The use of innovative technologies in primary school speech development lessons

Improvement of speech and speech culture, enrichment, refinement and activation of vocabulary. Improvement of the grammatical apparatus of speech, work on the coherence of speech. Characteristics of exercises for the development of coherent speech.

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Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

The use of innovative technologies in primary school speech development lessons

Iryna Dobroskok


The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that Ukrainian society at the present stage of development has a particularly acute need for independent, creative individuals who are aware of their subjectivity. The Concept of the New Ukrainian School states the goal: "A powerful state and competitive economy will be ensured by a cohesive community of creative people, responsible citizens, active and entrepreneurial. This is the kind of people that secondary schools in Ukraine should prepare". That is why the development of speech requires constant pedagogical modernisation. The development of speech is clearly divided into the following areas: improving pronunciation and speech culture, working on enriching, refining and activating vocabulary, improving grammatical structure, and working on coherent speech. Exercises for the development of coherent speech: paraphrases, compositions, etc. represent the highest level in a complex system of speech management, as they combine all skills - in the field of vocabulary, at the level of the sentence, in the logic and composition of the text, and the ability to accumulate material, and graphic and spelling skills. Units of connected speech can be considered a story, article, novel, report, etc., and in the school context - a detailed oral response, essay, paraphrase, etc. The most common exercises for the development of coherent speech are: detailed answers to questions (including conversations), notes based on observations, oral retellings of readings (in its various variants), oral stories by students on a topic, based on the beginning (end) of a picture, etc, narration of fiction texts learnt by heart, improvisation of fairy tales, written retellings of exemplary texts, staging of stories and fairy tales, various types of dramatisation, word drawing, reflections, sheets, business papers: announcements, addresses, etc. As you can see, the variety of exercises is quite wide. They are different in form, content, language, genre, venue, and the participation of children in their implementation. All exercises are performed in a practical way.

Key words: modernisation of speech development, innovative technologies, primary school, modern education.


Доброскок Ірина. Використання інноваційних технологій на уроках розвитку мовлення у початковій школі.

Актуальність даної теми полягає в тому, що українське суспільство на сучасному етапі розвитку особливо гостро потребує незалежних, творчих особистостей, які усвідомлюють власну суб'єктність. Філософія Нової української школи зазначає її цілі: «Об'єднана спільнота творчих людей, відповідальних громадян, мотивованих особистостей забезпечить сильну країну та конкурентоспроможну економіку. Саме таких людей має виховати українська середня школа». Тому розвиток мовлення потребує постійної модернізації навчання. У плані мовленнєвого розвитку з'ясовано такі напрямки: вдосконалення мовлення і культури мовлення, збагачення, уточнення й активізація словникового запасу, удосконалення граматичного апарату мовлення, робота над зв'язністю мовлення. Вправи для розвитку зв'язного мовлення: перекази, твори та ін., являють собою найвищий рівень у комплексній системі мовленнєвих вправ, оскільки вони поєднують у собі всі вміння - як на рівні лексики і речень, так і в логіці та композиції. тексту, здатність накопичувати матеріали, графічні та орфографічні навички. Під зв'язною одиницею мовлення можна розуміти оповідання, статтю, роман, доповідь, доповідь тощо, тоді як у шкільних умовах - розгорнуту усну відповідь, статтю, оповідання. Найпоширенішими вправами для розвитку зв'язного мовлення є: розгорнуті відповіді на запитання (включаючи діалоги), записи за спостереженнями, усні перекази прочитаного (різні варіанти), усні розповіді учнів за темою, за малюнками, зачинами (кінцівками). Розповідь художніх текстів напам'ять, імпровізація казок, листові перекази текстів-зразків, драматизація оповідань і казок, драматизації різних видів, усне малювання, роздуми, реферати, ділові папери: оголошення, адреси тощо. Як видно, вибір вправ досить широкий. Вони різноманітні за формою, змістом, мовою, жанром, місцем проведення та участю дітей у виставах. Всі вправи виконуються в практичній формі.

Ключові слова: модернізація розвитку мовлення, інноваційні технології, початкова школа, сучасна освіта.


Speech development is the leading principle of teaching the mother tongue in primary school, which permeates and unites all aspects of pupils' speech activity. From the first lessons of the Ukrainian language, children learn the main functions of speech in a form accessible to them: speech is an important means of communication, exchange of thoughts and feelings between people, transmission and assimilation of certain information, collective experience of mankind, etc. Of great importance for the development of speech activity are the means used by the teacher in performing various didactic tasks: concentration of attention; development of thinking processes; development of memory; formation of certain standards of speech (text construction, correct pronunciation, etc.). Such tools are used every year, year after year, and since the teacher's arsenal is not unlimited, students themselves become uninterested in the pictures, slides, etc. they have seen hundreds of times. We see an excellent way out of this situation in the use of innovative technologies, namely computer-based didactic tools or tools developed with the help of innovative technologies. Teachers' experience shows that the content and linguistic and compositional features of a reflective text are best revealed by comparing it with other types of texts. Teachers should remember that a condition for the successful development of children's speech and language skills is the need to communicate or communicate. Therefore, when teaching any native language lesson, it is necessary to provide situations that would encourage the child to express his or her opinion and talk about something. However, in order for a child to speak correctly and beautifully (by correctness we mean the ability to adhere to literary pronunciation norms, and by beautiful speech we mean rich, active, precisely used vocabulary), it is necessary to give speech samples or create a speech environment. And this, in turn, will provide them with both linguistic and factual material. Students will confidently talk or write only about what they know well: they should have a stock of knowledge, material on the topic of the story, so they can highlight the main, essential things.

