The formation of communicative competence through the polylogue in the process of teaching future primary school teachers
Elucidation of the issue of the importance of the implementation of polylogue as a form of speech activity (native and foreign language), which combines the components of dialogic and monologic speech. Justification of the didactic potential of polylogue.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 83,2 K |
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Communal Establishment of Higher Education “Lutsk Pedagogical College” of Volyn Regional Council (Lutsk, Ukraine)
The formation of communicative competence through the polylogue in the process of teaching future primary school teachers
Alla Blashevska
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Foreign Languages Instructor
Nataliia Dmytrenko
Ukrainian Language Instructor
Maiia Fedorets
Foreign Languages Instructor
Nowadays the social order of the Ukrainian society is that the future primary teachers should be prepared for the effective performance of their professional functions andfor the entire participation in all spheres of life in a multicultural society, which involves the study of the issue of arising the skills ofpolylogical communication in future primary teachers. These skills are vital for the future successful socialization, full involvement in future professional activities, including future work in the international professional sphere.
This publication highlights the importance of implementing polylogue as a form of speech activity (in native andforeign languages), which combines the components of dialogic and monologic speech during the arranging the educational process in a higher educational establishment. They are necessary also for the formation of general and professional competencies of the future primary school teachers in accordance with requirements of normative legal acts: the Law of Ukraine “On Education”, professional standard for the position “Teacher ofprimary classes of a general secondary educational establishment”, “Teacher ofprimary education (with junior bachelors ' diploma)”, State Standard of Primary Education.
The study focuses on the usage of a polylogue during the implementation of the communicative approach in the system of training teachers for primary educational establishments. It is important to use a polylogue as a means of interactive teaching, e.g. while conducting a debate game, a discussion or a project. We have substantiated the didactic potential of the polylogue as a synthetic form of speech activity taking into consideration achieving the main goal of teaching language (native and foreign) for future teachers, which involves effective communication in oral and written forms of a language, the usage of language for the purpose of intercultural communication in the dialogue of cultures and civilizations in the modern world.
Based on the analysis and generalization of the experience of teaching verbal subjects in the Communal Establishment of Higher Education “Lutsk Pedagogical College”, it has been proven that a polylogue is ofprimary importance while using interactive educational technologies, for the effectiveness of projects and an educational debate game in the system offorming general and professional competences, primarily native and foreign language communicative competences of students in higher educational establishments of Ukraine.
Key words: polylogue, professional competences, communicative competence, innovative learning, interactive learning methods and technologies, project, debate game.
Алла Бляшевська, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, викладач іноземних мов Комунального закладу вищої освіти «Луцький педагогічний коледж» Волинської обласної ради (Луцьк, Україна)
Наталія Дмитренко, викладач словесних дисциплін Комунального закладу вищої освіти «Луцький педагогічний коледж» Волинської обласної ради (Луцьк, Україна)
Майя Федорець, викладач іноземних мов Комунального закладу вищої освіти «Луцький педагогічний коледж» Волинської обласної ради (Луцьк, Україна)
Формування комунікативної компетентності через полілог у процесі навчання майбутніх учителів початкової школи
polylogue didactic foreign language
Соціальне замовлення українського суспільства на сучасному етапі полягає в тому, щоб фахівець освітньої галузі був підготовлений до ефективного виконання своїх професійних функцій і повноцінної участі в усіх сферах життя мультикультурного суспільства, що передбачає дослідження проблеми розвитку вміння полілогічного спілкування у майбутніх педагогів. Таке вміння є необхідною умовою успішної соціалізації, повного залучення до майбутньої професійної діяльності, включаючи контакти в міжнародній професійній сфері.
Публікація висвітлює питання важливості впровадження полілогу як форми здійснення мовленнєвої діяльності (рідномовної та іншомовної), що об'єднує в собі компоненти діалогічного і монологічного мовлення під час організації освітнього процесу у вищій школі, необхідних для формування загальних і професійних компетентностей майбутнього вчителя початкової школи відповідно до вимог нормативно-правових актів: закону України «Про освіту», професійного стандарту за професіями «Вчитель початкових класів закладу загальної середньої освіти», «Вчитель з початкової освіти (з дипломом молодшого спеціаліста)», Державного стандарту початкової освіти.
