Personal self-identification peculiarities: biogram "YOUTH" (the case study of the literary biography by W. Isaacson "Steve Jobs: a biography")

The study of personal self-identification of Steve Jobs: lexical descriptors, the synthesis of which outlines his characteristics. Words, phrases as descriptors of the text of the literary biography, which describe the meaning of the biography "YOUTH".

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Personal self-identification peculiarities: biogram "YOUTH" (the case study of the literary biography by W. Isaacson "Steve Jobs: a biography")

Hlavatska Yuliia Leonidivna Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Public Administration, Law and Humanities, Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, Kropyvnytskyi


self-identification steve jobs lexical descriptors

The subject of the article is Steve Jobs' personal selfidentification. Lexical units (words, phrases) are those descriptors of the text of the literary biography that represent the main meaning of the biogram “YOUTH” and their semantic connections reflect the peculiarities of Steve Jobs' personal self-identification within this period. The project aims to analyze Steve Jobs' memories, case study being the biogram “YOUTH” in order to find out how this stage of life has influenced the formation of his personal self-identification. Each biogram is a certain model of events and, in this article, it is represented by four structural elements: “First Love and LSD”, “Reed University”, “Dropout”, and “Atari and India”.

The topicality of the paper is caused by necessity to identify lexical descriptors of the “YOUTH” biogram, the latter being aimed at realizing S. Jobs' motive of self-knowledge and creating the image as well. As a result of the research, it has been established that the biogram “YOUTH” reflects the conscious goals S. Jobs accepts and sets for himself - these are important, affectively coloured, personally significant interests, preferences determining the individual's efforts for self-realization. The key meaning of the biogram “YOUTH” is the search for one's own destination. Jobs' personal selfidentification seems somewhat ambiguous, as we have seen both sides of his nature - positive and negative, which undoubtedly emphasize the motives related to the young man's life plans and future intentions. Via the biogram “YOUTH” we have managed to single out specific lexical descriptors, the synthesis of which outlines all the characteristics of Steve Jobs being a young man and the awareness of his further development paths: A FUNDAMENTAL VIEW OF SELF-KNOWLEDGE, CREATIVE ABILITIES, INDIVIDUALISM, LOVE FOR ENGINEERING AS A SEARCH FOR HIS DESTINATION.

We see a detailed study of other biograms as promising, such as “WORK”, “CAREER”, “RELATIONSHIPS”, “THE ART OF DISTORTING REALITY”, etc. Studied together (separately or generally) they will help represent Steve Jobs' psychological image in the literary biography “Steve Jobs: A Biography”.

Keywords: literary biography, Steve Jobs, biogram, self-identification, motive of self-knowledge, motive of image creation, ambiguous image, searching of one's own destination.


Главацька Юлія Леонідівна кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри публічного управління, права та гуманітарних наук, Херсонський державний аграрно-економічний університет, м. Кропивницький


Предметом статті постає особистісна самоідентифікація Стіва Джобса. Лексичні одиниці (слова, словосполучення) - це ті дескриптори тексту літературної біографії, які описують основний смисл біограми «ЮНІСТЬ», а їхні семантичні зв'язки віддзеркалюють особливості особистісної самоідентифікації Стіва Джобса у цей період. Мета дослідження - проаналізувати спогади Стіва Джобса на прикладі біограми «ЮНІСТЬ» задля того, щоб з'ясувати яким чином цей етап життя вплинув на формування його особистісної самоідентифікації. Кожна біограма - це певна модель подій і, в цій статті, вона представлена чотирма структурними елементами: «Перше кохання та ЛСД», «Університет Ріда», «Вибування» й «Атарі та Індія».

Актуальність дослідження спричинена необхідністю виявлення лексичних дескрипторів біограми «ЮНІСТЬ», які спрямовані на реалізацію мотиву самопізнання та створення іміджу С. Джобса. У результаті дослідження встановлено, що біограма «ЮНІСТЬ» віддзеркалює свідомі цілі, які С. Джобс приймає і ставить перед собою - це важливі, афективно забарвлені, особистісно значущі інтереси, уподобання, що зумовлюють зусилля особистості з самореалізації. Ключове значення біограми «ЮНІСТЬ» - пошук власного призначення. Особистісна самоідентичність Джобса видається певною мірою неоднозначною, оскільки ми побачили обидві сторони його натури - позитивну та негативну, які, безсумнівно, підкреслюють мотиви, пов'язані з життєвими планами молодої людини, її майбутніми намірами. Крізь біограму «ЮНІСТЬ» нам вдалося виокремити конкретні лексичні дескриптори, синтез яких окреслює всі характеристики Стіва Джобса-юнака та усвідомлення його подальших шляхів розвитку: ФУНДАМЕНТАЛЬНИЙ ПОГЛЯД НА САМОПІЗНАННЯ, ТВОРЧІ ЗДІБНОСТІ, ІНДИВІДУАЛІЗМ, ЛЮБОВ ДО ІНЖЕНЕРІЇ ЯК ПОШУК СВОЄГО ПРИЗНАЧЕННЯ.

