Latin-English-Ukrainian translation of anatomical metaphors with a "geo" component
Peculiarities of the translation of anatomical terms-metaphors on the material of Latin, English and Ukrainian languages. Classification of binary terms, specifics of their reproduction, translation aspect. Semno-component analysis of metaphor terms.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.09.2024 |
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National University of Pharmacy
Department for Fundamental and Social and Humanitarian Sciences
National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
Language Training Department
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
Department of Philology, Translation and Strategic Communications
Latin-English-Ukrainian translation of anatomical metaphors with a “geo” component
Lysenko N.O., PhD (Philol.), Ass. Professor
Lytvynenko O.О., PhD (Philol.), Ass. Professor
Doroshyna L.F., PhD (Philol.), Ass. Professor
The article examines the peculiarities of the translation of anatomical terms-metaphors on the material of the Latin, English, and Ukrainian languages. The theoretical foundations of the study of terminological metaphor in modern linguistics have been clarified, the research works of Yu. Brazhuk, N. Tsysar, H. Usyk and T. Kyrylenko, Yu. Makarenko and I. Tkachenko have been analyzed.
A complex classification of anatomical binary terms has been applied (among the criteria there are the source of metaphorization, the lexical-semantic type of modifier of the metaphorical term, the type of translational transformation, structural features), and the specificity of the reproduction of binary terms in the translational aspect has been revealed. Methods of metaphorizing compounds, which include a modifier with the meaning “part of the terrain”, have been studied. In particular, the article examines such binary terms as optic tubercle, pharyngeal tubercle, fundus of the bladder, temporal pole, uterine isthmus, etc.
A comparative analysis of metaphor terms during Latin-English-Ukrainian translation (taking into account their Latin equivalent as the primary basis) has been carried out using the semi-component analysis based on the material of the New English-Ukrainian Ukrainian-English Medical Dictionary (2020) and the Latin-Ukrainian Dictionary of clinical terms (2016).
Translation transformations have been described, based on V Karaban's classification. It was identified that the basis for the emergence of metaphorical valence is the external and functional similarity typical of an anatomical metaphor.
Usually, the translation is carried out by a metaphorical word that has the same or similar character of imagery. It is substantiated that each metaphor-term is a consequence of mental and linguistic activity of a person, who relies on a set of presuppositional background knowledge, marked by the features of the national worldview. The seminal-component analysis has been carried out using the eleven-volume Dictionary of the Ukrainian language, which establishes the primary lexical meaning, transformations and redistribution of seminals, the development of the connotative component.
Key words:term-metaphor, metaphorical binary, anatomical metaphor, semantic-component analysis, modifier.
Лисенко Н., Литвиненко О., Дорошина Л. Латинсько-англійсько-український переклад анатомічних метафор із «гео»-компонентом
У статті розглядаються особливості перекладу анатомічних термінів-метафор на матеріалі латинської, англійської та української мов. Уточнено теоретичні засади вивчення термінологічної метафори в сучасному мовознавстві, розглянуто наукові розвідки Ю. Бражук, Н. Цісар, Г. Усик та Т. Кириленко, Ю. Макаренко та І. Ткаченко.
Застосовано комплексну класифікацію анатомічних бінарм-термінів (серед критеріїв - джерело метафоризації, лексико-семантичний тип модифікатора метафоричного терміна, вид перекладацької трансформації, особливості структури), виявлено специфіку відтворення бінарм-термінів у перекладацькому аспекті. Досліджуються способи метафоризації сполук, до складу яких входить модифікатор із значенням «частина рельєфу». Зокрема, у статті розглянуто такі бінарми-терміни, як зоровий горб, глотковий горбок, дно міхура, скроневий полюс, перешийок матки, кульшова западина тощо.
