About the semantic analysis of the verb
The present is devoted to the semantic analysis of the verb. The extended information about the semantic groups of the verb. The action verbs in the formation of the language is undeniable and it is important while expressing the language correctly.
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Дата добавления | 18.09.2024 |
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About the semantic analysis of the verb
Abdurahmanova R. G.
Azerbaijan University of Languages
The present article is devoted to the semantic analysis of the verb. The extended information about the semantic groups of the verb is provided in the article. The role of the action verbs in the formation of the language is undeniable and it is important while expressing the language correctly. All human languages are proved to be constructed on the same abstract template as well. The verbs are proved to show the richness of the language in present day English as well. A certain system of hierarchy manifesting some groups are also dealt with. The article also deals with the investigation of semantic classification of the comprehensive analysis of the verb. Besides, the meaning of the verb groups driven from semantic component is also taken into regard. Different parametres of the verb groups are presented and analyzed in the article. It is mentioned in the article that semantic convergence is essential for verbs included in one semantic group. It is estimated that dividing the lexical meanings of verbs into groups is of great importance while compiling a dictionary in the language, because lexical units are given in the dictionary according to the principle of being close to each other. It is proved in the article, that the structure of the language is built on the basis of speech. Moreover, different thoughts about the importance of the semantics in studying languages are provided in this article. It is also mentioned that all the languages possess different sets of syntactic structures and while communicating speakers mainly use the verb carrying the dominant meaning. The innumerable meanings can be produced by the existing core meaning. Besides, the verbs denoting human creativity, destructive action, partial change, dynamic effect on the object, and nutrition is presented and analyzed in the article. It is proved, in the article, that studies about the semantic approach to verbs more attention. Moreover, the fact that auxiliary verbs help action verbs by adding tense, mood and voice qualities is also dealt in this article.
Key words: structural, semantic field, lexicalfield, analysis, verb groups, action verbs, dictionary, lexical and semantic paradigm, thesaurus, classification of verbs. structural semantic field lexicalfield
Дана стаття присвячена семантичному аналізу дієслова. У статті подано розширену інформацію про семантичні групи дієслова. Роль дієслів діїу формуванні мови незаперечна і важлива при правильному вираженні мови. Доведено, що всі людські мови також побудовані на одному абстрактному шаблоні. Доведено, що дієслова також демонструють багатство мови сучасної англійської мови. Також розглядається певна система ієрархії, яка демонструє деякі групи. У статті також присвячено дослідженню семантичноїкласифікаціїкомплексного аналізу дієслова. Крім того, враховується значення дієслівних груп, виведених із семантичного компонента. У статті представлено та проаналізовано різні параметри дієслівних груп. У статті зазначається, що семантична конвергенція є істотною для дієслів, що входять до однієї семантичної групи. Вважається, що розділення лексичних значень дієслів на групи має велике значення при складанні словника мови, оскільки лексичні одиниці подано в словнику за принципом близькості одна до одної. У статті доведено, що структура мови будується на основі мовлення. Крім того, у цій статті наведені різні думки про важливість семантики у вивченні мов. Також зазначається, що всі мови мають різні набори синтаксичних структур і під час спілкування носії в основному використовують дієслово з домінуючим значенням. Незліченні значення можуть бути породжені існуючим основним значенням. Крім того, у статті представлено та проаналізовано дієслова, що позначають творчість людини, руйнівну дію, часткову зміну, динамічний вплив на об'єкт, харчування. У статті доведено, що дослідженням семантичного підходу до дієслів приділяється більше уваги. Крім того, у цій статті також розглядається той факт, що допоміжні дієслова допомагають дієсловам дії, додаючи час, настрій і голосові якості.
Ключові слова: структурний, семантичне поле, лексичне поле, аналіз, групи дієслів, дієслова дії, словник, лексико-семантична парадигма, тезаурус, класифікація дієслів.
Existing lexical and semantic paradigms are used to study the entire lexical base of any language. This makes research on any topic easier. It is on this basis that various dictionaries have been created in linguistics. These dictionaries contain almost all the words in the language and are constantly updated. In modern linguistics, such dictionaries are called the thesaurus. For example, the classification included in the research of Z. Verdiyeva [12], F. Aghayev [12] and M. Adilov [12] is used for the compilation of the dictionary of the language, and this classification was put forward by R. Hallig [9] and V. von Wartburg [9]. The main feature of this classification is systematicity [13, p. 321]. The authors mentioned on the first page of the dictionary that they gave importance to two principles when compiling the dictionary. The first of these is what language is as the basis of communication between us and the world. This dictionary has prepared a well-founded and consistent plan for the thesaurus as a part of lexicography [10, p. 252-254].