Перспективним вбачаємо детальне вивчення інших біограм, таких як «ПРАЦЯ», «КАР'ЄРА», «ВІДНОСИНИ», «МИСТЕЦТВО ВИКРИВЛЕННЯ РЕАЛЬНОСТІ» тощо. Їхнє дослідження (окреме чи у сукупності) посприяє окресленню психологічного образу Стіва Джобса у тексті літературної біографії “Steve Jobs: А Biography”.

Ключові слова: літературна біографія, Стів Джобс, біограма, самоідентифікація, мотив самопізнання, мотив створення іміджу, неоднозначний образ, пошук свого призначення.

Defining the problem and argumentation of the topicality of its consideration. In the history of literary genres, biographical texts belong to the oldest ones. Their formation was facilitated by an interest in the psychology of the individual and attention to the character of a person and his/her actions as well [1, P. 368]. O. Krykavska notes that “one of the most important parameters of the biography is the necessity of reproducing the richness of the personality, the great nature that conceals great virtues or great vices” [1, P. 369].

The genre basis of the biography is the description of a specific person's life with an emphasis on the psychological analysis of his/her personality. A human personality is a complex psychological and intellectual structure that arises at the intersection of epochal, class, group, individual and unique models of consciousness and behaviour.

It is in the text of the literary biography that the continuity of an individual's life, the unity of his/her personality, is restored. The literary biography in an artistic form elaborates the facts of the life of the chosen personality and his/her achievements and ideas. A personality is considered as a set of his/her problems, plans and tasks [2]. And such a set can be presented in the format of biograms. The fictional element of such a text does not distort the facts of reality, on the contrary, it helps to structure its artistic space and, moreover, to give completeness to its narrative.

Previous Research in the Area. The past decade has seen a renewed importance in texts of the biographical genre. We have already repeatedly addressed the issues of studying the biographical discourse in general and its typological and stylistic characteristics [3]. The spatial and temporal characteristics of the literary biography have already been investigated [4]. Moreover, the attention has been focused on the means of expressing linguistic evaluation of the author and character's speech in the literary biography being analyzed now [5]. One of the last investigations in this field has described theoretical grounds of linguistic aspects of personal identity research [6]. In addition to the above, the community has raised some issues about the genre potential of the biographical text. M. Voronova, for example, interprets the biography both as an integral subject of description within various publications and as a completely independent genre [7]. I. Anies is sure that the biography is “a portrait of a person's whole life... Here it is important to track the defining facts, which became milestones on the path of life, putting them in the context...” [8, P. 315].

In the light of recent events in psychological development of the personality, there is now some considerable concern about personality formation in youth [9; 10; 11; 12]. The literary biography is attracting widespread interest due to a human being's personal self-identification peculiarities. M. Berezhna notes that Steve Jobs “in his discourse concentrates not on the present, but on the future. The book itself serves an example of the fact that it was important for Jobs to leave a mark in history, in the future” [13, P. 18].

The present paper aims to analyze Steve Jobs' memories, case study being the biogram “YOUTH” to find out how this stage of life has determined the formation of this famous man's personal self-identification. Lexical units (words, phrases) are those descriptors of the text of the literary biography that display the key meaning of the biogram “YOUTH” - searching for one's own destination. Their semantic connections reflect the peculiarities of Steve Jobs' personal self-identification in his youth and contribute to the realization of the motive of self-knowledge and the image creation as well. Descriptors are presented in this paper in capital letters.

Results and Discussion. The units of the lexical-semantic field “age” are one of the key elements in the designation of the stages of a person's life and, consequently, in the construction of the biographical story. Age is an ordered sequence of the main periods: childhood, adolescence, youth, maturity and old age.