Робота акцентує увагу на імплементації полілогу у процес реалізації комунікативно-діяльнісного підходу в системі підготовки фахівців початкової освіти засобами інтерактивних методів навчання, зокрема, дебатної гри, дискусії, методу проєктів. Авторами обґрунтовано дидактичний потенціал полілогу як синтетичної форми мовленнєвої діяльності з точки зору досягнення основної мети навчання мови (рідної та іноземної) майбутніх педагогів, що передбачає ефективне спілкування в усній та писемній формах мови, використання мови з метою міжкультурного спілкування у діалозі культур і цивілізацій сучасного світу.
На основі аналізу і узагальнення досвіду роботи викладачів словесних дисциплін Комунального закладу вищої освіти «Луцький педагогічний коледж» щодо використання інтерактивних освітніх технологій доведено ефективність методу проєктів, навчальної дебатної гри, у системі формування загальних і професійних компетентностей, у першу чергу, рідномовної та іншомовної комунікативної компетентності, студентів вищих закладів педагогічної освіти України.
Ключові слова: полілог, професійні компетентності, комунікативна компетентність, інноваційне навчання, інтерактивні методи і технології навчання, проєкт, дебатна гра.
Problem statement
The task of the modem educational process of higher educational establishments in Ukraine is the preparation of competitive human resources for high-tech and innovative development of the country, self-realization of the individual, provision of the needs of society, the labor market and the state in qualified specialists (Law of Ukraine on Higher Education, 2019). The goals mentioned above, are particularly relevant in the system of pedagogical educational establishments. The list of professional competences of the position “Teacher of primary classes of a general secondary educational establishment”, “Teacher of primary education (with junior bachelors' diploma)” includes language and communication; subject-methodical; information and digital; psychological; emotional and ethical; pedagogical partnership; design; inclusive; health-preserving; prognostic; organizational; evaluative and analytical; innovative; reflexive; the ability to learn throughout life. It proves that Ukrainian society point out high demands on the preparation of the future teacher for the effective performance of his professional functions because the paradigm of implementation of the subjects in the educational process of the primary and secondary school is aimed at the formation of key and subject competencies with the application activity approach on an integrated basis (Professional standard, 2020).
Nowadays it is a must for the future teacher to be ready for the formation of the communicative competences in students of primary school education, and therefore they should develop their native and foreign language communicative competences. The State Standard of Primary Education states that communicative competence, as one of the key factors, involves the ability to communicate in native (if different from the state) and foreign languages, and this implies the active usage of language (native, foreign) in various communicative situations, particularly in everyday life, cultural community life, mastering the skills of intercultural communication (State standard, 2019). The aim of forming the communicative competence of primary school students in the conditions of direct communication is stated in the national program for grades 1-4, it ensures the deployment of educational activities within the content line “Interact orally”, including the involvement of students in the process of perception, transformation, separation, analysis and interpretation, evaluation and usage of oral information in a real speech practice (class discussion, micro-discussion in a group): “Speaker/listener - the listener/speaker initiates a discussion by expressing their own views and listens to others; justifies opinions based on their own experience; determines the position of the interlocutor, agrees with it or denies it; expresses a benevolent attitude towards the opinions of others (shares them completely, partially or rejects them giving a justification); chooses verbal and nonverbal means of communication to achieve the goal; observes speech etiquette” (Typical educational programs, 2022).
Thus, the analysis of state regulatory and legal acts proves the special significance of the issue of implementing a communicative-activity approach in order to optimize the system of training education specialists in general and primary school specialists in particular. The need to fully ensure the effectiveness of the educational process of primary school leads to changes in the content of higher pedagogical education, namely a new approach to the provision of educational services, the transformation of scientific research and development into practical activity, the development and implementation of innovative personally oriented learning technologies, means and methods of their use (Law of Ukraine, 2023).
