Features of the development of Japan’s new economy
Analysis of directions and features of the development of Japan’s new economy. Commercial banks, trade corporations and the largest industrial corporations. The basic factors of self-sufficiency of the Japanese economic model, its competitive advantages.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.11.2023 |
Размер файла | 17,2 K |
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Features of the development of Japan s new economy
Busarieva Tetyana Gennadiyevna, Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor, State University of Trade and Economics
The article substantiates the idea that the new ideology, the new economy should be based on a methodological approach, taking into account two fundamentally different components compared to the previous epistemological achievement. The first component is the recognition of an active conscious beginning in the cognitive object, which already possesses some information and has at its disposal a set of psychological properties adequate to the modern economic society, which allows the latter to respond to a changing competitive environment. The second component (it should be noted that economists ignored it until recently) is the recognition of properties and goals in people that go beyond the narrow utilitarian boundaries by which economists traditionally distinguish their analytical constructions, and the inclusion of active reflexive models first in cognitive activity, and then and in management decisions. Information technologies become the subject of work, and human consciousness, which manifests itself in various manifestations, becomes the subject of economic sciences.
Japan at the beginning of the 21st century is one of the countries characterized by intensive development of the new economy. It should be noted that in the conditions of the formation of the new economy, the knowledge of man, i.e. homo economicus, plays a decisive role, despite the fact that the new economic system is based on moral, religious and historical principles, but still focuses on new forms of scientific legitimization. The "new economy" is characterized by the following features: knowledge forms most of the added value; knowledge, innovation and creativity are economic categories; work with knowledge is allocated to a separate field of activity; communications play a significant role and are allocated to a separate branch of the economy; the hierarchical management system is transformed into complex network structures. The market economy of the state is endowed with the mission of ensuring moderation and balance, which could not be realized spontaneously through a system of free competition. Prevention of the formation of trusts and cartels, supervision of undesirable monopolistic methods, creation of tools to promote and regulate competition between economic agents of the target is the most expedient and decent.
Keywords: phenomenon of Japanese economy, Japan, new economy, transformation, development, knowledge.
Особливості розвитку нової економіки Японії
Бусарєва Тетяна Геннадіївна доктор економічних наук, доцент, Державний торговельно-економічний університет
В статті обґрунтовується ідея того, що нова ідеологія, нова економіка повинні будуватися на методологічному підході, беручи до уваги два принципово інших в порівнянні з попереднім гносеологічним досягненням компоненти. Перший компонент - визнання в пізнавальному об'єкті активного свідомого початку, вже володіє в якійсь мірі інформацією і має в своєму розпорядженні комплекс психологічних властивостей, адекватних сучасному економічному соціуму, що дозволяє останньому реагувати на мінливе конкурентне середовище. Другий компонент (слід зауважити, що економісти ігнорували його до останнього часу) - це визнання в людях властивостей і цілей, що виходять за вузькі утилітарні межі, якими традиційно економісти виокремлюють свої аналітичні конструкції, і включення активних рефлексивних моделей спочатку в пізнавальну діяльність, а потім і в управлінські рішення. Предметом праці стають інформаційні технології, а економічної науки - свідомість людини, що виявляється в різних проявах.
Японія на початку ХХІ століття є однією із країн, яка характеризується інтенсивним розвитком нової економіки. Треба зазначити, що в умовах становлення нової економіки визначальну роль відіграє знання людини, тобто homo economicus, незважаючи на те, що нова економічна система базується на моральних, релігійних та історичних принципах, але все ж орієнтується на нові форми наукової легітимізації. «Нова економіка» характеризується наступними особливостями: знання формують більшу частину доданої вартості; знання, інновації та творчість є економічними категоріями; робота зі знаннями виділяється в окремий напрям діяльності; комунікації відіграють значну роль і виділяються в окрему галузь економіки; ієрархічна система управління трансформується в складні мережеві структури. Ринкова економіка держави наділена місією забезпечення помірності та рівноваги, що неможливо було здійснити спонтанно через систему вільної конкуренції. Запобігання утворенню трестів та картелів, нагляду за небажаними монополістичними методами, створення інструментів для сприяння та регулювання конкуренції між економічними агентами цілі є найбільш доцільним та добропорядним.
Ключові слова: феномен японської економіки, Японія, нова економіка, трансформація, розвиток, знання.