Recently we have attempted to look into Steve Jobs' memories beginning with the biogram “CHILDHOOD” just to observe what happened with S. Jobs being a child and how the process of his personal selfidentification started. Now we intend to reveal lexical descriptors within the next stage of a person's development - the biogram “YOUTH”, believing that each period of a man's life can be described by means of certain models of events, biograms, in other words.

T. Tytarenko believes that life tasks are conscious goals a person accepts and sets for himself/herself at certain moments of life. These are important, affectively coloured, personally significant interests, preferences determining the individual's efforts for self-realization. They define a person's hopes and dreams and are connected with his/her personal history and future. Comprehending the life tasks contributes to the correct interpretation of a person's actions and deeds. The situation of change opens opportunities for both success and failure, change and stability [14, P. 305].

Important aspects of personality development in youth are his/her general stabilization, the desire for self-education, the conscious formation of new, desirable elements of behaviour; a special interest in communication with adults, the need for self-realization; realization of needs in friendship, love; intimate and personal communication, etc. At this life stage, the formation of a holistic idea of oneself, discovery of oneself as a unique individual, self-reflection of one's position and purpose in the world take place. Important personal qualities appear:awareness, independence, reflection of one's own life path, striving for self-realization [9].

In this period, motives related to the young person's life plans and his/her future intentions come to the fore. The main contradiction of early youth is the demand for self-determination and inadequate life experience [10].

Most of the significant events that the adult recalls when presenting his/her life story are included in the content of a typical life scenario [11, P. 197]. In the case of partnership relations, in the situation of joint construction of the autobiographical story, not simple reproduction is stimulated, but one's own activity in reproducing an episode of the past. A person develops his/her own position regarding the narration and the ability to evaluate the truth of memories [12, P. 34].

Steve Jobs' literary life scenario contains a set of ideas of the subject (the author) about the real events of life, models and ideals of behaviour, drawn from reliable sources (interviews with Steve Jobs, his relatives and colleagues). The literary biography is a variant of living the life of the main character, which is comprehended by his scale personal position, on the one hand, and the author's skills, on the other hand.

O. Halych calls the literary biography “Steve Jobs: A Biography” scandalous: “Its characteristic features are the image of the extraordinary personality who clearly does not fit into the social context of a certain era, demonstratively rejects its moral and ethical dogmas, declares slogans that are not always accepted by the public; his actions are often immoral, and he himself does not recognize any authorities and often acts contrary to the rules” [15, P. 56].

W. Isaacson's honesty is that he hides from the reader neither Steve Jobs' negative actions nor his special passions, resorting to the description of his contradictory nature. This in no way deprives him of building Jobs' bright image.

To our mind, the biogram “YOUTH” can be outlined from the third and fourth chapters of “Steve Jobs: A Biography” - “The Dropout” and “Atari and India”, accordingly [16]. Their subchapters correspond to several structural components, which in total can be summed up under the sign of the biogram “YOUTH”. The processing of factual material proves that exactly at this period of his life Steve Jobs got fired up with the ideas of creating his own business; moreover, he tried to find his purpose in life: “For me it was a serious search, ” he said. “I'd been turned on to the idea of enlightenment and trying to figure out who I was and how I fit into things” [16, P. 58]. And this, we think, is responsible for the realization of the motive of self-knowledge and image creation as well. It is within this period of Steve Jobs' life that the dark and light sides of his character can be sketched.

Structural component 1 - “First love and LSD”. Chrisann Brennan became Steve Jobs' first love when he was still in the twelfth grade at Homestead. Steve's MADNESS, PASSION and BEING ECSTATIC, his life experiments (a diet of fruits and vegetables, for example), his strange mixture of ACTIVITY and INDIFFERENCE, which was also manifested in his appearance, attracted the girl: “Steve was kind of crazy. That's why I was attracted to him ” [16, P. 47]. Steve's relationship with Chrisann, according to the girl's memories, can be characterized as polar, because Steve was both cold and sweet towards her at the same time. The author of the biography conveys Chrisann's thoughts in this way, referring to a combination of words and images that are opposite in meaning: “He could be brutally cold and rude to her at times, but he was also entrancing and able to impose his will. He was an enlightened being who was cruel,” she recalled. “That's a strange combination ” [16, P. 48].

