The importance of using English proverbs
The use of proverbs in philology to express a certain concept. Analysis of the enhancement of emotional effect in any text using proverbs. Correct definition of the role of structural analysis of English proverbs in an enrichment of the English language.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 20,2 K |
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Baku Slavic University
The importance of using English proverbs
Mehdizada R.R.
The article deals with the importance of using English proverbs. It states that proverbs occupy an important place in the creativity of any nation. It is used in philology to express a specific concept. Depending on the situation, an expression that is used in its original place, the word falls into languages as a proverb. Proverbs are used to express an idea in a lively, meaningful, figurative and concrete way. Proverbs are related to the language culture and worldview of a particular society and are interesting both for various interdisciplinary studies and for linguistics itself.
Proverbs are widely used in any text to increase the emotional effect. Note that the text exists in a certain cultural context, in other words, it is created within the framework of a certain language-thinking culture and reflects the value of this culture. proverb text language
In the 60s of the last century, the attitude towards the words of ancestors divided Soviet linguists into two camps in terms ofphraseology: supporters of a limited attitude and supporters of a broad attitude. Among them, the first group did not accept the linguistic status ofproverbs, while the second accepted that they were a phraseological unit. That attitude is still evident today. Researchers dealing with phraseology take mutually contradictory positions on whether or not proverbs should be included in the discussion ofphraseological combinations. Thus, a number of linguists do not consider proverbs to be part of phraseology, while others approach this issue with hesitation.
The correct determination of the role of structural analysis ofproverbs in English in the enrichment of the English language not only increases the productivity of the lesson, but also creates an environment that conditions the correct and efficient use of the English language, which increases the theoretical importance of the topic.
Key words: proverb, second language, meaning, interest.
У статті йдеться про важливість використання англійських прислів'їв. Уній зазначено, що прислів'я посідають важливе місце у творчості будь-якого народу. Використовується у філології для вираження певного поняття. Залежно від ситуації, виразу, який вживається на своєму початковому місці, слово потрапляє в мови як прислів'я. Прислів'я використовуються для того, щоб жваво, змістовно, образно, конкретно висловити думку. Прислів'я пов'язані з мовною культурою та світоглядом конкретного суспільства і цікаві як для різних міждисциплінарних досліджень, так і для власне мовознавства.
Для посилення емоційного ефекту в будь-якому тексті широко використовуються прислів'я. Зазначимо, що текст існує в певному культурному контексті, іншими словами, він створюється в рамках певної мовно-мислительної культури і відображає цінність цієї культури.
У 60-х роках минулого століття ставлення до слів предків розділило радянських лінгвістів у фразеологічному плані на два табори: прихильників обмеженого ставлення і прихильників широкого ставлення. Серед них перша група не визнавала лінгвістичного статусу прислів'їв, а друга визнавала їх фразеологізмом. Це ставлення є очевидним і сьогодні. Дослідники, які займаються фразеологією, дотримуються суперечливих позицій щодо того, чи варто включати прислів'я до розмови про фразеологічні сполучення. Так, ряд лінгвістів не вважають прислів'я частиною фразеології, а інші підходять до цього питання вагаючись.
Правильне визначення ролі структурного аналізу прислів'їв англійської мови в збагаченні англійської мови не тільки підвищує продуктивність уроку, але й створює середовище, яке обумовлює правильне та ефективне використання англійської мови, що підвищує теоретичні знання. важливість теми.
Ключові слова: прислів'я, друга мова, зміст, інтерес.
Speakers may use proverbs to impart knowledge, advice, and teaching or reinforce morals, argue, relieve interpersonal tension, aid understanding, or comfort or encourage others.
In modern times, the increasing demand for English has created a great demand for new language teaching materials, effective teaching methods. Nowadays, every English teacher has a goal of his/her teaching. In our opinion, this is the implementation of the learner's language skills, in other words, teaching students' successful ways of communication and developing communicative competence in the target language [1, p. 46].
Teaching English in context is one of the main issues of modern English teaching methodology.
Modern English language teaching standards require teachers to be sensitive to the needs of students. Modern language learners aim for real communication. One of the best ways to prepare students for authentic communication is through target language resources that successfully use authentic materials in language teaching. Since teaching in context is meant to be an important issue in teaching communicative language, proverbs and sayings are taken into consideration to be as ready-made mini-contexts that can be used without any changes and as a rich source of various tasks in multi-focused teaching [2, p. 19]. Proverbs and sayings are not only a good source of original material, but they can be used in any English class for any level of learner with different language focus.