Analysis of recent research

Leads to the conclusion that school should not be a preparation for life, but rather a life. The content of education and its methods should be closer to practice. Less theory and more practical application in life. This achieved can be by creating an interactive learning environment, using pair, group, collective forms of activity, projects - social, research experiments. The formation of a primary school student's creative personality is one of the important problems of the New Ukrainian School (Енциклопедія освіти, 2008), which requires the introduction of innovative, active forms and methods of teaching into the educational process, which could significantly ensure the formation of a child's critical thinking, problematic vision, imagination and imagination. speech vocabulary grammatical

The aim of the article is to develop ways of using innovative technologies in the work of teachers related to the development of pupils' speech skills in grades 1-4.

The methodology of writing the article is relevant from both practical and theoretical points of view.


Consideration of the possibilities of using a computer for the development of primary schoolchildren's speech activity is a search for connections that can be established during computer-based learning, as well as the help that the computer will provide (in the process of such use to the teacher for the formation of specific skills). Studies have shown that the use of computers in Ukrainian language lessons (in particular, for the development of coherent speech) has made a difference in the development of abstraction, the level of development of linguistic qualities that accompany the thinking process. At the same time, the impact of the active use of innovative technologies on such mental characteristics as the speed of thinking processes, the ability to perform perceptual actions, including the reproduction of information by a student, practically not traced. The above examples cannot be called residual because, firstly, the methods used in the studies was developed in the "non-computer era", and secondly, in the course of experimental research, many factors are revealed whose influence on the results of the studies does not allow for unambiguous generalisations. Let us try to consider and characterise the aspects of computer use in cases where it improves the work of the classroom and, consequently, the knowledge of students. The use of visual aids (drawings, diagrams, tables), which can be successfully produced with the help of a computer and printed out on a printer even for each student (or used directly from the monitor), will greatly help children in terms of understanding the actual content of the work). In this case, students cannot only hear the voice of the teacher (student) reading the work and see the letters (an abstract, symbolic element), but also look at the characters themselves, analyse the cause-and-effect relationships, and the expressive and pictorial means used by the author.

Of course, such an impact on several senses at once, in various forms, will improve the process of students' perception of what they hear and see. By highlighting the main point with the help of such tables, the teacher will also ensure that students understand the main idea of the work (Шило, Савченко, 2014).

Perception also enhanced by the element of curiosity that is usually present in this type of lesson. As for pupils' attention, it should be noted that if a teacher uses any means (whether a drawing or a recording) in the classroom inappropriately, children's attention may be reduced, and here the teacher's pedagogical skills and ability to suggest those he or she wants to work with in time should come to the rescue.

A dialogue is a conversation between two or more people, so the ability to compose and act out dialogues is essential for developing a child's communication skills. A technical session is a good teacher's aide in terms of presenting dialogue topics.

A difficult topic in terms of education is the development of ethical qualities. In speech development lessons, it is necessary to focus students' attention on observing the rules of etiquette during a conversation (not interrupting a partner, respecting their point of view). It will be easier for a child to learn these rules if they presented in an interesting way, modelled in practice. ICT has great potential in this regard. A computer in one form or another (drawing, description, film) can provide interesting material for reflection.

Another huge problem for children is the use of Ukrainian forms of address (Olenka, Oksana, and Volodymyr). The fact is that adults themselves rarely use such forms in their everyday speech. Children learn from their parents to use the nominative rather than the vocative case (ending in zero or -а, -я). In addition, here the teacher's task is not to teach, but to relearn, which is ten times more difficult when it comes to the activities of children aged 6-10. For such learning, it is necessary to present the material in the most compact, understandable and interesting form. Modern methods, techniques and means of didactics, one of which is the computer, if used correctly and appropriately, will help with this. The use of computer-based didactic tools can also activate students, because in many ways they will try to find the answer themselves (Луценко, 20202).

In our opinion, a skilful selection of didactic tools with computer support and a combination of pedagogical skills will form the proper basis for students to master the material, develop the ability to build coherent statements and perform other tasks necessary in this regard.

Developing students' coherent speech means developing a number of specific skills, namely:

The ability to understand a topic, determine its boundaries, and reveal it with appropriate completeness. Preparation for understanding the topic carried out when teaching paraphrase, when analysing samples and independent disclosure of the topic carried out when composing and writing a composition.

The ability to subordinate one's work to the main idea. Children's works always carry a corresponding idea: joyful perception of beautiful nature paintings, respect for elders, love for animals, etc.

