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Kostiantyn Komisarov, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of the Japanese Language and Translation Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Yulia Boryshpolets, Senior Lecturer at the Department of the Japanese Language and Translation, Deputy Dean for Scientific, Methodical and Educational Work Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Semantic and functional features of the means expressing modality in the modern Japanese language as an issue of linguistic didactics
The article is devoted to analysis of the semantic and functional features of modality units in the modern Japanese language from the standpoint of linguistic didactics. The main problematic points were identified and potential ways to overcome them in the process of teaching Japanese as a foreign language were recommended. Modality as an object of study has always been and remains a complex subsystem, because there is no agreed point of view among linguists regarding the scope of this category. It expresses a way of mental-sensory reflection of reality, and the number of such ways is significant and diverse. The Japanese language has a harmoniously developed and fairly large-scale system of modality units, which causes significant difficulties for the students.
It was established that modality representation schemes are classified in Japan mainly according to semantic-functional and structural-morphological criteria with mandatory consideration of speaker and addressee factors, and the most interesting for linguistic didactics are auxiliary elements attached to predicate forms. The analysis showed that in the process of researching the category of modality, one should first of all pay attention to formal indicators, as well as convey this necessity to the students. Specifying the two large semantic-functional groups of modality units in the Japanese language - subjective assumption and axiological modality - appears to be quite effective and clear.
Besides, in the Japanese language classes, it is worth emphasizing that in the Japanese culture the source of obtaining information and its reliability are important, as well as illustrating this fact with the help of the category of modality. Circumstances of obtaining information are inferior to the level of interest of the speaker. As for the interest in information in general, psycho-emotional state of the author of the message cannot be overlooked.
Key words: linguistic didactics, category of modality, subjective assumption, axiological modality.
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