Activation of foreign language vocabulary in modern ukrainian legislation

The lexical fund serving the legal sphere, as enshrined in legal texts, has always been the most important means of transmitting information, which, in turn, in any conceptual approach remains the main material for the functioning and functioning of law.

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National Academy of Internal Affairs

Activation of foreign language vocabulary in modern ukrainian legislation

Stratulat N.,

Haldetska I


The lexical fund serving the legal sphere, in particular, as enshrined in legal texts, has always been and continues to be the most important means of transmitting information, which, in turn, in any conceptual approach remains the main material for the formation and functioning of law, and is also "transferred from society to the rule-making body (in the language of modernity - the state) as a source of law-making and, conversely, from the state to society - as a tool for its regulation" [2, P. 9]. Since the characteristic of legal vocabulary is its "close connection with the worldview and ideology of the ruling class, with various political and legal theories, social traditions, legal experience" [20, p. 27], the system of legislative acts uses a set of lexical units that most fully characterize the current legal issues of our time

Today, in the language of legislative acts we increasingly observe the vocabulary of foreign origin, because, according to L. Simonenko, almost no language can do without its own resources, in particular terminological ones. Any of them has always used lexical and word-formation means of highly developed literary languages, mostly classical ones [13, p. 41]. Despite the fact that words of foreign origin have at all times been one of the sources of replenishment of the language of law, in recent times, within the Ukrainian lexicon the processes of borrowing have intensified significantly (which is one of the trends in the functioning of the language of law and the Ukrainian language system as a whole) and, in turn, require appropriate research.

Understanding the linguistic specificity of a legal text, in particular its lexicon in the aspect of its origin has always attracted the attention of both legal and linguistic researchers. Thus, theoretical and practical aspects of the study of legal vocabulary - the nature, sources of origin, ways of creation of lexical units presented in legal texts, classification, codification and normalization and fixation in lexicographic sources of legal language units - are covered in the studies of such scholars as N. Artykutsa [1], A. Balynska [2], S. Kravchenko [7], Y. Molotkina [9], M. Klochko [4], P. Luno [8], Y. Pradid [11], R. Savoniuk [12], L. Simonenko [13], A. Tokarska [17], I. Tsarova [19], N. Sheremeta [20] etc. However, today - in the period of significant changes in the modern legislation of Ukraine, determined by social factors - the issue of the study of legal language remains relevant in the plane of contemporary doctrine.

The object of the study is lexical items in modern Ukrainian legislation. The subject of the study is the terminological vocabulary of foreign language origin in the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police" of July 02, 2015, №. 580-VIII [3]. Research material: The Law of Ukraine "On the National Police" of July 02, 2015, No. 580-VIII [3]. lexical law foreign language

The aim of the study is a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the functioning of terminological units of foreign origin in a legal text. The implementation of the set goal involves solving the following tasks: to identify within the linguistic material of the Law of Ukraine "On National Police" of July 02, 2015 No. 580-VIII lexical units поліція, поліцейський (in the meaning of noun), поліцейський (as an adjective) - quantitative counts; to determine the use of the specified lexemes as key elements of the regulatory document in the text of the Law; to establish their characteristic specific features; to identify appropriate collocations, the components of which are specified.

Presentation of basic material

Today, those areas of legislation that reflect the most urgent and essential needs of society are undergoing transformation. Thus, the executive branch of Ukraine underwent significant reforms in 2015, which resulted in the making of a new legal act - the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police" of July 02, 2015 № 580-VIII. These significant changes in the legal sphere have not only expanded the vocabulary of legal texts with words available in the Ukrainian language, but also introduced radically new terms that reflect the modern realities of the law, based on the efficacy of the present. Undoubtedly, changes in the law enforcement system have caused the emergence of new words in policing, primarily of foreign language origin, which are reflected in the new normative document.

Each area of legislation serving the relevant branch of law is known to have its own linguistic specificity, use its own (sometimes different) lexical apparatus [6, p. 112]. In the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police", such basic units are поліція, поліцейський (as a noun), поліцейський (as an adjective). First of all, this is the vocabulary for the key concepts underlying the law enforcement system legislation.

