Terminological fields of fitness terminology

Study of terminological fields of fitness terms, their characteristics for standardization and harmonization. Problems in the process of organization and classification of this terminology due to new trends, technologies and regional differences.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 31.01.2024
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Vasyl Stefanyk precarpathian national university

Terminological fields of fitness terminology

Pavliuk I.B.,

PhD, associate professor at the English philology department


term fitness language

This article is focused on exploring different ways of classifying terminology within the terminological field of fitness. The research is motivated by the rapid growth and evolution of the fitness industry, and the lack of comprehensive studies regarding the standardization and classification of its terminologies. The paper provides an overview of the scientific literature that has investigated the organization and classification of terminologies in linguistics, and discusses various interpretations and definitions of the concept of «terminological field». The objective of this article is to investigate the terminological fields of fitness, including their distinct characteristics, and their significance for the standardization and harmonization of fitness terminology. The research identifies three main terminological fields within fitness, namely sport, medicine, and nutrition, which are further subdivided into nine smaller micro fields. These include Fitness and Exercise Physiology, Sports and Recreational Activities, Exercise (Stretchers and Strengtheners), Training Methods and Equipment, Body Structures and Movements, Disorders and Diseases, Exercise-related Injuries and Treatments, Diets and Dietary Regimes, and Drinks, Food and Supplements Ingredients. Each terminological field and micro field within fitness terminology has a unique hierarchical structure and a specific set of terms and concepts that contribute to the development and understanding of fitness knowledge and practices. Within each micro field we have defined nucleus terms that denote the main notions of the micro field as well as close and remote periphery.

However, organizing and classifying fitness terminology into these terminological fields poses several challenges due to the constantly evolving nature of fitness practices, the emergence of new trends and technologies, and regional differences in fitness language. Nevertheless, this approach also offers significant opportunities for promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, enhancing scientific research, and improving communication and understanding within the fitness industry.

Key words: fitness terminology, terminological field, term, nucleus, periphery.


Термінологічні поля терміносистеми фітнесу

Павлюк І.Б.

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри англійської філології, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника

Статтю присвячено дослідженню класифікації та стандартизації термінів фітнесу. Актуальність роботи зумовлена стрімким розвитком фахової мови фітнесу та відсутністю ґрунтовних розвідок щодо проблем класифікації, ядро, стандартизації. У статті здійснено огляд наукової літератури, присвяченої вивченню класифікації та організації термінології в лінгвістиці. Дослідження має на меті вивчити термінологічні поля термінів фітнесу, включно з їхніми характеристиками та значенням для стандартизації і гармонізації фітнес-термінології. Завдяки проведеному дослідженню було визначено три окремі термінологічні поля, зокрема спорт, медицину, харчування, які своєю чергою розділяються на дев'ять менших мікрополів, а саме: фізіологія фітнесу й виконання вправ, спорт та рекреаційна діяльність, вправи (розтяжки та зміцнювальні), методи тренувань та обладнання, будова тіла й рухи, розлади та захворювання, фізичні ушкодження, що отримані під час тренування, і реабілітація, дієти та дієтичні режими, складники їжі, напоїв і харчових добавок. Кожна сфера має власну ієрархічну структуру з термінами, які співвідносяться з термінологічним мікрополем та концепціями, що сприяють розвитку й розумінню фітнес-знань і практик. У межах кожного мікрополя було виокремлено ядро, яке має найбільше понятійне навантаження, а також ближню та віддалену периферію.

У процесі організації та класифікації терміносистеми фітнесу за наведеними термінологічними полями може виникнути декілька проблем, тому що терміносистема фітнесу швидко розвивається, з'являються нові тенденції і технології та регіональні відмінності в мові фітнесу. Однак цей підхід також відкриває значні можливості, включно зі здатністю сприяти міждисциплінарній співпраці, покращувати наукові дослідження та сприяти комунікації і порозумінню фахівців у цій галузі.

Ключові слова: терміносистема фітнесу, термінологічне поле, термін, периферія.

Main part

The fitness industry has seen an exponential growth in recent years, with more people than ever before focusing on their health and wellbeing. As a result, the specialized language used in the fitness industry has become increasingly technical and specific. From body composition and exercise physiology to nutrition and training principles, the fitness terminology can be overwhelming for beginners and even experienced individuals. Therefore, organizing fitness terminology into thematic fields can help individuals better understand and navigate the terminology used in the fitness industry.

