвng chйngrиn wыkиlбn bвnfв de wбnquбn putфng zhфngdмng jiаoyщ bмyи zhиngshы. Chн you bмn zhиngshы zhм you zоgй shзng rщ zhфnghuб rйnmнn gтnghйguу de gвodмng yuаn xiаo) - “The Chinese Party recognizes the certificate of complete general secondary education issued in Ukraine as a document giving the right to enter higher educational institutions of the Chinese People's Republic” [17];

- grammatical substitutions (there is a difference in the grammatical meanings of the lexical units of the source language and the target language): µЪ Т»ёц (dм yо tiбo) - “article 1”.

As a result of scientific investigations, it was found that the techniques of addition, omission, and combining sentences were most often involved in the translation process, the last of which occupies a leading position among other used techniques. According to the results of the quantitative distribution, it is worth noting that the use of grammatical techniques to reproduce lexical units in the translated texts does not take much, but still a higher percentage, even if theoretically a larger list of its subtypes is included into the list of lexical techniques. There is a table of quantitative distribution in the form of percentage ratios of the translation transformations (lexical, grammatical) (table 1).

Table 1

Table of percentage ratios of applied lexical and grammatical translation transformations in translating diplomatic papers from Chinese into Ukrainian

Translation transformations






Although the majority of scientists claim that a cultural element can be present in the genres of all styles of speech, except for the official one, in which diplomatic discourse functions, however, during the study of the source diplomatic texts and their translations into Ukrainian, the samples of the cultural element were found.

It is important to emphasize that if the presence of a cultural code in every information source is rejected or denied and the wrong choice of linguistic approaches and means in the process of reproducing information from one language to another can be caused, that in turn can contribute to the emergence of obstacles on the way to creating an adequate, reliable translation text [13, p. 184].

The interpreter's common use of the grammatical technique of combining sentences helped to identify the linguistic and cultural aspect of the texts of the diplomatic agreements. The use of this technique was expressed in the fact that in the Ukrainian language, most of the Chinese articles of the international agreements are translated as one single sentence, even if it is quite compositionally complex, although, in the original text, this expression can have a form of two or three sentences. The explanation for this phenomenon is a special, historically determined requirement for the execution of Chinese documents. We are talking not only about mandatory requirements for Chinese texts, such as clarity, conciseness, consistency, and others but also about a certain level of rigor, adherence to regulated rules, an ingrained discipline expressed in a concise sequence. and restraint of presentation. The result of using the grammatical technique of combining sentences is removing the cultural element inherent in the expression in the source language. But such a phenomenon is allowed, only if the meaning of the source text is preserved.

Only one example of the cultural element, but even it can testify that any international communication, even if it is expressed in diplomatic agreements, involves a certain percentage of work devoted to identifying manifestations of the culture of another state and choosing translating methods of transmission, thanks to which these elements can be professionally reproduced or replaced without harming the content of the source text.

Following set first task for theoretical research on the topic of the presented scientific study, several scientific studies by native and foreign, Western and Eastern scientists, dedicated to the study of the peculiarities of the language structure in the compilation and translation of documents of an intergovernmental standard from Chinese into Ukrainian, were studied, and a general conclusion was formulated, as the final report of the work done. We summarize that the diplomatic discourse of two languages, Chinese and Ukrainian, functions within the limits of the official style of speech.

The stable set of speech forms, established phrases, word combinations, and terminological units are the forms of manifestation of the texts of diplomatic discourse. To reproduce the abovementioned elements, the interpreter uses a set of translating techniques in the process of translation, among which we focused on lexical and grammatical ones. According to the conclusions of the practical part of the research, we claim that a larger quantitative share falls on the use of grammatical techniques, the data in percentages are demonstrated in the table 2.1. under the title “Table of percentage ratios of applied lexical and grammatical translating techniques in the translating process of diplomatic papers from Chinese into Ukrainian” of this scientific study.

The results also allow us to state that the linguistic and cultural element, its identification, and the choice of methods of its transmission require the greatest attention during translation. The scientific value and source for future research can be related to the idea that the transmission of the linguistic and cultural phenomenon, revealed in the texts of international Chinese-Ukrainian agreements, involves primarily the use of grammatical operations of combining sentences. The theses presented in this study also require any confirmation or refutation in future scientific research in the field of knowledge of the humanities, in the specialty “Philology” with a specialization in oriental languages and literature (including translation).


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15. Uhoda mizh Uriadom Ukrainy i Uriadom Kytaiskoi Narodnoi Respubliky pro zaokhochennia ta vzaiemnyi zakhyst investytsii. [Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the promotion and mutual protection of investments].

16. Uhoda mizh Uriadom Ukrainy ta Uriadom Kytaiskoi Narodnoi Respubliky pro vzaiemne vyznannia dokumentiv pro osvitu i naukovi stupeni. [Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the People's Republic of China on mutual recognition of documents on education and scientific degrees].

17. Romanova O. Novice Translators' Training Challenges: Common Issues of Rendering CultureSpecific Lexis in Publicist Style Texts. General and Specialist Translation / Interpretation. Kyiv: Agrar Media Group. 2018. P. 184-193.

18. Smith S. A. Culture Clash: AngloAmerican Case Law and German Civil Law in Translation. John Benjamins Publishing Company. London, 1995. 250 p.

19. ЦР»ЄИЛГс№ІєН№ъХюё®єНОЪїЛАјХюё®№ШУЪ№ДАшєНП໥±Ј»¤Н¶ЧКР­¶Ё

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