Let us consider the specifics and features of the functioning of these terminological units in the analyzed legal act. According to the language material, the composition of the vocabulary represented in the current document has significantly expanded, both in quantitative and qualitative terms. For example, in the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police" the lexical unit поліція is recorded 652 times; поліцейський -- 570 times (the latter is mostly composed of substantive adjectives, and a small number of units denoting qualities and attributes are presented. In total, the text of the Law contains 1222 lexical items that are combined with various verbal signs

Since the lexeme поліція (as well as its derivatives) and the concept it denotes fall into the legal field, the semantics of these verbal signs must first be clarified. Given that the analysed units are of foreign language origin, it is worth referring to the Modern Dictionary of Foreign Words [14], which interprets the word поліція [< Latin - politia - state system] as "a special administrative body that includes armed units that protect and maintain public order, as well as conduct operational search activities. The competence of the police also includes the duties of protecting the state power" [14, p. 550], and also indicates the process of borrowing a foreign language element from the Latin lexicon by the Ukrainian borrowing language.

This basic lexical unit in the law enforcement system - поліція - served to create a derivative: поліцейський as an adjective, which in turn motivated the emergence in a lexical- semantic way of the word поліцейський, which functions in the normative text as a noun.

In modern law enforcement legislation we find a similar definition of the lexeme поліція, given the legal aspect of its functioning: "The National поліція of Ukraine (поліція) is a central body of executive power, which serves society by ensuring the protection of human rights and freedoms, combating crime, maintaining public safety and order" (paragraph 1 of Article 1). The word поліцейський (as a noun) in the Law is interpreted as follows: "Поліцейським shall be a citizen of Ukraine who has taken the Police Oath, serves in the police force and has been awarded the special rank of a police officer" (Article 17 para. 1). It is clear that поліцейський (as an adjective) is a lexical unit semantically referring to the word поліція, i.e. "related to or concerning the police".

The highest frequency, as noted above, is characteristic of the lexeme поліція, which is natural, since it reflects the key concept and forms the basis of legal vocabulary in the legal acts of the specified area of social relations. However, the lexical units поліцейський (as an adjective) and поліцейський (as a noun)

also demonstrate their activity in combination with other words, as well as the frequency of their use in the text.

Of course, the best way to see how a particular lexeme functions is through its lexical environment and semantic compatibility. In our case, this is demonstrated by the illustrations of the Law. For example, the word поліція is used in the following contextual expressions: "The activity of поліції shall be directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in accordance with the law" (para 2, Article 1); "The tasks of the Police are to provide police services in the following areas: 1) ensuring public security and order; 2) protection of human rights and freedoms, as well as interests of society and the state..." (Article 2, para. 1); "Relations in the areas of поліції activity with relevant bodies of other states and international organisations are based on international agreements..." (Article 4, para. 1); "In the course of performing its tasks, поліція shall ensure observance of human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine..." (Article 7, para. 1).

The lexeme поліцейський (in the sense of a person), which quantitatively prevails in comparison with the same form of the unit, but in the sense of an adjective, is found in such illustrations as: "Поліцейські may be sent to international organisations and foreign countries as representatives of the police in order to ensure coordination of cooperation..." (Article 4, para. 2); "Signs of belonging to поліцейських are the symbols of the police, police uniforms, special ranks, departmental insignia, a special badge and поліцейського identification card" (Article 5-1 para.1); "Поліцейським are prohibited from expressing personal attitudes to the activities of political parties while performing their official duties..." (Article 10 para.4).

The word поліцейський (as an adjective) is less frequently, but still actively used in the Law. This is clearly demonstrated by the following contexts: "The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine ... shall ensure the formation of the state policy in the field of ensuring public security and order ... and the provision of поліцейських services" (Article 16 para.1 subpara. 1); "The police for the protection of human rights and freedoms ... shall apply preventive and coercive поліцейські measures within its competence" (Article 30 para.1); "The police shall apply preventive and coercive measures within its competence" (Article 30 para.1): "A police officer has the right to demand that a person presents his/her identity documents... if the person is in a territory or facility with a special regime or in a place of special поліцейського control" (Art. 32, para. 3, subpara. 1).

We draw attention to the fact that the outlined units have become productive elements in the lexical filling of the models of different word combinations in the definition of legal concepts and description of legal norms and provisions. The analysis showed that the lexemes поліція, поліцейський (in the sense of a noun), поліцейський (as an adjective) are found not only in the current text, but also as part of the titles of the Law itself, its chapters and articles. For example: the title of the document is the Law of Ukraine "On the National поліцію"; the titles of the sections are Section II. "Principles of поліції Activity"; Section III. " System поліції and Status of поліцейських ", Section IV "Powers of поліції "; titles of articles - Article 1. National поліція of Ukraine; Article 5. поліції Interaction with State Authorities and Bodies of Local Self-Government; Article 13. General поліції system and others.

