Lexical units characterizing the features of human speech in the English and Azerbaijani languages

Comparative analysis of lexical units characterizing human speech properties on the example of English and Azerbaijani languages. The role of stylistic means of expression, rhetorical figures, idioms, neologisms in the expression of human thoughts.

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Azerbaijan University of Languages

Lexical units characterizing the features of human speech in the English and Azerbaijani languages

Mammadova L.S.


The written article is devoted to the analysis of the characteristic features of human speech behavior in the English and Azerbaijani languages. It is known that human speech can be exciting, effective, full, emotional, etc. In the language, lexical units with zoonym and phytonym components characterize human speech, and they occupy an important place in the phraseological system of both languages.

The main topic of the article is to study the processing of lexical units in the language that express the characteristic features of human speech. A person's speech serves a clear purpose by defining his fruitful activity and linguistic features. Stylistic means of expression and rhetorical figures, including phraseological units, constitute an important part of human speech. They play a big part in expressing person's thoughts and opinions, the way they approach objects and events happening around them. In the article, the lexical units characterizing human speech properties were analyzed comparatively based on the materials of the English and Azerbaijani languages.

The investigation of human speech characteristics occurring in a wide range of communicative situations has been the focus of attention not only of linguistics, but also of psychologists and sociologists. Events happening around us, stressful situations, unfortunate events, disasters or vice versa, happy moments, situations and events that bring joy and pleasure, comfortable way of life, etc., Form an indispensable part of our life and all these directly affect our psychology, especially our speech behavior. One of the main differences between humans and the animal world is a special mental process called speech, which reflects the laws of its physiological, mental and social development. Speech is the process of communication between people through language. To speak and understand the speech of another, you need to know the language and be able to use it.

Key words: lexical units, emotional shades of speech, generalization, symbols, stylistic means, mental activity.


Мамедова Л.С. Лексичні одиниці, що характеризують особливості людського мовлення в англійській та азербайджанській мовах

Написана стаття присвячена аналізу особливостей мовленнєвої поведінки людини в англійській та азербайджанській мовах. Відомо, що людське мовлення може бути захоплюючим, дієвим, насиченим, емоційним тощо. У мові лексичні одиниці з компонентами-зоонімами та фітонімами характеризують людське мовлення, і вони займають важливе місце у фразеологічній системі обох мов.

Основною темою статті є дослідження обробки лексичних одиниць у мові, які виражають характерні особливості людського мовлення. Мовлення людини служить чіткій меті, визначаючи її плідну діяльність і мовні особливості. Важливу частину людського мовлення становлять стилістичні засоби виразності та риторичні фігури, зокрема фразеологізми. Вони відіграють важливу роль у вираженні думок і думок людини, в тому, як вони підходять до предметів і подій, що відбуваються навколо них. У статті проведено порівняльний аналіз лексичних одиниць, що характеризують мовленнєві властивості людини, на матеріалі англійської та азербайджанської мов. Дослідження характеристик мовлення людини, що виникають у широкому діапазоні комунікативних ситуацій, було в центрі уваги не лише лінгвістів, а й психологів та соціологів. Події, що відбуваються навколо нас, стресові ситуації, нещасливі події, катастрофи чи навпаки, щасливі моменти, ситуації та події, які приносять радість і задоволення, комфортний спосіб життя тощо. Вони є невід'ємною частиною нашого життя, і все це безпосередньо впливає на нашу психологію, особливо наша мовна поведінка.

Однією з головних відмінностей людини від тваринного світу є особливий психічний процес під назвою мовлення, який відображає закономірності її фізіологічного, психічного та соціального розвитку. Мовлення - це процес спілкування людей за допомогою мови. Щоб говорити і розуміти мову іншого, потрібно знати мову і вміти нею користуватися.

Ключові слова: лексичні одиниці, емоційні відтінки мовлення, узагальнення, символи, стилістичні засоби, розумова діяльність.


The concepts of “language” and “speech” are used in psychology. Language is a conventional system of symbols, with the help of which sound combinations that have a certain meaning and meaning for people is transmitted. Language is produced by society and is a form of reflection of the social existence of people in the social consciousness. The language formed in the process of communication between people is also a product of socio-historical development. Moreover, one of the phenomena of language is that each person finds a ready-made language spoken by others and learns it in the process of its development. However, being a native speaker, a person becomes a source of potential development and modernization of the language he owns.

