Phonetic changes in Arabic anthroponyms used in the Azerbaijani language

Translation of names of Arabic origin into the Azerbaijani language. Analysis of the vocabulary of the Azerbaijani language with phonetic and lexical differences. Pronunciation of name of Arabic origin according to the phonetic phenomena of the language.

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Baku State University

Phonetic changes in Arabic anthroponyms used in the Azerbaijani language

Elsayed I.F.


Linguistic facts show that although borrowings from the Arabic language do not fully reflect specific Arabic sounds, they entered the Azerbaijani language, most of them were used as general words, and in some cases acquired new semantic shades. Therefore, although some borrowed words of Arabic origin have the same structure, as their semantics indicates, these words contain either close or completely different meanings, so these words are similar in form structure, but different in meaning. The translation of the majority of names of Arabic origin into the Azerbaijani language differs in terms of both meaning and phonetic features. Derived anthroponyms entered the vocabulary of the Azerbaijani language with phonetic and lexical differences. In a certain sense, personal names of Arabic origin have been pronounced according to the phonetic phenomena of the Azerbaijani language. It should be noted that these names are pronounced somewhat differently in Arabic. When the fields of phonetics, lexicology, and onomastics are applied separately or together to language materials, a number of realities are revealed. In this regard, a large number of Arabic words that have historically entered the Azerbaijani language have been actively participating in the daily communication of the people as the main and vital words of the Azerbaijani language vocabulary for 1400 years. Most of these words are in use from the beginning of the 8th century to the Arab Caliphate, and they have no equivalent in the Azerbaijani language. Due to its geographical area and surface and underground resources, as well as its talented and hard-working people, Azerbaijan has been a victim of a number of global states - empires, in a way. The Greeks, Romans, Mongols, Persians, and Russians set their sights on it and managed to keep it under their rule for a certain period. The purpose of giving such an excursus is that the Azerbaijani language, like an Eastern language, is not so inclined to Western elements, even though it was under Russian occupation for 200 years, it received a very small, imperceptible amount of words from this language.

Key words: Arabic origin, anthroponyms, phonetic changes, personal names, vocabulary composition, borrowings.



Лінгвістичні факти свідчать, що хоча запозичення з арабської мови не повністю відображають специфічні арабські звуки, вони увійшли в азербайджанську мову, більшість з них використовувалися як загальні слова, а в деяких випадках набули нових семантичних відтінків. Отже, хоча деякі запозичені слова арабського походження мають однакову структуру, як свідчить їх семантика, ці слова містять або близькі, або зовсім різні значення, тому ці слова схожі за структурою форми, але різні за значенням. Переклад більшості імен арабського походження на азербайджанську мову відрізняється як змістом, так і фонетичними особливостями. Похідні антропоніми увійшли до словникового складу азербайджанської мови з фонетичними та лексичними відмінностями. У певному сенсі особисті імена арабського походження вимовлялися відповідно до фонетичних явищ азербайджанської мови. Слід зазначити, що арабською мовою ці імена вимовляються дещо інакше. Коли галузі фонетики, лексикології та ономастики застосовуються окремо або разом до мовних матеріалів, виявляється ряд реалій. У зв'язку з цим велика кількість арабських слів, які історично увійшли в азербайджанську мову, протягом 1400 років активно беруть участь у повсякденному спілкуванні людей як основні і життєво важливі слова словникового складу азербайджанської мови. Більшість цих слів використовувалися з початку VIII століття до Арабського халіфату, і вони не мають відповідників в азербайджанській мові. Завдяки своєму географічному простору, наземним і підземним багатствам, а також своїм талановитим і працьовитим людям Азербайджан став жертвою ряду глобальних держав - певним чином імперій. На нього поклали око греки, римляни, монголи, перси, росіяни і зуміли деякий час утримати його під своєю владою. Мета такого екскурсу полягає в тому, що азербайджанська мова, як і східна мова, не настільки схильна до західних елементів, хоча вона була під російською окупацією протягом 200 років, вона отримала дуже малу, непомітну кількість слів з цієї мови.