In addition, it should be said that the analyzed vocabulary served the emergence of a number of stable phrases. In the text of the Law we find a number of examples demonstrating the active valence of the studied lexemes, within which we single out a group to designate the executive authority, as well as its components. For example: the National поліція of Ukraine ^Article 1 para. 1); patrol поліція (subpara. 2, para.h 3, Article 13); the central authority of the поліції (subpara. 1-2, para. 1, Article 13); territorial поліції bodies (subparagraphs 1-2, paragraph 1 Article 13); поліцейські commissions (para. 1, Article 51), etc.

Let us focus on a group of phrases denoting the official position and position of a person related to the fulfilment of certain duties in bodies or institutions. For example, let us mention the following titles: Chief of поліції (Article 51 para. 9); Chairman of the поліцейської Commission (Article 51 para. 9); Head of Territorial Authorities поліції (Article 15 para. 5); Deputy Chief of Territorial Authorities поліції (Article 15 para. 6); Employees поліції (Article 3 par 2); the position of поліцейського (Article 47 para. 1), etc.

In the group of phrases containing the lexeme поліції and поліцейський, we can distinguish also the phrases referring to actions and processes connected with police activities: поліцейські activities (Article 29); поліцейський control (Article 32 para. 3 subpara. 1); поліцейські services (Article 2 para. 1); поліції tasks (Article 2); поліцейська work (Article 86); поліцейське welfare (Article 41), etc.

Of interest are also the word combinations formed with the help of the analysed lexemes to denote the names and personal attributes of police officers: uniform of поліцейських (para. 1, Article 5-1); service certificate of поліцейських (para. 1, Article 5-1); symbols of поліції (para. 1, Article 5-1), etc.

Within the functioning word combinations one can observe such variants, which have the semantics of abstract concepts: principles of поліції activities (Section II); the system поліції (Section III); the status of поліцейських (Section III) and others.

As we can see, the analyzed vocabulary serves the emergence of various semantically filled units, which, accordingly, are combined into groups according to the generality of meanings.

In our opinion, the presence of synonymous relations among the analyzed language units is interesting. In the text of the analyzed Law, as well as in other legal acts, synonymy is the interchangeability of words or phrases used for pragmatic purposes to detail or clarify the content of the legal text [Kravchenko: p. 12]. Thus, the word поліцейський (in the role of a noun denoting a person) is included in the corresponding semantic relationships of similarity with certain units, forming a synonymous series: поліцейський / працівників поліції/ представники поліції. It is worth noting that the specified units are absolute synonyms, as evidenced by the illustrative material of the Law: поліцейський: «Поліцейський has a service card and a special badge" (Article 4 para. 1); працівників поліції: "Працівники поліції (police and civil servants) are subject to the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" (Article 3 para.2); представники поліції: "Police officers may be sent to international organizations, foreign countries as представники поліції" ( АЛюк 4 para. 1).


The conducted research allows us to assert that due to the openness of the legal language, the legal text as an expression of legal thought is always influenced by current social reality, therefore the content of legal acts meets the most important needs of the present and uses the appropriate lexical composition, where the vocabulary of foreign language origin takes its due place. It was revealed that of the main basic units of the language of the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police" - «поліцейський» (as an adjective), «поліцейський» (as a noun), «поліція» - the latter is the most common. The indicated units of foreign origin served as the emergence of a number of stable phrases, within which a group was singled out to designate the executive authorities, its structural elements; to designate the official position associated with the performance of certain duties in bodies or institutions; those that name actions and processes related to policing; names and signs of belonging of a person to the police. Within the framework of the selected phrases, it was found that the analyzed lexemes often refer to the composition of the titles of sections and articles of the normative document, and their frequency is also present in the current text. It has been established that the analyzed legislative vocabulary is characterized by synonymous connections of its semantic content. We see prospects for further research primarily in the analysis of the correlation between the functioning of the lexical units «поліція», «поліцейський» ” (in the sense of a noun), «поліцейський» (as an adjective) in other texts of modern national legislation that provides for the law enforcement sphere.


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