The research level of the problem. The study of lexical-semantic layer of any language is of great importance. However, proper researches were conducted in the fields of morphology, lexicology, lexicography and certain goals were obtained. A large number of lexical units express human behavior, motivation of actions, as well as characteristic features of human speech. In connection with the study of the mentioned subject we can show the scientific works and thesis done by A.S. Bayramov [1], N. Novruzova [2], C. Lakoff [3], J.S. Makkai [4], P. Werth [5], N. Valiyeva [6], J. Metyakubov [7], P. Bogaards [9], S. Ahmadova [11] and so on. These linguists were engaged in researching the lexicon that characterizes the speech properties of a person, phraseological units that express the psychological nature of a person. A wide range of concepts and lexemes in the lexical field have been studied in the context of different systematic languages, which has enabled to conduct comparative analysis of the lexical units that currently represent the characteristic features of human speech in both languages.

Research goals and objectives. The main objective of the research work is to conduct analysis concerning stylistic features of human speech and to study lexical units characterizing the properties of human speech. In order to fulfill this task the followings should be taken into account:

- To clarify the role of stylistic means in communicative situations;

- To reveal the characteristic features of stylistic lexicon and stylistic phraseology on the basis of examples of both languages;

- To reveal similarities and differences during the study of evaluative semantics in the English and Azerbaijani languages.

Research methods. Comparative-typological, contextual and descriptive methods were applied in the study of that topic.

Main part of the research

The study of the lexical units, which determines the psycholinguistic state of human beings

At present, the study of the lexical units, which determines the psycholinguistic state of human beings is of great importance in modern linguistics. And while investigating the problem it is very important to consider a number of points on stylistics [7].

Unlike language, speech can be called a verbal communication process that can be implemented in the form of a message, instruction, question, order. From a psychological point of view, communication through language is no less complex than language itself. In addition to the content conveyed through verbal meanings, speech also expresses our emotional attitude to what we say. This phenomenon is called the emotional-expressive side of speech and is related to the tone of voice of the words we use to pronounce the expressed expression.

And finally, the speech can also have a psychological side, because the speech often contains a semantic subtext that reflects the purpose for which this or that statement was made (or the motive of the speech) [8]. Thus, speech communication is a complex and multifaceted process. As Bayramov A. writes, «each speech act is such a process as if it is the solution of a kind of psychological problem that requires a different construction and use of different means of speech, depending on the form and type of speech and the specific conditions and goals of communication» [1, p. 108]. Of course, the same goes for speech understanding.

Currently, sociologists, political scientists, psychologists and linguists pay more attention to the characteristics of human speech behavior in various communicative situations. In one, or another case, a person's speech behavior is determined by the existing conditions that act as a factor that changes his psycholinguistic state. This type of speech has a number of grammatical, morphological, lexical features, but these features are most clearly manifested at the stylistic level. Stylistic inaccuracies, errors and deviations from stylistic norms constitute a significant part of our speech. No branch of linguistics is more closely related to man than stylistics.

Linguistic stylistics deals with concepts such as:

a) aesthetic functions of language;

b) expressive means of language;

c) ways of expressing ideas;

d) emotional shades of speech;

e) proper stylistic means;

f) stratification of literary language into separate systems (speech styles) [9]. All these concepts allow describing additional nuances of the speaker's attitude not only to the communicative situation, but also to the content of the speech and to himself, which is of great importance in the study of speech in certain circumstances.

Speech styles are selected as certain systems in the literary language, primarily for the purpose of communication. Each speech style serves a specific purpose that more or less predetermines its activity and linguistic features.

As mentioned, the specific features of human speech are characterized by the psychological state in which he falls. This condition has a dominant effect on the general life of a person, including the characteristics of his speech and mental activity. For example, speech may be incoherent, rushed or with long pauses, excessively expressive and emotional. It is possible to implement different types of communication strategies in such a speech [10].

It should be noted that human speech is rendered expressiveness and imagery not only by lexical, but also by grammatical means, as well as by methods of their use. An important place among them is occupied by stylistic figures. Sometimes masters of words use colorful means of artistic expression or stylistic figures to increase the imagery, emotionality and expressiveness of the characters' speech in their artistic works. Considering the large number of figures of this style, we will consider some of them.

In relation to the principle of organizing speech communication, such as solidarity or cooperation with dialogue participants, speech strategies are divided into cooperative or non-cooperative.

Cooperative strategies include various types of informative and interpretive dialogues; for example, information transfer; clarification of the true situation or any event (dispute, exchange of views on any issue); waiting for and rejecting a response during the dialogue.

The first category includes inquiry, advice, persuasion and advice. The second category includes request, command and recommendation. The exact description of the type of dialogue is rendered by the verbs that directly reveal the purpose of the initiator's speech - request, advice, beg, demand, etc. In addition, expressions of gratitude, declarations of love, apologies, expressions of sympathy, friendships, compliments, etc. can be shown as an example [11].