Ключові слова: арабське походження, антропоніми, фонетичні зміни, особові імена, склад лексики, запозичення.


The Arabic language, as the magnificent Eastern language of the world, has been easily accepted by the spirituality of the Azerbaijani people along with the Islamic religion.

In the conducted research, the phonetic and lexical peculiarities of the words of Arabic origin, which have passed into the Azerbaijani language, their internal capabilities and differences have been revealed.

The actuality of the subject. Historically, it is clear that there are a large number of words of Arabic origin in the lexicon of the Azerbaijani language. The reason for this is the influence of the Arab invasion 1400 years ago. Along with the Islamic religion, Azerbaijan has immersed itself in Arabic terms in almost all spheres of life. Over time, these types of words spread widely among the people and turned from neologisms into common words. Even in a time when the Arabic language is no longer influenced, that lexicon has not lost its importance and is still being used.

In linguistics, the issue of studying names of Arabic origin is one of the issues in the center of attention. Different conclusions have been drawn from different positions in linguistics.

It is known that, excluding verbs, innumerable names of Arabic origin - both common and special names - have passed into the Azerbaijani language. Their investigation in separate aspects and the conclusions reached covered various points.

The subject of the study. The subject of the article is the phonetic of names of Arabic origin in the Azerbaijani language, as well as personal names of Arabic origin, how their phonetic characteristics are revealed and formed.

The purpose of the study. The main goal of the research is to find out the reasons for the introduction of words of Arabic origin into the Azerbaijani language and how they are included in the language. Therefore, it is to reveal the phonetic structure of words in those borrowings, as well as the phonetic differences in personal names.

Tasks of research

Here are the tasks to accomplish in order to achieve my article writing goals:

researching names of Arabic origin;

to determine the phonetic features of words in this source language;

to reveal the phonetic differences between Azerbaijani and Arabic languages;

to determine the semantic differences in the Azerbaijani perception of those type of words;

to clarify that anthroponymic names of Arabic origin carry onim or appellative features in both languages;

clarify the phonetic differences of anthropo- nyms in both languages;

justification of theoretical information with examples.


Thedescriptivemethodwasusedasthebasisforwrit- ing the article. In addition, observation, interpretation, explanation and comparison methods were also used.

Main part

Anthroponym as a phonetic phenomenon

Anthroponyms, like common words, arise from the corresponding phonemes and morphemes of the language, change and improve according to the internal development laws of the language. There are many differences between personal names and common words. Thus, personal names are chosen freely and arbitrarily, and general words are chosen by their fixed and mandatory. Common words are phonetically and morphologically formed lexical units according to the norms of orthography and orthography. Their structure fully meets the requirements of the literary language, they are always written and pronounced the same way.

All phonetic phenomena are found in anthropo- nyms. Let's consider them separately:

Numbness (assimilation):

Numbness, which is one of the phonetic phenomena in the Azerbaijani language and is widely manifested in dialects and dialects, is also found in Azerbaijani personal names of Arabic origin to one degree or another. In essence, the phenomenon of numbness, which is characterized by the fact that a sound in a word affects the sound that comes before or after it and adapts it to its denominator, both forward and backward cases in borrowed anthroponyms are factors that lead to the phonetic variation of such names. The conducted observations show that in Arabic personal names, the consonants d, t, h, r, b, m, n, l are among the sounds that influence each other and are subject to numbness. For this reason, in anthroponyms, both complete and incomplete features of numbness are found.

As it is known, in complete unison, the influencing sound completely adapts the influenced sound to its denominator.

Full forward numbness:

mb>mm: Humbat - Hummat, Sumbat - Summat.

Full back numbness:

dt < tt: Mammadtagi - Mammattagi; td <dd: Samatdin - Samaddin; hq<qq: Sahqulu - Saqqulu; nm<mm: Xanmad - Xammat; vb<vv: Sanavbar - Sunavvar.

In incomplete or incomplete assimilation, the influencing sound brings the affected sound closer to its denominator, not completely, but partially.

Incomplete forward numbness:

kb< kp: 0kbar - 0kpar; hd< ht: Mehdi - Mehti; fd< ft: Safdar - Saftar.