Здійснено порівняльний аналіз термінів-метафор під час латинсько-англо-українського перекладу (ураховуючи їх латинський відповідник як першооснову) із застосуванням семно-компонентного аналізу на матеріалі Нового англо-українського українсько-англійського медичного словника (2020), Латинсько-українського тлумачного словника клінічних термінів (2016).
Описано перекладацькі трансформації, за основу взято класифікацію В. Карабана. Установлено, що підставою для виникнення метафоричної валентності є типова для анатомічної метафори зовнішня та функційна подібність. Зазвичай переклад здійснюється метафоричним словом, що має такий самий або аналогічний характер образності. Обґрунтовано, що кожна метафора-термін є наслідком розумово-мовної діяльності людини, яка у процесі творення спирається на сукупність пресупозитивних фонових знань, маркованих особливостями національного світосприйняття. Семно-компонентний аналіз проведено із застосуванням одинадцятитомного Словника української мови, за яким установлюються первинне лексичне значення, трансформації і перерозподіл сем, розвиток конотативного компонента.
Ключові слова: термін-метафора, метафорична бінарма, анатомічна метафора, семно-компонентний аналіз, модифікатор.
Defing the problem and arumentation of the topicality of the consideration. Nowadays, the question of the potential of scientific metaphor in all fields remains relevant, in particular, during the realization of the nominative function. Each metaphor, in particular a metaphor-term, is a consequence of the mental and linguistic activity of a person and during its creation relies on a set of presuppositional background knowledge marked by the peculiarities of national worldview. Hence, there is a need for a comparative analysis of meaning transformations during the translation of medical metaphorical vocabulary from Latin into English and Ukrainian languages, as well as English-Ukrainian translation.
The relevance of scientific research is due to the lack of a comprehensive study of anatomical metaphorical binary terms, which would combine a semantic-component analysis that explains the emergence of a metaphorical meaning in the Ukrainian language, a comparative analysis of a similar phenomenon of metaphorization in the Latin language, since the type of transfer can be inherited from it, with studying the specifics of transformations during translation into English.
The analysis of recent research and publications. The topic of medical terminological lexicon is a relevant area for numerous studies of modern domestic linguists. Among the topics there is the translational transformations in the process of Latin-English translation (analyzed by O. Bieliaeva and M. Malashchenko [1]) and Ukrainian-English translation (highlighted by Yu. Makarenko and I. Tkachenko [2]), processes of metaphorization in medical terms (examined by Yu. Brazhuk [3], N. Tsisar [4], H. Usyk, and T. Kyrylenko [5]).
However, these works have a constative nature and do not contain a detailed semi-component analysis. We have partly described this topic in our previous articles [6; 7].
Lat. |
ductus cysticus |
ductus parotideus |
ductus thoracicus |
Eng. |
cystic duct |
parotid duct |
thoracic duct |
Ukr. |
міхурова протока |
привушна протока |
грудна протока |
Lat. |
Tuberculum pharyngeum |
colliculus facialis |
Tuberculum olfactorium |
Eng. |
pharyngeal tubercle |
facial colliculus |
olfactory tubercle |
Ukr. |
глотковий горбок |
лицевий горбок |
нюховий горбок |
Setting the the goals and tasks of the article. Thus, the equivalents of anatomical terms-metaphors in Ukrainian, English, and Latin languages (international nomenclature) require comprehensive research.
The purpose of the study is to reveal the peculiarities of the Latin-English-Ukrainian translation of anatomical terms- metaphors, to conduct a semi-component analysis of terminological metaphorical binaries based on the material of the New English- Ukrainian Ukrainian-English Medical Dictionary (2020) and the Latin-Ukrainian Interpretive Dictionary of Clinical Terms (2016), the primary meaning of the lexemes is established according to the publication Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language (1970-1980).
The outline of the main research material
anatomical term metaphor latin english ukrainian
Following V Karaban [8], we distinguish three main ways of conveying metaphorical terms: a metaphorical word which has the same or a very similar character of imagery; a metaphorical word which has a different character of imagery; a non-metaphorical word which only conveys the denotative meaning of the English metaphorical word, and not imagery.
