The functioning of the english language as a language of international communication

Circumstances that put the English language at the forefront of the world linguistic process. The level of English language proficiency among the adult population. Proficiency in English as a valuable skill for personal and professional development.

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The functioning of the english language as a language of international communication

Орина Чернявська, здобувач вищої освіти

Науковий керівник:

Наталія Давидова, старший викладач кафедри українознавства та іноземних мов

Throughout the entire period of human cultural and historical development, countries and peoples have needed access to advanced knowledge, and for this, a language that is understood by everyone is necessary. Typically, the language of the most numerous or influential ethnic group becomes the means of communication in a specific territory. In the 20th century, circumstances emerged that propelled the English language to the forefront of the global linguistic process. Firstly, this became possible due to the military and political power and economic potential of English-speaking countries [2]. This ensured active engagement of English speakers worldwide. English became the first international language that was not only necessary for communication but also a competitive advantage in the job market and in business, as the global economy required a global language.

Secondly, the cultural and informational factor became crucial, as media corporations and mass culture made the English language the key to information resources and cultural products that were significant worldwide [3].

Thirdly, English is objectively considered a simpler language than its global «competitors.» It is the only language spoken by peop le for whom it is not their native tongue. Consequently, English has simplified on phonetic, lexical, grammatical, and stylistic levels, and its linguistic norms have expanded [2].

The level of proficiency in the English language among the adult population can be seen as an indirect indicator of a society's openness. If adults have learned to communicate in English, they have more opportunities for international labor mobility and tend to have more progressive views [4]. In countries where the level of English proficiency is lower, adults are generally more conservative, isolated, and inclined to accept income and rights inequality. However, this does not mean that there is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between proficiency in the English language and the progressiveness of society. More likely, the increase in openness and the reduction of inequality are driven by the same forces that encourage people to embrace English as a global tool for communication.

Proficiency in the English language, combined with internet resources, gives people access to global, advanced knowledge and technologies, facilitates conducting business worldwide, and enables them to share their ideas with a wider audience. More than half of the top 10 million most visited websites on the Internet are in English. Cutting-edge research and innovations in technology almost always require a certain level of language knowledge. Internet resources provide people with more opportunities to express themselves in the English-speaking space [3].

Language as a social phenomenon is a direct reflection of human moods and views in a specific place and period in history. In particular, the urgent need of society to operate with new concepts and ideas highlights issues related to naming and neology.

The English language stands as a paramount example of a global lingua franca, serving as the primary language of international communication across borders, cultures, and domains. Its widespread usage and influence can be attributed to a myriad of historical, cultural, and practical factors, making it an indispensable tool for fostering understanding and cooperation on a global scale [4]. linguistic skill professional

One of the most compelling factors contributing to English's dominance as a global language is its historical trajectory. The British Empire, at its zenith, spanned vast territories across the world, resulting in the widespread dissemination of the English language. The subsequent emergence of the United States as a global superpower further solidified English as a language of influence, particularly in the realms of politics, economics, and technology.

In the contemporary era, English's ubiquity has only expanded. It has become the de facto language of diplomacy, business, science, technology, and entertainment. International organizations such as the United Nations and NATO conduct their official business in English, and the majority of global business transactions are conducted in English. Additionally, a significant portion of the world's scientific research is published in English, further reinforcing its role as a language of international discourse.

The English language's adaptability and flexibility also play a pivotal role in its international appeal. English has a rich and dynamic vocabulary that readily incorporates loanwords and expressions from other languages. This adaptability allows it to encompass a wide range of subject matters, making it a versatile tool for cross-cultural communication. Furthermore, the relatively simple grammar and syntax of English, when compared to some other languages, make it more accessible to non-native speakers, contributing to its global appeal [1].

Another crucial aspect of English's role as a language of international communication is its accessibility through education. English is taught as a second language in many countries, and proficiency in English is often seen as a valuable skill for personal and professional development. The availability of English - language educational resources, such as textbooks and online courses, facilitates learning for millions of individuals worldwide [2].

Despite its preeminent status, the use of English as a global lingua franca is not without its challenges and controversies. Concerns about linguistic imperialism and cultural homogenization have arisen as English exerts its dominance. Critics argue that the spread of English can lead to the erosion of indigenous languages and cultures, potentially undermining linguistic diversity and cultural heritage.

In conclusion, the English language functions as a language of international communication due to its historical legacy, adaptability, and global reach. It enables people from diverse backgrounds to engage in diplomacy, trade, science, and culture, fostering a sense of global interconnectedness. However, as the world continues to evolve, discussions surrounding the equitable use of languages and the preservation of linguistic diversity remain important topics for consideration in the ongoing global conversation.

Список використаних джерел

1. Czinven, Caj. Functioning of the English language as a language of intercultural communication. 2021. 56 p.

2. Karimova, Valida. The English language for global communication: perspective of youth. 2016. 42 p.

3. R'boul, Hamza. Intercultural communication dialectics in English language teaching. International Journal of Society, Culture & Language 9.1 2021. 30-42 p.

4. Rustamov, I. T., and Z. X. Mamaziyayev. Development of speaking comprehension in teaching foreign language for professional purposes. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities 12.2 2022. 227-233.

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