Fitness terminology is a complex and technical language used within the fitness industry to describe exercise, training, nutrition, and other related concepts. The effective communication and knowledge transfer within the industry heavily rely on the organization and classification of fitness terminology into thematic fields. Thematic fields are groups of related terms based on their common meaning and usage. The use of thematic fields of fitness terminology can help standardize and harmonize the language used in the industry, reducing misunderstandings and errors, and facilitating effective communication and knowledge transfer.

Each LSP develops differently and differs in vocabulary from the literary one. The organization and association of terms into groups that make up certain conceptual classes, as well as the internal structure of these groups, deserve attention, because they are related to the fundamental issues of the theory of the term and to a number of important applications of terminology.

Numerous scholars, including (M. Cabre Castellvi, T. Kyiak, Z. Kudelko, T. Panko, J. Sager), have given significant attention to the issue of terminology organization and standardisation. These scholars argue that terminology is universal since it can demonstrate its subordination to the general language system across various linguistic levels, such as phonetics, semantics, and grammar. As a means of expression for the concepts in a specific field of knowledge, terminology reflects particular areas and aspects of the systemic world. The investigation of terminology in different spheres of science is a multidimensional field of study that encompasses a variety of issues, including the standardization and organization of terminology systems across various LSPs (Y. Zatsnyi, T. Kyiak, N. Romanova, M. Salamakha), lexical-semantic and thematic fields of terminology (O. Vasylenko, N. Kovalchuk, K. Sheremeta). Therefore, there have been a number of research on different terminology, but any study has been done on the classification of fitness terminology (Василенко, Ковальчук&Кухарук, 2005; Д'яков, Кияк & Куделько, 2000; Панько, Кочан& Мацюк, 1994; Саламаха, 2016; Шеремета, 2020; Cabre Castellvi, 1999; Sager, 1990).

The problem of fitness terms classification is very urgent and will provide a better insight in its structure. Therefore, fitness terminology allows the exchange of scientific information, without which it is impossible to do in the process of professional communication. The aim of the research is to classify fitness terms. The object of the study is fitness terms. The subject of the paper is the classification of the fitness terms according to their domain and structure.

The notion of «terminological field» in linguistics was first introduced by the German linguist Eugen Wuster in the early 20th century. The scholar defines terminological field as «a set of interrelated concepts and designations in a specialized subject field» (Wuster, 1931: 69). E. Wuster's work on terminological fields helped to establish the idea of language as a tool for communication within specific fields of knowledge and to develop methodologies for terminology management and standardization. Terminological field refers to a set of interrelated concepts and their designated terms that are used to represent and communicate knowledge within a specific domain. The terms in a terminological field are often standardized and controlled through terminological work.

Today, there is no consensus or definition of what a terminological field is, since different linguists put different content into this concept or use it in different contexts, such as «terminological field of a term», «semantic field of a term», «lexical-semantic field of the term» and others.

We agree with a number of statements by L. Morozova, who believes that «terminological fields are an adequate reflection of professional objects of reality that are informatively significant»; «field modelling is an accessible and effective way to learn the features of professional activity»; «term fields are a multi-level classification structure unified on a systematic basis, which combines the terms of a homogeneous sphere of professional activity»; «the constructed field can become the basis for the creation of special ideographic dictionaries and serve as the basis for the construction of scientific definitions» (Морозова, 2004: 126). Thus, fields are a peculiar, artificially defined, area of existence of terms, within which the term has features, properties of a terminological unit. The field for a terminological concept is also the system of concepts to which it belongs (Суперанская, Подольская&Васильева, 2004: 111).

Adding a term to a certain terminological field excludes the possibility of its general, non - terminological application and allows it to be interpreted in accordance with the requirements of a given professional field of activity. The terminological field includes semantically related elements, in the structure of which micro fields can be distinguished. The field is formed according to the principle of core and periphery. Nuclear constituents are obligatory and high - frequency at the same time, while the periphery has a «zonal» organization and can be close or distant. The boundary between the core and the periphery and between the zones of the periphery is not always clear, and often blurred (Morris & Hirst, 2004).

Organizing fitness terminology into terminological fields poses challenges and opportunities for linguistic analysis and research. One of the challenges is the identification and classification of terms into appropriate terminological fields, as the boundaries between fields are often blurred and subject to interpretation. Another challenge is the constantly evolving nature of fitness terminology, which requires ongoing revision and updating of existing thematic fields. On the other hand, the use of terminological fields also presents opportunities for analysing the structure and usage of fitness terminology, identifying patterns and relationships between terms, and developing new fields based on emerging trends and research.

