Non-verbal component role in foreign language text activity formation process

The article is devoted the modern understanding and analysis of the non-verbal component role in the textual activity formation process in foreign language teaching. The importance of the non-verbal component in the process of textual activity formation.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 25.11.2023
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Non-verbal component role in foreign language

text activity formation process

Davydova Natalya Viktorivna

Senior Lecturer of Ukrainian Studies and Foreign Languages Department, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipro

Dekusar Ganna Gennadiivna

Senior Lecturer of the of Ukrainian Studies and Foreign Languages Department, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipro


The article is devoted to the modern understanding and analysis of the non-verbal component role in the textual activity formation process in foreign language teaching. In the educational text activity process, especially in a foreign language (as well as any educational activity), formation processes in both aspects are connected with external attitudes drawn from the theory and practice of teaching, which is presented to the students. Gradually, these external settings become internal settings, the tasks of text activity formation are interiorized. Psychologists and methodologists, working in the field of foreign language learning, discuss, mainly, the "word- concept" connection [1]. This, of course, is one of the central aspects of the speech mechanism, because, forming this connection, we develop the ability to name, verbalize reality in a foreign language, which is facilitated by work on mastering the semantics of the language. The “word-image” connection is no less important. The authors of the article rely on a number of associative experiments conducted by them, draw a number of conclusions that contribute to the consideration of the text in various aspects in order to overcome the imperfection of visualization in external speech, which leads students to an instinctive desire to think not in a foreign language, but in their native language. When communicating, they switch to expressing their thoughts in their native language. The authors emphasize the importance of the non-verbal component in the process of textual activity formation, give qualitative characteristics of understanding the educational text in a foreign language and establish connections with the communicative situation, stress the exceptional role of emotions acting as mental activity coordinator. The experiments, conducted by the authors, showed that when reading foreign language texts, the picture was changed. The context is a powerful factor in establishing the “word-image” connection, immersing the recipient in an intratextual situation and activating the memory and imagination activity. There is a self-evident need to improve the psychological culture of students in this direction: the psychological infantilism elimination, which is achieved by encouraging students to achieve content of the text visualization through a willful effort, especially if it contains any difficulties for understanding. This leads to one side of the problem of organization, and then self-organization of foreign language learning, as well as issues of learning process individualization. The teacher, teaching techniques and operations necessary for knowledge assimilation, must use extratextual visuality, as well as interaction nature with intratextual visuality based on mental images presented.

Keywords: associative experiment, textual activity, non-verbal component, semantics, intratextual situation, visualization, extratextual.


Давидова Наталія Вікторівна

старший викладач кафедри українознавства та іноземних мов, Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ, м. Дніпро,

Декусар Ганна Геннадіївна

старший викладач кафедри українознавства та іноземних мов, Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ, м. Дніпро,


