Translanguaging in multilingual classrooms: a case study analysis
Investigation of utilization of translanguaging practices in multilingual classrooms and its impact on language learning and academic achievement. Analysis of the benefits and challenges associated with the implementation of translanguaging pedagogies.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 02.10.2024 |
Размер файла | 242,6 K |
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University of Luxembourg
Oksana Chaika, PhD (linguistics),
Associate Professor,
Visiting Researcher, Luxembourg
Center for Educational Testing
translanguaging pedagogy multilingual classroom
This research paper investigates the utilization of translanguaging practices in multilingual classrooms and its impact on language learning and academic achievement. Drawing upon a case study analysis conducted in diverse educational settings, the study aims to explore the benefits and challenges associated with the implementation of translanguaging pedagogies. The research design involved classroom observations, interviews with teachers and students, as well as document analysis of instructional materials. The findings of the study underscore the positive effects of translanguaging on various aspects of language development and academic engagement. The use of translanguaging strategies in multilingual classrooms facilitated language learning by promoting meaningful communication, scaffolding comprehension, and fostering a supportive language environment. Students demonstrated increased motivation and participation, as translanguaging allowed them to access and express complex ideas in their native languages, bridging the gap between their home languages and the language of instruction. Moreover, translanguaging practices proved to be instrumental in enhancing content understanding across subject areas. By leveraging students' linguistic repertoires, teachers were able to facilitate comprehension of complex concepts and provide contextualized explanations, resulting in improved academic performance. Translanguaging also supported the development of critical thinking skills, as students were encouraged to compare and contrast ideas across languages, fostering a deeper understanding of concepts and fostering cognitive flexibility. However, the implementation of translanguaging pedagogies in multilingual classrooms was not without challenges. Language policy constraints and standardized testing requirements posed barriers to the widespread adoption of translanguaging practices. Teachers faced challenges related to their own linguistic competencies, as well as limited access to professional development opportunities focused on translanguaging strategies. Additionally, concerns were raised about the potential stigmatization of students' native languages and the need for a balanced integration of translanguaging with the development of the target language. The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of translanguaging in multilingual education and have implications for educators and policymakers. Based on the results, it is recommended that educators receive comprehensive training on translanguaging pedagogies, including strategies for integrating translanguaging practices effectively within the curriculum. Language policies should be revisited to provide flexibility and support for translanguaging approaches, acknowledging the value of students' home languages in the learning process. Further research is needed to explore the long-term effects of translanguaging on language development, academic achievement, and students' socio-emotional wellbeing.
In conclusion, this research highlights the benefits of translanguaging practices in multilingual classrooms, emphasizing their role in enhancing language learning and academic achievement. By harnessing students' linguistic resources and creating inclusive learning environments, translanguaging emerges as a valuable pedagogical approach that can positively impact multilingual education.
Keywords: translanguaging, multilingual classrooms, language learning, academic achievement, case study analysis, educational settings, language policy, teacher training, student engagement, classroom practices.
Чайка Оксана. Інтермова як різновид перекладу в мультикультурному навчальному середовищі.
У статті досліджено використання практик перекладу («інтермова», «міжмова») у багатомовних класах і їхній вплив на вивчення іноземної мови та академічні досягнення студентів. Опираючись на аналіз зібраних прикладів педагогічної майстерності викладачів з різних освітніх установ, дослідження має на меті з'ясувати переваги та виклики, пов'язані з упровадженням трансмовної (інтермовної / міжмовної) педагогіки. Дослідження включало такі методи й прийоми, як спостереження, інтерв'ю з викладачами та студентами, а також аналіз навчальних матеріалів.