Analysis of recent research and publications
Foreign scientists, such as M. Bakhtin, J. Dumas, M. Holquist, P. Hsueh-i Chen, J. Raven, F. Wimmer, and Ukrainian ones (O. Antonova, N. Bibik, А. Bogush, V. Bolotov, S. Bondar, M. Golovan, А. Markova, Marushchak, N.L. Maslak, O. Moiseiuk, M. Pentyliuk, O. Pometun, O. Savchenko, O. Semenog, N. Sydorchuk, N. Volkova, I. Ziaziun and others) highlighted the issue of the implementation of activity and competence approaches to the organization of the educational process. The researchers F. Bacevich, O. Petraschuk, T. Stechenko, O. Vovchenko connect the communicative approach with learning a language (native or foreign) on the level of formation of interpersonal experience. Modern methodological scientists recommend to direct the process of language learning (native and foreign) to the formation of communicative competence as a result of involving students in solving language and speech tasks based on interactive teaching methods (L. Melnychayko, M. Naumchuk, O. Savchenko, G. Shelekhova, L. Skurativskyi, M. Tymchak, M. Vashulenko, L. Varzatska) (Blyashevska, 2021).
The analysis of scientific researches on the topic has proved that solving the issue of improving the system of speech development with the help of implementing modern educational technologies. It has got an important scientific and practical significance for the development of conceptual provisions on the formation of students' communicative competence. At the same time, a number of contradictions were revealed between the requirements of the updated content of education regarding the formation of students' communicative competence and the insufficient level of use of modern methods of communicative abilities and skills formation. In particular, despite the investigation of the issue based on the formation of poly- logical speech by well-known linguists (L. Matsko, G. Sagach, etc.), the linguists (O. Bilyaev, A. Lyashkevich, V. Melnychayko, O. Orlova, M. Pentylyuk, Е. Palikhata, O. Yefimenko etc.) consider it as a significant part of psychological and psycholinguistic concepts of language communication. A polylogue is not interpreted as an independent form of communication, and in the methodology of speech process, an insufficient attention is paid to the development and improvement of skills and abilities of polylogical speech. At the same time, we consider it to be necessary to pay attention to the fact that the formation of linguistic and non-linguistic (“behavioral reactions”, etc.) skills, which provide the opportunity to participate in polylogue in connection with the active spread of this variant of linguistic communication in people's social activities is one of the important tasks of the system of modern national education, since the polylogue implements a collective form of mass communication, is actively used during public and cultural events in various forms of group communication (meetings, discussions, debates, games, conversations, projects) (Prokopenko, 2012).
Goal of the article
Given the importance of the issue to improve the system of developing the communicative competence in pedagogical college, we consider it necessary to focus on the aspects of the development and improvement of polylogical speech as a form of collective communication in the process of mastering the academic subjects of the verbal cycle in the process of students' training in pedagogical college, as well as a component of the system of developing professional skills using of methodological tools (resources, technologies, means of teaching and assessment) to ensure the effective formation of key competencies, including communicative, of primary school students in the lessons of language and literature subjects e.g. “Ukrainian language and literary reading”, “Foreign language”. (Professional standard, 2020).
Presenting main material
A polylogue is a type of dialogical speech, a conversation between several people, participants in a communicative act, who have a different view on the topic which is discussed. The specific peculiarities of a polylogue are debatability, i.e. discussion of problematic issues, expression of opposing views on the discussed issue; the activity of speakers' speech; a direct connection of statements with the situation in which communication takes place; a high level of unpredictability; a gradation of the reactive role of communication of the participants, the essential importance of the social roles of polylogue participants; observance by speakers of the rules of conducting a polylogue; more or less equal participation in communication of all participants; compliance with the principle of responsibility: each of the participants is obliged to know that is being said at any moment of the conversation, and is obliged to ensure the opportunity for others to have this knowledge (Shevchuk, 2023).
Hsueh-i-Chen investigated the concept “polylogue” in the discourse and determined that Wimmer's concept of polylogue is applicable in the context of communication theory and is needed to explore communicative consequences when interculturality is set up as a precondition for the polylogue (Hsueh-i Chen, 2010).
A polylogue is a variety of language in which there are a few participants and all of them are active in a language relation (Kovalchuk, 2021). In a polylogue, information is accumulated, which is contributed by its individual participants. There is a simultaneous development of several topics, thematic switching, a large amplitude of fluctuations in the semantic and formal connections of the lines, semantic “zigzagging”, etc., that is, linguistic polyphony, in which several dialogues or polylogues take place in parallel, often crossing each other. A polylogue as a form of group speech communication has a special structural organization: 1. Beginning (opening of the discussion, introductory speech of the presenter). 2. The main part (speech A, remarks, speech B, remarks, presenter's summary, speech B, and so on). 3. Final monologue of the host. 4. Final dialogue or analysis of the discussion itself. Thus, speech communication is realized through certain forms, which are characterized by specific structural features and the peculiarity of the organization of means of the language system.
