Some aspects of formation of readiness for intercultural communication among future shipmasters at maritime English lessons

The purpose of this article is to study the main aspects of the formation of readiness for intercultural communication in English among future shipmasters at universities. Active methods of intercultural education are proposed for the formation.

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Some aspects of formation of readiness for intercultural communication among future shipmasters at maritime English lessons

O.A. Tsyhanenko

Lecturer at the English Language Department for Maritime Officers (Abridged Programme), Kherson State Maritime Academy, Kherson, Ukraine

The relevance of this study is determined by the fact that the legislation emphasizes the special importance of knowing the English language in relation to safety at sea. Proficiency in the English language is one of the qualification characteristics of specialists in maritime professions and is a professionally important quality. The officer of the watch should be proficient in English, which is determined by international documents (the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978). The national curricula of higher education institutions of the maritime profile include the discipline “Maritime English”. The discipline in the maritime specialist university course, regardless of its formal name in the curricula, is Maritime English. It is all those means of the English language that if used as a communication tool of the international maritime community, ensure the safety of navigation and contribute to the comprehensive development of the maritime industry.

An analysis of the standard of higher education in the specialty 271 Maritime and Inland Water Transport was conducted, which showed that the necessary skill is the readiness to communicate in oral and written forms in a foreign language to solve the tasks of professional activity and mastery of the English language in the amount necessary to fulfill one's professional duties. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to study the main aspects of the formation of readiness for intercultural communication in English among future shipmasters at universities. Active methods of intercultural education are proposed for the formation of readiness for foreign language communication to solve the tasks of professional activity. It was concluded that these forms of training are necessary to increase the level of communication skills of future shipmasters.

Key words: Maritime English, shipmasters, intercultural communication, International Maritime Organization, specialty 271.


викладач кафедри англійської мови з підготовки морських фахівців за скороченою програмою, Херсонська державна морська академія, м. Херсон, Україна


Актуальність даного дослідження визначається тим, що законодавство наголошує на особливій важливості володіння англійською мовою щодо безпеки на морі. Володіння англійською мовою входить до кваліфікаційних характеристик фахівців морських професій та є професійно важливою якістю. Наявність іншомовної професійної компетентності у вахтового помічника капітана обумовлено міжнародними документами (Міжнародна конвенція про підготовку і дипломування моряків та несення вахти 1978 року). Національні навчальні програми вищих навчальних закладів морського профілю включають дисципліну «Морська англійська мова». Дисципліна у вузівському курсі підготовки спеціаліста-судноводія, незалежно від її формального найменування у навчальних планах, є морською англійською мовою (ME). Це всі ті засоби англійської мови, які, використовуючи як інструмент забезпечення комунікації міжнародного морського співтовариства, забезпечують безпеку судноводіння і сприяють всебічному розвитку морської галузі.

Проведено аналіз стандарту вищої освіти за спеціальністю 271 Морський та внутрішній водний транспорт, який показав, що необхідним умінням є готовність до комунікації в усній та письмовій формах іноземною мовою для вирішення завдань професійної діяльності та володіння англійською мовою в обсязі, необхідному для виконання своїх професійних обов'язків. Тому метою цієї статті є дослідження основних аспектів формування готовності до міжкультурного спілкування англійською у майбутніх судноводіїв у ЗВО. Запропоновано активні методи міжкультурного навчання для формування готовності до іншомовного спілкування для вирішення завдань професійної діяльності. Зроблено висновок, що дані форми навчання необхідні для підвищення рівня сформованості комунікативних умінь у майбутніх судноводіїв.

Ключові слова: морська англійська мова, судноводії, міжкультурна комунікація, Міжнародна морська організація, спеціальність 271.

Problem statement

intercultural communication english lessons

The principles of the intercultural approach are now widely accepted as the basis for teaching both the basic principles of a foreign language and for specialized purposes. Teaching intercultural communication in English is a set of teaching principles, including recommendations for methodology and curriculum, where the emphasis is on meaningful connections. With this approach, students are encouraged to complete a given task using the language, rather than learning a foreign language [Pantelieieva, Malieieva, 2019: 133].

It is known that English has been adopted by the IMO as the official language of the sea [Maritime English. Model Course 3.17, 2000], and STCW95 [International Convention on Stan-dards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers] requires every seafarer to have a sufficient level of English language skills [International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978]. Legislation now emphasizes the importance of English language proficiency in relation to maritime safety.