Стаття присвячена сучасному осмисленню та аналізу ролі невербального компонента у процесі становлення текстової діяльності при навчанні іноземної мови. У процесі навчальної текстової діяльності, особливо іноземною мовою (як і будь-якої навчальної діяльності), процеси становлення в обох аспектах пов'язані спочатку із зовнішніми установками, що черпаються з теорії та практики навчання викладачем, які він потім презентує учням. Поступово ці зовнішні установки стають внутрішніми установками, відбувається інтеріоризація завдань керування текстовою діяльністю. Психологи та методисти, які працюють у галузі навчання іноземних мов, наділяють увагу зв'язку «слово-поняття» [1]. Це, безумовно, одне із центральних аспектів мовного механізму, бо, формуючи цей зв'язок, ми розвиваємо здатність називати, іншомовної вербалізації дійсності, чому сприяє робота над оволодінням семантикою мови. Не менш важливий зв'язок «слово-образ». Автори статті спираються на асоціативні експерименти, які проведені ними, роблять низку висновків, які сприяють розгляду тексту в різних аспектах з метою подолати недосконалість візуалізації у зовнішній промові, яке призводить студентів до інстинктивного прагнення думати не іноземною, а рідною мовою та при спілкуванні за першою ж можливістю переходити до вираження думок рідною. А також, наголошують на важливості невербального компонента в процесі становлення текстової діяльності, дають якісні характеристики розуміння навчального тексту іноземною мовою та встановлюють зв'язки з комунікативною ситуацією, наголошують на винятковій ролі емоцій, що виступають у функції координатора розумової діяльності. Проведені авторами статті експерименти показали, що у процесі читання іншомовних текстів картина змінюється: контекст є могутнім чинником у встановленні зв'язку «слово-образ», занурюючи реципієнта у внутритекстовую ситуацію та активізуючи діяльність пам'яті та уяви. Очевидна необхідність підвищення психологічної культури учнів у цьому напрямі: усунення психологічної інфантильності, яке досягається спонуканням учнів домагатися вольовим зусиллям візуалізації змістовної інформації тексту, якщо він містить якісь проблеми розуміння. Це активізує проблеми організації, та самоорганізації навчання іноземної мови, як і питання індивідуалізації процесу навчання. Викладач, навчаючи прийомам, операціям, які необхідні для засвоєння знань, повинен використовувати позатекстову наочність, як і її взаємодію з внутритекстовою наочністю, засновану на психічних образах уявлень.

Ключові слова: асоціативний експеримент, текстова діяльність, невербальний компонент, семантика, внутрішньотекстова ситуація, візуалізація, позатекстовий.

The purpose of the study

non verbal language textual activity

Considering the question of the relationship between the two forms of visibility in the formation of foreign language speech skills, it is emphasized that the methodological task is "to help the student of a foreign language move from the situation of distributing attention to the program and the means of its implementation to focusing attention only on the program” [2]. The authors propose to build a methodological scheme for the correlation of external and internal visibility (through the introduction of coefficients for the use of external visibility and the stock of images of internal visibility in the minds of students), establish context-image connections, emphasize the need, when raising the question of teaching textual activity, to set and solve along with others issues of education, features of mental management in its two main aspects: logical- psychological and operational-psychological.

Analysis of recent research and publications

One of the main goals of the modern educational process is the transition to the personal paradigm of activity. Researchers put the interests of the individual at the forefront. It should be noted that the personality of a person is inextricably linked with the process of cognition. Since ancient times, the essence of human cognition, its structure and forms have been of interest not only to philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, Epicurus, F. Bacon, etc., but also to educators-practitioners of the past, which include Ya. A Komensky, P. F. Kapterev, K. D. Ushinsky and others. Their teachings in the field of cognition are highly valued by modern researchers who laid the theoretical foundations for the emergence and development of knowledge. Theory and practice for the further development of teaching methods in higher education are inextricably linked. The communicative method of learning languages is one of the most popular and beloved by linguists, is considered by such modern foreign linguists as Brown, H. D., Galloway, A., Graves, K., Hymes, D., Larsen-Freeman, D., Nunan, D., Omaggio Hadley, A. and others. The creation of a communicative situation and situational conditions are not considered in these studies, but the emphasis is on the practical use of ready-made structural elements.

The importance of the text cognition inhancement by students in the process of mastering a foreign language is also highlighted in the works of some contemporary domestic researchers such as Pakulova T.V. [12], Tsariova I.V. [13] and others.

