Phraseological units revealing the Ukrainian war crisis in public speeches: a contrastive study
Analysis of phraseological units in public speeches of B. Johnson, Joe Biden, A. Duda and V. Zelensky at the beginning of the war. Determination of the stable form of phraseology and its speech representation as an expression of the common message.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 11.10.2024 |
Размер файла | 30,3 K |
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National University “Odesa Law Academy”
Phraseological units revealing the Ukrainian war crisis in public speeches: a contrastive study
Yeromenko S.V.
The given article studies phraseological units revealing the Ukrainian war crisis in Boris Johnson's, Joseph Biden's, Andrzej Duda's and Volodymyr Zelenskyy's public speeches during the first 100 days of the war. During that time the heads of the states made 291 public speeches. We have singled out 793 phraseological unit usages in the analyzed public speeches. The study relies on application of contextual-interpretation, descriptive and contrastive methods. The phraseological unit is defined as a stable, cohesive combination of words with a fully or partially figurative meaning.
We use `phraseological unit 'as an umbrella term including stable word combinations as well as proverbs, sayings, aphorisms etc. Basing on the works by Anita Naciscione we have proved that in all studied public speeches the speakers rely on using phraseological units in their base form, core form and instantial stylistic use. The article states that expressing personal vision of the war crisis, persuading the listeners, all four leaders often rely on instantial stylistic use of the phraseological unit represented by replacements, insertions, inversions and additions of the phraseological unit constituents and phraseological allusion. We have singled out the following common messages represented by the analyzed phraseological units for all four leaders, namely, the crimes of the Russian war machine, bravery of the Ukrainians, solidarity with Ukraine and the opposition of the good and the evil. Thus, one of the common messages, bravery of the Ukrainians who resist the invasion giving their lives, is highlighted in the given article. The following phraseological units have been singled out in public speeches of four speakers representing this message on the frontlines, mount resistance, take a stand, take up fight, pay the price, give/lose one's life, ktos stawia opor, ktos placi wysokq ceng, na smierc i iycie, ktos oddaje iycie, чинити спротив/опір, дати відсіч, платити ціну, віддати життя, ціною життя.
Key words: phraseological unit, public speech, base form, core use, instantial stylistic use, phraseological allusion.
Єрьоменко С.В. Фразеологічні одиниці, що відображають війну в Україні, у публічних виступах: контрастивне дослідження
Пропонована стаття присвячена дослідженню фразеологічних одиниць, що відображають війну в Україні, у публічних виступах Бориса Джонсона, Джозефа Байдена, Анджея Дуди та Володимира Зеленського протягом перших ста днів війни. Проаналізовано 291 публічний виступ та виокремлено 793 фразеологічні одиниці. Дослідження оперте на застосування контекстуально-інтерпретаційного, описового та контрастивного методів. Фразеологізм дефіновано як стале сполучення слів з повністю або частково переосмисленим значенням.
З'ясовано, що фразеологічні одиниці в публічних виступах чотирьох лідерів можуть бути вжиті як у своїй усталеній формі, такі і бути стилістично видозміненими. З метою визначення сталої форми фразеологізму та її мовленнєвої репрезентації застосовано відповідні фразеологічні словники порівнюваних мов. Доведено, що, виражаючи власне бачення війни, усі четверо лідерів часто послуговуються фразеологізмами, які зазнають різних трансформацій, представлених замінами, вставками, інверсіями та додаванням складових компонентів фразеологізму, а також фразеологічною алюзією. Метод компонентного аналізу використовуваних чотирма лідерами фразеологізмів уможливив виокремлення таких спільних тем: злочини російської військової машини; хоробрість українців; солідарність з українцями; протиставлення добра і зла.
У пропонованому дослідженні окреслено, що вживання таких фразеологізмів, як on the frontlines, mount resistance, take a stand, take up fight, pay the price, give/lose one's life, ktos stawia opor, ktos placi wysokq cenq, na smierc i iycie, ktos oddaje iycie, чинити спротив/опір, дати відсіч, платити ціну, віддати життя, ціною життя є виразником спільного меседжу чотирьох лідерів, хоробрості українців, які віддають своє життя заради країни. Спільними семами для аналізованих фразеологізмів є «платити ціну» та «чинити спротив».