Stating the importance of semantics in the study of languages, John Lyons noted that the work of scientists such as Vilhelm Fon Humboldt, Ferdinand de Saussure, and Edward Sapir about the structural approach to semantics in the studies conducted on the words in the vocabulary of the language attracts more attention, and there are a number of their opinions in this field [5]. First, a comprehensive overview of language's nature is provided, along with the objectives, procedures, and fundamental ideas of linguistic theory. Next, John Lyons provides an overview of each of the main branches of linguistics, starting with language and culture and ending with language sounds, grammar, semantics, language change, and psycholinguistics. He highlights elements of the discipline that seem fundamental and will probably continue to be significant over the entire book. It highlights culture as much as the biological setting of human language and demonstrates how linguists' concerns may be effectively integrated with those of the conventional humanities and social sciences. Every chapter includes in-depth discussion questions and writing activities. One or other thematic word groups are formed in linguistics based on material and logical factors. This book provides a thorough overview of theoretical linguistics. It assumes no prior knowledge and defines concepts as they are introduced; yet, it provides a thorough and technical treatment of a wide range of subjects, elevating the reader's comprehension to an advanced level. Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics has been a standard introduction to the field since it was originally published in 1968. It will continue to be a valuable resource for students looking for an overview of the three main areas of linguistics-phonetics and phonology, grammar, and semantics-and for anybody interested in how theory can help explain the main issues with human language. Linguistically, this is a field that is frequently perceived as moving quickly [5].
In Z. Verdiyeva, F. Aghayev, and M. Adilov's book called Linguistic Problems, it is mentioned that German linguist Y. Trier brought the concept of “semantic field” to linguistics. Therefore, the semantic field includes the words included in the semantic group. And the semantic field theory serves to study the semantics of the language. At this time, the field of words that are related to each other and are around each other is called the conceptual field, and the lexical field of these words is called the word family, which is called dominant. This includes a word that has a general, i.e., neutral meaning, and other words that have additional meanings and depend on it. For example, in the semantic field of work verbs, the verbs “to work” and “to do work” are considered dominant in that field, or, in the semantic field of verbs related to “seeing”, the verb “to look” can be shown as a dominant verb [13].
Problems of analyzing the properties of the verb
The verb has a great role while expressing thoughts as it is one of the main parts of speech, and as a part of the sentence, it mainly appears in the predication role. From that point of view, it plays a special role in the formation of the sentence, and as a result, other sentence members are chosen precisely according to the nature of the verb and are concentrated around it. The role of the verb is undeniable, not only in the formation of the sentence but also in the formation of the utterance. This can be proved by the fact that there are many categories of verbs. This appears to be the explanation for this event.
A verb, from the Latin verbum meaning word, is a word (part of speech) that in syntax conveys an action (bring, read, walk, run, learn), an occurrence (happen, become), or a state of being (be, exist, stand) [11].
Well-known linguists such as Jafarov G. [4], John Lyons [5], Leech, G. [6; 7], R.Hallig V. von Wartburg [9], Richards, J. C. & Schmidt, R. [10], and others made serious considerations about the semantic and syntactic properties of the verb. The purpose of the article is to identify the properties of the verb and to reveal the innovations in the classification of the verbs according to their meaning. The tasks of this subject can be mentioned as follows:
To study, clarify action verbs and sepicify them;
To inversigate the scope of lexical combination of the verbs;
To identify the ways of assembling verbs into the groups;
To illustrate with examples the semantic centre of the similar verbs;
To look through and analyze the thought of linguists' about the verb.
Methods and ways of investigating the properties of the verb. In the article, the characteristics of verbs are deeply analyzed and illustrated with examples, using the method of linguistic analysis and linguistic description. As for the reasons for choosing these methods for research, it is intended to describe semantic groups of the verb by dividing them into subgroups using the linguistic description method.
The works and articles of Azerbaijani, and English speaking linguists were used as sources in the preparation of the research.