Presentation of the main study material

An analysis of a large number of school and university textbooks in a foreign language and Ukrainian for foreign students showed that the degree of correspondence between the content of the text and the picture depends on a number of factors, of which we will single out two. Characteristics of the text, reflecting the ratio of abstract, generalized and specific thoughts in it; a hierarchy of predicates of different orders, basic and conveying additional information; the degree of objectivity and situationality of the text; the degree of explication by the author of internal images (which conveys the concept of “the degree of potential imagery of the text”,in order to enhance the activity of the recipient5s memory and imagination. Characteristics of a post-text drawing. We will indicate five of them: a) illustrative material, like the text, may include predicates of different orders, be the bearer of predications of ideas, topics, problems and specific content b) illustrative material can directly and indirectly reflect the objects of reflection, representing a substantive or schematized image. c) drawings can belong to different genres. r) illustrative material may be non-narrative. The drawings of the first group perform the normative function of the content and convey only some signs of the main one, in turn, they are divided into static and dynamic, reflecting the process. e) illustrations can be accompanying the text or accompanying the text. They are created directly for this text; the latter are independent and are given in the text in connection with the figure and text. Such a ratio of text and picture depends on the degree of coincidence of the first-order predicates of text and picture (for example, whether the illustration conveys the main idea of the text or reflects only part of its specific content). Depending on how the listed factors (and a number of others not indicated) are related here), we can outline several relationships expressing the degree of coincidence of the content of the text and visual aids: full match, partial match, when a) the content of the text is greater than the contentdrawing; b) the content of the text is less than the content of the figure; c) the content of the text and figure intersect; d) the content of the text and figure is mutually indefinite. And the complete discrepancy between the texts and the drawings related to them. An experiment was conducted with students of different age groups and different nationalities on the material of texts in a non-native language, each of which was provided with three pictures: I - corresponding to the text in content, 2 - partially coinciding with it in content; 3 - not corresponding to the content of the text (picture - “destructor”)

The results showed that texts provided with pictures that coincided with them in content were understood by students of different ages not rationally. An analysis of data on the clarity and creativity of understanding allows us to outline some differentiation in the role of a picture for the semantic perception of texts by students of different groups. The clarity of understanding in the senior group, as well as at the advanced stage of teaching the Ukrainian language to foreign students in the preparatory course, was the same in the presence of drawings, both fully and partially corresponding to the content of the text. At the same time, in the second case, an activation of the activity of the recreating imagination was observed, the images that appeared during reading were clearer, more voluminous, more mobile, more often colored, and were retained in memory longer. An analysis of the respondents' answers to the questionnaire also allows us to talk about greater interest in working with drawings in part, rather than fully corresponding to the content of the texts. Similar data were obtained for creativity: it was the highest with partial correspondence between the content of the picture and the text. Drawings of a distracting nature, destructors, contributed least of all to understanding the content of what was read. However, in the older age group and at an advanced stage of learning a foreign language, there was a tendency towards an increase in the positive role of such drawings to control students' understanding of the text.

These subjects noted in the protocols that they were interested in identifying the discrepancy between the picture and the text, solving it as a task, which helped them better understand the content of the message itself. The last thought is quite justified: in the conditions of “interference”,the reader's mental and all mental activity is activated, the visualization of the reality described in the text is more quickly carried out in his mind. Along with the use of text-based drawings when working with text, any other signs that allow you to mark the semantic beginning of the text, for example, graphics, maps, up to individual characters, can be a very effective means of extra-textual clarity. Such signs-signals can also include a verbal code used according to the principle of external or internal association. Turning into a possible unit in the mind of the student, these signs-signals are those marked rod, around which information related to them is grouped, if it is necessary to update it, “floating up” from the depths of long-term memory and getting into the “window of consciousness”. Psycholinguists recommend presenting educational material not as amorphously equivalent, but as constantly focused on semantic centers, located in the form of semantic hierarchies, and, no less important, teach students to find means of symbolism or create their own, individual signs-symbols to mark the most essential, "nuclear » information [3]. This can make their long-term memory work easier. And this makes it possible to effectively, quickly and firmly memorize large-volume educational material. Finally, no less interesting is the question of the need to form in students, when reading a text, especially in a foreign language, an image of its form, also using the means of schematic-figurative, symbolic external visibility, which, as our study showed, greatly contributes to the acceleration and qualitative improvement the process of understanding foreign textual information.