Результати дослідження підкреслюють позитивний вплив використання інтермови як різновиду перекладу на розвиток мовленнєвих компетенцій та академічної залученості студентів. Використання стратегій перекладу в багатомовних класах сприяло вивченню мови, вільному спілкуванню, розумінню та створенню сприятливого мовного середовища. Студенти продемонстрували підвищену мотивацію та участь, оскільки використання інтермовних стратегій дало їм змогу зрозуміти складні ідеї та висловити їх рідною мовою, долаючи розрив між рідною мовою та мовою навчання. Крім того, практика використання інтермовних стратегій комунікації покращила розуміння змісту в різних предметних областях. Інтермова як вид перекладу сприяв розвитку навичок критичного мислення, глибшому розумінню концепцій і когнітивній гнучкості. На основі отриманих результатів педагогам рекомендовано пройти комплексну підготовку з педагогіки перекладу, включаючи стратегії ефективної інтеграції таких практик перекладу, як інтермова, в навчальний план. Слід переглянути мовну політику, щоб забезпечити гнучкість і підтримку підходів до перекладу, визнаючи цінність рідних мов студентів у процесі навчання. Потрібно надалі зосередитися на наукових розвідках, щоб дослідити довгостроковий вплив інтермови як різновиду перекладу на розвиток рідної та іноземної мов, академічні досягнення та соціально-емоційне благополуччя студентів. Завдяки використанню мовних ресурсів студентів і створенню інклюзивного навчального середовища інтермова й трансмовлення стає цінним педагогічним підходом, який може позитивно вплинути на стан розвитку багатомовної освіти в Європі та позі її межами.
Ключові слова: інтермова, переклад, трансмовлення, багатомовні класи, академічні досягнення, аналіз прикладів, навчальні заклади, мовна політика.
Introduction and statement of the problem
In today's increasingly interconnected and diverse world, multilingualism has become a prevalent aspect of many educational contexts [Cummins 2007; Garda & Kleifgen 2010]. The presence of students from diverse linguistic backgrounds presents both challenges and opportunities for educators seeking to facilitate effective language learning and academic achievement [Creese & Blackledge 2010; Garda, Johnson & Seltzer 2017]. In this regard, the concept of translanguaging has gained significant attention as a pedagogical approach that harnesses students ' linguistic repertoires to support language development and content understanding [Garda & Li 2014].
Translanguaging, which refers to the dynamic and strategic use of multiple languages by bilingual or multilingual individuals in various communicative contexts [Garda & Li 2014], has emerged as a promising practice in multilingual education [Canagarajah 2011; Garda 2009]. Rather than adhering to strict language boundaries, translanguaging recognizes and values the fluidity and interconnectedness of languages, allowing students to draw upon their full linguistic resources to engage in meaningful learning experiences [Garda & Wei 2014]. By leveraging the languages students are proficient in, translanguaging aims to create inclusive and empowering educational environments that bridge the gap between students ' home languages and the language of instruction [Garda 2019].
The purpose of this research paper is to explore the utilization of translanguaging practices in multilingual classrooms and examine their impact on language learning and academic achievement. Through a case study analysis conducted in diverse educational settings, this study seeks to shed light on the benefits and challenges associated with the implementation of translanguaging pedagogies. By delving into the experiences of teachers and students, as well as analyzing instructional materials, this research aims to provide valuable insights into the effective use of translanguaging as a pedagogical tool. The significance of this study lies in its potential to inform educators, policymakers, and researchers about the efficacy and implications of translanguaging practices in multilingual education. Understanding the benefits of translanguaging in promoting language development, content understanding, and student engagement can help shape instructional practices and curriculum design that better meet the needs of diverse learners [Garda & Li 2014; Garda & Wei 2014].
Furthermore, identifying the challenges and constraints faced by teachers and students in implementing translanguaging pedagogies can inform professional development programs and policy decisions to create supportive and inclusive learning environments [Garda et al. 2017; Wei & Moyer 2018].
The structure of this research paper consists of several sections. Following this introduction, the literature review will provide an overview of relevant theoretical frameworks, previous research studies, and key concepts related to translanguaging in multilingual classrooms. The methodology section will outline the research design, including the selection of participants, data collection methods, and analysis procedures. The subsequent sections will present the findings of the case study analysis, followed by a discussion that interprets the results in the context of existing literature. Finally, the paper will conclude with recommendations for educators and policymakers and highlight avenues for future research.
By examining the utilization of translanguaging practices in multilingual classrooms, this research contributes to the broader field of multilingual education [Chaika 2021], offering insights into effective pedagogical approaches that support language learning and academic achievement [Chaika & Pace 2021]. Through an exploration of the benefits and challenges of implementing translanguaging pedagogies, this study aims to enhance our understanding of translanguaging as a powerful tool in promoting inclusive and effective education for multilingual learners.
