The state of the Ukrainian language in jurisprudence

The place of language policy in the system of state priorities. Ensuring compliance with constitutional guarantees for the comprehensive development and functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language in the spheres of public life in Ukraine.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ

The state of the Ukrainian language in jurisprudence

Олександр Годзенко, здобувач вищої освіти

Науковий керівник:

Ганна Декусар, старший викладач кафедри українознавства та іноземних мов

The importance of the introduction of the Ukrainian language as the state language in all spheres of life currently does not raise any doubts. However, a certain problem of relations between linguistics and jurisprudence objectively exists and constitutes a separate aspect of linguistic science, as evidenced by the thorough research of many domestic research scientists. In addition, the direct functioning of the Ukrainian literary language depends on the state of language policy in the state, because it is part of the national policy, the priority of which is the establishment and development of the Ukrainian language, that is, the main sign of the identity of the Ukrainian nation. language constitutional state

According to researchers Kashchuk M.G. and A.V. Kotsur, language policy occupies a prominent place in the system of state priorities, since its strategic task is to ensure the unwavering observance of constitutional guarantees regarding the comprehensive development and functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language in all spheres of public life throughout the territory of Ukraine, free development, use and protection of the languages of national minorities and meeting the language needs of Ukrainian citizens [2, p. 23].

Let us note that one of the problems of the language and its enemy is the surzhik. This word itself means a mixture of different languages and dialects, which causes a low-grade language. With regard to the Ukrainian language itself, it cannot be claimed that it is simply a mixture of words from different languages, and nothing more. Surzhik lives and develops according to its own laws: Ukrainian words take amazing language forms because they obey the rules of grammar and style, change according to these rules, and are used in the wrong sense. Therefore, Surzhik is not a borrowing from other languages, which is a completely logical and natural process. Interpenetration of languages inevitably occurs in historical and cultural space, especially when cultures and languages are close. However, foreign words and expressions, if they are not used thoughtlessly, with disdain for language norms, only enrich the language [1, p. 255].

In addition, as N.M. Baranivska observes, such a feature as a high degree of abstraction of legal concepts has a rather significant influence on the language of law. Legal concepts and norms can be expressed only through language, since language is the only "working tool" of a lawyer, a tool that must be sufficiently well adapted to work with the "working material", that is, with the system of legal relations, in order to ensure its functioning [3 , with. 22]. This opinion is quite successful, because it proves that knowledge of the Ukrainian language is very important in any field of activity, in particular in law.

Based on the analysis of scientific works, scientific conferences, the main problems of the development of legal terminology in Ukraine are: 1) the use of legal terminology in the legislation of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration, especially in relation to translations of texts into Ukrainian; 2) diversity and inconsistency of terminology, unjustified introduction of new terms, which causes the parallel existence of new and old terms; 3) an incomplete list of basic concepts in the laws of Ukraine, which leads to a loose interpretation of terms; 4) oversaturation of foreign language terms of Ukrainian legislation; 5) terms in legal dictionaries that are diverse and heterogeneous in terms of structure and content; 6) the language of legislation should be as close as possible to ordinary literary language; 7) ambiguity of terminology, difficulty of interpretation, incomprehensibility; 8) creation of national legal terminology [4, p. 136-137].

It is appropriate to pay attention to the fact that typical errors that occur in normative acts and negatively affect the quality of legislation, some scientists call the substantive inaccuracy of the definition, tautology; inconsistency of the definition, the presence of different definitions of the same term in different legislative acts; other mistakes are called too broad or too narrow definition of a concept, tautology in the definition, definition of the unknown through the unknown, vagueness and vagueness of the signs included in the defining concept [5,p. 3].

Therefore, it can be concluded that linguistic competence in any sphere of jurisdiction has a positive effect on both the fate of an individual and the immediate legal awareness and legal culture of society as a whole. In turn, substantive and lexical accuracy in the language of normative-legislative acts is the main condition that in itself ensures the practical and legal value of the legal text. However, one must remember the fact that there are currently certain problems in jurisprudence related to the Ukrainian language that need to be resolved as soon as possible.


1. Kashchuk M.G., Kotsur A.V. Problems of modern broadcasting culture. Lviv, 2018. 47 p.

2. Kovalenko I.A., Pavlyuk H.R. Problems of legal language culture. Ukrainian language in jurisprudence: state, problems, prospects. Kyiv, 2021. P. 255-258.

3. Baranivska N.M. Linguistic features of the language of law. Materials of the XV All- Ukrainian scientific and practical conference on the problems of the development and functioning of the state language. Kyiv, 2019. P. 20-24.

4. Lukashenko A.A. Aspects of the development of legal terminology in Ukraine. The Ukrainian language in jurisprudence: state, problems, prospects: materials of the 15th All- Ukrainian. science and practice conf. (Kyiv, November 28, 2019). Kyiv: National. Acad. internal of affairs, 2019. Part 1. P. 135-137 p.

5. Kostyuk M.L. Definitive problems of rule-making. Actual problems of domestic jurisprudence. 2017. Special issue, part 2. P. 3-7.

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