Using LSD was one of the two or three most important experiments in Job's life. Steve believed that people who had never taken acid would never fully understand it. The fact is, as scientists prove, after taking LSD, no pronounced reaction is observed, but a derivative of lysergic acid changes perception, attitude to everything that happens around and inside. Among the possible effects on the human psyche, scientists single out a change in reality, which we observe in Steve Jobs' memories, where he turns to special, poetic comparisons of the state in which he was, resorting to such a passion: “It was great, ” he recalled. “I had been listening to a lot of Bach. All of a sudden the wheat field was playing Bach. It was the most wonderful feeling of my life up to that point. I felt like the conductor of this symphony with Bach coming through the wheat” [16, P. 47]. Here, the subject of self-evaluation is Steve Jobs' emotional state characterizing the process of his self-discovery and his personal self-identification as well. Direct personal positive evaluation is observed through the epithets great and wonderful.

Therefore, Steve's ENLIGHTENMENT, DELIGHTFULNESS, MADNESS, PASSION, BEING ECSTATIC and ATTRACTIVENESS, on the one hand, and his COLDNESS and BRUTALITY, on the other hand, have led to his ambiguous and contradictory image and emphasize the need for selfdetermination, regardless of sometimes inadequate life experience, as it may seem to many.

Structural component 2 - “Reed College”. A university is an academic place for anyone who wants to gain knowledge, but not for Steve Jobs. For our hero, studying at the university is associated with something artistic and interesting: “The kids who went to Stanford, they already knew what they wanted to do, ” he said. “They weren't really artistic. I wanted something that was more artistic and interesting” [16, P. 48]. Reed College was the most expensive in the United States, so Steve's parents refused his enrolling because of the lack of large funds, but Steve, due to his DEMANDINGNESS, made his parents obey. We pay attention to the ultimatum from the son, and not vice versa, from the parents, being a traditional case in the family: “But their son responded with an ultimatum: If he couldn't go to Reed, he wouldn't go anywhere. They relented, as usual” [16, P. 49]. We believe that the reflection of one's own life path and the desire for self-realization (Steve's apprehension of the ultimate intention) are perhaps the first steps to the ability to navigate difficult situations and search for mutually beneficial solutions; this is the key to ACCEPTANCE OF A CONSIDERED AND REASONABLE DECISION.

Being a student, Steve Jobs was fascinated by spiritual practices that became part of his being: “Jobs's engagement with Eastern spirituality, and especially Zen Buddhism, was not just some passing fancy or youthful dabbling. He embraced it with his typical intensity, and it became deeply ingrained in his personality” [16, P. 50]. Among the benefits of Zen meditation there is good concentration, obtaining peace and joy, the emergence of willpower, increasing internal energy and the POSSIBILITY OF SELF-KNOWLEDGE [17]. The main principle of Zen-Buddhism is an everyday life position characterized by harmony and ideality (which helps to solve problems); this is correct for a person's awareness of his/her existence. Steve's friend, Daniel Kottke, commented on his interest in this Eastern practice: “Steve is very much Zen, ” said Kottke. “It was a deep influence. You see it in his whole approach of stark, minimalist aesthetics, intense focus” [16, P. 50]. Moreover, in Zen Buddhism, self-knowledge is an extra-intellectual process that appears as the fullness of experience occuring as a result of encountering inner intuitive self-immersion to find the unity of one's own being: “I began to realize that an intuitive understanding and consciousness was more significant than abstract thinking and intellectual logical analysis, ” he later said [16, P. 50]. And although, W. Isaacson in his author's digression points out that because of his own tension it was difficult for Steve to achieve inner harmony, peace, nor softness of character (“His intensity, however, made it difficult for him to achieve inner peace; his Zen awareness was not accompanied by an excess of calm, peace of mind, or interpersonal mellowness” [16, P. 50]), however, in our opinion, the fascination with this philosophy could not but be reflected in his later life, as evidenced by his sometimes philosophical, sometimes moral maxims regarding ways of company development.

Moreover, fanaticism towards vegetarianism, fasting, meditation, spiritualism, drugs, rock is not only an obsession of iconic currents of contemporary subcultures. This is a manifestation of personal MADNESS, PASSION and OBSTINACY. Steve-student is a complex ambivalent image of a young man who is constantly searching for his purpose, and although at this stage of his life we observe a certain mixture of preferences; we can confidently testify to his desire for self-education and the conscious formation of new and desirable elements behaviour. Over time, this “mixture” will be supplemented by Job's key interest of life - the creation of computer products as the embodiment of perfectionism, the combination of art and high technologies. Meanwhile, Steve Jobs reveals himself as a unique personality: “... there was still an undercurrent of electronic geekiness in his soul that would someday combine surprisingly well with the rest of the mix” [16, P. 51]. The usage of the lexeme surprisingly in this very sentence, which is the final one in the subchapter “Reed College”, is chosen, to our mind, not of a sudden as it is used here in the meaning unusually, unexpectedly, uncommonly. Such the author's choice emphasizes Steve Job's INDIVIDUALITY and SPECIALITY not for the first time.