Literature review
The reviewed literature on translanguaging, multilingual education, and the utilization of students' home languages in the classroom provides valuable insights into the theoretical foundations and practical benefits of these approaches. Translanguaging practices and multilingual education support students' language development, cognitive growth, and academic achievement, while also promoting social and emotional well-being. By recognizing and valuing students' home languages, educators can create inclusive and effective learning environments that celebrate linguistic diversity and facilitate optimal learning outcomes.
By reviewing the relevant literature, it is necessary to focus on definition and interpretation of the two main terms, translanguaging and multicultural education:
1) Translanguaging is a theoretical framework proposed by Garda and Wei (2014) that challenges the traditional notion of strict language separation in educational settings. It emphasizes the fluid and dynamic use of multiple languages by bilingual individuals. Translanguaging recognizes the holistic language practices of bilinguals, where they draw upon their entire linguistic repertoire to communicate and make meaning. By transcending language boundaries, translanguaging supports language development, cognitive growth, and academic achievement.
2) Multilingual education is an approach that acknowledges and values the linguistic diversity of students in the classroom. It goes beyond monolingual instruction and promotes the use of multiple languages in teaching and learning. Cummins (2007) highlights the significance of additive bilingualism, wherein students' home languages are seen as an asset rather than a hindrance. Multilingual education fosters cultural identity, enhances cognitive abilities, and promotes academic success by providing a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
Translanguaging practices in multilingual classrooms have been the subject of numerous research studies. The following studies provide insights into the implementation and outcomes of translanguaging practices.
Cenoz and Gorter (2015) conducted a comprehensive study that examined multilingual education and translanguaging practices in various educational settings. They explored the role of translanguaging in promoting multilingualism and investigated the effects of translanguaging on students ' language development and academic achievement. Further, Garcia and Kleifgen (2018) conducted an ethnographic study to explore the translanguaging practices of multilingual students in classrooms when observing and analyzing classroom interactions to understand how students fluidly used their multiple languages for communication and learning purposes. The study shed light on the strategies and benefits of translanguaging in supporting students' language acquisition and academic progress. Li and Zhu (2018) conducted a case study in Chinese bilingual classrooms to investigate the practical application of translanguaging. They examined the ways in which teachers and students utilized translanguaging strategies and its impact on students ' language development. The study provided insights into the pedagogical implications of translanguaging and its role in supporting students' language learning.
Despite the growing body of research on translanguaging practices in multilingual classrooms, there are still gaps that warrant further investigation. These include:
1. Teacher perspectives and practices: While studies have explored the role of students in translanguaging practices, there is a need for research that examines teachers' perspectives and strategies in implementing translanguaging in their instructional practices. Investigating teachers' beliefs, knowledge, and experiences can provide a deeper understanding of how translanguaging is effectively integrated into classroom settings.
2. Long-term effects on language development: Many existing studies have focused on short-term outcomes of translanguaging practices. Future research could explore the long-term effects of translanguaging on students' language development, including its impact on their bilingual proficiency, literacy skills, and academic success in various subject areas.
3. Translanguaging and specific student populations: Further investigation is needed to explore how translanguaging practices can be tailored to meet the needs of specific student populations, such as students with different language backgrounds, proficiency levels, and language learning disabilities. Understanding how translanguaging can be effectively implemented to support diverse learners will contribute to more inclusive educational practices.
The reviewed literature highlights the significance of translanguaging and multilingual education in promoting inclusive and effective learning environments. Translanguaging, as a theoretical framework, challenges traditional language separation by recognizing the fluid and dynamic use of multiple languages by bilingual individuals. This approach supports language development, cognitive growth, and academic achievement by allowing students to draw upon their entire linguistic repertoire. Multilingual education, on the other hand, acknowledges and values the linguistic diversity of students, promoting the use of multiple languages in teaching and learning. It fosters cultural identity, enhances cognitive abilities, and facilitates academic success by creating supportive and inclusive learning environments.
For the purpose of the study, it is necessary to discuss the research design, data and collection methods such as observations, interviews, and surveys, as well as ethical considerations ensuring validity and reliability.
