Extralinguistic and linguistic features of the official business style in English
Analysis of extralinguistic and linguistic features, functions and factors which influence the definition of the official business style in English. Patterns and systematization constitute trends in changes in style parameters in official business texts.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 51,2 K |
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Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Rajabova S.
extralinguistic linguistic business style
The article deals with extralinguistic and linguistic features, functions andfactors which influence the definition of the official business style in English. Official business style occupies a unique position in the system of functional styles. The official business style performs the functions of declaring, informing, demonstrating and instructing internal legal relations between the state and citizens. In this regard, the present issue can be considered as an attempt to analyze official business English as a functional version of this language within the system, as a social phenomenon determined by the use of language tools in a specific communicative situation. The analysis focuses on special vocabulary, morphological means and syntactic structures, terms, stable and unstable combinations, official business standards and labels used in official business style texts. Characteristics of the official business style of modern English, lexical and grammatical norms and patterns, systematization constitute trends in changes in style parameters in official business texts. The main purpose of the article is to explore the official business style of the English language from the point of view of communicative style, lexical-phraseological and syntactic style, as well as to determine the main trends in the development of the official business style.The results of studying text materials related to the official business style of the English language clarify our ideas about the nature of this style. The material of the article provides new information about the specific norms, genres and functions of the official business style, its linguistic features: lexical-semantic, morphological and syntactic features, as well as the similarities and differences between the official business style and other styles. The method of complex analysis of this style can be used when describing other styles. The mentioned event is analyzed by considering the communicative situation within the categories of addressee - information - addressee.
Key words: emotionally expressive, formality, specific features, communicative needs, business speech.
У статті розглядаються екстралінгвістичні та лінгвістичні особливості, функції та фактори, що впливають на визначення офіційно-ділового стилю в англійській мові. Офіційно-діловий стиль займає унікальне становище у системі функціональних стилів. Офіційно-діловий стиль виконує функції декларування, інформування, показу та інструктування внутрішньоправових відносин між державою та громадянами. У зв'язку з цим цю проблему можна розглядати як спробу проаналізувати офіційну ділову англійську як функціональний варіант цієї мови всередині системи, як соціальне явище, детерміноване використанням мовних засобів у конкретній комунікативній ситуації. В аналізі основна увага приділяється спеціальній лексиці, морфологічним засобам та синтаксичним конструкціям, термінам, стійким та нестійким поєднанням, офіційно-діловим стандартам та етикеткам, що використовуються у текстах офіційно-ділового стилю. Характеристики офіційно-ділового стилю сучасної англійської мови, лексичні та граматичні норми та закономірності, систематизація становлять тенденції зміни параметрів стилю в офіційно-ділових текстах. Основна мета статті - дослідити офіційно-діловий стиль англійської мови з погляду комунікативного стилю, лексико-фразеологічного та синтаксичного стилю, а також визначити основні тенденції розвитку офіційно-ділового стилю. Результати вивчення текстових матеріалів, що належать до офіційноділового стилю англійської мови, уточнюють наші уявлення про природу цього стилю. Матеріал статті дає нові відомості про специфічні норми, жанри та функції офіційно-ділового стилю, його мовні особливості: лексико-семантичні, морфологічні та синтаксичні особливості, а також подібності та відмінності офіційно-ділового стилю з іншими стилями. Метод комплексного аналізу цього стилю можна використовувати при описі інших стилів. Вказана подія аналізується шляхом розгляду комунікативної ситуації в категоріях адресант - інформація - адресат.
Ключові слова: емоційна експресивність, офіційність, специфіка, комунікативні потреби, ділова мова.