In this regard, the method of educational prototyping is very effective in teaching students to work with a foreign language standard educational text. The text here means a schematized image in graphic form of the distinctive features inherent in the external or internal structure of the text- model or a typical educational text, which is designed to form in students a mental image of the text (an image of the text form, primarily a compositional image) and to activate the process of understanding and assimilation of the text. information. Linguo-methodical literature offers different layouts for visualizing the formal content features of the educational text. These include layouts that reflect the ways of presenting thoughts in texts and paragraphs that we have studied and described earlier and which are offered by linguists and methodologists, as well as other types of layouts [4]. The use of the above and other layouts as a means of schematic and pictorial external clarity when teaching students to work with text does not contribute to the formation of schematized mental images (internal visibility) associated with the image of the structural basis of the text, which facilitate and speed up the learning process, which was demonstrated by the results of experiential learning, conducted by us with cadets of the specialty "Law" on the material of English texts in the specialty (at the final stage of training). The data obtained by us were confirmed in the process of our experimental teaching of foreign students to read original literature on the legal specialty in Ukrainian in the preparatory course. Respondents, answering the questions of the questionnaire, indicated that after the course of study they not only began to understand the text they read faster and better, but also its comprehension was accompanied by the emergence of a schematized mental image in them, the image ext compositions. In this regard, a control series of the experiment was carried out, during which the subjects, after working with four texts in the Ukrainian language in their specialty, had to schematically depict the logical and content structure of the texts that they had previously read. This unexpectedly received task was carried out "from memory" by the majority correctly; then, to control the obtained results, the subjects were presented with texts for the second time. The task was given based on the text to schematically present its logical and content structure.

The results obtained experimentally confirmed the idea that in the memory of cadets reading a foreign-language legal text, not only the image of its content is imprinted, but often its compositional image. At the same time, the more clearly the compositional-semantic structure, the material image of the presented text, is organized, the clearer will be the corresponding mental image of the text that arises in the mind of the recipient. The subjects stated that when reading Ukrainian texts in their specialty, schematized images did not begin to appear in them immediately, but as a result of working with a series of texts, when they were taught the ability to determine the features of the compositional and semantic structure of texts. They also pointed out that when reading texts in their specialty in their native language, the compositional image of the text was often imprinted in their memory. It would be more correct to assume that, although the fixation of a composite image of a text in memory is sometimes realized, many cases of imprinting still take place at the subconscious level.

We emphasize once again that much depends on the structure of the text itself as an object of perception, as well as on the mental characteristics of the recipient's personality. Obviously, the ability to see the compositional image of a foreign language text must be taught. The study has shown that direct transfer from the native language to the non-native one, associated with the formation of images of message composition layouts, does not occur or occurs with a significant time lag. The connection between the visual internal image and the sign product - the text perceived by the recipient, at least in line with the issues under discussion. The corresponding skill is significant, because it is necessary when teaching both different types of reading, and processing it compressing and writing a new text based on it, as it contributes to a more complete, accurate, deep, clear understanding of textual information, is associated with various qualitative characteristics of understanding.

Among the features that characterize the qualitative side of understanding, researchers most often distinguish "depth" and "distinctness". In some cases, it is also called "completeness" [5]. At the same time, a set of basic qualitative characteristics of understanding has not yet been developed, there are no separate characteristics, which leads to their ambiguous interpretation, terminological confusion. In addition to the expediency of solving this issue in a theoretical aspect, it is important and pragmatically, as it can help the teacher-practitioner in the control assessment of the level, the degree of understanding by students of the text read or listened to (for example, it allows you to correctly compare the information presented to the students with the information included in the retellings of this text). It can also contribute to obtaining the correct results of psychological and methodological research, including checking the understanding of the experimental text. Let's try to identify and define the main qualitative characteristics of understanding. Let us first dwell on the concepts of “perception”, “semantic perception”, “understanding”. Conditionally separating the corresponding processes, speech researchers emphasize their organic unity: “We perceive speech on the basis of its understanding and understand on the basis of its perception” [6]. The term "perception" has "a double meaning. It denotes, on the one hand, the image of an object that arises as a result of the process of perception, but it also denotes this process of perception itself” [7].