Incomplete retrograde numbness :

bd<vd: Abdal - Avdal; br< vr: Ibrahim - ivrahim; qt<xt: Muqtadir - Muxtadir; rv<lv: Mirvari - Milvari; dh<th: 0dham - 0tham; sm<zm: ismail - izmail; rv<lv: Sarvar - Salvar; nf<mf: Qazanfar - Qazamfar; bh<ph: Subhan - Suphan; vt<ft: Avtandil - Aftandil; nb<mb: Sunbul - Sumbul, Susanbar - Susambar, Qanbar - Qambar.

As a phonetic phenomenon that operates in a legal way in the language, the phenomenon of numbness also occurs between consonants in personal names.

Differentiation (dissimilation).

It is known that differentiation is a phonetic phenomenon that is completely opposite to assimilation. That is, at this time, one of the sounds that are the same or close to each other in terms of the denominator in the word composition affects the other one, moving it away from the previous denominator. The phenomenon of differentiation is encountered in the anthropo- nyms of Arabic origin in the Azerbaijani language, albeit rarely, and this phenomenon mainly occurs due to the influence of dialects and dialects:

k - g: 0skar - 0sgar;

f - v: Lutfali - Lutvali, Mufiq - Mu§viq;

t - d: Sattar - Satdar;

b - p: Abdal - Apdal;

t - d: Mastan - Masdan, Mastali - Masdali, etc.

Like numbness, there are different types of differentiation phenomenon such as complete differentiation, incomplete differentiation, forward differentiation and reverse differentiation.

Tavakkul-Tavakkul,0frand-0frant,Af§in-Av§in, Axund - Axunt, Buland - Bulant, Banov§a - Banov§a, Zaraf§an - Zerov§an, Muzaffar - Muzafvar, etc.


One of the widespread phonetic phenomena in the phonetic structure of anthroponyms of Arabic origin is voice loss. This phenomenon has eight forms of manifestation depending on the position and character of the falling sound:


It is characterized by the loss of a vowel before and after a sonorous consonant:

Zumurud - Zumrud, Zalixa - Zalxa // Zalxa, Fatima - Fatma, Riza - Rza


The consonant sound or sounds at the end of the word are dropped as a result of phonetic processes:

Hokumat - Hokuma, 0bdulmannan - 0bdulmanna, 0rastu« - 0rastu, Tukazba« - Tukaz ...

In the last word, the closed syllable -ban has been dropped.

Ha ( Ј ) and ha (0) are specific Arabic sounds that are pronounced by bringing the throat muscles together. In the pronunciation of these sounds, the laryngeal muscles are not fully tensed, and the air that is released noisily from the middle of the muscles no longer causes vibration in the vocal cords.

In the Azerbaijani language, in general, in the languages ofthe Turkic system, those sounds correspond to the consonant h, which is a voiceless consonant without a ringing counterpart, which is one of the sounds that is rarely used in the Azerbaijani language, and sometimes this sound is not even pronounced at all. This is one of the factors that enable the variantization process in the Azerbaijani language. For example, the last consonant of the names formed with the theonym of Allah falls into the second component: Abdullah - Abdulla, ibadullah - ibadulla, etc. translation vocabulary phonetic lexical


In two-component words, the sound or sounds at the beginning of the second component fall under the influence of the last sound or sounds of the first component. This phonetic phenomenon does not occur in personal names of Arabic origin. On the contrary, the last vowel sound in the first component is dropped due to the influence of the first consonant of the second component. This phonetic phenomenon is called elision.


In general, this is a phonetic phenomenon very specific to the Azerbaijani language:

0liakbar - 0lakbar, 0liasgar - 0lasgar, 0liovsat - 0lovsat, Valiaddin - Valaddin, 0liaddin - 0laddin, Haciali - Hacali, Muhyiaddin - Mahyaddin Mahyad- din - Mahaddin ...