In this article, the distribution of terms by terminological fields is based on their meanings recorded in the terminological dictionary «Food and Fitness: A Dictionary of Diet and Exercise» (Kent, 1997). In the course of the study, we identified three large terminological fields, which, in turn, are divided into smaller micro fields:

1. Sport.

2. Medicine.

3. Nutrition.

The selection of just such a terminological nucleus of English fitness terminology reflects the hierarchy of the LSP and allows us to clearly define the object of study. When analysing the terminological fields of the English terminological system of fitness, the total number of terminological units that are understudy in this article is 3396.

1. Micro field «Fitness and Exercise Physiology»

Fitness physiology refers to the study of the effects of performing a variety of exercises on various body systems. That is, the main tasks of fitness physiology are: determining the effectiveness of training programs; the relationship between energy metabolism and exercise performance; identification of factors that limit the quality of performance; effectiveness of various rehabilitation programs; the impact of nutrition on exercise performance; the study of factors affecting the increase in the body's performance.

So, the nucleus of this micro field is the terms:physicalfitness (фізична підготовка), body composition (будова тіла), metabolism (метаболізм), fitness testing (фітнес-тестування).

The close periphery includes terms that are directly related to the terms that make up the core and correlate with concepts that indicate the physical state: cardiovascular fitness (функціональний стан серцево-судинної системи), flexibility (гнучкість), muscular endurance (м'язова витривалість), muscular strength (сила м'яза).

The remote periphery of this micro field is divided into groups that denote skills, the effects of various training programs on the body, and factors that affect performance: reaction time (проміжок часу між подразником та реакцією у відповідь), lung volume (об'єм легень), coordination (координація рухів), speed (швидкість виконання), maximal heart rate (максимальна частота серцевих скорочень).

2. Micro field «Sports and Recreational Activities»

Under sports and recreational activities in fitness, all forms, means and methods of health-enhancing physical education are taken into account, which ensure strengthening and preservation of health and form an optimal background for human life. The purpose of physical education is general improvement, increasing the body's resistance to harmful effects of the environment, prevention of diseases, etc. Such physical activities do not set themselves the goal of achieving any sports results or treatment of diseases and are available to all people who follow a healthy lifestyle. The core of this micro field includes terms expressing general concepts, namely: contact sport (контактні види спорту), general physical activity (загальна спортивно - фізкультурна діяльність), physical recreation (активний відпочинок), balanced exercise program (збалансована програма тренувань).

The near periphery should include the terms used to denote team and individual types of physical activity: football (футбол), boxercise (аеробне тренування з елементами боксу), basketball (баскетбол), yoga (йога), squash (сквош).

Next, there is a zone of the remote periphery, in which terms are localized to denote performance techniques, their impact on the body, and approaches in various types of sports activities: continuous exercise (довготривала фізична вправа), soft workouts (неінтенсивне тренування), low impact activity (вправи, які не завдають великого навантаження на суглоби), Rockport Fitness Walking Test (тест Рокпора для визначення фізичної підготовки).

3. Terminological micro field «Exercise (Stretchers andStrengtheners)»

This group includes terms that are used to denote exercises aimed at stretching muscles and maintaining them in tone. There are a wide variety of exercises that can be aimed at building a toned body (strength training), getting your heart rate up over a period of time (aerobic training), and stretching and warming up your muscles (stretching).

The nucleus of this micro field includes terms characterized by the greatest conceptual load: aerobic training (аеробне тренування), anaerobic training (силове тренування), stretching (розтягування).

The terms related to the near periphery indicate different stages of training, training systems and exercises that are aimed at different parts of the body: progressive resistance exercise (вправа з поступовим збільшенням навантаження), preexhaustion system (система цілковитої стимуляції м'язів під час виконання силової вправи), warm-up (розминка), total body workout (тренування всього тіла).

The distant periphery consists of terms for aerobic and strength exercises, as well as stretching: windmills (вітряк), military press (жим стоячи), half-squats (напівприсідання), feotal stretch (розтягування в позі ембріона).

4. The terminological micro field «Training Methods and Equipment» includes terms that indicate the use of various methods and equipment during training to ensure optimal results.