The extent of the problem. The works of the following authors were used in the article such as S. Arora “The Perception of Proverbiality” [1], H. Bayramova “Basics of phraseology of the Azerbaijani language” [2], B. Huseynov “Lexical and phraseological issues of translation from English to Azerbaijani” [2], K. Karomatova [4], et al and others “Proverbs”, and others.
In order to increase the pragmatic and emotional effect in the text, the importance ofusing phraseological combinations, including proverbs, is emphasized in the article. It should be noted that the use of phraseological combinations and proverbs reflects the development of any text within the framework of language and thinking. A useful approach to studying proverbs in texts is a comprehensive approach that takes into account the linguistic and cultural nature of the text.
Although there is a lot of research on the subject, we tried to address this problem again. Currently, the interest in learning English is increasing day by day. The inclusion of proverbs and sayings, which is one of the broad areas of phraseology in English language teaching, once again emphasizes the importance of the degree of development of the topic. The relevance of the topic is primarily due to linguistic science paying special attention to the comprehensive study of phraseology (proverbs and sayings) in the teaching process as well as to its formal and content units.
Scientific novelty of the research. The scientific novelty of the article is related to the analysis of the structure and meaning functions of proverbs within the limits of the text (artistic text) within the limits of the precise boundaries. Special attention is paid to the ratio of semantic and cultural factors in the text, as well as to the discovery of the distribution of phraseological combinations, which are the strongest means of expression of the language as a linguistic phenomenon. In this article, for the first time, the importance of the stylistic effect created by the deliberate use of proverbs by the addressee (the author of a work of art) in the process of communication in the teaching process is emphasized.
Theoretical and practical significance of research. As the main theoretical importance of the article, we can mention the provisions on the importance of proverbs in the educational process. Basing on the individual points of those theoretical provisions, it is to determine the essence and sources of proverbs and to once again bring to attention their importance in teaching. As for the practical significance of the research, it should be noted that the results obtained here are useful in teaching foreign languages and their style, in the preparation of textbooks, as well as can also be used in a number of other fields of modern linguistics.
Aims and tasks
The main tasks of this article are considered to be the following:
to determine the importance of proverbs in terms of the modern level of development of linguistic science;
to bring out the structural and stylistic features of proverbs and sayings.
During the research, the methodology of comparative analysis between the sources related to the topic and mainly the observation method has been used.
Analysis, observation and comparison methods have been used in this study.
Main part
Studying proverbs can help language learners understand the similarities and differences of other cultures compared to their own. Proverbs of some different cultures are used to show the differences between cultures [4, p. 130].
English proverbs and sayings are a great treasure of the English language and a valuable resource for language teachers. Modern English language teachers can use them properly, and they can get great benefits for developing students' interests [5, p. 180].
Teaching proverbs promotes language achievement also encourages them to be aware of culture, philosophy of life, and broaden their knowledge and outlook.
Any experienced language teacher can imagine how useful it can be to apply this lexical richness of the language in communicative lessons, as they are good sources of vocabulary and grammatical structures and can be used in any practice.
Discussions on the topic
As noted by the famous English scholar and methodologist Jack J. Richards in his book “Teaching Communicative Language Today”, modern communicative language teaching requires teachers to develop target language skills taking into account students' communicative abilities [5, p. 90].
Communicative language is characterized by:
People learn a language by communicating with it;
People learn language best when they use it to do something, not by learning how it works and following rules;
Class activity should be meaningful and include real communication;
Both accuracy and fluency are targeted;
Language should be taught in context, not isolated sentences;
Grammar should be taught implicitly rather than explicitly [6, p. 304].
Taking into account the above-mentioned characteristics of communicative proverbs, they can be considered to be as ready-made grammatical structures with mini-context and used as useful material for communicative lessons.
In addition, proverbs have a meaning advantage over language structures and provide an opportunity for various meaningful tasks, communicative activities, a real reason for communication and interesting and adaptable warm-up exercises for any stage of the lesson or pre- and post-preparation stages.
It is clear that proverbs have a specific vocabulary related to the culture, people, nature or place where they originated. This advantage of proverbs can provide students with access to cultural awareness and a chance to improve comprehensive skills. Using proverbs as a teaching material can multitask and not only create an authentic and communicative environment, but also successfully connect culture and language in the audience.