Style is a type of language characterized by features in the selection, combination and organization of linguistic means in connection with the tasks of communication. Style determines the choice of words depending on the purpose, scope application and speech genre. There are expressive styles, selection of funds in which are determined by the expressive -stylistic coloring and functional styles [6, p. 112]. In despite of the growing role of English as a language of international communication, the number of works devoted to the study of the functional and stylistic features of the official business style of the English language is insignificant. The concept of functional style began to take shape in the second half of the 20th century. The emergence of a new concept was explained by a certain kind of changes and splits in society, the stratification of cultural conditions that led to changes in the use of language. It was this period that served as the starting point for the formation of functional styles. Functional style is a socially conscious and functionally conditioned, internally unified set of methods of use, selection and combination of means of speech communication in the sphere of a particular public, national language, correlated with other similar methods of expression that serve other purposes, perform other functions in speech social practice of a given people [6, p. 112]. We define functional style as a subsystem of the literary language, which has specific features at all levels of the language system, functions in a certain area of communication, serves to solve socially determined communicative problems, and exists in the form of a set of texts. Literary language is stylistically divided. We are primarily interested in standards stylistic, which allow you to differentiate functional speech styles. Functional styles are a historically established system speech means that are used in a certain area of communication. There are usually 5 functional styles: conversational, literary, artistic, business, scientific and journalistic. These styles are distinguished depending on language functions - communication, transmission information, influence, etc. [7, p. 84]
Official business style is one of the book styles serving the sphere of business communication. This is the language of documents, laws and business papers. Official business style is also called administrative. The main function is message, transmission of information. Used in official environments: legislation, office work, administrative and management activities. Throughout the life, a person has to enter into business relationships, that is, arise in the process of business (official) communication. In anyone's life documents play a huge role. Almost in any sphere of our activities require any documents [4, p. 44]. Many scientists define the official business style as one of the powerful, internally contradictory and drawing varieties of literary language into its sphere of influence. However, the number of works devoted to the study of the functional and stylistic features of the official business style of the English language is insignificant. In the English-language literature, works on the study of official business style are of an applied nature, where issues of the connection between business English and teaching methods are considered.
The main purpose of the article is to describe the extralinguistic and linguistic features of the official business style in English.
The main problem
Extralinguistic features of the official business style. In modern stylistics, the following genres of official business style of the English language are distinguished: the genre of legislative and regulatory documentation, the genre of correspondence, the genre of informative documents and the genre of final documents. Receipt, certificate, memo, power of attorney, order, instruction, statement, description - genres of clerical substyle; memorandum, note, communique are genres of diplomatic substyle; resolution, indictment, sentence, court decision, interrogation protocol, will - genres of the legislative substyle [5, p. 320]. The English language is not so strict stylistically, therefore, in English-speaking business communication, linguistic forms of both formal business and colloquial style, and sometimes even colloquial vocabulary, are used equally [1, p. 264].
One of the main distinctive features of English official business documentation is the use of a huge number of borrowed words, which actually complicates its perception. English is one of the few languages that has always quite easily accepted foreign borrowings. Such borrowings occurred in peculiar waves (from Greek, Latin, German, French, English), sometimes displacing the original vocabulary [2, p. 146].
Thus, the range of written genres of official business style is wide: from state laws, international treaties to various types of office documents and individual business papers. In the course ofthe English language in business and procedural documentation, we will first of all become familiar with the laws of organization of the English language, its grammatical and speech rules, observing their action both in the field of the language of law [6, p. 112].
Most genres of official business style are distinguished by “non-individuality” in the sense that they contain information relating only to socially typified, official aspects of life. Accuracy and detail of presentation ccontains the quality which is manifested in the use of special terminology, unambiguity of nonterminological vocabulary, limited possibilities of synonymous replacement, justified tautology.
Non-personal character. It is expressed in the fact that in business speech there are no verbs of 1st and 2nd persons and personal pronouns, and verbs of 1st and 2nd persons and pronouns are used in an indefinite personal meaning. Also the non-personal nature of business speech is manifested in the frequent use collective nouns: citizens, adults, students, etc.
Expressed in the use of sustainable turnarounds, special cleric terms and constructions: after statute of limitations, come into force, in accordance with the established procedure, etc. The standardization of linguistic means of official business style of speech is not accidental. Business communication takes place in typical situations where terms and speech cliches are not only appropriate, but also necessary to ensure absolute understanding between the parties: people making important decisions should not be distracted by searching for certain formulations [8, p. 172]. The prescriptive nature of business documents is expressed in the use of infinitives and chains of infinitives. To enhance to be categorical, stylistically colored adverbs such as: “it is necessary to decisively stop”, “must strictly follow”, “obliged to carry out unquestioningly”, etc.
The logic and argumentation of the presentation is manifested in syntax: loads of complex sentences with subordinate clauses that relay logical relationships. These are subordinate clauses of reason with conjunctions: “since”, “because”, subordinate conditions and consequences with conjunctions “if', “because of '. Elaboration of the text are transmitted by those participial and adverbial constructions.