Understanding of the text is also interpreted by the authors in several meanings. Traditionally, understanding is the resulting stage of semantic perception, which, in turn, is defined by her as “a single process of interaction between perception and understanding” [8]. There is an opinion that understanding is one of the two stages of perception; the first stage is orientation, conveying the relationship between text and reality; the stage of understanding involves the establishment of relationships, interaction between the reader and the text [9]. All three terms are used in this work. Since for the recipient to comprehend the text, it is important to take into account its reception of the external form of the message, then in this case we are talking about highlighting the process of understanding the semantic side and accepting the external form of the text.

In a number of cases, this term is also used to convey the process of comprehension, but the process that directly includes the intermediate resulting stages of understanding, characterized by internal gradation. At the same time, the context of the presentation allows you to determine whether the process or the resulting stage is in question. Accordingly, some of the identified qualitative characteristics of understanding will characterize it as the final phase of understanding, and some as a process. Nine characteristics were identified as the most important qualitative characteristics of understanding, taking into account the degree of participation in this process of memory of the recreating and creative imagination, feelings, will: completeness, accuracy, depth, speed, clarity, creativity, emotional coloring, volitional coloring, criticality.

Let us stipulate that we consider the listed signs, not as clearly adjacent and obligatorily presented, in each case, but as compatible, such, the signs of which allow the possibility of full or partial coincidence of their volumes. Therefore, depending on the objective textual characteristics or subjective factors, individual psychological characteristics of the recipient, they can be in three types of relations of equivalence, subordination and re-baptism; in some cases, individual signs may be absent. Under the completeness of understanding is meant the degree of comprehension of the total textual information, both general and the entire specific content of the text. The amount of perceived information allows us to talk about a greater or lesser completeness of understanding. To determine the completeness of understanding the text, researchers use different methods (meaning the analysis of the experimental text), which make it possible to count the number of thoughts transmitted during the reproduction of the text, for example, comparing the number of semantic categories in the text and in its retelling by the recipient.

An important role in ensuring the completeness of understanding the text is played by the external manifestation of textual clarity, the presence of paralinguistic means that contribute to the explicit expression of the author's thoughts. The internal setting of students to perceive and retain in memory as much textual information as possible is provided by pre-text tasks, such as: “Read the text and convey its full content” (about the characteristics of the concept of “content”). The accuracy of understanding is the ability to single out and adequately comprehend, first of all, the main, main information of the text, its main content: this may include that part of the general and specific content of the text that is most closely related to the allocation of essential, essential aspects, signs of the subject of the topic as manifestations of the author's attitude towards him, his assessment. The accuracy of understanding implies an active transformative processing of textual information by the reader, which is based on the ability to identify the ideological and thematic basis of the text, to gradate thoughts explicitly expressed using linguistic and paralinguistic means according to their importance.

Speaking about the accuracy of understanding, we mean the comprehension of textual information “vertically” in depth, starting from its surface layer. The theory of predicates can be used as the basis for methods for determining the accuracy of understanding. These techniques should include ways to identify the main predicates of the text (for example, the “method of communicative programs”, analysis of the subject plan of the text, methods based on the compilation of “denotational maps”. Pre-text exercises such as: “Read the text and convey its main content”, “Read the text and determine its main (main) thoughts”. In addition, just as in order to achieve completeness of understanding, it is important here that the compilers of the texts actively include the necessary paralinguistic means in them, and those external manifestations of textual clarity that most appropriate to use at the appropriate stage of learning to read. associated with the assessment of textual information depending on the degree of penetration of the reader into the author's subtext in the presence of a deep, hidden layer of information in the text; with such categories of semantic information as “evaluative-emotional” and “motivational-volitional”, which carry the most difficult information to perceive. The depth of understanding is due to the extent to which the reader was able to perceive the emotional charge embedded in the text and recognize the author's communicative intention, which is sometimes hidden in deep subtext.