An analysis of the state educational standard for higher education in specialty 271 Maritime and Inland Water Transport showed that among the required skills the following stand out:

- ability to present the results of one's own research in scientific publications, to communicate in academic Ukrainian and foreign languages in international scientific discussions (Learning Outcomes 6);

- ability for effective scientific communication and free communication in national and foreign languages on issues related to the field of scientific and expert knowledge with colleagues, the wider scientific community, and society as a whole (General Competence 4) [Standard of higher education of the third level, degree of higher education “Doctor of Philosophy”, field of knowledge 27 Transport, specialty 271 Sea and inland water transport, 2022].

Analysis of recent research and publications\

M.M. Halytska, O. A. Chykhantsova investigated the formation of readiness for foreign language communication of university students [Halytska, 2007]; [Chykhantsova, 201]. The formation of foreign language communicative competence was studied by O. O. Pantelieieva, T Ye. Malieieva, and others [Pantelieieva, Malieieva, 2019]. The training of interlanguage communication by means of an authentic text was considered by Yu.S. Andrusha [Andrusha, 2018]. However, modern forms of training for the formation of readiness for intercultural communication in English among future shipmasters were not the subject of special consideration.

The purpose of the article. Thus, the purpose of this article is to study the main aspects of the formation of readiness for intercultural communication in English, communication in oral and written forms among future shipmasters at a university. The object of research is the educational process of the university. The subject of the research is the main aspects of the formation of readiness for intercultural communication in English among future shipmasters.

Presenting main material. The preparation of future shipmasters for intercultural communication must begin with the improvement of social competence, which implies the readiness and desire to interact, the ability to cope with professional problems, as well as with problems that have developed in society. To form the readiness of future shipmasters for intercultural communication in English, appropriate language competence is necessary, which implies the formation of communicative skills in the process of learning a foreign language. Future shipmasters must have communication skills within the framework of the topics prescribed by the IMO, for example:

- Give warnings about the potential problems of marine pollution;

- Explain measures for ensuring trim and stability;

- Report recent events;

- Take and deliver messages accurately;

- Describe expected standards of work and behavior at sea;

- Understand and produce samples of ship's correspondence and survey reports;

- Describe measures for ensuring vessel security;

- Correctly interpret operating manuals;

- Give navigational warnings;

- Give warnings and advice concerning safe working practice on board [Maritime English. Model Course 3.17, 2000].

The formation of readiness for intercultural communication in English among future shipmasters is achieved as a result of the interaction of the main components of readiness: desire and ability to interact. Readiness for intercultural communication is an integrative personal development that presupposes a certain level of knowledge of a foreign language and communication skills.

The main ways to improve the formation of future shipmasters' readiness for intercultural communication are as follows:

- application of modern principles of teaching a foreign language (principles of an intercultural approach);

- specification and systematization of the introduction of educational material into the content of teaching a foreign language (workshops to improve oral and written speech skills in the field of professional Maritime English);

- the use of methods of active social training of students in intercultural communication in order to develop the main components of readiness in them.

The principles of foreign language teaching are as follows:

1) Intercultural principle (activities that involve real communication that promote learning);

2) Purpose principle (activities in which language is used to convey basic tasks);

3) The principle of meaningfulness (language that makes sense to the learner supports the learning process) [Halytska, 2007:10].

In the context of the above requirements, within the framework of the communicative orientation of learning a foreign language, which is a systemforming factor, three aspects of learning are distinguished in a non-linguistic university:

1) practical aspect (formation of the student's ability and readiness for intercultural communication);

2) educational aspect (formation of a system of moral and ethical values; an evaluative and emotional attitude to the world; a positive attitude towards the culture of the people who speak English; understanding the peculiarities of thinking; acquiring knowledge about the culture, realities and traditions of the countries of the language being studied);

3) developmental aspect (formation of the mechanism of linguistic guesswork and the ability to transfer knowledge and skills to a new situation through problem-search activities) [Chykhantsova, 2015: 131].