At this time, one of the two different consonant sounds is dropped:

0bulfath - 0bulfat, 0bulfaz/ - 0bulfaz ... the first of the two adjacent consonants is an h sound, the previous vowel is lengthened, and this is a characteristic characteristic of Azerbaijani dialects: Mohsun - Mo:sun, Mahmud - Mamud, Tohfa - Tojfa ...

No vowel lengthening occurs when one of the two consonants next to it falls, and the second h sound: Ma§hadi - Ma§adi, Fathali - Fatali^etc.

In some names of Arabic origin with the presence of a double consonant of the same sex, one of those consonants is dropped:

bb-b: Abbas - Abas, Cabbar - Cabar, Muhibb - Muhib;

rr- r: Abuzarr - Abuzar //Abuzar: Zarrintac - Zarintac

hh-h: Vahhab - Vahab, Sahhat - Sahat,; ff-f; Qaffar - Qafar;

yy-y: Qayyum -Qayum, 0yyubali-

0yubali,Sayyad - Sayad, Seyyid - Seyid, Museyyib - Museyib, Tayyub - Teyub; ll -l: Mahall - Mahal;

mm-m: Tammam - Tamam, Ummunisa - Umnisa; zz-z: Tukazzibani - Tukazban, Fizza - Fiza.


During this phonetic event, one or both of the two adjacent syllables of the same gender are dropped: Mahammad - Mammad // Mahmad;

Nuridida - Nurida;

Nurmahammad - Nurmat;

Yarmahammad - Yarmat;

Qlimahammad - 0limat.


At this time, the sound drops in the word, especially between consonants that are morphed:

Qazzbay- Qazbay // Kazbek; Zulfiqar - Zulfqar ...


This is caused by sound attenuation. All closed vowels used in an unstressed syllable before a stressed syllable are reduced. This phonetic phenomenon is almost never found in personal names of Arabic origin.

Prosthetic (prosthetic)

One of the phonetic phenomena that takes an important place in the phonetic structure of personal names of Arabic origin is the rise of sound. In anthroponyms of Arabic origin, the occurrence of accentuation depends on the position and character of the added sound.

In the Azerbaijani language, the case of prosthesis is an Lin some cases at the beginning of the words beginning with the sonorous consonant p occurs by increasing the vowel:

Rza - /rza, Ramazan - iramazan, Ra§id - ira§id, etc. this feature is characteristic of Azerbaijani dialects and dialects.

Epenthesis, which is a type of declension, is also found in anthroponyms.

In this case, different sounds are added to the word. Some names of Arabic origin used in the Azerbaijani language contain two vowels or two consonants, either in writing or in speech, either a vowel or a consonant is added between them.

For example, when two vowels come together in the middle of a word, the consonant y is added between them:

a/y/i: Qaib - Qayib, Naib - Nayib, Rafail - Rafayil, Ismail - Ismayil, Israil - Israyil, Mikail - Mikayil // Mikayil, Cabrail - Cabrayil // Cabrayil, Ai§a - Ayi§a // Ay§a,

i/y/a: Valiaddin - Valiyaddin, Valiullah - Valiyullah, Saida - Sayida, §aiq - §ayiq;

a/y/a: §aasta - §ayasta ...


In Azerbaijani anthroponyms of Arabic origin, it is common for sounds to mutually change their places, and thus three types of metathesis occur in the phonetic structure of personal names:

Quantitative metathesis

This is a case of shifting long and short vowels according to quantity:

Rahman - Rahman, Sitara - Sitara,_etc.

Distance metathesis

It is the displacement of unpaired sounds:

fs-sf: Yafas - Yasaf;

yd-dy: Sayad - Saday ...

Simple metathesis.

In such personal names, the displacement of accompanying sounds manifests itself:

br-rb //rv: Ibrahim - Irbahim // Irvahim: dh-hd//ht: 0dham - 0hdam// 0htam; yn-ny: Ziynat - Zinyat // Zinat: xl-lx: Muxlisa - Mulxisa; rv-vr: Sarviya - Savriya; zr-rz: Nazrali - Narzali; rf-fr: Rufat - Urfat.