Thus, ACCEPTANCE OF A CONSIDERED AND REASONABLE DECISION, PERFECT, BASIC, and POWERFUL LOOK AT SELFKNOWLEDGE motivated by Job's FANATICISM have led to the realization of the motive of self-knowledge and image creation as well.

Structural component 3 - “Drop out”. Steve Jobs showed his exclusivity, uniqueness and individuality at the university as well, more precisely after the university's academic approach (attending lectures, strict rules for selecting classes) bored him. The fact is that Steve refused to attend classes that were not interesting to him, and went only to those where it was possible to show certain CREATIVE SKILLS. And it was dancing. Let us recall his thesis regarding the university, which we have already cited within structural component 2 - “Reed College”: “The kids who went to Stanford, they already knew what they wanted to do, ” he said. “They weren't really artistic. I wanted something that was more artistic and interesting” [16, P. 48]. All of Steve's parents' savings were used to pay for his education. Due to disinterest in studying at the university, Steve decided to leave it. But the college management allowed him to become the so-called “free listener” because of his CURIOUSNESS: “He had a very inquiring mind that was enormously attractive, ” said the dean of students, Jack Dudman” [16, P. 54].

The young man's creative skills were manifested in his passion for calligraphy, which motivated him to invent a user-friendly interface later. Jobs occupies an intermediate link between art and technology. Its essence will find its purpose in the excellent design and elegance of its product in the future: “It was yet another example of Jobs consciously positioning himself at the intersection of the arts and technology. In all of his products, technology would be married to great design, elegance, human touches, and even romance. He would be in the fore of pushing friendly graphical user interfaces. The calligraphy course would become iconic in that regard” [16, P. 55]. In this statement W. Isaacson uses a metaphor, comparing the combination of technology and S. Job's creative abilities with the status of a married couple (joined=married).

CREATIVE SEARCH FOR HIMSELF finds its expression in the bohemian lifestyle led by Steve Jobs. It was INDIVIDUALISM and EXPEDIENCE (getting rid of all restrictions, maximum confidence and flexibility, the ability to adapt to any situation) that hardened Jobs' OWN OUTLOOK ON LIFE: walking barefoot until the first snow, handing over bottles to get certain funds, working part-time in the laboratory, neglecting personal relationships, being fond of Eastern practices, using drugs: “Taking LSD was a profound experience, one of the most important things in my life. LSD shows you that there's another side to the coin, and you can't remember it when it wears off, but you know it. It reinforced my sense of what was important - creating great things instead of making money, putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could” [16, P. 55]. Jobs considers each his step an experience; he consciously chooses poverty, because he does not think about earning money; it distracts him from thoughts about creating his own product.


Structural component 4 - “Atari and India”. The Atari company was founded in 1972 and it gained wide popularity in the video game market in a short time. Steve Jobs returned to his parents in Los Altos in 1974. He always found a common language with people. And this, in our opinion, is quite a talent. It happened to Atari's founder, Nolan Bushnell.

Being a multifaceted person, Steve Jobs sought his purpose in many things. One gets the impression that he takes on everything that comes his way. He decided to try himself in this company. And as evidenced by the factual materials of the literary biography, at this stage of his life (youth), the two dominant positions of Job's “I” - the idea of one's own business and the search for biological parents - become the main ones. NATURAL INTELLIGENCE, LOVE FOR WORK AND TECHNOLOGY, despite certain dissimilarities to Steve Jobs from others, attracted employers to this person: “But I saw something in him. He was very intelligent, enthusiastic, excited about tech ” [16, P. 57]. And, obviously, not everyone liked the above- mentioned traits of Steve's character because of his audacity. Although, Jobs personally didn't think so as he understood that no one in the professional sphere knew anything: “On those occasions when he happened to interact with others, he was prone to informing them that they were “dumb shits. ” In retrospect, he stands by that judgment. “The only reason I shone was that everyone else was so bad, ” Jobs recalled” [16, P. 57].