For example:
An Englishman's house is his castle (Bir ingilisin evi onun qalasidir).
If you want to please an Englishman, be polite about his garden (Bir ingilisi sevindirmsk istsyirsin- izss, onun bagina qarsi nszakstli olun).
When in Rome do as Romans do (Romadasansa, romalilar kimi davranmalisan).
All roads lead to Rome (Butun yollar Romaya aparir) [8, s. 104].
Proverbs have different structures in different languages. For example, in English we can find the following structures:
Imperative sentence, negative meaning:
Don't beat a dead horse (Olu ati doymsyin).
Don't judge a book by its cover (Kitabi cildins gors muhakims etmsyin).
Don't cry over spilt milk (Tokulsn sud ilcun aglamagin msnasi yoxdur).
Imperative sentence, positive meaning:
Look before you leap (Hoppanmamisdan svvsl hop dems).
Do as I say, not as I do (Msnim dediyim kimi et, msnim etdiyim kimi deyil).
Love me love my dog (Msni sevsn itimi ds sevsr).
Parallel phrases:
Garbage in, garbage out (icido do birdi, colu do bir).
There is no pain without gain (No okorson onu da bicorson).
Rhetorical questions:
Is the Pope Catholic? (Papa katolikdir?)
Exclamatory sentences:
Birds of a feather flock together (Tayli tayini tapar).
Practice makes perfect (Tscrubs muksmmsl edir).
Conditional clauses:
If you want to be a friend, never borrow, never lend (Kiminlsss dost qalmaq istsyirssnss, hec vaxt ondan borc alma vs borc da verms).
If you can't beat them, join them (Dgsr onlari msglub eds bilmirsinizss, onlara qoyulun).
Relative clauses:
He laughs the best who laughs the last (Son gulsn yaxp gulsr).
You are what you eat (Saglamligin yediyin $ey- lsrdsn asilidir).
Everything that glitters is not gold (Hsr paril- dayan qizil deyil).
A friend who shares is a friend who cares (Paylagan dost, maraqlanan dostdur) [9, s. 100].
Subordinate clauses:
Mice will play when the cat is away (At olub itlsrin bayramidir).
Make hay while the sun is shining (Dsmiri isti isti doysrlsr).
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched (Qayi kecmsmis sevinms).
Don't judge a man until you have walked in his boots (Basina gslsn basmaqci olar).
Comparative and superlative adjectives:
Better late than never (Hec vaxt olmamaqdansa, gec olmasi yaxsidir).
An open enemy is better than a false friend (Msrd dusmsn namsrd dostdan yaxsidir).
He laughs the best who laughs the last (Son gulsn yaxsi gulsr),
The best things in life are free (Hsyatda sn yaxsi seylsr pulsuzdur).
Don't bite off more than you can chew (Ata bilmodiyin dasi goturmo).
The importance of using proverbs in teaching.
While developing and using communication, comparison, and translation-based activities aimed at teaching a foreign language based on proverbs, sayings, and other types of phraseological units, we noticed that there are mainly three important ways in oral interpretation, and their meanings can be explained in the course of the lesson:
Verbal translation. There are very few proverbs, sayings and other phraseological combinations used in this version, but some examples can be found [5, p. 89]. For example:
In English:
Better late than never.
An open enemy is better than a false friend.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Matching the English proverb with the equivalent version in the target language.
Although these types of proverbs consist of different words, they have a similar meaning in their context [1, p. 22]. For example:
In English:
East or West home is best.
Home sweet home.
Englishman's house is his castle.
There is no place like home.
Live and learn.
These examples highlight the advantage of being in your home country rather than in any other country in the world.
Proverbs that can be explained through context. These types of proverbs cannot be translated word for word, nor can they be matched with their equivalent in the target language. The only way to teach and interpret them is through context.
Think before you leap.
An early bird catches the worm.
Clothes make the man.
The use of proverbs in texts written in different (literary-artistic, social-political, journalistic) genres is also of interest. The integrity of such works as a creative act is the result of compositional intention, the application of stylistic principles and schemes by which separate parts are combined and organized. The process of integration involves the selection of the most significant pieces of text to complete the content [Speake 2015, p. 90]. Proverbs play an important role in this process. However, it is also necessary to use these words correctly in text construction.