Anatomical and pathoanatomical binaries, the modifier of which belongs to the thematic group “natural world”, are divided into geomorphic, phytomorphic, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic metaphors. Geomorphic metaphors are metaphorical compounds, the modifier of which is related to the science of the relief of the earth's surface, its origin, development and economic use.
The longest metaphorical rows are formed by the modifiers горб (occipital protuberance, thalamus, ulnar tubercle, frontal tubercle, ischial tuberosity), горбок (pharyngeal tubercle, lateral tubercle, medial tubercle, intervenous tubercle, intercondylar tubercle), западина (temporal cavity, ophthalmic cavity, infracollar cavity, inguinal cavity, subglobular cavity), протока (ductus arteriosus, ductus venosus, thoracic duct, biliary duct, mammary duct, hepatic duct, urachus), канал (intestinal canal, femoral canal, gastric channel, excretory canal, optic canal, sacral canal, facial canal, ulnar canal, urethra, infraorbital canal, cerebrospinal canal etc.), ямка (femoral fossa, coronal fossa, pituitary fossa, orbitotemporal fossa, ulnar fossa, intermaxillary fossa, suprasternal fossa, supraclavicular fossa, supratonsillar fossa, popliteal fossa, nasal fossa, auditory fossa, articular fossa, tooth fossa, jugular fossa), and борозна (arterial sulcus, lateral sulcus, intergastric sulcus, subclavian sulcus, parietal sulcus, sciatic sulcus, hypothalamic sulcus, pharyngeal sulcus, pterygopalatine sulcus).
The basis for the emergence of metaphorical valence is the external and functional similarity typical for an anatomical metaphor. Usually, the translation is carried out by a metaphorical word that has the same or similar character of imagery.
In the lexeme горб, the term “a small rounded elevation on a plane: hillock, hill” remains relevant [9, ІІ, p. 125]. In the metaphorical binary's parietal tuber and calcaneal tuber, the transfer is due to similarity in shape. The translation is carried out by a metaphorical word, which has the same character of imagery: tuber (Lat.) - tuber (Engl.) - горб (Ukr.).
Lat. |
acetabulum |
cavitas glenoidalis |
Eng. |
acetabulum |
glenoid cavity |
Ukr. |
кульшова западина |
суглобова западина |
And Latin equivalents are not binary terms, as Ukrainian anatomical terminology uses the term thalamus. However, зоровий горб is fully officially included in the Ukrainian dictionary codification. In this case, we can talk about Ukrainian-English translation, which is carried out with the help of a non-metaphorical term.
Similar to горб is a modifier горбок. In the lexeme, the same seme “a small rounded rise on the plane: hillock, hill” remains relevant [9, ІІ, p. 125]. The transference is also based on external similarity.
In the above examples, the translation is consistently carried out by a metaphorical word that has the same figurative character.
Another option is observed when translating terminological binaries кульшова западина and суглобова западина, when the first example demonstrates the presence of a metaphor in Ukrainian terminology, which in English and Latin corresponds to a monoterm, and the second is translated in the traditional way for anatomical terminology - a metaphorical word that has the same character of imagery.
In the lexeme западина, the seme “a sunken place on something” remains relevant. pit, pit” [9, ІІІ, p. 239]. The transference is based on external similarity.
In the modifier протока in the three terminological compounds given below, the term “narrow cavity, channel in a living organism” is actualized, which is a metaphorical derivative of the seme “arms of the river; a river or stream connecting two bodies of water” [9, VIII, p. 323]. The transference is based on external (in form) and functional similarity (connection of two organs and conduction of fluid).
In the given binaries, the modifier is translated by a metaphorical word which has the same figurative character.