The purpose of teaching the Foreign Language is to increase the initial level of foreign language proficiency achieved at the previous stage of education and for students to master the necessary and sufficient level of foreign language communication to solve social and communicative problems in various areas of everyday, cultural, professional and scientific activities when communicating with foreign partners, as well as for further self-education. Learning a foreign language is also intended to ensure the development of information culture broadening the horizons and improving the general culture of future shipmasters.

The final goal of teaching the Foreign Language is the formation of the ability and readiness for intercultural communication. This goal determines the communicative orientation of the course, which involves achieving a certain level of communication in a foreign language, which is understood as the ability to correlate linguistic means with specific goals, situations and tasks of verbal communication.

The end result of mastering the Foreign Language presupposes: the presence of language competence sufficient for further educational activities, for subsequent study of foreign experience in a certain field, as well as for making business contacts at an elementary level; the ability to conduct a conversation in a foreign language - a general dialogue, follow the rules of speech etiquette, read literature in the specialty without a dictionary in order to find information, translate texts in the specialty with a dictionary, compose annotations, abstracts and business letters.

The main goal of studying the Maritime English for cadets of specialty 271 Maritime and Inland Water Transport is to develop skills in practical knowledge of a foreign language, both everyday and specialized speech in written and oral forms to perform professional duties in the first and second years of their study; in senior courses - further improvement of oral and written speech skills in the field of professional Maritime English, as well as the development of reading skills in literature in the specialty and the formation of professional oral speech skills.

Therefore, in order to improve oral and written speech skills in the field of professional Maritime English, it is advisable to expand the content of foreign language teaching through specific educational material: textbooks for practical classes and independent work for cadets. Also, these textbooks intended to develop the skills of reading literature in the specialty and the formation of professional oral speech skills among cadets of specialty 271 Maritime and Inland Water Transport, contain information necessary for business communication in English for navigators with foreigners on issues related to documentation used for cargo transportation on sea vessels, with loading and unloading operations in ports, etc.

Topics for studying a foreign language for future shipmasters may include: Solid Bulk Cargo Handling, Liquid Bulk Cargo Handling, Container Cargo Handling, Dangerous Cargo Handling, Heavy Cargo Handling, Occupational Safety, Medical Care on Board, Survival Crafts, Ship Security Techniques, Enclosed Space Awareness, Navigation in Confined Waters, Navigational Equipment, Vessel Traffic Service, Chart Updating, IMO Nautical Publications, Ballast Water Management, Bunkering, Ship Waste Management, Ship Routine Maintenance, Ship's Systems.

The textbooks provide authentic text materials in English, selected from original sources, namely IMO conventions, popular science literature, which helps students learn the necessary modern terminology, grammatical aspects of documentation and ultimately improve their professional competence. Each module includes texts with visual illustrations, a word list and various types of exercises. The material in these educational publications prepares cadets to perform the function of a watch officer among an international ship's crew, introduces them to daily operations and emergencies.

One of the modern methods of active social training of intercultural communication is the method of active involvement in situations of intercultural communication: discussions, games, situation analysis, trainings that allow cadets to completely immerse themselves in active controlled communication. Simulation and business games allow cadets to get acquainted with problems in dynamics. Interactive learning is based on the reflexive interaction of the subject with the educational learning environment. Examples of tasks could be the following:

- In groups, conduct a briefing prior to loading the cargo following the plan;

- In groups, design a memo on the risks and their mitigation measures for group C cargoes;

- Take turns to describe and guess types of tankers [Barsuk et al., 2021];

- Instruct your partner about the main provisions of MLC;

- Work in pairs. Ask your partner if the MLC requirements have been met during his last practice. Tell about your partner's practice;

- In pairs, organize the briefing on complaint procedure [Bobrysheva et al., 2021];

- In groups, make a poster about hazards of Singapore territorial waters;

- List and discuss the measures to prevent collision;

- Imagine you are the Master. Your vessel has polar class 4. You will navigate in Arctic waters. Organize briefing with officers and give some instructions [Kulikova et al., 2021];

- Using the picture, instruct your crewmembers about Ballast Water Management System;

- In pairs, exchange the information about ballast water exchange methods;

- In pairs, discuss ballast water exchange requirements for Brazil and Mediterranean regions [Fedorova et al., 2022].