A polylogue is often considered as a modification of dialogue. Mikhail Bakhtin presented the concept of dialogism. The basic idea of the dialogue, which derives from literary theory, states that dialogic work, in contrast to monologic work, undergoes a constant exchange of meaning between other works and other authors (Bakhtin, & Holquist, 1981). However, in the process of polylogue, a monologue is also observed, if one participant conducts the conversation, and the other participants turn into listeners. It is determined that dialogue is divided into monologues, and polylogue into dialogues, and it is claimed that any communication involves monologues. Dialogical and polylogical speech is the combination of monologues, and speech in these forms of communication remains individual, since each person is individual and unique.
The peculiarities of polylogical communication include the presence of a presenter, moderator, that is, an organizer of joint speech activity of a group of people. It directs and organizes the behavior of polylogue participants, monitors compliance with established regulations, and most importantly, performs an important social function, uniting and “cementing” the speech, often contradictory actions of polylogue participants into a single process of speech communication.
Thus, taking into account the uniqueness of the polylogue as a synthetic form of speech activity, which is actively used in public activities, on the one hand, as well as the need to implement a communicative-activity approach to the organization of the modern educational process, on the other hand, we consider it expedient to use the interactive technology “debate game”, in the process of formation of students' communicative competence in pedagogical establishments of higher education.
In the specialized methodological literature, a debate is defined as a clearly structured and specially organized public exchange of opinions between two parties on a relevant topic, aimed at persuading the third party and forming a positive impression of one's own position (Profesiynyy standart, 2020).
The principle of the debate as an educational game is based on the traditions of the British House of Commons: there is an “affirmation” side and a “denial” side; the subject of discussion is an actual socially important topic, which is formulated in the form of a statement; a clear sequence of participants' performances and defined time limits; mandatory feedback between participants and judges observing the debating process; the criterion of victory is greater persuasiveness in confirming or denying the statement (theme).
The analysis of the structure of the debate game proves its correlation between the structure of the polylogue as a form of speech activity: 1) pre-communicative phase (thinking activity - inventing a thought, modeling the audience, creating a strategy and speech tactics, selecting arguments, etc. and thinking-speech activity - selecting verbal means for framing thoughts into an effective verbal form, preparation for public speaking); 2) communicative phase (thinking-speech-communicative activity - organization of interaction with the audience, establishment of contact, feedback, communication); 3) post-communicative phase (analysis and correction of the effectiveness of thinking, speaking and communicative activity depending on the degree of achievement of the speaker's goal) (Drozd, 2017).
The structure of any debate game proves its relevance to the project activity, since the process of preparing the debate game and conducting it is a typical scheme of a long-term group educational project: pre-communicative phase - choosing the topic of the project (debate game), discussing the goal and tasks, drawing up a project implementation plan; a search for information that illuminates the topic, analysis and systematization of information, a creation of a portfolio; preparation of speeches “for” and “against”; communicative phase - presentation and defense of the project (conducting a debate game); post-communicative phase - analysis of the performance of educational project tasks, determination of project results (debating game).
The experience of the teachers of verbal subjects in the communal establishment of higher education “Lutsk Pedagogical College” of the Volyn Regional Council testifies that the effectiveness of educational debates as a means of forming a developed students competent personality - future teachers, the citizens with developed communicative and intellectual abilities, who have a creative attitude to the world, a sense of personal responsibility and morality, are capable to participate in transformative productive activity in the process of mastering general education (“Ukrainian language”, “Foreign language”) and specialized subjects (“Modern Ukrainian language workshop with methods of teaching Ukrainian language, calligraphy”, “Basics of culture and speech techniques”, “Ukrainian language (professionally oriented)”, “Practical course of language communication”, “Practical English language course”).