It is used more often in literary texts than in proverbs. V.P. Belyanin writes that “the language of the artistic text is related to its subject, problem and idea. For example, the choice of topic determines the linguistic volume of the work and the linguistic realization of the idea [Tomlin 2020, p. 101]. If the work is about combat in a modern war, it means cannons, planes, tanks, firing, attacking, etc. stipulates the use of such words or their synonyms. The topic also determines the choice of syntactic constructions. Proverbs can be considered to be the most convenient of such syntactic constructions. Proverbs are not only figurative, but also give some artistry to the words and sentences they are part of, and ensure their semantic integration.
Linguists who include proverbs in phraseology come to this conclusion based on the metaphorical expression of the words in proverbs. According to them, as the following expressions such as throwing one's head on the ground, wasting one's hand, waving one's hand, keeping one's mouth clean, speaking from one's heart, hanging a veil over one's eyes, talking through one's nose, listening from one ear and the other to listen to one's ear, to sink ships in the sea, etc. are used in idioms move away from their lexical meaning, then the words in the given proverbs such as a horse that has eaten barley cuts flat; pouring water into a well does not make it watery; they count the chicks in the fall, etc. are also used figuratively [Nandy 2001, p. 111].
It is true that, like idioms, many proverbs have metaphorical features. However, to begin with, metaphoric meaning does not apply to all proverbs, and even then, this feature does not cover all proverbs in general. Secondly, metaphoric meaning in idioms cannot be equated with metaphor in proverbs. So, while the individual words used in the composition of the idiom express a figurative meaning, not the individual words used in the proverbs, but the proverb as a whole is used in a figurative sense [Swan 1980, p. 202]. All of the words used in this or that proverb are separated from their initial lexical meaning and have this or that general - ethical-philosophical meaning.
Such metaphoric sense of the meaning of proverbs does not mean metaphorical use of the meaning of the words contained in it. On the contrary, the figurative meaning of this or that word of ancestors causes the words used in its composition to depart from their lexical meaning. So, proverbs express a metaphorical meaning not because the words contained in it depart from their lexical meanings, but on the contrary, the metaphorical use of the words within the proverbs is the metaphor of the proverb itself as a whole; it is the result of having the feature of expressing meaning. In other words, the reason why this or that word used in proverbs has a figurative meaning is that those proverbs themselves have a figurative meaning as a whole.
The vast majority of proverbs are recorded in the oldest and most elegant written monuments of each nation. At the same time, it is necessary to show that although the written heritage of all nations does not differ in its antiquity, enough proverbs have been created in the languages of nations whose ancient written sources are unknown and have reached the modern era. Perhaps, this indicates that such nations with rich proverbs once had ancient books, and although these sources were destroyed and lost in the later historical circumstances, the wise expressions spread from their texts were preserved in the oral language and they still exist. Folklore aphorisms can also be said about such proverbs.
Note that carefully selected proverbs can be used in different lessons. Proverbs and sayings whose content is related to cultural development and education have the potential to be useful motivational tools. In general, proverbs and sayings bring motivation through context.
1. Arora S. The Perception of Proverbiality, 1984, Moscow : New Press. 146 p.
2. Bayramov H.A. Basics of phraseology of the Azerbaijani language. Baku : Maarif, 1998. 130 p.
3. Huseynov B.G. Lexical and phraseological issues of translation from English to Azerbaijani. 1997. 143 p.
4. Karomatova K. and Karomatov H. Proverbs. “Labour” publishing house, Tashkent, 2000. 230 p.
5. Richards J. Communicative Language Teaching Today. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006. 280 p.
6. Sowden C. Culture and the good teacher in the English Language Classroom. In ELT Journal, 2007 vol. 61/4. pp. 304-310.
7. Typological analysis of verb combinations in languages with different systems. Baku: Europe, 2008. 862 p.
8. Valiyeva N.Ch. Azerbaijani-English-Russian phraseological dictionary. Baku: 2006. 460 p.
9. Valiyeva N.Ch. Comparative linguistic analysis of phraseological combinations (based on the materials of English, Azerbaijani and Russian languages). Phil. science. doc. ... diss. Baku : 2004. 301 p.
10. Mieder W. Proverbs: A Handbook. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004. 304 p.
11. Speake J. The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015. 383 p.
12. Tomlin C. The Book of Proverbs and Wisdom: A Reference Manual. USA : NY Press, 2020. 350 p.
13. Nandy M. English Similes, Idioms, Metaphors & Proverbs. Oxford : Eddiplex, 2001. 408 p.
14. Swan M. Practical English Usage. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1980. 639
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