Multimodality and neurocopywriting as digital commercial narrative strategies
Types of commercial narrative. Validation of techniques and tactics for implementing strategies of multimodality, neurocopywriting, which create cognitive integrity of translation, perception of digital information in English-language commercial texts.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 1,4 M |
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Having calculated the data of customers engagement in social platforms and Net promotion as well as Sales statistics after the presentation of digital commercial narratives we made the rate of customer engagement. Thus, Table1 Landscape of responses made it possible to determine the engagement rate and consequently the digital reputation of the commercial narrative (recognizability, prestige and so on). After analyzing the sales reports on the official websites of the companies and feedback on social engagement (100% is the sum of all reactions of the recipients of the investigated narratives), the result of the audit of the success of the commercial narrative is presented in Table 1:
Table 2Landscape of responses after the digital commerce launching
Rate |
Tools |
16 % |
Page Views |
15,5 % |
Subscribers |
14,5 % |
Impressions likes |
12 % |
Publication pickup |
10,5 % |
Followers |
9,5% |
Blog articles by influensers |
8,5% |
Social posts |
8 % |
Customer review scores |
3% |
Widgets |
2,5 % |
Pipelines in sales |
The digital commercial narratives with the help of multimodality and neurocopywriting strategies have the next rank of digital reputation in social nets. The results of quantitative calculations illustrate the most effective reactions of consumers to digital commercial narratives falls for the category of Social Perception (engagement rate equals the number of interaction divided into the number of followers times to 100) from 16-12%, such criteria of social responses as Loyalty occupies the second place with the 10-8,5%, indicator of sales has 8-2,5 % was audited from financial reports on official websites of Brands.
We distinguished that digital commercial narrative has a linguistics status and can be considered as a visual-rhetorical phenomenon, communication success of which is measured by the emotional engagement of customers on the digital commerce narration (the landscape of social responses) which ranks its digital reputation. We claim that in a saturated market, a well- executed storytelling strategy can differentiate brand from its competitors. By leveraging its rich story inventory, the brand transcends the product itself and resonates with customers on a deeper emotional level.
The strategies of multimodality and neurocopywriting in the digital commercial narrative act as the latest technology of verbalization of business mentality, which is based on the study of the behavioral response of potential customers to the use of special verbal and paraverbal tactics, as well as the use of such data in the future when creating new commercial narratives. We claim that the digital commercial narrative not only constructs new meanings, but also through the combination of semantic codes contributes to the creation of an emotional connection with the recipient-client, which, in turn, is the task of neurocopywriting. The implementation of the multimodality and neurocopywriting strategies in the digital commercial narrative allows to algorithmize the block diagram of sales funnels (pipeline sales) starting from the creation of a commercial narrative to the collection of client bases data and communication with each potential client personally. Such digital commercial narrative is a key to a target audience interest management program which is the task of neuromarketing. The further perspective of our research can be seen in the application of these strategies in startup environment for promotion of innovations.
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Marina, O., Shatilo, D., Shylo, P. (2021). Manifestations of multimodality in contemporary anglophone artistic discourse. Folia Philologica, vol. 2, pp. 23-32. DOI: ca/2021/2/3
McQueen, S. (2018). Bleu de CHANEL. Available at:
watch?v=tgetStLp1PU&ab_channel=CHANEL (Accessed 13 November 2023).
Morozova, O. (2017). Monomodal and multimodal instantiations of conceptual metaphors of Brex- it. Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow. The journal of University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, vol. 2, issue 2, pp. 250-283. DOI:
Patil, S. (Ed.). (2023). User Stories: What They Are and Why and How to Use Them. Available at: (Accessed 13 November 2023).
Pelta, R. (2022). 50 Motivational Quotes for Work. Available at: (Accessed 13 November 2023).
Pennebaker, J.W., Boyd, R.L., Jordan, K., & Blackburn, K. (2015). The Development and Psychometric Properties of LIWC2015. Austin, University of Texas, 26 p. DOI:
Siefkes, M. (2015). How Semiotic Modes Work Together in Multimodal Texts: Defining and Representing Intermodal Relations. Available at: How_Semiotic_Modes_Work_Together_in_Multimodal_Texts_Defining_and_Representing_Intermodal_ Relations#fullTextFileContent (Accessed 13 November 2023).
Spoonauer, M. (2023). Apple Vision Pro FIRST LOOK. Available at: watch?v=y6WqmEkNlNE (Accessed 13 November 2023).
Zhabotynska, S., Slyvka, N. (2020). Emotive speech actsand their discourse modifications in the literary text. Discourse and Interaction, vol. 13, issue 1, pp. 113-136. DOI: 1-113
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