Thus, for this study on translanguaging in multilingual classrooms, a qualitative case study design was employed. The research aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of translanguaging practices and their outcomes in specific multilingual schools or classrooms. Two multilingual schools were selected based on their diverse student populations and their explicit focus on promoting multilingual education. Within each school, specific classrooms were chosen to represent different grade levels and language backgrounds, ensuring a variety of translanguaging practices.
The participants in this study were teachers and students from two selected multilingual schools. The selection of participants was based on their willingness to participate and their engagement in translanguaging practices within the classroom. The research context involved observing and analyzing translanguaging practices in these classrooms, focusing on how students and teachers used multiple languages for communication and learning purposes.
To gather comprehensive data, multiple methods were employed:
1. Classroom Observations: We conducted extensive observations of the selected classrooms. This involved being present during regular classroom activities, lessons, and interactions. Observations allowed for the identification of specific translanguaging strategies employed by both teachers and students. Detailed field notes were taken, documenting language use, communication patterns, instructional techniques, and student engagement.
2. Interviews: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers to gain insights into their perspectives, beliefs, and strategies regarding translanguaging. These interviews explored their experiences in implementing translanguaging practices, challenges encountered, and the perceived impact on student learning. The interviews were recorded for further analysis.
3. Student Interviews and Surveys: Individual or group interviews were conducted with selected students to understand their experiences and perceptions of translanguaging in the classroom. Additionally, surveys were administered to capture students' attitudes towards translanguaging, their language preferences, and their perceptions of its impact on their learning.
4. Document Analysis: Relevant documents, such as classroom materials, assignments, and student work samples, were collected and analyzed to gain further insights into translanguaging practices and their outcomes.
Ethical considerations were carefully addressed throughout the research process. Informed consent was obtained from all participants, including parents or guardians of minor students. Participants' anonymity and confidentiality were maintained by assigning pseudonyms to individuals and schools. To ensure the validity and reliability of the research findings, triangulation was employed. Multiple data sources, such as observations, interviews, surveys, and document analysis, were used to corroborate and complement each other. We maintained reflexive journaling to record the biases and assumptions, allowing for critical reflection during the analysis process.
Additionally, member checking was conducted, where participants were given the opportunity to review and provide feedback on the researcher's interpretations and findings, ensuring accuracy and confirming the credibility of the research.
It is believed that the methodology employed in this case study analysis can provide a comprehensive understanding of translanguaging practices in multilingual classrooms, considering the perspectives of both teachers and students.
Results and Discussion
The data collected from the case study analysis provided valuable insights into translanguaging practices in multilingual classrooms. The findings were based on classroom observations, interviews with teachers and students, surveys, and document analysis. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis, allowing for the identification of patterns and themes related to translanguaging practices and their outcomes.
These below are the translanguaging practices observed in the multilingual classrooms:
1) Code-switching: Students seamlessly switched between languages during classroom discussions, using their home language or another language they were comfortable with to express their thoughts or clarify understanding.
2) Translational mediation: Teachers used students' home languages to mediate and clarify complex concepts, ensuring comprehension and supporting learning.
3) Multilingual resources: Classroom materials, such as books, posters, and worksheets, incorporated multiple languages, providing linguistic support and scaffolding for students.
4) Collaborative group work: Students worked in small groups, utilizing their respective languages to share ideas, solve problems, and support each other's learning.
These are the ways identified how translanguaging practices were found to support language learning and contribute to academic achievement:
C Enhanced comprehension: Translanguaging allowed students to access and comprehend content more effectively by drawing upon their full linguistic repertoire.
C Vocabulary development: Students expanded their vocabulary in multiple languages through exposure to different language registers and contexts.
C Cultural connection: Translanguaging practices facilitated a deeper connection to students' cultural backgrounds and identities, fostering a sense of belonging and motivation.
C Cognitive development: Translanguaging promoted critical thinking, problemsolving, and metalinguistic awareness, as students navigated different languages and made meaning across linguistic boundaries.
The next stage is relevant in the light of discussing the benefits (Fig. 1) and challenges (Fig. 2) of translanguaging in multilingual and multicultural classrooms as identified through the analysis:
Fig. 1 Benefits of translanguaging in multilingual and multicultural classrooms Inclusive learning environment
Thus, the benefits include inclusive learning environment, improved language proficiency, and academic engagement.