Ключові слова: фразеологізм, публічний виступ, стала форма фразеологізму, стилістичне використання фразеологізму, фразеологічна алюзія.
Defining the problem and argumentation of the topicality of the consideration
Despite a great number of researches dedicated to studying phraseological units, the key problem of identification and classification of phraseological units remains. There is also a great terminological confusion [6]. Thus, the western scholars rely mainly on using the term `idiom' [5; 7; 9], while the eastern scholars mostly use the term `phraseological unit' [1; 2; 3; 11]. However, this tendency is changing these days. In our research we use the term `phraseological unit' and understand it as `a stable, cohesive combination of words with a fully or partially figurative meaning' [12, 24]. Classifications of phraseological units are based on different criteria which led to the existence of numerous terms. We use `phraseological unit' as an umbrella term including stable word combinations as well as proverbs, sayings, aphorisms etc.
Since phraseological unit is one of the modes of reflecting thoughts, it is a clue to understanding the speaker's values, ideas, intentions and beliefs. Phraseological unit presents the `speaker's reflection in a communicative situation' [4, 642], as the speaker correlates their emotional and evaluative attitude as well as their values to the phraseological unit.
As it is well known, the main pragmatic function of the public speech is persuasion directed at influencing the listener or reader and shaping his views. Consequently, we find in public speeches `a blend of rigorous logical reasoning, reflecting the objective state of things, and a strong subjectivity reflecting the author's personal feelings and emotions towards the discussed subject' [10, 118]. Emotional information prevails in public speeches and relies on a wide range of language means reflecting it. Phraseological units belong to these means and their usage has its peculiarities.
The war in Ukraine burst out suddenly and attracted the attention of the whole world. Moreover, most world leaders expressed their opinions on it, supporting Ukraine. The corpus of public speeches of the world leaders is updated every day and requires studying. The given article is devoted to one of the aspects of possible studies, namely, the usage of phraseological units in public speeches of four leaders to represent their vision of the war.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The stylistic potential of phraseological units' usage has been studied by a number of scholars [2; 8; 9]. Anita Naciscione introduces the terms `base form', `core use' and `instantial stylistic use' of the phraseological unit. The base form coincides with the dictionary form of the definite phraseological unit. The core use of the phraseological unit resembles the base form (there may be changes of the ending, for example, depending on the tense use), the core use is predictable, it has no additional stylistic feature. The instantial stylistic use, according to Anita Naciscione, is a unique application of phraseological unit in discourse, it has only textual manifestation.
It presents novelty, surprise, highlights the speakers emotionality and creativity. The most common cases of instantial stylistic use of the phraseological unit are extended metaphor, pun, cleft use, phraseological allusion and innumerable changes of its constituents (replacements, insertions, inversions, additions, phraseological zeugma, periphrasis, blendings). The scholar also describes reiteration, saturation, cumulative, concurrent and comprehensive use of the phraseological units. We rely on some of these terms in our research, namely, `base form', `core use', `instantial stylistic use', `phraseological allusion'. Phraseological allusion is defined as `a mental implicit verbal or visual reference to the image of a phraseological unit which is represented in discourse by one or several explicit image-bearing constituents, and their instantial ties, hinting at the image' [12, 110].
Settings the goals and tasks of the article. The main aim of the given article is to analyze the peculiarities of phraseological units' usage in public speeches of four country leaders, namely Boris Johnson, Joseph Biden, Andrzej Duda and Volodymyr Zelenskyy and single out the main messages of their public speeches represented by phraseological units. The investigation is based on 291 public speeches of four leaders made during the first 100 days of war in Ukraine [20; 21; 22; 23]. All in all, we have singled out 793 phraseological units.
We mainly rely on the application of contextual-interpretation method and contrastive method. The first one is aimed at revealing the development of the main idea and the concept of the text in definite contexts of phraseological unit usage. This method also implies interpretation of the author's ideas and his influence strategies. The latter one aims at defining common and different features of the compared languages, namely the phraseological unit. Besides, we use descriptive method, method of component analysis and quantitative method.
Phraseological units in all four speakers' speeches reveal the following main ideas: crimes of Russian war machine; bravery of the Ukrainians; solidarity with Ukraine; the good versus the evil. The given article highlights the analysis of phraseological units representing the bravery of Ukrainians in public speeches of the four leaders.