The nucleus of this micro field are the terms: base training (базове тренування), machine (тренажер), mode of exercise (режим фізичних вправ), specific training principle (особливий принцип тренування).

Thenearperipheryincludestermsthataregenericallyrelatedtothecore: locomotives (форма пірамідного тренування, коли навантаження зростає, а час виконання зменшується), exerciseintensity (інтенсивність виконання вправ), ballistictraining (балістичне тренування), overloadprinciple (принцип поступового збільшення фізичного навантаження), mesocycle(мезоцикл), ergogenicaid (фактор, який сприяє підвищенню працездатності).

Next the near periphery is the distant one. It includes terms that are widely used in the codified literary language: medicine ball (медичний м'яч), free weight (гантеля, штанга), recovery period (період відновлення), weight belt (важкоатлетичний пояс), rest (відпочинок між тренуваннями або повтореннями), cool-down (охолодження), repetition (повторення).

5. Terminological micro field «Body Structures and Movements»

Any qualified fitness trainer must know the structure and composition of muscles and joints and the basic concepts of biomechanics used to describe movements during exercise. Therefore, indigenous terms are used to denote groups of muscles, body systems and movements: cardiovascular system (серцево-судинна система), range of movement (амплітуда/діапазон руху), body mass (маса тіла), bone density (щільність кісток), deltoid muscle (дельтоподібний м'яз).

The near periphery of this micro field is divided into terminological groups denoting types of tissues, joints, and physique: adipose tissue (жирова тканина), somatotype (тип тілобудови/соматотип), joint stability (синовіальне з'єднання), kneecap (колінна чашечка).

The remote periphery is formed by terms for measuring means, indicators of the functioning of various organs and deviations from the norm: skinfold measurements (вимірювання відсотка підшкірного жиру), Quetelet index (індекс маси тіла), hypertrophy (гіпертрофія), waist-hip ratio (співвідношення окружності талії та стегон).

6. Terminological micro field «Disorders and Diseases»

Compilation of effective fitness programs for people who are at risk or those undergoing rehabilitation after various cardiovascular, pulmonary and musculoskeletal diseases or disorders, special programs for the elderly, young people and pregnant women, is quite an important task for a fitness trainer. For this micro field, the dominant terms are: acquired disease (набута хвороба), chronic disease (хронічне захворювання), minor disorder (незначний розлад).

Thetermsofthenearperipheryincludecardiovascular, locomotordiseases, metabolicdisorders, hereditarydiseases: adultonsetobesity (гіпертрофічне ожиріння), cardiacarrhythmia (серцева аритмія), metabolicacidosis (метаболічний ацидоз), arteriosclerosis(атеросклероз), varicosevein (варикозна вена).

The distant periphery consists of terms whose species relations with core constituents occur through lexical units of the near periphery. They nominate symptoms of diseases, consequences of diseases or disorders, for example, health risk (загроза життю), dysmenorrhoea (дисменорея), indigestion (розлад травлення), altitude sickness (висотна хвороба).

7. Micro field «Exercise-related Injuries and Treatments»

There are fewer acute injuries in fitness compared to sports. The only type of acute injury that occurs quite often in the practice of fitness training, especially during weight training, is stretching of muscles and tendons. However, a fairly large volume is occupied by injuries caused by chronic overload of the musculoskeletal system, or, as they are sometimes called, fatigue injuries. Unlike acute injuries, these injuries are not caused by a separate blow or bending, but arise as a result of the accumulation of microtraumas in the tissues (Калашников, 2003: 131-132).

Thenucleusincludesgroupsoftermsdenotingacuteinjuries, injuriescausedbychronicoverstrain, rehabilitationtherapies: acutemusclesoreness (гострий біль у м'язах), overuseinjury (перенапруження м'язів), dislocation(вивих), flotationtherapy (флотаційна терапія), tendoninjuries (пошкодження сухожилля), exercisetherapy (лікувальна фізкультура).

The near periphery of this micro field is divided into terminological groups denoting injuries and damages caused by overstrain, overfatigue, overtraining and various types of massage: run down (виснажений), overpronation (надмірна пронація), dehydration (зневоднення), heat exhaustion (теплове виснаження), exercise-induced asthma (астма фізичного навантаження), connective tissue massage (масаж сполучних тканин).