About the Study of the Verb. Geoffrey Leech wrote about not only the theoretical and hypothetical meaning of the verbs, but also analyzed the tenses and aspects of the verb. He clearly distinguished the differences of the meanings between the Indicative Mood expressing real facts and the Subjunctive Mood expressing the supposition [7, p. 114-133]. Besides, the author of the book with the title “A Communicative Grammar of the English”, illustrated the meaning of verbs with examples, especially those with object complements containing additional meaning, that's with complex-transitive verbs [8, p. 282].
The verb is the main factor that shows the richness of the language. Verbs make up about 30-40 percent of the lexical fund in both German and Turkish. In English, the action referring to the subject is expressed through the verb, that is, through the predicate; therefore, as a part of the sentence, the load on the predicate is high, and therefore the load on the verb is high. However, nothing in language is possible without hierarchy. A certain system is manifested in the division of verbs into groups of corresponding meanings [5, 3-8].
From that point of view, it is necessary to develop a semantic classification for a comprehensive analysis of verb research. The largest of the lexical classes in linguistics is the part of speech. There are 40,000 words in the Azerbaijani-English dictionary of Oruj Musayev, and 130,000 words in the English-Azerbaijani dictionary [2].
Verbs are also dealt with in Longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics [10, p. 577].
One of the existing semantic groups of verbs is action verbs in English, as in all languages. This is due to the fact that the subject's work is comprehensive. It is used in the meaning of the verbs that indicate the work done by the subject on the object. Connecting or link verbs describe the state of existence. Auxiliary verbs help move, take action, and link verbs by adding tense, mood, or voice to these verbs. Wenyuan Gu in his article studied the transitive and intransitive and link verbs. Moreover, he investigated the Cognate Object and their relation with the predicate of the sentence which is expressed by the same root of the verb [14, p. 1].
About Action Verbs and their Subgroups. Action verbs help us express physical or mental action and work. They can be used to describe specific actions, events, or current situations. That's why it's important to know what action verbs are and how to use them to express English correctly. They can be used to describe specific actions, events, or current situations.
These verbs, in turn, are divided into a number of subgroups. This makes the study of action verbs even easier. Thus, there are several subgroups of action verbs, especially according to their semantic meaning:
I. Regarding human creativity.
II. Related to destructive, destructive work.
III. Regarding the presence of a small amount of change in the object.
IV. Regarding reporting a dynamic effect on an object.
V. Regarding nutrition [3].
It should be noted that these semi-groups do not cover all action verbs; only the main ones are combined in these semi-groups.
One of the main issues in semantic field theory is grouping words into appropriate groups based on their meaning. In these groups, common and leading concepts are defined. J. Lyons defines the meanings of existing groups as semantic components. However, upon deeper examination, the same concept is used in the existing literature as plerema, sememe, semantic marker, semantic category, etc. For L. Bloomfield sememe was the meaning of the morpheme [16], whereas for L. Hjelmslev it is called asplereme and he defined it as a unit of content and he defined sememe as the smallest integral unit of meaning [17]. Semantic component contains both sememe and plereme.
The grouping and study of actional verbs according to their meaning contributed to the science of linguistics. This facilitates not only semantics but also semantic structure analysis of those verbs. Various studies have been conducted in this area. The verbs included in these groups show certain similarities not only in their semantics but also in their ability to combine syntactically. Therefore, the syntactic features of action verbs are closely related to their meanings. As a result of this, the lexical semantics of words that are also languages are reflected in their syntactic features.
The Contribution of Verb Grouping to Dictionary Compiling. Dividing the lexical meanings of verbs into groups is of great importance when compiling a dictionary in the language because lexical units are given in the dictionary according to the principle of being close to each other. At this time, the principle of semantic core or semantic nest, which we mentioned earlier, should be given importance, and the resulting vocabularies will be useful both for learners of the internal syllables of a language and for learners of that language and a foreign language, as well as for translators. Moreover, at the same time, it can be applied to the issue of the compilation of systematic dictionaries and make your work easier; thus, it will be easier to define lexical-semantic groups. Today, there are various dictionaries, both in English and in other languages, that include separate parts of speech related to lexical units. At the same time, there is a 4-volume English dictionary.