The practice of the educational process proves that among the varieties of debates as an educational technology (“Karl Popper” format, “Oxford Debate” format, “British Parliamentarian” format, “Lincoln-Douglas” format, “American Parliamentarian” format, “Judicial debates”, etc.) the most optimal in the process of formation of communicative (native and foreign language) competence of students of the pedagogical college is the “Karl Popper” debate format (Remekh, 2020).
First of all, debaters, judges and spectators must realize that debate is an educational technology, an intellectual game, not an argument. In order to win the debate, it is necessary to strictly comply with the specified requirements. According to the rules of the “Karl Popper” format, two teams' debate, each of which has three speakers. The teams do not know which role will fall to them: the “affirmation” side or the “denial” side. Therefore, they prepare arguments “for” and “against”.
Each player is given some time to prove his/her position and refuse the positions of his/her opponents. The first speakers from both teams have 6 minutes, the second and third ones have 5 minutes. The first and second players have additional time to answer questions from the opposite side that is around 3 minutes. The third speaker summarizes the entire team's performance and does answer questions. During the game, each team has the right to take a few minutes for preparation (no more than 8 minutes for the entire game). The participants are not allowed to prompt each other or answer instead of one another. Each of them has a clearly defined role, and the performance of the next participant must be based on a continuation of the previous performance. It is also important to be able not only to argue one's opinion, but also reasonably refuse the opinions, voiced by a player of the opposing team. The result is a coordinated team performance, not an individual speaker's one.
A debate game, the topics of which are controversial issues of the social and cultural life of Ukraine and the world, is an integral component of the educational process in Lutsk Pedagogical College. They are particularly used by teachers of verbal subjects as a way of thematic or term control, for example: “An electronic book is better than a paper one”, “Justice - myth, reality or a naive desire for a perfect world”, “What is true freedom and can a free person be a free person in the modern world”, “Home education in the time of Lesya Ukrainka is relevant today”, “Sukhom- lynsky's postulates are the basis of NUSh today”.
It is worth stating that conducting thematic or terms' control of knowledge in the form of a debate game creates comfortable conditions when summing up the results of the work done, eliminates the psychological barrier that arises during the traditional control format due to the fear of students making a mistake. In addition, the acquisition of polylogue skills as a form of communication in the process of preparing and conducting debate games, ensures the formation of an individual's ability to prove their own opinions, conducts polemics, contributes to the transition of individual students' work united by a common goal. The use of a polylogue together with the formation of reflective thinking of partners and learning the culture of discussion ensures creative cooperation in the team, since educational activity takes place through the interaction of those who study and teach.
Thus, the formation of polylogical skills during the implementation of the pedagogical technology “debating game” in the process of the communicative approach in the system of higher pedagogical educational establishment ensures, firstly, the intensification, and secondly, the humanization of the process of training future primary school teachers while reaching the integration of communicative and cognitive goals (Tymchak, 2019: 9); implementation of “subject-subject” relations between the students and the teachers; individualization of the learning process, focus on personal qualities of students; the development of polylogical speech; the understanding native and foreign language communication as a partner's motivation for speech and non-speech activities; awareness of knowledge as a set of skills actualized in the system of students' activities; assessment and self-assessment skills. In addition, the level of motivation of students in acquiring knowledge and developing 21st century skills, which ensures a successful career in various fields of activity, particularly pedagogical ones, is significantly increased.
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17. Hsueh-i Chen The Concept of the “Polylogue” and the Question of “Intercultural” Identity. National Taiwan Normal University Intercultural Communication Studies XIX: 2010, 3. P. 54-64 URL: (дата звернення: 02.02.2024).
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15. Rasyid, A.R., Perdana, I., & Dayu, A.T. (2020). Students' speaking achievement: the application of debate technique for teaching. Proceeding: Islamic University of Kalimantan, URL: (Last accessed: 02.01.2024).
16. Rangkuti M.M. (2023) Exploring English debate extracurricular to enhance speaking skills and critical thinking in senior high school. Proceedings: International Forum Research on Education, Social Sciences Technology and Humanities. Vol. 1. URL: (Last accessed: 04.01.2024).
17. Hsueh-i Chen (2010). The Concept of the “Polylogue” and the Question of “Intercultural” Identity. National Taiwan Normal University. Intercultural Communication Studies XIX: 3. P. 54-64. URL: (Last accessed:02.02.2024).
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