Communication with people who had their own business, but failed, did not stop Steve, but on the contrary, motivated him to realize his own desire - CREATE OWN BUSINESS: “It subsequently failed, but Jobs became fascinated with the idea that it was possible to start your own company”[16, P. 57]. Here it is necessary to point out Job's excessive SELF-CONFIDENCE bordering on ARROGANCE. Its manifestation increases a person's self-esteem. Such a thirst to feel one's own importance forces an individual to look for proof in the world around himself/herself and in people's reactions as well. For the sake of this insolence, a person can humiliate others. It happens that a person is indifferent to this or that phenomenon occurring in the life. But if what is happening concerns his/her honour and dignity, he/she becomes insolent. This is what nature provides [18]. Ron Wayne, a draftsman at Atari, states: “I admired the fact that he had a burning drive to start his own business” [16, P. 57]. Here the author uses the metaphor a burning drive, the semantics of which emphasizes Jobs' passionate desire to work to an excessive extent.

We have already noted that entering Reed College, Steve Jobs became interested in spiritual practices. Currently, travelling all over the world became a WAY OF SEARCHING FOR HIMSELF; moreover, it was closely correlated with the IDEAS OF EARNING AND CREATING his OWN COMPANY: “For me it was a serious search,” he said. “I'd been turned on to the idea of enlightenment and trying to figure out who I was and how I fit into things” [16, P. 58].

In India, Steve Jobs was not looking for a teacher of wisdom, but instead sought to find enlightenment and be a person who follows an ascetic life, but he couldn't do it because of his ambiguous nature and, moreover, inner peace is not his forte: “Jobs was no longer trying to find a guru who could impart wisdom, but instead was seeking enlightenment through ascetic experience, deprivation, and simplicity. He was not able to achieve inner calm” [16, P. 60].

To know himself better, Steve Jobs wanted to find his biological parents: “Steve had a very profound desire to know his physical parents so he could better know himself,” Friedland later said” [16, P. 63]. Enthusiasm for Eastern practices and screams therapy changed Steve somewhat: “His confidence improved and his feelings of inadequacy were reduced” [16, P. 63]. And here Steve Jobs realized that he was able to convey this feeling of confidence to other people and thus inspire them to do things they never dreamed of or didn't believe they were capable of. It is at this time that THE ART OF DISTORTING REALITY is born, which will be revealed in further aspects of Steve Jobs' life. This is the positive side of our hero's contradictory nature. The essence of the art of changing reality is closely correlated with Steve's CONFIDENCE to do something, and if he has decided to do it, it means that everyone around him will be able to do it too: “He had the attitude that he could do anything, and therefore so can you ” [16, P. 64].

Steve's dark side was his ability to MANIPULATE people, which underlines the complexity of his character, but namely this helped him become who we know him now: “Jobs is a complex person, he said, and being manipulative is just the darker facet of the traits that make him successful” [16, P. 65].

Thus, FINDING HIS OWN DESTINATION in various spheres of life combined with LOVE FOR ENGINEERING have led to a certain stage -BECOMING A BUSINESSMAN. And as the reader will understand later, S. Jobs very well combined the traits of the entrepreneur who had everything under control.

Conclusions and perspectives

Thus, via the biogram “YOUTH”, which covers the third and fourth chapters of “Steve Jobs: A Biography”, we have managed to single out specific lexical descriptors, the synthesis of which outlines all the characteristics of Steve Jobs being a young man and realizing the further paths of his development: FUNDAMENTAL LOOK AT SELFKNOWLEDGE, CREATIVE ABILITIES, INDIVIDUALISM, LOVE FOR ENGINEERING have led to FINDING HIS OWN DESTINATION.

This biogram has four structural components: “First love and LSD”, “Reed College”, “Drop out”and “Atari and India”. Job's personal self-identity appears to be ambiguous in a way as we have seen two sides of his nature - positive and negative which both, undoubtedly, emphasize motives related to the life plans of the young person and his future intentions. Our thorough working on the factual material proves the psychological thesis that the main contradiction of early youth is the need for self-determination and inadequate life experience. The present findings confirm S. Jobs' searching for his own destination which contributes to the realization of the motive of selfknowledge as well as the image creation.

It is a question of future research to investigate other biograms such as “WORK”, “CARRIER”, “RELATIONSHIPS”, “THE ART OF DISTORTING REALITY”, etc. In addition, their separate or general studying might prove an important area for the upcoming investigation - to outline Steve Job's psychological image along with the peculiarities of his speech behaviour.


self-identification steve jobs lexical descriptors

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