To control the depth of understanding, test control can be used quite effectively (which does not mean that it cannot be used to control other characteristics of understanding), intra-text - a question-task (typical, for example, for texts with a mental task, where it can also be called a question - stimulus), control of means of extra-textual visualization (selection of pictures corresponding to the essence of textual content), etc. Clarity of understanding involves a combination of the act of comprehending what is being read and its presentation, it is associated with distinctness, brightness, duration, dynamism and other characteristics of images that arise during reading. The clarity of understanding, on the one hand, depends on the objective factor - the text, namely, on the potential text clarity (on its subject- content imagery, language imagery, structural-graphic imagery), and on the other hand, on the subjective factor - the liveliness of the recipient's imagination, wealth of experience, professional skills. Determining the clarity of understanding can be carried out with the help of appropriate questioning, completing tasks using extra-textual visual aids, etc.

Creativity of understanding implies the presence of creative processing of the perceived information of the text with going beyond the text. Reading is accompanied by an “increase in information” and is associated with a link that determines two levels of creativity of understanding. When performing tasks, instructions of an external installation, this level is most closely related to the objective factor, the specifics of texts that include the author's motivational-volitional information (texts of a directive type). This feature of the texts can be called a potential incentive-volitional orientation.

Another level of creativity is directly related to the subjective factor, with the manifestation of creative imagination and the willingness to actively process textual information. This means, as close as possible to the essence of the author's main thoughts, to move as far as possible from the text into a distant text (when textual information gives impetus to a new direction of thoughts of the reader, absorbed in the search for a solution to some of his problems). The result is a complimentary text. To control the creativity of understanding, you can use various techniques for solving problems based on the text, for example, when reading texts with a mental task, as well as the corresponding questioning about the degree of representation of the speed of understanding can be judged by the ratio of two parameters: the speed of reading and the degree of penetration of the recipient into the essence of what is being read.

Accordingly, to control the speed of understanding, it is advisable to simultaneously use both the time factor and the accuracy of answers to questions on the content of what has been read. The next two characteristics are more closely related to the procedural rather than the resulting stage of understanding textual information. Comprehension reflects an assessment not only of the degree of interest shown by the recipient in the text being read, but also of the corresponding degree of penetration into the content of the message.

Highlighting this characteristic, we emphasize the exceptional role of emotions acting as a coordinator of mental activity “as a special, exclusive regulator, the meaning of which is the summation, integration of the effects of the activities of other regulators” [10]. As experience shows, a more complex but interesting text is often understood by students better than a simpler one that does not affect their area of interest, their emotional sphere. However, it should be borne in mind that going beyond the “upper limit” of content or formal complexity and, accordingly, the complexity of the text, which is acceptable for specific individuals of a certain age group (or, more broadly, social), may result in the reader's indifference to what is being read, even if this the information is in the sphere of his cognitive interests, which, of course, will reduce the activity of the recipient in overcoming difficulties.

Volitional coloring also largely affects the degree of representation of others. characteristics of understanding; the desire of the recipient to comprehend the text, overcoming its substantive and formal difficulties, the desire to imagine what is being read in the form of visual images, the desire to penetrate the described world of feelings and empathize are largely due to the degree of the reader's volitional efforts. The will stimulates the activity of all mental activity of a person. The role of this characteristic increases when it comes to the perception of an educational text, and even more so an educational text in a foreign language.

Concerning the trace mental images in students certain invariant text structures, it is necessary to familiarize with texts-models of certain genres and species as carriers of a characteristic material image text, primary or secondary. With a broader interpretation of the question posed, cardinally it is important to create such a material image of the educational text that bears the features of a model text with strict set of introduced invariant structures. By using this set, the author, focusing on specific recipients - certain age group of students, reaches balance between textual characteristics, activating and organizing mental activity and the capacity of the recipient-student. Statement in the text of tasks, can't be difficult, but interesting, necessary and possible to solve. The textual information is the disappearance of the unity of the verbal and figurative principles: an easy task is boring and too difficult scares away, deprives of interest. These factors acquire special significance in the conditions of educational communication. Author-compiler - teacher - student (if available) The position of the pedagogue can be characterized by two-phased functions, performed by him, when working with the text: at first, the text reader and then active copyright interpreter of ideas, embedded in the message, the person contributing, in particular, implementation of the author's communicative intention when comprehending text by students.