Formulation of the problem
The totality of modern geopolitical challenges and threats in the new information reality can be characterized as hybrid warfare, which includes a wide range of actions aimed at destruction of all spheres of social life of the rival state. New economy is now becoming the main instrument of geopolitical confrontation, which actualizes the search for counteraction to such threats. The widespread use of asymmetric crisis management has become an integral part of the practice of diplomacy, the basis for the effective implementation of the national security strategy of any sovereign state. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that new economy today have become an integral part of new geopolitical realities. Asymmetric strategies, together with preventive diplomacy, are extremely relevant instruments of world politics. However, the theory and practice of an asymmetric approach in international relations, despite its relevance, has been developed rather fragmentarily, especially in matters of classification of asymmetric strategies.
Analysis of recent research and publications
The most important aspects of the development of companies in Ukraine are analyzed in the works of national and foreign scientists, such as L. Antonyuk, Y. Baskakova, B. Biloshapka, O. Bulatova, O. Butnik-Siverskyi, M. Gazizova, V. Geits, I. Gladunyak, L. Honyukova, O. Grishnova, V. Goshovsky, V. Gurievskaya, L. Danylenko, L. Edingera, K. Zhilenko, I. Kaleniuk, A. Kolota, K. Krutiy, O. Kuklina, N. Larinoi, V. LeVina, E. Libanova, O. Lukasheva, D. Lukyanenko, M. Orliv, T. Orekhova, E. Panchenko, L. Pashko, M. Pirena, P. Senge, S. Sidenko, R. Storozheva, I. Surai, T. Fedoriva, S. Filonovych, A. Chuhn, O. Shvydanenko, T. Kochubey, R. Crutchfield, V. Kremen, D. Krecha, T. Kuchmarski, S. Kuchmarski,and many others. Still a lot of questions concerning the features of the development of the new economy in Japan remain unsolved.
Formulation of the goals of the article. The main goal of this article is to analyze the directions and features of the development of Japan's new economy.
Presentation of the main research material
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the new economy generates new forms of employment in Japan. The concept of "remote work" is spreading, according to which the classic "office" scheme of work organization has long since exhausted its potential, as it is not able to ensure a sustainable increase in the productivity of personnel. It was replaced by the concept of telecomputing - remote work, proposed by D. Nilles in the early 2000s. Its use caused an increase in labor productivity by an average of 15%, and in some industries - up to 40%. This form of employment received support at the state level. For example, in the USA, a law has been adopted to reduce taxes for companies, remote workplaces are being equipped for their employees, the European Union is funding research and programs in this area, while special attention is paid to rural areas and less developed regions.
The main advantages of telecommuting are the availability of a flexible work schedule, the ability to attract a wider contingent of personnel (employees who live in another city, region, with limited working capacity) and at the same time optimize it, reducing financial costs and time. The development of remote work is restrained by the need to control this activity, ensure information security related to the possibility of remote data leakage and information espionage; emergence of new methods of tax evasion (registration of Internet companies)[1].
Management in the new economy characterizes a new type of rationality. It is known that the concept of rationality is interpreted differently by economic schools - classical, neoclassical, non-institutional. From the maximization of utility to satisfaction - this is the range of ideas about the rationality of subjects. In the conditions of the information economy, the concept of the rationality of the activity of subjects is transformed into a state of a qualitatively different type, a new one. What is rational for subjects is what corresponds to its norms (generally accepted, individual). Rationality in its traditional sense as such is absent in the virtual sector of the economy, its synonyms are other concepts - speed, volume, goal, result, while their ratio may be different in space-time coordinates. Thus, modern Internet technologies allow modeling many processes, replacing natural resources with artificial ones, accelerating the stages of development of innovations and their introduction into production several times.
In the international aspect, the new economy creates greater opportunities for communication between subjects distant from each other. According to the well-known gravity model, the greater the distance between countries, the less they trade with each other [2]. If in the period from 1970 to 1990 there was a significant influence of the distance factor (according to the calculations of the American E. Rose, from 1.09 to 1.12 on international trade), then in modern conditions new opportunities have arisen that significantly simplify communications between various distant territories of each other (closer trade communication takes place, intellectual and innovative clusters are formed). Distance ceases to be a strong obstacle to communication.
In the conditions of the formation of a new economy on an international scale, it is necessary to remember that the competitiveness of the national economy is directly related to information and knowledge technologies, and investments in electronic infrastructure and the field of education are its important components. One cannot fail to notice the unevenness of the formation of the new economy, when some countries are prioritized in certain areas and areas of development. Thus, American and Japanese corporations stand out on the world market - developers of high information technologies and communication tools that combine a pocket computer and a mobile phone, a light keyboard and wireless monitors. Their final mass production and assembly are concentrated in the countries of Southeast Asia.