A feature that distinguishes the phonological system of the Azerbaijani language from the Arabic language is that at the beginning of the words g lack of a consonant. Many personal names and common words have passed from Arabic to Azerbaijani, the first letter of which is expressed by the vowel g. Despite the fact that such words have kept their spelling in our language for a long time, the first sound in the living language is q as said. Therefore, it creates a kind of double standard between writing and speaking. For example:

In the article: In conversation:

garib qarib

galiz qaliz

geyrat qeyrat

Gaib qaib etc.

In Arabic, the letter ghayn ( Ј ) is used to represent the sound g. Of course, there is a certain difference between the phoneme g in the Arabic language and the phoneme g in the Azerbaijani language according to the denominator. Such distinct sounds in each language are more than the number of sounds known to us by a certain name, and some of such sounds come to a person's ear as the same or similar sounds with the first and somewhat superficial impression. As a result of the mutual relationship or influence of different languages, the sounds of the second language can hardly find a place if there are no corresponding sounds in the receiving language in the words transferred from one language to another language. Therefore, such different sounds have to change the original.

Names of Arab origin whose first letter is gayn, and later replaced by the q sound in the Azerbaijani language environment, are approximately:

Qaib - gaib - invisible, hidden, not here,

Qalib - galib - victorious, victorious,

Qafar // Qafur - gaffar // gafur - one who pardons, forgives sins, makes concessions,

Qazanfar - gazanfar - lion, lion; brave man Qanimat - ganimat - all kinds of things taken from the enemy in a fight,

Qarib - garib - living on the ground, stranger, desolate, poor,

Qariba - gariba - unheard of, surprising,

Qeyrat - geyrat - zeal, honor,

Qiyas - giyas - the one who helps,

Qilman - gilman - young men, young people,

Qulam - gulam - young man, young man,

Qurbat - gurbat - strangeness, being in a foreign country, a foreign place, Qamza - gamza - flirt, Gamza,

Qazi - gazi - one who fights for religion, who wins,

Qani - gani - rich, who does not need anything.

It should be taken into account that when writing such words with Arabic letters, if the letter q (qaf) is used instead of g (gayn) in accordance with the pronunciation rules of the Azerbaijani language,_both the pronunciation and semantics of that word will change greatly. For example:

the first consonant of the word Qarib is gaf, then that word is close, relative, neighbor, and in the plural it is scorpion.

Qurbat - closeness;

Qiyas - reconciliation, comparison, analogy

measure ( from the same root as the word scale);

Qazi - gives the meaning of performing. Therefore, this type of substitution, which causes great distortions in the original source, is not taken into account in the Azerbaijani language. This means that borrowed names are neutral in meaning.

Thus, in borrowed words, the change of sounds that do not correspond to the phonological system of the receiving language is legal in this respect. Prof. Hadi Mirzazade writes: «Based on the historical development of our language, when the spelling rules of the Azerbaijani language were regulated after 1930, these features were taken into account, the first sound is q_and g It was considered necessary to write the spelling of the words pronounced as it is not as it actually is, but as it is said. Currently, this principle is followed in our spelling. The presence of several graphic signs in the Arabic alphabet to express the same sound in Turkic languages is one of the main reasons for the diversity in the spelling of personal names. It is known that in the Arabic alphabet, s, sin sad are expressed only by the s phoneme, te, ta by a single t phoneme, (za, zal, dad//zad), za z phoneme, and ha and ha by an h phoneme without shades.

When writing with Arabic spelling, these letters are sometimes mistaken, causing great distortions. For example, in the Azerbaijani language, the personal name Zahir is written in Arabic letters in two ways and has different meanings:

Zahir (1) bright, bright Zahir (2) obvious, obvious, appearance The Abbasid rulers adopted titles created from words and word combinations containing those semantic meanings in order to indicate that they were closer to God and the Prophet, that they passed to the caliphate in a more legitimate way, and that they were more capable and powerful at this level. From this point of view, it seems a little strange that the first Abbasid ruler carried the nickname As-Saffah, which means bloodshed. Also, none of the subsequent Abbasid caliphs have such anti-Muslim connotations in their nicknames. «This period, which occupies a significant part of our historical path, is closely related to the history of the Muslim state - the Caliphate, which was established in the Arabian Peninsula at the beginning of the 8th century» [10, p. 4]. «In the 9th - 10th centuries, the economic, political and cultural relations of Azerbaijan, especially Nakhchivan, with other Middle Eastern countries included in the Caliphate expanded and strengthened significantly. In Azerbaijan, a number of names of villages and hamlets are kept as they are. The invariable element of these names is made up of Arabic words [8, p. 12].