The criteria for evaluating the last two characteristics of understanding are a number of paralinguistic parameters (facial, gestural, etc.), as well as answers to questions from special questionnaires. Criticality is manifested in the evaluation of textual information, in the expression of a certain attitude, a certain position on the part of the recipient. In many ways, this qualitative characteristic of understanding reflects such a quality of the mind as criticality, a person's ability to correctly assess objective conditions and one's own activity, objectively evaluate the hypotheses put forward and the results of their verification, etc. The basis here is the life baggage of the recipient, the amount of his knowledge, and also the ability to think unconventionally, independently, another quality of the mind is independence. Note, that the text itself should be informative, include a mental task, arouse interest in the student; such a text not only carries a cognitive beginning, but also performs a general educational function.

The criticality of understanding can be judged by the students' answers to questions on the read (or listened to) text. These can be appropriately formulated questions-stimuli, suggesting a certain reaction of students; criticality can be indicated in students' retellings of the author's text, including elements of assessment, etc. Speaking about the qualitative characteristics of understanding, we only briefly touched on the issue of indicators of understanding, criteria for its assessment.

The authors propose to consider various ways of checking understanding, highlighting, in addition to an extensive list of basic methods, communicative and textual-analytical. Emphasis on the important idea that the teacher should check understanding not in one, but in parallel in several ways: “Judge understanding of the text should be based on a comparison of various indicators. Only correlating analysis can speak about the degree of understanding of the text” [11].

We point out that this is no less significant for the setting up psychological-linguistic conditions and psychological-methodological experiments. In written communication, the non-verbal situation appears to be split into “author's situation” and “reader's situation”,in turn, each of these text situations being born in the conditions of the author's situation, the account of the reader's situation, the text becomes a given, introduced into the situation of distant communication. This means that the author's situation lies in the fact that part of the non-verbal situation in which he finds himself can then be realized in the text, taking on a completely different form of verbal materialization, i.e., turning into a verbal textual situation. These two types of situations - the author's non-verbal and text verbal are directly related to each other.

A completely different picture emerges when analyzing the situation in which the recipient is immersed: the relationship between the verbal text situation and the reader's non-verbal situation can rarely be characterized by an organic direct connection, most often the verbal text situation does not correlate with the recipient's non-verbal situation in any way - their relationship is realized indirectly, through the influence of each of the them on the reader in isolation. Penetrating into the author's situation, the reader perceives it only through his own situation (including the specifics of his mental life), therefore, when the reader perceives the text, he actually has some kind of his own, new statement, bearing the features of both the author's and the reader's situation.

Thus, in terms of written communication, the text can be considered one of the realized conditions of the global situation. The reflection in the text of the situation is of a specific nature, mediated by the peculiarities of the perception of the communicants, is distinguished by a certain selectivity and the presence of distinguished and hidden positions, their explicitness or implicitness. The foregoing allows not to oppose the text to the situation. Having placed the text as a middle link between language and speech, one can consider it as an abstract statement impersonal, extra-situational, non- communicative, while “speech (speech act) is a real statement filled with the substance of a specific situation” [11].

We do not consider the text as an extra-situational principle at all: it is simply included in two situations separated in time and / or place, and between its author and reader there is, as a rule, only a distant connection, local or temporal. Being "a real statement filled with a concrete situation" of the author, it then falls into the situation of the reader. During this intermediate period, one can perceive the text as an extra-situational beginning, but conditionally, since it remains the bearer of the author's situation. In order to understand the text, the reader must penetrate the author's situation, and since he can perceive it only through his own situation, including the specifics of his mental life, this will already be the birth of a new statement filled with both the author's situations and a new specific situation, the reader's situation.