Depending on the scope of business speech and stylistic originality of the corresponding texts is usually three substyles are distinguished within the official business style:
1) diplomatic (types of documents: international treaties, agreements, conventions, memoranda, notes, communiques, etc.; oral forms are practically not used);
2) legislative (types of documents such as laws, decrees, civil, criminal and other acts of state importance; the main oral form is judicial speech);
3) managerial (types of documents: charters, contracts, orders, statements, characteristics, powers of attorney, receipts and etc.; oral forms - report, speech, office telephone conversation, oral order).
Other general features of formal business style in comparison with other speech styles - a sharp narrowing of the range of speech used means and a high degree of repetition of individual linguistic forms.
Linguistic features of official business style. Language, as a tool of communication, arose in the most ancient times of the formation of mankind and to this day remains a real mystery for us. And all this despite numerous attempts by scientists to unravel and interpret this phenomenon. As a means of communication, language is a system of phonetic, lexical and grammatical means, which is a tool for expressing thoughts, feelings, expressions of will and serves as the most important means of communication between people. Being inextricably linked in its emergence and development with a given human collective, language is a social phenomenon. Language forms an organic unity with thinking, since one does not exist without the other. Stylistics allows us to establish patterns and specifics of the use of linguistic units in artistic speech [7, p. 84].
Each sphere of life provides for its own norms of language use, or rather its own subtype of literary language with a number of distinctive features. That is how the concept of functional style arose. It is almost impossible to give an exact definition of the term “style”; it is very difficult to find a science where this definition would be interpreted unambiguously. So in linguistics, “style” has two main meanings: - as a type of language and speech - Style is a variety of language, assigned in a given society by tradition to one of the most general spheres of social life and partially differs from other varieties of the same language in all basic parameters - vocabulary, grammar, phonetics [1, p. 264]; - as the language of the work - Some philologists define style as “a historically established variety of language use, distinguished from other similar varieties by the peculiarities of the composition of the language. units and the peculiarities of their organization into a single semantic and compositional whole (text)”. The lexical system of the official business style includes, in addition to neutral and common words, also stable phrases that have the coloring of the official business style:
1. professional terminology (diplomatic, military, accounting, etc.): legislation, ratify, authority, contract, import, levy, applicant, etc.;
2. non-terminological words used primarily in administrative and clerical speech: undersigned, above, proper, forwarding, collection, subordinate, appeal, etc.;
3. archaisms and historicisms: His Majesty, Your Excellency, assurance of respect, this, such, that.
Some lexical units are characteristic only of certain genres of organizational and business documents; in particular, historicisms are found only in government notes. [5, p.320] The obligatory-prescriptive nature inherent in the official business style requires choosing from a number of synonyms that express the will of the legislator: allow, prohibit, indicate, oblige, decree, appoint. Many of the words with the coloring of an official business style form antonymic pairs: rights - obligations, plaintiff - defendant, punished - acquitted, action - inaction, legal - illegal. Theprocess of standardization of business speech is closely related to the process of its phraseology. Both stylistically neutral and cross-style phraseological units are widely represented here (have meaning, hold a position, scope of application, cause damage), as well as stable combinations with the coloring ofan official business style (established procedure, cassation appeal, preliminary consideration, acquittal, lump sum). [4, p. 62]. Business style vocabulary is also characterized by the use of complex abbreviated words (usually abbreviated names of state and public organizations): UN, Baku State University, Research Institute, Trade Union, Student Council, Workshop. Official business speech reflects not individual, but social experience, therefore its vocabulary is extremely generalized in semantic terms. Preference is given to generic rather than specific concepts: settlement, vehicles, educational institution, etc. The vocabulary of the official business style is characterized by a complete absence of jargon, colloquial words, dialectics and words with an emotionally expressive connotation [5, p. 320]. Among the main features of the official business style are the traditional expression; lack of emotionality; the coded nature of the language system (including contractions); a common syntactic way of combining several phrases into one sentence [2, p. 146]. The main features of the official business style of speech are accuracy and clarity of presentation; the use of words in their direct (nominative) meaning; use of specific vocabulary (high degree of standardization), frequency of verbal nouns; use of complex syntactic structures; 1) accuracy, detail of presentation; 2) nonpersonal nature; 3) the prescriptive nature of the presentation (voluntariness); 4) logic and reasoning.