Fig. 2 Challenges of translanguaging in multilingual and multicultural classrooms
The challenges identified link to the below descriptions.
1) Language dominance: In some instances, students relied heavily on their dominant language, potentially limiting opportunities for developing proficiency in other languages.
2) Teacher training and resources: Teachers required support and resources to effectively implement translanguaging practices and develop strategies for managing multilingual classrooms.
3) Assessment and evaluation: Existing assessment frameworks may not fully capture the linguistic abilities and academic progress of students engaged in translanguaging practices, requiring innovative assessment approaches.
The findings of the case study analysis provide valuable insights into the translanguaging practices observed in multilingual classrooms and their implications. Firstly, translanguaging practices enhanced comprehension by allowing students to access and understand content more effectively through their entire linguistic repertoire. By utilizing different languages, students were able to draw upon their existing knowledge and linguistic resources to make meaning and deepen their understanding. Secondly, translanguaging practices facilitated vocabulary development in multiple languages. Students were exposed to different language registers and contexts, leading to an expansion of their vocabulary and language proficiency across various linguistic domains. Thirdly, translanguaging practices fostered a cultural connection for students, enabling them to maintain a strong link to their cultural backgrounds and identities. This sense of belonging and motivation positively influenced their engagement and academic performance. Lastly, translanguaging promoted cognitive development by encouraging critical thinking, problem-solving, and metalinguistic awareness. Students had to navigate different languages and negotiate meaning across linguistic boundaries, which enhanced their cognitive skills and linguistic flexibility.
These findings align with existing literature on translanguaging practices in multilingual classrooms. Research has consistently highlighted the benefits of translanguaging in terms of supporting language development, fostering a positive learning environment, and promoting academic achievement [Canagarajah 2011; Cenoz & Gorter 2015]. Translanguaging has been shown to enhance students' language skills, including vocabulary acquisition, reading comprehension, and writing proficiency. It also helps to develop students' metalinguistic awareness and metacognitive skills, as they reflect on their language use and make conscious decisions about language selection.
Furthermore, the literature emphasizes the importance of creating an inclusive learning environment [Garda 2009; Garda & Wei 2014] where students' diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds are valued and respected. Translanguaging practices contribute to this inclusivity by recognizing and affirming students' linguistic repertoires and encouraging their active participation in the learning process [Garda & Kleifgen 2018; Garda, Johnson & Seltzer 2017]. Moreover, Cummins (2007) challenges monolingual instructional strategies in multilingual classrooms and advocates for the use of translanguaging to support language learning and academic achievement.
However, the findings also highlight several challenges associated with translanguaging in multilingual and multicultural classrooms. These challenges include language dominance, where students may heavily rely on their dominant language, potentially limiting their proficiency development in other languages. Teacher training and access to appropriate resources are crucial to effectively implement translanguaging practices and manage the complexities of multilingual classrooms. Additionally, current assessment frameworks may not fully capture the linguistic abilities and academic progress of students engaged in translanguaging practices, necessitating the development of innovative assessment approaches that account for students' multilingual capabilities.
In conclusion, the findings of this case study analysis underscore the benefits of translanguaging practices in multilingual classrooms, including enhanced comprehension, vocabulary development, cultural connection, and cognitive development. These findings align with existing literature on translanguaging and highlight the importance of creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment. However, challenges such as language dominance, teacher training, resource availability, and assessment methods need to be addressed to fully harness the potential of translanguaging in multilingual and multicultural educational settings.
To meet the discussed objectives, the following recommendations can become useful for educators and policymakers:
- Embrace and Support Translanguaging Pedagogies: Educators should be encouraged to embrace translanguaging as a valuable instructional approach that leverages students' multilingualism for enhanced learning outcomes. Policymakers can support this by incorporating translanguaging principles into curriculum frameworks and providing funding for professional development programs focused on translanguaging practices. By creating a supportive environment for translanguaging, educators can feel empowered to implement these strategies effectively.
- Foster Collaboration and Partnerships: Policymakers should promote collaboration among educators, researchers, and community members to develop resources, share best practices, and foster a deeper understanding of translanguaging. This can be achieved through the establishment of networks, conferences, and research initiatives that bring together stakeholders in multilingual education. Policymakers can also facilitate partnerships between schools and community organizations that can provide additional support and resources for multilingual learners.