To develop the readiness of future shipmasters for intercultural communication, we need such educational technologies as the following:

- personality-oriented technologies (differentiated tasks, multi-level tests with varying degrees of text complexity, development of individual routes);

- interactive learning technology ensures the formation and development of communication skills (work in pairs, brainstorming, trainings);

- integral technologies (problem method, situation modeling, various profession-oriented tasks, work in pairs and mini-groups);

- project technologies (individual, group, presentations, speeches at conferences in a foreign language);

- method of analyzing real situations (case study) (case text with questions for discussion; appendices with a selection of various information conveying the general context of the case, conclusion on the case);

- language portfolio serves to assess the level of competence in the field of foreign languages and can serve as a starting assessment of the level of achievement.

Thus, in conclusion, we note that the considered methods of active social training of cadets in intercultural communication contribute to the formation of the main components of readiness for intercultural communication in English. The following ways to improve the formation of the readiness of future shipmasters for intercultural communication in English have been identified: the use of modern principles of the intercultural approach and the use of special active methods of intercultural training in order to form the main components of readiness. Analysis of communicative situations contributes to cadets' mastery of communicative skills. To intensively develop the readiness of future shipmasters for intercultural communication in English, innovative educational technologies are needed.


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7. Get It Done: coursebook / [O. Fedorova, M. Ishchenko, I. Penza, N. Sheveleva-Garkusha, O. Tsyganenko,]. Kherson: KSMA Science Park “Maritime Industry Innovations” Ltd, 2022. 198 p.: English.

8. International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978. URL: (дата звернення: 15.00.2023).

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1. Andrusha Yu. S. (2018) Rol i osoblyvosti vykorystannia avtentychnykh teksti v umovakh multylinhvalnoho navchannia anhliiskoi movy. [The role and features of the use of authentic texts in the conditions of multilingual teaching of the English language] Mizhkulturna y mizhmovna komunikatsiia: problemy, pytannia, vyrishennia [kolektyvna monohrafiia]. Dnipro: TOV “Roial Piynt” - Intercultural and interlingual communication: problems, issues, solutions [collective monograph], vol. 12, p. 2. Dnipro: “Royal Print” LLC. 297-305. [in Ukrainian].

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3. Pantelieieva O. O., Malieieva T. Ye. (2019) Formuvannia inshomovnoi komunikatyvnoi kompetentsii studentiv nemovnykh spetsialnostei [Formation of foreign language communicative competence of students of non-language majors] Dukhovnist osobystosti: metodolohiia, teoriia i praktyka. Personal spirituality: methodology, theory and practice, vol. 1. 132-142. URL: (assessed: 15.09.2023). [in Ukrainian].

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6. Catch the Wind: course-book / [I. Kulikova, I. Kutsenko, T. Pindosova, V Smelikova, O. Tsyganenko]. Kherson: KSMA Science Park “Maritime Industry Innovations” Ltd, 2021. 180 p.: English.

7. Get It Done: coursebook / [O. Fedorova, M. Ishchenko, I. Penza, N. Sheveleva-Garkusha, O. Tsyganenko,]. Kherson: KSMA Science Park “Maritime Industry Innovations” Ltd, 2022. 198 p.: English.

8. International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978. URL: (assessed: 15.09.2023).

9. Maritime English. Model Course 3.17. London: IMO Publication, 2000. 138 p.

10. Sail Safe: coursebook / [S. Barsuk, V Bondarenko, A. Vid, V. Kudryavtseva, V Likhosherstova]. Kherson: KSMA Science Park “Maritime Industry Innovations” Ltd, 2021. 230 p.: English.

11. Watch Out: textbook/ [N. Bobrysheva, V Kudryavtseva, T. Pindosova, O. Tsyganenko]. Kherson: KSMA Science Park “Maritime Industry Innovations” Ltd, 2021. 202 p.

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  • Practical English Usage by Michael Swan. English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy The book is intended for students of intermediate level. They both are useful for studying language. Active voice, Passive voice, Future forms and Past continuous.

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  • Comparative analysis of acronyms in English business registers: spoken, fiction, magazine, newspaper, non-academic, misc. Productivity acronyms as the most difficult problem in translation. The frequency of acronym formation in British National Corpus.

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  • The linguistic status of the article. Noun: the category of determination. Indefinite meaning expressed by a/an. The definite article the. Cataphoric the as heavily concentrated in non-fiction writing. Percentage use of reference for definite phrases.

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