Lexical features are phenomena associated with the use of words and expressions in a particular language. They may include various aspects such as semantics, grammar and stylistics. Lexical features play an important role in forming the meaning of an utterance and transmitting information using language. One of the most important concepts in lexical features is synonymy. Synonyms are words or expressions that have close or similar meaning. They allow us to improve language expressiveness and accuracy. For example, synonyms for the word “beautiful” might be “wonderful,” “magnificent.” Using different synonyms allows us to vary and more accurately convey our thoughts and feelings. Another concept related to lexical features is antonym. Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. They help us create contrasts and describe opposing phenomena. For example, the antonym for the word “tall” could be “low.” Antonymous pairs of words allow us to build linguistic contrasts and more accurately convey ideas [8, p. 172]. Lexical features reflect the diversity of linguistic material and its potential combinations. They enable us to use language more accurately and effectively to convey information and express our opinions. [8, p.172] Understanding and using lexical features is an important component of the development of language competence and language proficiency.
Now let's look at the linguistic features of official business style.
1. Formality, emphasized objectivity, restraint. Objectivity is related to the legal norms of the document and reflects it stating or prescriptive in nature (information - for your information, order - for execution).
2. Completeness of information with accuracy and compactness of presentation. The main task of the document compiler is to clearly reflect information that has (or acquires) legal force.
3. Impassiveness, formality of tone, contraindication emotionality, subjectivity.
A neutral tone of presentation is the norm of business etiquette. The personal, subjective moment should be kept to a minimum. Therefore, for the limits of business speech are forms that have an emotionally expressive connotation. If you want in a business document or speech express a request, gratitude or make a strict demand (when, it would seem that it becomes so natural to appeal to emotionally rich forms of language), then in this case preference should be given means of logical rather than emotional assessment of facts [1, p. 264].
Thus, we can conclude that business document in English represent a special type of business text with certain distinctive features, the most characteristic of which are: the method of transmitting information, a description of a specific production situation, unity of subject matter, a unique compositional and graphic structure, objective and documentary nature of the presentation, active use of speech etiquette. Business documents demonstrate a high frequency of use of certain speech forms, which is the result of a conscious focus on standardization and cliched language when describing typical situations of commercial communication [1, p. 264]. Stereotyping of documents or business situations requires restrictions and standardization of speech means. Business documents use standard terminology designations: - naming communicants according to their social role in a given communication situations (recipient, co-author, contributor, supplier, etc.); - common names of documents: memorandum, power of attorney, certificate, deed, etc. - common designation for parts of business paper.
In the field of vocabulary and phraseology, official business style is different: - absence of neologisms, if they can be replaced common literary words. If there are no synonyms and neologisms are used, it is necessary to provide explanations for them in the text (usually explanations in the document are given in brackets); - using clerical words: verbal nouns (unification, approval, fulfillment) and participles, (proper, the undersigned, the above, etc.); - for the syntax of formal business style of speech characteristic: predominant use of simple sentences: narrative, personal (there is a subject), common, complete (there is a subject and a predicate). Of the one-component ones, they are actively used only impersonal and in some types of documents (orders, official letters) - definitely personal: As morphological features of business style, scientists note a high proportion of nouns compared to verbs which is probably due to the need in business correspondence. Lexical, morphological and syntactic features of business speech are determined by the main features of business style and vary depending on the genre and content of the business document, i.e. depending on the latter's affiliation with one or another branch of state and public activity. These linguistic features of the official business style, due to their attachment to business speech, their functional conditionality and consistency of use, are the functional and stylistic norm of the official business style [6, p. 112].
The syntactic structure of the modem English official business language is distinguished by the widespread use of passive, impersonal and definitely personal constructions. These and other constructions have no direct equivalents in English. [8, p. 172]. Among the syntactic features are: [7, p. 84]. 1. Long sentences with the active use of conjunctions (The use of long sentences is due to the frequent need to list the terms oftransactions, technical and other parameters of goods and services, as well as the active and standardized introductory constructions). 2. Introductory constructions (the main part of introductory words and constructions are placed at the beginning of sentences and often have a cliched character: moreover, an important point is that, as a result of, unfortunately). 3. The predominance of complex sentences over simple ones (the predominant use of complex sentences with a pronounced conjunction is due to the need to clearly present important business information. In this case, conjunctions play the role of logical links between parts of a complex sentence. This demonstrates the fact that each complex sentence reflects one logical thought, although each of its components also has its own meaning). 4. The predominance of complex sentences over complex sentences (This feature is due to the need to maintain the stylistic features of the documentation, as well as the fact that in commercial documentation there is often a need to list varied and quite difficult to understand technical information, when breaking the text into simple and uncomplicated sentences does not contribute to savings time and effort). 5. Multi-level subordinate clauses (This feature of commercial documentation helps to connect several autonomous semantic parts into a single whole, when they are syntactically quite complex in construction, but are logically integral parts of each other due to the unity of the information presented in them). 6. Parallel constructions (The use of parallel constructions allows you to make the letter more understandable and clear, but, being, in essence, parts of a sentence close to each other in meaning, these constructions are not often used in business documentation, since they lengthen written speech, while commercial letters show a steady tendency towards brevity due to their main semantic function - the transfer of highly specialized information). 7. Stable phrases (These constructions have an official business connotation, as a rule, they consist of professional vocabulary, have a neutral and inter-style character, are attributive-nominal, i.e. they often represent a subordinating phrase “adjective - noun”).
