English can besome the language of the business communication in Ukraine

Necessity of giving English the appropriate status in the state. Studying English as an international language of communication. The expansion of the use of English in Ukraine. Analysis of content of the draft law on the use of English in Ukraine.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 12.05.2024
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs


Larisa SAZANOVA, senior lecturer of

the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty No. 4

Ukrainian is the country's only official language nationwide, other languages, dependent on their adoption by region authorities, became accepted mediums of communication in education, local government offices, courts, and official correspondence.

English as the language of world communication unites millions of people around the world. For more than 400 million people, it is their mother tongue. For 300 million it remains a second language, and another 500 million speak English to some extent.

Nowadays English is the official language in 60 of the 196 countries of the world, and according to the Eurobarometer Survey Series, it is the most common foreign language in 119 countries from the 25 EU member states. According to the report, Ukraine ranks 40th in the ranking out of 112 countries, which is an average indicator. Therefore, giving English the appropriate status in the state is a necessity and a strategic step towards EU membership [1].

Studying English as an international language of communication is important nowadays. It opens wide opportunities for education, communication, travel, and work abroad. Knowledge of English gives a person access to information (printed and electronic) resources of the world, achievements of modern science and economy; career prospects - priority when getting a job, higher paying positions, the opportunity to work abroad, establishing contacts with foreign partners; expansion of worldview, knowledge of culture and customs of other peoples; opportunity to travel, and meet people from different countries.

A survey was conducted among Ukrainians to find out their level of knowledge. Sociologists interviewed 2,017 residents of all regions of Ukraine. The survey was conducted by the face-to-face method and the study showed that only 1.1% of Ukrainians can use fluent English. About half of Ukrainians do not understand the language of international communication at all. 7.5% of Ukrainians state that they can read, write, and speak, but cannot use English fluently. 19% stated that they do not know the language of international communication well. This category includes people who can only read, write, and speak a little. 27% of Ukrainians claim that they understand some words and simple phrases, but cannot read, write, or speak. 44% (over 800 respondents) say that they do not know English at all [3].

English is known as a second language by one third of the EU population. It is followed by German (12%), which has slightly overtaken French (11%) as the second most spoken foreign language in the EU since it is widely used in the countries which have joined the EU recently. From an occupational point of view, students are the most likely to speak a foreign language. Almost 8 out of 10 students can use at least one foreign language.

Learning English should start at early ages (in kindergartens) because kids have higher level of proficiency than those who learn at young or adult ages. It was shown by researches that bilingual children have higher scores on standardized test than monolingual children. Kids grasp other languages faster and easier as they get more time to learn things, have fewer inhibitions, and most importantly, they have brains for language learning. english status international language

The expansion of the use of English in Ukraine will contribute to the activation of the processes of integration of Ukrainians into the European community within the expectations of Ukraine's membership in the European Union, the formation of the subjectivity of the state in the world globalization processes, the increase of its level of competitiveness on the global market, as well as the growth of investments and tourist attraction.

The parliament of Ukraine introduced the issue of business languages. The main applicant for obtaining the status of the business language of Ukraine became English. Politicians note that this language has always been popular, but now it is used by almost every Ukrainian. English is used in Ukraine in many areas of work: IT, journalism, sports, politics, and business of any type. It is logical to give English a special role, which is closer to European countries [2].

The president of Ukraine has submitted a draft law on the use of English in Ukraine. A draft bill was published on the official website of the Verkhovna Rada on June 28, 2023, proposing the official recognition of English as one of Ukraine's languages for international communication.

The government is developing a draft law to give English the status of the language of international communication. The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy as well as other Ministers such as the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Justice were involved in its development.

Civil servants, heads and deputy heads of state and local administrations, military officers, procurators, customs officers, contract officers, chiefs of the middle and higher ranks of the National Police, scientific and pedagogical staff of universities must master English to communicate in it. It is also expected to improve education standards for teaching students as well as the introduction of additional courses for adults [4].

The use of the English language is expanding in the areas related to foreigners, for example, in cultural institutions, the transport sector, and international trade. The implementation of this law a requirement for the mandatory English proficiency of all civil servants will take some time as it is a long transition period. None of the provisions of this law can be interpreted as aimed at narrowing the use of the state language because the state promotes the widest possible education of Ukrainians.

The draft law provides for establishment of a special status of the English language in Ukraine as a language of international communication, significant expansion of the scope of the English language in Ukraine. English will be mandatory in certain public spheres of public life where international communications are available.

The draft law emphasizes the need to standardize the use of English in the functioning of state and local authorities, local self-government bodies, and emergency services for the public. It also highlights its importance in areas such as education, culture, transportation, and healthcare, including crossing the national border. Requirements to the candidates are to pass an English proficiency exam or to provide a certificate of their level of English proficiency.

The draft law suggests an additional 10 percent salary payment for officials who meet a certain level of foreign language proficiency. The requirement for English proficiency may also be applicable to candidates for positions in local selfgovernment bodies that involve international cooperation responsibilities.

A working group on the preparation of legislative acts to ensure the functioning of English as the language of international communication is being created at the initiative of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy. It will include people's deputies, representatives of state bodies and the public. The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy is summarizing the proposals received from state bodies and the public and preparing a draft order on the creation of the Interagency Working Group.


1. Eurobarometer survey on languages in Europe (europa.eu) URL: https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/news

2. Olha Povaliaieva The English Language May Become Official in Ukraine - GTInvest (good-time-invest.com) URL://https://good-time-invest.com/blog/the-english-language-may- become-official-in- ukraine

3. Recognized as the Language of International Communication in Ukraine? (kyivpost.com) URL: https://www.kyivpost.com/post/18854

4. Roman Tymotsko Kyiv implements aspects of language law, making Ukrainian mandatory on websites URL: https://mova-oimbudsman.gov.ua/en/news/kyiv-implements- aspects-of-language-law-making-ukrainian-mandatory-on-websites

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