It should be noted that in both XKBaranov and A. Gafurov's dictionaries, the spelling subtlety was overlooked, the first consonant of the word saffah When written with sad instead of the sin grapheme, this word means pardoner, _ forgive sins, generous. It is more logical that the personality described in this way accepts this nickname [11, p. 19].

Let's get acquainted with other examples:

Zakiya: 1) intelligent, shrewd, discerning, cleareyed;

2) shameless, flawless, honest, clean;

Said: 1) hunter;

2) developing, rising;

Haris: 1) keeper, preserver, protector, guard;

2) farmer, rancher;

Faiz: 1) generous, generous;

2) the winner;

Sabit: 1) handsome, slender, shapely;

2) unchanging, firm.

«...In connection with the spread of Islam and the Islamization of the local people, many Arabic words and terms entered the language. The existence of the Arabic language in Azerbaijan as a language of science, religion, and Sharia in the following centuries is also important in family-household, religious-ceremony, science, politics, law, state, medicine, philosophy, geography, etc. He willfully utters Arabic words and terms related to the fields, and they spread among the people, passed into the living language, and were included in the vocabulary» [7, p. 202]. Different types of abbreviations specific to anthroponyms are also important factors that give rise to the creation of new personal names.

1) In the anthroponymy system of the Arabic language, there are a large number of personal names that have been transferred to the Azerbaijani language, which are formed by combining adjectives. A 1- зі certainty article is involved:

Abdullah - Abd -зі - lah (Allah's slave), Zeynalabdin - Zeyn - al/=ad/ - abidin (the shadow of the monuments),

Seyfullah - Seyf al-lah (Allah `s sword), 0bdulkarim - 0bd - al- Karim (the servant of Allah, who is generous) etc.

After considering all the components of these names, it can be said how anthroponyms such as Abdal (Abd-al), Zeynal (Zeyn-al), Seyfal (Seyf-al), 0bdul (0bd-al) were formed. As you can see, in the structure of the given names, the fall of the second component is observed. In Arabic, the abbreviated versions of those names are not personal names, and this aspect is unique to the anthroponymy of Turkicspeaking peoples.

Sometimes there is a group of personal names of Arabic origin formed as a result of dropping the second component, and the article belonging to that component drops at the same time as the second component. The vowel - i (-u//u) is added to the first component:

-i: §amsaddin-§amsi, Lutfaddin-Lutfi, Feyzul- lah - Feyzi, Xeyrullah - Xeyri -i//-u: Zulfaddin - Zulfi // Zulfu, -i//-u: Nurullah - Nuri //Nuru,

Conjugation of nouns in Arabic (masculine) - iyyun an adjective is formed by adding a suffix, and only the first vowel of that suffix is pronounced during pronunciation. Sometimes the end Names of Arabic origin ending with the vowel i have been transferred to the Azerbaijani language in the same way as from the source language.

Personal names Nabi, .Vali, Safi, Cabi, 0li, Qani, Vali, Hadi, Baqi, §afi, Zaki, Razi are of this type.

Based on this principle, personal names similar to the above anthroponyms appear in our dialects and dialects. For example:

Kubra - Kubu, Tarana - Tari, Urfan, Urfi, Fatma - Fati ...

Such personal names have found their way into fiction. In linguistics, sometimes they are called names with the meaning of caressing or caressing.

Rahimzade, who wrote about this, shows: “In the scientific literature, the words Nuru//Nuru§, Rafi, Farzi, Faxri, Xeyri, §afi...have been explained as names with the meaning of shortening, likening and cherishing. [9, p. 48]. In our opinion, Turkish languages, including Azerbaijani, do not have abbreviations, caressing, and endearing personal names. These names, which are used as lexical units with an independent meaning, have passed from the spoken Persian language to our Western dialects due to certain historical events. There are very few abbreviation suffixes in the Persian literary language.