The morphological features are investigated by us: [8, p. 172]. l.Active use of infinitives (the use of an infinitive allows you to make speech more imperative, emphasize the obligation of the addressee's actions, the accuracy and completeness of expression. Infinitive constructions often have the meaning of obligation).
Widely using of passive pledge (It is considered that the wide use of passive pledge is characteristic of an official business letter. This is explained by the fact that for official business papers, a generalized indication of action is typical as a fact, and not a procedural process; it often reflects the prescribing the character of the document, in which the action acquires a necessary, inevitable shade. 1. Many nouns (Frequent use of verbal nouns and “verb - noun” combinations as a predicatehas been noted. The overwhelming number of abbreviations include nouns. In the texts of business letters, pairs of two antonymous nouns are used). 2. Verbal nouns (Mainly used to name a phenomenon, process, result of an action. The use of verbal nouns slightly complicates the perception of textual information, but at the same time makes the presentation official and generalized, which is one of the characteristic features of the official business style, one of the genres which is a business letter). 3. Prevalence of nouns over pronouns (in the texts of the business letters we analyzed, purely personal pronouns are significantly less than the total number of nouns used. The small number of personal pronouns indicates such a feature of the official business style asimpersonality).
Thus, we can conclude that each style is characterized by its own extralinguistic and linguistic features. They can coincide in different styles, for example, both journalistic and conversational styles refer to oral form. May vary for the same style. Example: official business can be expressed in both monologue and dialogue. But they all determine the specifics and features of the style. In business communication, formality and standardity are expected from speech of the speaker, it is the stylistic coloring of speech that is an important component of modern professional success of specialist. Our task is to practically master business speech. Remember at the same time how aptly and figuratively the official business style is called, it is acceptable only in situations of business communication. Do not abuse it where it is inappropriate: in journalism, in fiction, in everyday communication.
The business letters in English represent a special type of business text with certain distinctive features, the most characteristic of which are: the method of transmitting information, a description of a specific production situation, unity of subject matter, a unique compositional and graphic structure, objective and documentary nature of the presentation, active use of speech etiquette.
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2. Mackay R. (1978), English for special Purposes. London: Longman, 146 p. https://books.google.az/books/ about/EnglishforSpecificPurposes.html
3. Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage. - Oxford, University Press, third edition, 2008. 658p.
4. Palmer J.D. (1977), The Concept of Register and English for Special Purposes. SPEAQ Journal. Vol. 1. № 3. P. 43-62. https://books.google.az/books/about/EnglishforSpecificPurposes.html
5. “Webster's New World. Law Dictionary Copyright. By Susan Ellis Wild, Legal Editor. Published by Wiley, Hoboken, NJ Published simultaneously in Canada, 2006. 320 p.”
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курсовая работа [44,7 K], добавлен 30.11.2015Comparative analysis of acronyms in English business registers: spoken, fiction, magazine, newspaper, non-academic, misc. Productivity acronyms as the most difficult problem in translation. The frequency of acronym formation in British National Corpus.
курсовая работа [145,5 K], добавлен 01.03.2015Systematic framework for external analysis. Audience, medium and place of communication. The relevance of the dimension of time and text function. General considerations on the concept of style. Intratextual factors in translation text analysis.
курс лекций [71,2 K], добавлен 23.07.2009Recommendations about use of a text material and work with expressions. Rules of learning and a pronunciation of texts taking into account articles, prepositions and forms of verbs. The list of oral conversational topics on business English language.
методичка [50,8 K], добавлен 15.02.2011