The lexical meaning of a word is understood as the realization of a concept, feeling or attitude through the language system. Since the concept reflects reality, the meaning of the word is associated with extra-linguistic reality, but the concept is not the same as the meaning, because the latter has a linguistic nature and includes non-conceptual components: expressive, emotional and other connotations [3, p. 92]. lexical stylistic english azerbaijani speech property human

There are a definite group of words that are mostly used in conversations and in ordinary speech having misleading and abusive character. Such words are called vulgarisms. Vulgarisms and figurative speech are not used in ordinary speech, but in an extreme situation, such words exceed the norm, because through them a person expresses increased aggression, categorically rejects the decisions and actions of the interlocutor.

From the point of view of stylistic lexicon, the speech of a person in a psychological state consists of everyday vocabulary and vulgarisms. So, depending on the situation, a person uses rude or vulgar words in his speech. For example,

In English:

- They advertise in about a thousand magazines, always showing some hotshot guy on a horse jumping over a fence.

- I had to sit there and listen to that crap. It certainly was a dirty trick.

- I didn't answer him right away. Suspense is good for some bastards like Stradlater.

- He was a goddam stupid moron.

- Get your dirty stinking moron knees off my chest.

- You are a dirty stupid son of a bitch of a moron.

(J.D. Salinger. The catcher in the Rye)

- How can you have been such a crazy irresponsible fool!

- You bitch - you.

(Murdoch I. The philosopher's Pupil).

In Azerbaijani:

- Indi, ay heyvoro, bacarirsan hunorini gostor.

- itil, cohonnom ol, nadurust! Mon soni taniyiram, son no yuvanin c|ususan.

(Abbasov Э. Segilmis osorlori.)

- Gol bundan sonra nanocibo yaxsiliq elo. Coroy- ini belo adama yedirinco, ito tullasan bundan min dofo yaxsidir.

- O, ki var tutub ozun kecol qurumsaq.

- Ay donuz oglu, donuz. Donuz da okuzo ox atar?!

Examples include hotshot, a crap, a dirty bastard, bitch, son of a bitch, offensive meaning, negative attitude towards the person is expressed. The use of these expressions in speech has a rather rough meaning.

Slangs are one of the means of emotional, expressive expression used in the language. Slangs belonging to the colloquial language and used by different groups of society for different purposes serve to emotionally express a specific concept. In artistic works, slangs are means of expression used to reveal the character of artistic works [5, p. 80]. For example:

Cheers mate, looking sexy as usual ain't I!? 60 quid mate!

The expression cheers is slang. This word is used in the slang lexicon to express the words “friend, comrade”.

- Hell! What a lot of calculation had to go into piloting a couple of smelly oonts! Here oonts means camel.

Another example:

- Did he get any sparkle?

- Yes, a couple of kettles, a lovely groin and a prop.

In the examples mentioned above, 4 slangs were used to suggest the notion “jewelry”. In the example, the word sparkle means expensive jewelry, the word kettle means a jewelled watch, the word groin means golden ring, and prop means a jewelled necklace.

Antithesis can be introduced as a figure of speech producing a notable contradiction of opinions, sentences or phrases. So, antithesis convey two contrasting ideas within the same statement. Using antithesis in human speech provide communication too logical and effective one. It helps understand the point more perfect. By using antithesis, we make our speech rather memorable and clear as well. So, they are used to express strong contrasting statement. Majority of famous speeches contain a great amount of antithesis. For example:

- No pain, no gain.

- Neither fish, nor meat.

- In English:

(46) Don't say that, Arthur. There is the same world for all of us, and good and evil, sin and innocence, go through it hand in hand.

(47) The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. (O. Wilde. Lady Windermere's Fan).

(48) It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.

(49) His whole material and immaterial life is wonderfully strange.

(50) And yet it takes only the smallest pleasure or pain to teach us time's malleability.

(51) Which ones I was not sure, only that passion and danger, ecstasy and despair (but then more ecstasy) would be in attendance. (H.G. Wells. A Catastrophe)

In Azerbaijani:

(52) Ay srsfniss xanim, axi ns olub sizs, els bil xsyaliniz gbyds, ozunuz yerdssiz.

(53) Bu ns sirrdir bilmirsm. Ssn msndsn uzaqlasdiqca, msn ssns yaxinlasiran. І.М. dіfsndiyev. Sbyudlu arx.

