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Nesterenko O.O.
Verbalization of the communicative strategy of persuation in Chinese scientific texts
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the verbalization of the communicative strategy of persuasion in the context ofscientific texts. Based on the material of 100 Chinese-language scientific articles of a philological orientation, it was determined that the strategy of persuasion is implemented at the lexical and grammatical levels. The forms of verbalization of this communicative strategy are the tactics of quoting, argumentation, involvement of background knowledge, illustration and generalization. It was determined that citation tactics include direct and indirect citation. Direct quotation is verbalized through verbatim quotations preceded by the use of verbs. The work emphasizes that ancient texts and treatises are often cited in Chinese-language scientific articles, due to their authority in the scientific environment. Indirect citation is used to present the ideas, opinions and views of other scientists in order to confirm the truth of one's scientific results or to contrast one's own ideas with the views of other scientists. The article also highlights the tactics of argumentation, which is verbalized by citing practical research results. Tactics of attracting background knowledge, which is also highlighted in the N.B. Ivanytska's research, is determined by the use of lexical units that appeal to already available information on the topic. It is established that giving examples that confirm the truth of the statement is a form of verbalization of the tactic of illustration. The objectification of research results is implemented at the level of tactics ofgeneralizing information, which is verbalized by inserted cliched constructions. In this study, the grammatical features of the verbalization of the communicative strategy of persuasion are also outlined. It was determined that narrative sentences (affirmative and negative) form the basis of scientific texts. It was established that the strategy of persuasion is verbalized at the level of complex-subjunctive sentences of opposition, cause-and-effect relationships, admissibility, conditions and goals.
Key words: Chinese language, scientific discourse, communicative strategy, tactics, verbal means, persuasion.
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