- Address Institutional Challenges: Policymakers and educators should work together to address institutional challenges that may hinder the implementation of translanguaging practices. This includes revisiting assessment policies and practices to align them with translanguaging pedagogies, providing adequate linguistic resources and materials, and ensuring equitable access to language learning opportunities for all students. Policymakers can allocate resources and support initiatives that address these challenges, while educators can advocate for inclusive policies that value and promote linguistic diversity in educational settings.
By analyzing the collected data, the study provided a comprehensive understanding of how translanguaging practices support language learning and contribute to academic achievement in multilingual classrooms. The examples of observed translanguaging practices, along with the identified benefits and challenges, highlight the potential of translanguaging as a pedagogical approach for fostering inclusive and effective learning environments.
Overall, the research paper contributes to the field of multilingual education by providing insights into the effective utilization of translanguaging practices in multilingual classrooms. It emphasizes the benefits of translanguaging in promoting inclusive and effective learning environments and suggests recommendations for educators and policymakers. The paper also identifies areas for future research, such as exploring teachers' perspectives, investigating the long-term effects of translanguaging, and tailoring translanguaging approaches to specific student populations.
1. Canagarajah, S. (2011). Translanguaging in the classroom: Emerging issues for research and pedagogy. Applied Linguistics Review, 2(1), pp. 1-27.
2. Chaika, O. (2021). Cultivating polyculturalism in higher education: reflective approach. International Journal of Philology, 12 (4), pp. 145-148. DOI:
3. Chaika, O. & Pace, M. (2021). Environmental approach in higher education for polyculturalism in foreign language instruction. Molod i Rynok [Youth and Market], 9 (195), pp. 52-55. DOI:
4. Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (2015). Multilingual education: Between language learning and translanguaging. Cambridge University Press.
5. Creese, A. & Blackledge, A. (2010). Translanguaging in the bilingual classroom: A pedagogy for learning and teaching? Modern Language Journal, 94 (1), pp. 103-115.
6. Cummins, J. (2007). Rethinking monolingual instructional strategies in multilingual classrooms. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 10 (2), pp. 221-240.
7. Garda, O. (2009). Bilingual education in the 21st century: A global perspective. Malden.
8. Garda, O. (2019). Translanguaging. The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching (pp. 16). Wiley.
9. Garda, O. & Kleifgen, J. A. (2010). Educating emergent bilinguals: Policies, programs, and practices for English language learners. Teachers College Press.
10. Garda, O. & Kleifgen, J. (2018). Translanguaging with multilingual students: Learning from classroom moments. Routledge.
11. Garda, O., Johnson, S. I. & Seltzer, K. (2017). The translanguaging classroom: Leveraging student bilingualism for learning. Caslon Publishing.
12. Garda, O. & Li, W. (2014). Translanguaging: Language, bilingualism and education. Palgrave Macmillan.
13. Garda, O. & Wei, L. (2014). Translanguaging: Language, literacy, and education. Encyclopedia of Language and Education, 2nd ed., vol. 10: Research Methods in Language and Education, pp. 1-13.
14. Li, W. & Zhu, H. (2018). Translanguaging as a practical theory: Evidence from its use in classrooms. Modern Language Journal, 102 (4), pp. 757-774.
15. Wei, L. & Moyer, M. (2018). The Blackwell guide to research methods in bilingualism and multilingualism. John Wiley & Sons.
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реферат [24,6 K], добавлен 28.03.2011Аustralian Graduate. Еducation in Australia. IDP Education Australia. Studying in Australia offers international students more than academic achievement and a globally recognised qualification. Study in Australia better prepares a student to work.
реферат [13,9 K], добавлен 08.03.2005An analysis of homonyms is in Modern English. Lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical, distinctions of homonyms in a language. Modern methods of research of homonyms. Practical approach is in the study of homonyms. Prospects of work of qualification.
дипломная работа [55,3 K], добавлен 10.07.2009Present-day issues of foreign language teaching at secondary school. Current concepts in secondary school graduates EFL. Psychological analysis of Gardner's Theory. Learning environment in teaching English conversation.
дипломная работа [71,5 K], добавлен 20.11.2004