The ability to select material for a story, essay or other coherent text. It is necessary to select what is essential for the disclosure of the topic. Collecting material can take a long time.

The ability to systematise material and arrange it in the right order. Students decide what to say first and what to say later.

The ability to draw up a plan for a coherent text, which will need to written down, following this plan.

The ability to use the means of language in accordance with literary norms and the tasks of expression, which is impossible without a sufficient vocabulary and syntactic skills. This facilitated by systems of exercises with words, phrases and sentences, as well as by mastering exemplary texts.

The ability to compose an oral or written text. It is important to teach children to work on a text quickly, to fit in the time allocated for a story, paraphrase, or composition (Закон України «Про освіту»).

Students master skills by progressing from simple to more complex ones. By establishing links between them, it is necessary to plan the development of students' coherent speech for a long time. This involves various types of exercises, different in subject matter, which contribute to the development of various skills. It is very important to determine the approximate ratio of the types of exercises.

The primary task of any school is to create conditions for the development and improvement of a child based on his or her inclinations, interests, needs and life goals. Primary school is the first and most important step in the general education process, as it is at the primary school age that the intensive development of such personal qualities as thinking, attention, memory and imagination takes place.

At the present stage, the educational system is being modernised and educational practice (Нікітіна, 2011) is beginning to require teachers to update the entire educational process, its style, changes in the work of teachers and students' activities. It is now important to provide students not only with knowledge, but also with the ability to apply it in everyday life, to educate an innovator and a citizen who is able to make responsible decisions and respect human rights.

It is well known that school development is carried out through innovation.

Innovation activity is defined as the activity of developing, searching for, mastering and using innovations. Educational innovations are the result of the creative search of teachers and scientists: new ideas, technologies, approaches, teaching methods, as well as individual elements of the educational process, which should be primarily aimed at developing a young person's self-confidence and self-reliance.

At the present stage of education development, there are various educational technologies that help teachers to rationally build the learning process and achieve higher results of pedagogical activity. The school has provided teachers with the opportunity to choose the use of interactive technologies aimed at the comprehensive development and formation of students' creative personality. But it is known that a personality can only be educated by a personality. And the formation of a student's creative personality goes through the creative personality of the teacher. Therefore, the teacher's personality must be competent and generous in order to receive the warmth of others, because he or she is an agent of change.


The new tasks of school education in Ukraine, aimed at humanising and democratising the entire educational process at school, define new priorities for teaching and upbringing, and require the formation of an initiative personality capable of rational creative work. The new Ukrainian school is a school of competences: communication in the state language, communication in foreign languages, mathematical literacy, competence in natural sciences and technologies, information and digital competence, lifelong learning, social and civic competence, entrepreneurship, general cultural literacy, environmental literacy and healthy living, and innovation. All of these competences are equally important and interrelated. Children acquire each of them while studying different subjects at all stages of education. The following skills are common to all competences: the ability to read and understand what is read, the ability to express opinions orally and in writing, critical thinking, the ability to logically justify a position, to take initiative, to create, the ability to solve problems, assess risks and make decisions, the ability to manage emotions constructively, to apply emotional intelligence, and the ability to cooperate in a team. It is these skills that a primary school teacher of the New Ukrainian School should develop among his or her students, because every child is a person.


1. Дубасенюк, О. А. (2009). Інноваційні освітні технології та методики в системі професійно-педагогічної підготовки. Професійна педагогічна освіта: інноваційні технології та методики. Житомир: Вид-во ЖДУ ім. І. Франка, сс. 14-47 (Dubasenyuk, O. A. (2009). Innovative educational technologies and methods in the system of professional and pedagogical training. Zhytomyr: Department of ZhDU named after I. Franka, рр. 14-47).

2. Енциклопедія освіти (2008). К.: Юрінком Інтер (Encyclopedia of education (2008). K.: Yurinkom Inter).

3. Закон України «Про освіту».

4. Луценко, С. (2020). Методичні засади державного управління в умовах модернізації сучасної системи освіти. Інноваційні технології в сучасному освітньому просторі. Суми: Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, сс. 8196 (Lutsenko, S. (2020). Methodological principles of state administration in the conditions of modernization of the modern education system. Sumy: Publishing House of the Sumy DPU named after A. S. Makarenko, 81-96).

5. Нікітіна, О. (2011). Інноваційність змісту початкової освіти як ознака її модернізації. Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки, 93, 123-127 (Nikitina, O. (2011). Innovative content of primary education as a sign of its modernization. Scientific notes of KSPU. Series: Pedagogical Sciences, 93, 214, 123-127).

6. Шило, С. І., Савченко, Т. В. (2014). Удосконалення навчально-виховного процесу на основі впровадження інноваційних технологій як засіб розвитку творчої особистості учасників педагогічного процесу, с. 30.

7. (Shilo, S. I. & Savchenko, T. V. (2014). Improving the educational process based on the introduction of innovative technologies as a means of developing the creative personality of participants in the pedagogical process.

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