Japan is among the top ten countries in the world in terms of population, and in terms of economy it is one of the five largest economies of the world. Life expectancy in the country is the highest in the world (76 years for men and 82 years for women). Japan is a mono-ethnic country (99% of the population are Japanese; there are more than 340 people per 1 sq. km). In cities home to about 80% of the population. 11 cities are millionaires. The largest urban agglomerations of Keihin, Hanshin and Chuke merge into Tokyo metropolis (Takaido) with a population of more than 60 million people.
Japan was able to become an economically formed country due to smart policy. Some time after the war in 1945 in the country the rising sun dominated devastation. With all this, since the 1950s the country began with all its might to move forward with giant strides and develop. Mainly, the state administration has focused on education and the highest technological processes. Residents of Japan began to buy progressive developments around the world and introduce them into personal production. Along with this was the development of qualified employees. The "Japanese economic miracle" would not have been possible without highly educated professionals capable of working with innovative developments using advanced methods. In 1950, part of the country's industry in all the capitalist sphere accounted for only about two percent [3].
And in twenty years - sixteen percent. By 1968, Japan was already in third place (after the USA and the USSR) in terms of production. In 1980, the state pushed back the Soviet Union. Companies in the country were organized according to the principle of "community". Workers dismissed very rarely, trying, on the contrary, to secure people with all sorts of benefits and privileges. Thus, any employee felt like a full-fledged part of the organization.
The "Japanese economic miracle" became achievable due to the automation of production. Produced widespread introduction of robots and computer technology. All this made it possible to remove skilled workers from hard work and direct them to intellectual activity. By the 1990s, Japan convincingly took second place in the world in terms of production volumes. The state, along with this, was in first place in terms of per capita gross domestic product.
Complex trade corporations are the main actors in the field of international business in Japan. Commercial banks and the largest industrial corporations. A prominent place is occupied by "Ito-tyu" (Daiyiti-Kangyo group), "Sumitomo shoji" (Sumi-tomo group), "Marubeni" (Fuyo group), "Mitsui bussan" (Mitsui group), "Mitsubishi shoji" (Mitsubishi group), "Nisso-Iwai", "Tomen", "Nitimen", "Kane- matsu gosho" also play an important role. Japanese commercial banks are a major force in foreign trade and investment activities. Seven of which are among the top ten largest banks in the world [4].
To date, Japan has industries that are the most powerful. These are the manufacturing industry, energy, agriculture and forestry, fishing, as well as the production of hard computer disks (70% of global production), the production of liquid crystal screens (100%), measuring and analytical equipment for controlling automobile exhaust gases (80%), batteries from lithium (100%), etc.
Summing up, the following can be said about the near future of the Japanese economy. Large enterprises with great financial and technological potential should and can remain the engine of the economy and a source of foreign currency income.
Japan accounts for more than 6% of imports and more than 9% of exports, 15% of the world's foreign direct investment. The most important trend of the country's foreign economic activity is its transition from relying mainly on foreign trade to relying mainly on investment activity.
The country mainly imports raw materials, semi-finished products, some types of chemicals and industrial equipment from all over the world, and exports industrial goods, scientific and technical information and capital [5].
In the world market of scientific and technical knowledge, Japan, which previously depended on the involvement of foreign technologies, has now itself become a significant supplier of scientific developments, especially in the fields of electronics, automobile and shipbuilding, chemistry, materials science, biotechnology, etc. On the global investment market, Japanese corporations are actively engaged in the creation of joint ventures and their acquisition in economically developed countries.
The basic factors of self-sufficiency of the Japanese economic model are:
€к significant role of institutions and network organization of society at all historical stages of development;
€к close connection between the government and business without signs of hyper-corruption;
€к development of competition based on the principle of "coordination and competition, not a struggle that exhausts resources";
€к the high adaptability of the nation, which determines the achievement of high results of improving innovations, the effectiveness of institutional innovations, a high level of labor productivity and national educational institutes;
€к a high level of development of the "social responsibility" component compared to other countries.
Japan is heading into the 21st century. as a powerful economic state, it has modern productive forces, in which the lack of natural resources is covered by a high level of qualification and work culture of the workforce, active and flexible use of capital and management capabilities, and a high level of technology.
State bodies and entrepreneurs implement a policy of active foreign economic expansion on the world market and solve complex problems of internal development.