The lexeme канал is one of the most productive modifiers studied and is included in 36 terminological compounds in modern Ukrainian anatomical terminology. When metaphorizing, the term “winding tube through which various substances pass” is actualized [9, IV, p. 86], which demonstrates the development of lexical meaning and is a former figurative meaning.
Lat. |
canalis opticus |
canalis sacralis |
canalis ulnaris |
Eng. |
optic canal |
sacral canal |
ulnar canal |
Ukr. |
зоровий канал |
крижовий канал |
ліктьовий канал |
The emergence of metaphorical valence is explained by similarity in form and functional similarity, the modifier is translated by a metaphorical word that has the same character of imagery.
Another version of the translation is observed for the terminological compound зоровий горб. The English
Lat. |
tuber parietale |
tuber calcanei |
thalamus |
Engl. |
parietal tuber |
calcaneal tuber |
thalamus |
Ukr. |
тім'яний горб |
п'ятковий горб |
таламус, зоровий горб |
Lat. |
fossa cubitalis |
fossa cerebralis |
fossa temporalis |
Eng. |
cubital fossa |
cerebral fossa |
temporal fossa |
Ukr. |
ліктьова ямка |
мозкова ямка |
скронева ямка |
A modifier ямка is a component of more than 60 anatomical terminological compounds. The transfer is due to external similarity. The “deepening” seme remains relevant in the modifier [9, XІ, p. 644].
The translation from Latin and English is carried out by a metaphorical word that has the same figurative character: fossa (Lat., Eng.) - ямка (Ukr.).
In the lexeme борозна, which is a super-modifier and is included into 120 terminological compounds, the figurative meaning “Longitudinal depression in something; wrinkle, fold” is actualized [9, І, p. 219], the basis for the transference is the similarity in form.
In the two examples, the translation from Latin and English is carried out by a metaphorical word that has the same figurative character: sulcus (Lat.) - groove (Eng.) - борозна (Ukr.), in the third one, the English language demonstrates a translation with a word that has a similar character of imagery - fold.
Lat. |
sulcus carpi |
sulcus costae |
sulcus glutealis |
Eng. |
carpal groove |
costal groove |
gluteal fold |
Ukr. |
борозна зап'ястка |
борозна ребра |
сіднична борозна |
The modifier перешийок is included into 9 metaphorical terms. In the binary перешийок матки the transference is based on functional fluidity, so the isthmus is “a narrow strip of land connecting two continents or a continent with a peninsula” [9, VI, p. 321], the ability to connect two objects (organs, tissues) is put forward.
The translation from Latin and English is carried out by a metaphorical word that has the same figurative character.
The дно and полюс modifiers are even less active, they form 4 metaphorical terms each. Spatial location became the basis for the formation of secondary valence. Accordingly, in the lexeme дно the term “lower part or lower wall of any object” is actualized [9, II, p. 314], in the lexeme полюс the figurative meaning is being developed: “something completely opposite to another one” [9, VII, p. 106], since the temporal poles are a paired organ (located on the left and on the right).
In all of the above binaries, the translation from Latin and English is carried out by a metaphorical word that has the same figurative character.
Lat. |
isthmus uteri |
Eng. |
isthmus of uterus |
Ukr. |
перешийок матки |
Lat. |
fundus vesicae |
polus temporalis |
Eng. |
fundus of bladder |
temporal pole |
Ukr. |
дно міхура |
скроневий полюс |
Conclusions and directions for further research in this area
Anatomical and pathoanatomical binaries, the modifier of which belongs to the thematic group “natural world”, are divided into geomorphic, phytomorphic, zoomorphic, and anthropomorphic metaphors. In the group of geomorphic metaphors, the longest metaphorical series are formed by the modifiers hump, tuber, hollow, duct, channel, pit, and furrow. The basis for the emergence of metaphorical valence is the external and functional similarity typical for an anatomical metaphor. Usually, the translation is carried out by a metaphorical word that has the same or similar character of imagery.
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