The reason why we included this 4-volume dictionary in the scientific research work is that the verbs related to the English language are divided into four lexical-semantic groups. Thus, verbs of state are verbs indicating state, verbs of process are verbs indicating process, and verbs of factional activity are action verbs. Here, this group is small because, in the classification of verbs, the verbs outside this group with different meanings prevail, for example, verbs denoting sense perception and mental ability.
Since there are too many words and expressions, it is difficult to study them, and from this point of view, grammar studies them by parts of speech. As mentioned above, it is the verb that includes the most lexical units. Due to such a large part of speech, the verbs themselves are divided into several groups, the largest of which is called action verbs. Action verbs have rich grammatical and semantic features, not only in English, but also in Azerbaijani. There are verbs with a general meaning in both English and Azerbaijani, but if we compare, the number of verbs expressing a specific meaning prevails. We have these verbs' prof. Using Oruj Musayev's English-Azerbaijani dictionary, we have found the equivalent in Azerbaijani. In modern English, since human affairs are diverse and comprehensive, their meanings are also expressed by different verbs. In this regard, the verbs that express the work done on the object are called work verbs. An example is the verb “shift”. The equivalent of the verb “shift in Azerbaijani can be given as “to change one's place, to move to another place, to transfer, to change” [2].
“Move, change”; to (cause something or someone to) move or change from one position or direction to another, especially slightly: shift from something to something; She shifted (her weight) uneasily from one foot to the other; shift (to) The wind is expected to shift (to the east) tomorrow. (of an idea, opinion, etc.) to change: Society's attitudes towards women have shifted enormously over the last century; shift onto Media attention has shifted recently onto environmental issues [14].
transitive verb: to exchange for or replace by another : change; to change the place, position, or direction of : move : to make a change in (place) : to change phonetically intransitive verb: to change place or position: to change direction [15].
As can be seen from the example, the presented verbs express the concrete work of a person. Verbs given in this type of example are called action verbs. Since the work done on the object can be varied and comprehensive, it can also sound diverse and comprehensive from the subject's point of view. That is, at the same time, the effect of the object on the subject can be different. An object can be in different states. It can be damaged, corrupted, destroyed, changed, etc. Even the location of the object can be changed. From these, we can draw the conclusion that it is possible to express different types of work with action verbs. It is from this point of view that the formation of verbs into different groups of meanings appears, and at this time, the nominative meaning is considered the main one.
Semantic and Grammatic features while defining verb groups. The nominative meaning makes it easier for us to determine which group of polysemous words used in the English language belongs to which group. Another issue that facilitates our research is the analysis of semantic and grammatical features when defining these subgroups. It would be difficult to study so many verbs and reveal all their grammatical and semantic features, and this is considered methodologically wrong. From this point of view, action verbs in English are divided into the following semantic subgroups:
1. Action verbs related to creative work
2. Action verbs related to destructive work
3. Action verbs that express a partial change in an object
4. Action verbs related to the expression of a dynamic effect on the object [3, p. 13-14].
It is in the last subgroup that the process of feeding a person can be included, because here, too, a person does certain work. From this point of view, we can even combine English action verbs under five and a half headings.
1. It can be noted in subheading 1 that any concrete object can be created as a result of human creative work, and we can illustrate this with the following examples:
2. It can be noted about the second subgroup that the verbs included in this sub-heading express the opposite meanings of the first. This subgroup includes the following verbs:
3. Subheading 3 includes action verbs that express a slight change. Therefore, these verbs express a certain amount of change-making semantics. It is also worth noting that there are more verbs related to the third subsection. This explains why people were more engaged in the types ofwork related to this sub-heading.
4. Action verbs are sometimes called dynamic verbs in the relevant literature. From this point of view, his statement in subheading 4 is absolutely correct. Subheading 4 contains action verbs related to the dynamic effect on the object. In this subsection, as a result of the effect of the subject on the object, the object can change its place or the state of the object in the existing space can change. This includes a number of verbs. Similar to the subgroup before it, the number of these verbs is large in both English and Azerbaijani. This is again due to the fact that human work is more related to actions related to this subsection.
5. Finally, since there are enough action verbs related to human eating, it is possible to give them under a separate subsection. And it includes relatively fewer verbs.