(54) Ay kisi, Xudayar bsyin ancaq otuz yeddi, otuz sskkiz sinni olar; artiq olmaz, bslks, sskik ola. (C. Msmmsdquluzads. Secilmis sssrlsri)

Thus, antithesis make human speech more emphatic and meaningful. Hence, to emphasize key points in in human speech their usage is too important...

Repetition, which is a stylistic figure that is particularly distinctive in terms of its functionality in human speech, is a typical generalization of the means of expression available in the language to express the excited state expressed in speech by different means, depending on the degree and nature of the excitement. For example:

In English:

“It is about your mother. Has mother been in some kind of accident?

She's, she's dead.

No!....No!....No! (J. Galsworthy. The White Monkey).

I will never see you again. I will never think of you. I will never mention your name. (O. Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Gray)

You are not to come near her. You are not to see her again.

You never do, never, never.

In Azerbaijani:

Masadi sang deyiram, inanan inansin, inanma- yan inanmasin!

San ol, dunan Mammadaganin acigi tutmusdu, ham da yaman acigi tutmusdu.

Harada esitdin bunu, kimdan esitdin, va esitdinsa da, niya mahz indi yadina dusdu. (E. Afandiyev. Selections).

Due to the last example, it is possible to show many examples of such repetitions, overuse of words, and talking about small, petty, trifle, secondary and sometimes irrelevant issues, which characterize the speaking style of the common peasant. Such repetitions and monotony do not show the author's powerlessness, his inability to find words, perhaps it shows the author's artistic ability, which tools he uses more in the work of detailing and concretization. The fact that the author consciously repeats the same word in the language of Mashadi Reza is one of the main features of his style.

The presence of such repetitions in the speech is intended both to have a strong effect on the interlocutor and to create extreme excitement and emotional tension. Repetitive processing of speech units causes the speaker to return to the previous use of the word and reveal the differences between the same word by reinterpreting the same word.

Another stylistic device used in human speech is called ellipsis. Ellipsis consists in omission of some parts of the sentence that are easily understood from the context or situation. In colloquial style this omission simply makes the speech more compact:

For example: - Where are the children?

- In the bedroom.

An ellipsis is three dots used to show that words have been omitted from a quotation or to create a pause for effect. More specifically, an ellipsis can be used:

1) to demonstrate omitted material in quote;

2) to show an unfinished thought;

3) to show an omission of a word or words (including whole sentences) from a text;

4) to create a pause for effect;

5) to show a trail off into silence.

Outcome of the research:

So, we come to the conclusion that means of stylistic expression, figures of speech and phraseological units make up a significant part of human speech.

In the emotional states of a person, such tools increase the emotionality, brightness, and expressiveness of speech, have a certain effect on the listener, clearly emphasize certain ideas and expressions, and thereby strengthen mutual understanding between the interlocutor and his listener.

Thus, stylistic devices carry a large communicative load and are an expression of real-life phenomena. They express lexical-grammatical, structural-emotional evaluative properties, contributing to the creation of a unique imagery of the work. The stylistic coloring of a linguistic unit is determined by the genre and direction of the author's writing. In order to fully convey the connotation of personal, associative assessments, the author carefully selects stylistic devices and pays special attention to their organization in the text.


1. Bayramov O.S. Psixologiya. Qinar nosriyyati, Baki: 2002.

2. Novruzova N. Motnin koqnitiv tohlilinin nozori osaslari. Filologiya mosololori. Baki: 2017, No 1.

3. Lakoff C. Concept image and symbol: the cognitive basis of grammar. Berlin; N.Y.: Mouton de Gruyter, 1991.395 p.

4. Makkai J.S. Idiom structure in English. The Hague: Mouton, 1972. 371 p.

5. Werth, P. "Extended metaphor - a text-world account". Language and Literature. 1994. №3(2). pp. 79-103.

6. Valiyeva N. Azerbaijani-English-Russian Dictionary of Idioms. Baku: 2010.

7. Metyakubov Jumanazar. Lexical means for describing human appearance and character. Bulletin of Science and Practice. 2021. Vol. 7, №12. pp. 447-452.

8. Mohamed Moustafa Ahmed Younes. Human Language, (Its Concept, Features and Functions). Arabic Language, Literature & Culture. 2021. №6(1). pp. 20-25.

9. Bogaards, Paul. Lexical units and the learning of foreign language vocabulary. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 2001/09/01

10. Javid Babayev. Comparative-linguistic analysis of figurative stylistic devices in the Azerbaijani and English languages. - 2021/04/19

11. Ahmadova S.I. Concept “family” in the lexical-semantic and phraseological systems of English and Azerbaijani languages. World of science, culture, education. 2020. №1 (60). pp. 322-324

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