Thus, anthroponyms of Arabic origin used in the Azerbaijani language undergo phonetic changes.

The result. Names of Arabic origin were able to find a place in both general and special words. Although it cannot affect simple structured verbs, it is reflected in its modification and complex forms.

Names of Arabic origin, when entering the Azerbaijani language, either preserved their originality, or were phonetically or lexically-semantically different and changed. This is also due to the fact that the Azerbaijani language adapted words of Arabic origin to its ethnopsycholinguistic style with its unique phonetic features. That's why phonetic changes in words have come about.

It is known that the Arabic language has some specific sounds that Azerbaijanis replace with suitable, similar sounds. For example, while the Arabic language has three «s» and as many «z» sounds, two «t» sounds, the sounds shown in the Azerbaijani language are pronounced in one variant.

In addition, the throat-laryngeal consonant «ayn» which is completely foreign to the Azerbaijani language in Arabic, indicated by an apostrophe in the Soviet orthography, the double-mouthed consonant «vav» with the pronunciation of «u», which is not similar to the Azerbaijani «v», and «hamza», which often creates a hyphen there were acoustic differences of the sign, but they were adapted to the Azerbaijani pronunciation.

As for anthroponyms as onomastic units, the majority of Azerbaijani personal names are names of Arabic origin. Even though 1400 years have passed, Arabic words are still used during naming. Many Azerbaijani personal names are used as an appellative-general word in Arabic.

Personal names also entered the Azerbaijani language with phonetic and lexical differences. In a way, personal names of Arabic origin have acquired a form of pronunciation corresponding to the phonetic phenomena of the Azerbaijani language. It should be noted that these names are pronounced slightly differently in Arabic. This is, first of all, taking refuge in the peculiarities of the Arabic language's articulation base, and in addition phonetically complete pronunciation without abbreviations in the original language. For example, the anthroponym “0liheydar” is fully pronounced in Arabic, and although it is written as “0liheydar” in Azerbaijani Turkish, it is Azerbai- janiized and pronounced as “0leydar”.

As another example, it should be pointed out result, it can be said that even though the Azerbai- that while the name of our holy prophet sounds jani language includes a large number of names of like «Muhammad» in Arabic, it is used in both oral Arabic origin, they became functional after being and written speech of the Azerbaijani language in subject to the phonetic and lexical features of this two variants - “Mahammad” va “Mammad” As a language.


1. Azarbaycan dilinda i§lanan arab va fars sozlarinin qisa lugati. Baki : Kitab Klubu, 2006. 300 s.

2. Azarbaycan dilinda i§lanan arab va fars sozlarinin qisa lugati. Baki : Kitab Klubu, 2007. 321 s.

3. Azarbaycan dilinin izahli lugati (4 cildda). l c. Baki : §arq-Qarb, 2006.744 s.

4. Azarbaycan dilinin izahli lugati (4 cildda). ll c. Baki : §arq-Qarb, 2006. 792 s.

5. Azarbaycan dilinin izahli lugati (4 cildda). lll c. Baki : §arq-Qarb, 2006. 672 s.

6. Azarbaycan dilinin izahli lugati (4 cildda). lYc. Baki : §arq-Qarb, 2006. 712 s.

7. 0libayzada E. Azabaycan dilinin tarixi (2 cildda). I cild. Azarbaycan Tarcuma markazi, Baki : 2007. 660 s.

8. 0rabca-Azarbaycanca lugat. Baki : §arq-Qarb, 2007. 440 s.

9. Rahimzada D. Oguz dillarinda arab man§ali alinma sozlarin bazi fonetik xususiyyatlari. “Turkologiya” jurn., 2015, № 4, sah. 28-34.

10. Valixanli N.M. 0rab Xilafati va Azarbaycan. Baki : 1993. 240 s.

11. 0rabca-Azarbaycanca lugat. II cild. Baki : §arq-Qarb, 2007. 420 s.

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