It should also be noted that this classification was reflected in the articles of S.Ahmadova [3]; however, there are more types of these work verbs, and these sub-headings are divided into several sub-headings. The way to ease the confusion is to take the previously mentioned nuclear words as the basis of the leading theme and concentrate other words around them. For example, the words “to bind, to peace, to band, to attach”, etc. can be combined in the sense of connecting. In contrast, the verbs in another subheading can express the separation of the object rather than its combination. This can be cited as an example of the verbs “to separate, to concer, to distribute”, etc. The purpose of uncovering the distributive features of verbs is to analyze them in terms of semantic structure, and this is one of the problems in linguistics.
Ambiguity in the meanings of the above-mentioned verb groups are investigated in Predrag Novak- ov's article thoroughly which are in the present perfect tense form [9, p. 282].
It should be noted that currently, both the Azerbaijani and English dictionaries have enough verb conjugations and verb-related phrases in the vocabulary related to verbs.
J. Lyons considers speech as a speech event and therefore every linguist builds the structure of the language on the basis of speech. It also describes the language system [6, p. 68].
We know that speech is formed based on the grammatical rules of the language.
Therefore, in order to include the verb as a part of speech in the lexical semantic heading, importance is attached to the property of forming a lexical combination. The role of the verb in the formation of an additional sentence is irreplaceable. Sometimes we observe here that the main verb, together with the auxiliary verb, is used as the predicate; sometimes we see that the verb acts as the predicate without the auxiliary verb, and thus the sentence is formed. However, the idea that the verb is considered the only syntactic center in the formation of a sentence is incorrect. In addition, we can clearly observe the organizing role of the verb in most of the sentences formed and used in our language.
Thus, the verb plays an important role in determining the meaning of the sentence. We get the idea of the event happening in the sentence from the verb. As mentioned earlier, the generality of the lexical semantics of words, as well as the formation of combinations of verbs with other lexemes, play a key role in defining lexical semantic groups. This process is important not only in research, but also in teaching English.
Action verbs refer to a person's specific work, and therefore most of the verbs here are not figurative. The existing referential meanings of work verbs are similar in different languages because the relationship of a person with the environment forms identities in different languages, and each of these is reflected in the language. Action verbs describe an action that can be done by a person, animal, object, or nature. Since the action verb plays the main role in the formation of the sentence, we have determined the predicate of the sentence, and that sentence is already an opinion of what the conversation is about.
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10. Richards, J. C. & Schmidt, R. (2010). Longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics (4th edition). Harlow, Essex : Pearson Education Limited. 595 p.
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курсовая работа [29,1 K], добавлен 10.01.2015Use the verbs in the brackets in a suitable form. Suggest a suitable modal verb or a modal construction to complete the sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian. Use the verb in brackets in a suitable form. Underline a non-finite form of the verb.
контрольная работа [20,0 K], добавлен 11.03.2009Basic rules and principles of translation of professional vocabulary and texts in the field of jurisprudence and law, features and conditions of use of the verb "to be" and "to be". The arrangement of prepositions in different variations of the text.
контрольная работа [33,8 K], добавлен 29.03.2015The case of the combination of a preposition with a noun in the initial form and description of cases in the English language: nominative, genitive, dative and accusative. Morphological and semantic features of nouns in English and Russian languages.
курсовая работа [80,1 K], добавлен 05.05.2011The definition of the verb. The function of Phrasal verbs. The structure and meaning of Phrasal verbs. Classification of Phrasal verbs. Preposition and postposition. Verbs with preposition and noun. Verbs with postposition. English Phrasal Verbs Lists.
курсовая работа [32,5 K], добавлен 17.01.2011General definition of synonymy and their classification. The notion of changeability and how the meanings can be substituted in a language. Some semantic peculiarities of synonyms and their functional relationship. The notion of conceptual synonymy.
дипломная работа [54,0 K], добавлен 21.07.2009Grammatical categories. The category of passivity. Peculiarities of using sentences with the verb in the passive voice. Ways of expressing the passive voice. The passive constructions. The implicit agent in English passives. Agentless passives.
курсовая работа [67,5 K], добавлен 24.03.2014Translating of suggestion into the English language. Use of regular shape of participle. The use of correct times of verbs is in suggestion. Putting of verbs in brackets in Gerund or Infinitive. Development of skills of business intercourse in English.
контрольная работа [27,1 K], добавлен 04.03.2011