8. Micro field «Diets and Dietary Regimes»

Diet and food are of great importance in maintaining good health. Daily eating habits can affect the risk of developing heart disease, angina attacks, high blood pressure, and obesity, which is associated with an increase in diabetes. Healthy nutrition depends not only on each individual nutrient, but also on the structural balance of nutrition (Howley, 1997: 117).

The dominant terms in this micro field denote the varieties of diets, nutrition regimes and food: balanced diet (збалансована дієта), health food (здорове харчування), nutrition plan (режим харчування).

The near periphery includes terms for food standards, healthy eating recommendations, measuring the energy value of food: Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) (очікуване середнє споживання), Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) (рекомендована дієтична норма), Food Pyramid (харчова піраміда), calorie counting (підрахунок спожитих калорій).

The terms of the remote periphery are related to phenomena and processes that occur in the body during food intake and digestive organs: absorption (всмоктування), beta-oxidation(бетаокислення), digestive juice (шлунковий сік), lipolysis (ліполіз).

9. Micro field «Drinks, Food and Supplements Ingredients»

Nowadays, the industry of pharmacology and chemical preparations has acquired a large scale. Many people who go to gyms and fitness centres use nutritional supplements and drugs to replace meals, accelerate the process of increasing muscle mass, promote rapid weight loss, or improve performance. A fitness trainer must understand a variety of pharmacological drugs.

Thenucleusofthismicrofieldconsistsoftermsdenotingmacronutrientswithoutwhichpeoplecannotlive: essentialaminoacids (незамінні амінокислоти), complexcarbohydrates (складні вуглеводи), fibre(клітковина), unsaturatedfat (жир із високим вмістом ненасичених жирних кислот), waterreplacement (відновлення водного балансу в організмі).

The near periphery includes terms denoting trace elements: fat-soluble vitamins (жиророзчинні вітаміни), magnesium (магній), vitamin supplementation (вітамінна добавка), iron (залізо).

The terms included in the remote periphery are divided into the following groups: terms of food additives; drinks; consumption doses; energy value. For example, food additives (харчова добавка), glycaemic index (глікемічний індекс), hypotonic drink (гіпотонічний напій), nutrient density (поживність), artificial sweetener (штучний підсолоджувач), empty calories («порожні» калорії), dose regime drug (режим дозування препарату).

Our research has identified nine distinct micro fields that are integral to the concept of fitness and distinguish it as a separate terminological system. The distribution of terms within the professional language of fitness across these micro fields demonstrates a unique structure, logical coherence, and conceptual relationship. This distribution also highlights fundamental differences from related fields of knowledge and underscores the conclusion that the professional language of fitness represents a novel area of study, which has advanced the existing nomenclature.

Terminological fields of fitness terminology share common characteristics that distinguish them from other types of vocabulary. Firstly, the terms in a terminological field have a specific meaning and usage, and their application is limited to a particular context. Secondly, the terms are interrelated and have a common context of use.

Thirdly, terminological fields are used in a hierarchical structure, where broader fields encompass smaller and more specialized fields. Finally, terminological fields of fitness terminology are constantly evolving, adapting to new research, trends, and technology in the industry.

Despite its roots in physical culture, sports medicine, and nutrition, fitness has evolved to have its own distinct subject matter, specific goals, and objectives, which overlap with other fields of knowledge while maintaining close ties with all of them. As the professional language of fitness has emerged, it has not only adopted terminology from various fields of knowledge but has also redefined its central tasks and problems, leading to the identification of its own unique object and subject matter, namely, the pursuit of optimal quality of life, including social, mental, spiritual, and physical components.


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14. Wuster, E. (1931). Internationale Sprachnormung in der Technik, besonders in der Elektrotechnik [International language standardization in technology, especially in electrical engineering]. Berlin: VDI Verlag, 431 p. [in German].


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3. Теория и методика фитнес-тренировки: учебникперсональноготренера / подред. Д. Калашникова. Москва: ООО «Франтэра», 2003.181 с.

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10. Howley E. Health Fitness Instructor's Handbook. Champaign: Human Kinetics, 1997. 536 p.

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12. Morris J., Hirst G. Non Classical Semantic Relations. CLS'04: Proceedings of the HLT - NAACL Workshop on Computational Lexical Semantics, May 2004. URL: https://aclanthology. org/W04-2607.pdf.

13. Sager J. A Practical Course in Terminology

Processing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1990. 258 p.

14. Wuster E. Internationale Sprachnormung in der Technik, besonders in der Elektrotechnik. Berlin: VDI Verlag, 1931. 431 S.

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