The processes of internalization and exteriorization, which form the basis of the mechanism for the formation and functioning of the text, are, according to scientists, cyclical in the development of human activity and mastering its actions, revealing four mains, qualitatively different and at the same time organically interconnected stages. They are also components of the actual textual activity at the stages of interiorization and exteriorization. Since the results of neither objective nor sign, activity is given to a person phylogenetically, but are acquired by him in the course of ontogenetic development, in the process of social and labor activity, this appropriation of social experience, its transformation through texts into an individual one, must be taught, how it is necessary to teach and broadcast one's "foreign” thoughts. This is especially important when working with a foreign language text: in terms of its semantic perception, in terms of the generation of a secondary text on its basis by students, as well as their own, primary meaning. Since sign activity cannot arise before objective activity, language abilities are not innate, and any person can be taught a foreign language using mental management in processing and generating of texts in two main aspects: logical-psychological and operational-psychological.


1. Brown, H. D. (2017). Teaching by principles: an interactive approach to language pedagogy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.

2. Galloway, A. (2013). Communicative language teaching: An Introduction and Sample Activities. ERIC Digest, ED357642.

3 Graves, K. (2015). Designing language courses: A guide for teachers. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.

4. Hayati, M. (2017). Teaching English for Special Purposes in Iran: problems and Suggestions. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 7(2), p.147-169.

5. Hymes,D. (1971). `Competence and performance in linguistic theory' in R. Huxley and E. Ingram (eds.). Language Acquisition: Models and Methods. London: Academic Press.

6. Larsen-Freeman, D. (2001). Techniques and principles in language teaching. New York: Oxford University Press.

7. Little wood, W. (2015). Communicative Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

8. Littlewood, W. (2016). Foreign and Second Language Learning. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

9. Nunan, D. (2019). Second language teaching and learning. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.

10. Omaggio Hadley, A. (2020). Teaching languages in context. Boston, Mass.: Heinle & Heinle.

11. Qinghong, MA. (2009). Key Elements in Conducting Communicative Approach to Language Teaching. Canadian Social Science, 5(2).

12. Shinkarenko I., Pakulova T. (2019). Communicative Competence as a Component of the Professional Skill of the Investigator Науковий вісник ДДУВС. Спеціальний випуск №1, 2019. 309 р. Р. 297-302

13. Tsareva I.V. (2019). Functional and derivative space of the legal text // Advanced trends of the modern development of philology in European countries: Collective monograph. Riga: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”,2019. P. 217-233


1. Brown, Н. D. (2017). Teaching by principles: an interactive approach to language pedagogy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.

2. Galloway, A. (2013). Communicative language teaching: An Introduction and Sample Activities. ERIC Digest, ED357642.

3 Graves, K. (2015). Designing language courses: A guide for teachers. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.

4. Hayati, M. (2017). Teaching English for Special Purposes in Iran: problems and Suggestions. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 7(2), p.147-169.

5. Hymes, D. (1971). 'Competence and performance in linguistic theory5 in R. Huxley and E. Ingram (eds.). Language Acquisition: Models and Methods. London: Academic Press.

6. Larsen-Freeman, D. (2001). Techniques and principles in language teaching. New York: Oxford University Press.

7. Littlewood, W. (2015). Communicative Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

8. Little wood, W. (2016). Foreign and Second Language Learning. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

9. Nunan, D. (2019). Second language teaching and learning. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.

10. Omaggio Hadley, A. (2020). Teaching languages in context. Boston, Mass.: Heinle & Heinle.

11. Qinghong, MA. (2009). Key Elements in Conducting Communicative Approach to Language Teaching. Canadian Social Science, 5(2).

12. Shinkarenko I., Pakulova T. (2019). Communicative Competence as a Component of the Professional Skill of the Investigator Науковий вісник ДДУВС. Спеціальний випуск №1, 2019. 309 р. Р. 297-302

13. Tsareva I.V. (2019). Functional and derivative space of the legal text // Advanced trends of the modern development of philology in European countries: Collective monograph. Riga: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”,2019. P. 217-233

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