Analysis of the development trends of the Japanese economy allows us to identify a number of competitive advantages of the implemented national economic model: synergy, a high level of social responsibility, which for a long time was wrongly defined as a high level of state regulation; industry-sectoral selectivity and prioritization of the state regulation component. It is this unique combination of components that forms the self-sufficiency of the Japanese economic model [6].
Recently, discussions have intensified in Western scientific circles about the possibility of transition from one form of capitalism to another, but it is unlikely that the Japanese communitarian model will acquire a liberal pro-American version. There is a mutual enrichment of models.
Western economies are acquiring features inherent in the Japanese economic model, primarily its networking and high level of cooperation.
The need to modernize the implemented economic model is due to the discrepancy between the goals of Japanese society and the available resources for their achievement. Japan aims to achieve absolute global technological leadership. However, Japan should not resort to the endogenous growth strategy of the 1950s and 1960s, when business conquered foreign markets mainly at the expense of the domestic market, that is, at the expense of Japanese society. Prices on the domestic market were higher than market prices, imports of goods were limited, and therefore consumers had to significantly limit consumption and, in fact, direct funds to finance exporters. The domestic market of consumer goods was, in a certain sense, isolated from global trends. Japan's share in world consumption lags far behind the similar figure of the United States. That is why the government's attention should be paid to consumers, the development of domestic demand and its saturation[7]. The source of resources for making a breakthrough in basic innovations should be the funds of transnational companies, both their own thanks to the increase in the profitability of global operations, and borrowed through the mechanisms of the international capital market.
In order to strengthen national self-sufficiency, measures to deconcentrate ownership to increase general well-being, in particular through stock market mechanisms, simplifying access for foreign investors and innovations, and increasing competition in key markets of goods and services, labor, technology and finance, will also be key areas of modernization of the cluster. In the 21st century development based on the "three E" strategy, i.e. environmental friendliness, energy security, sustainable economic growth, will lead to strengthening the self-sufficiency of the Japanese economic model.
new economy japan industrial corporation
In conclusion, it can be noted that Japan can rightfully be called a highly developed post-industrial country with a competitive economy. Over time, the country is in a relatively difficult economic situation spends the reserves that she managed to stock up in the most favorable times. The development of the economy will undoubtedly be helped by the scientific and technical opportunity that provides the potential for new breakthroughs and invented, close mutually beneficial assistance between management country and its producers, and the maximum economic will given manufacturers. Among other things, to maintain competitiveness countries and the reduction of public debt, the authorities of Japan, apparently, should take a number of measures that are connected with the reduction of imports into large shares of raw materials and energy resources from abroad, and replace them with the production of renewable energy sources on its territory.
1. Gloor P.A. (2019), Swarm Creativity. Competitive advantage through Collaborative Innovation Networks, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
2. Hamel G. (2020), Leading the Revolution, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, USA.
3. Shtyurm J., Young M. (2020), “ The significance of new network-based organizational and management forms for the dynamization of enterprises ”Ј¬Problems of management theory and practice, vol. 6, P. 78.
4. Cheremushkin S. (2019) “Demand forecasting and quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of sales stimulation methods ”, Sales management, vol. 6,
5. Shopotov B. (2021), “On modern theories of competitive advantages and industry leadership”, Problems of management theory and practice, vol. 3, pp. 50-55.
6. Shlyakhtyna, S. (2016), “The Internet and electronic commerce in figures and facts ”
7. Skrypkina N.K. (2020), “ Patent strategy and foreign trade activity
8. Starshinova O., Krasovskiy D. (2021), “Forecasting sales: common misconceptions of modern business analytics”, Sales management, vol. 4,
1. Gloor P.A. Swarm Creativity. Competitive advantage through Collaborative Innovation Networks. Oxford University Press. 2019. Р. 52.
2. Hamel G. Leading the Revolution. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2020. Р. 29.
3. Shtyurm J., Young M. The significance of new network-based organizational and management forms for the dynamization of enterprises. Problems of management theory and practice. № 6. 2020. P. 78.
4. Cheremushkin S. Demand forecasting and quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of sales stimulation methods. Sales management. № 6. 2019.
5. Shopotov B. On modern theories of competitive advantages and industry leadership. Problems of management theory and practice. № 3. 2021. P. 50-55.
6. Shlyakhtyna S. The Internet and electronic commerce in figures and facts. 2016.
7. Skrypkina N.K. Patent strategy and foreign trade activity. 2020. pp. 35-38.
8. Starshinova O., Krasovskiy D. Forecasting sales: common misconceptions of modern business analytics. Sales management. № 4. 2021.
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