The outline of the main research material
Prime Minister Boris Johnson. During the first 100 days of the war, Prime Minister Boris Johnson made 25 speeches devoted to Russian invasion of Ukraine. He addressed the House of Commons, Ukrainian Parliament, appealed to the people of the UK, Ukraine and Russia, made statements at official events and meetings.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson admires the courageous and daring actions of the Ukrainians fighting and withstanding the Russian army. Despite all expectations, the Ukrainians managed to stop the Russian army and now are turning the tide of the war. The Ukrainians are ready to give their lives for their country to mount resistance, to turn the tide, in the face of, to take up the fight, against the odds, to give one's life, to pay the price, the courage of lion, the roar of the lion.
Because I had been to Kyiv on previous visits and I actually met some of you and I had stood in the Maidan and seen the tributes to those who had given their lives to protect Ukraine against Russian aggression (GB22). The United Kingdom will work with our allies to step up military and economic support to Ukraine, strengthening their defences as they turn the tide in this fight (GB11).
The examples of instantial stylistic use of the phraseological units abound in Boris Johnson's speeches. Therefore, we have the extended use `mount an astonishing and tenacious resistance' of the base form `to mount resistance'. The replacement of the base form to put up a fight into take up a fight. The inverted use price that Ukrainians have paid of the base form to pay the price.
Instead, Ukrainians have mounted an astonishing and tenacious resistance, which has snarled up Putin's advance on Kyiv and Kharkiv and delayed his whole invasion plan (GB4). Ukrainians have taken up the fight and taught the world the meaning of bravery. Against the odds, they have snarled up Russia's invading army, inflicting defeat after defeat. The heroism of Ukraine has changed the geopolitics of Europe (GB12). I know so much about the terrible price that Ukrainians have paid and are paying for your heroism (GB22).
The phraseological allusions, in our opinion, the courage of lion and the roar of the lion have their roots in biblical expressions in which the lion is associated with bravery and boldness (as bold as a lion).
When I was here just a few weeks ago and we were in another room I think in your palace, the defence intelligence we had suggested Russia thought Ukraine could be engulfed in a matter of days and that Kyiv wouldfall in hours to their armies. And how wrong they were. I think that the Ukrainians have shown the courage of a lion, and you Volodymyr have given the roar of that lion (GB18).
The Ukrainians' bravery impresses the whole world and moves everybody's hearts to move the heart. The base form of the phraseological unit to touch one's heart was replaced into moved the hearts, which presents the instantial stylistic use.
In a great European capital, now within range of Russian guns, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is standing firm for democracy and freedom, in his righteous defiance I believe he has moved the hearts of everybody in this House (GB10). phraseological public speech johnson biden duda zelensky war
Russian army is unable to oppose to Ukrainian spirit to countfor nothing, (never) to break one's spirit.
Your children and grandchildren will say that Ukrainians taught the world that the brute force of an aggressor counts for nothing against the moral force of a people determined to be free (GB22). But no matter what Putin tries to do to Ukraine's people, what the exhibition that we are opening tonight shows, is that he will never break their spirit (GB23).
Boris Johnson uses phraseological allusion finest hour, which originated in Winston Churchill's speech “This was their finest hour”, delivered in 1940 and devoted to French resistance to fascist Germany and British help.
This is Ukraine's finest hour, that will be remembered and recounted for generations to come (GB22).
Another phraseological allusion master of the fate originates in William Ernest Henly's poem “Invictus”. The last lines of his poem sound as “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul”. These lines are often cited by politicians and leaders encouraging others to struggle.
You are the masters of your fate, and no-one can or should impose anything on Ukrainians (GB22).
The phraseological unit it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog, meaning that stamina, passion, motivation in the battle is much more important than the size of the battler, emphasizes the courage of little Ukraine fighting enormous Russia. These words are considered to belong to American writer Mark Twain.
You have proved the old saying it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog which is an old English saying, I'm not sure how well that translates in Ukrainian but you get what I'm trying to say (GB22).
President Joseph Biden. During the first 100 days of the war in Ukraine President Joseph Biden made 28 speeches. He made statements on the situation in Ukraine, announced the USA government actions to help Ukraine, addressed the Congress or the Cabinet and, of course, made statements while visiting Europe and meeting European leaders.
President Joseph Biden as well as other leaders speak about the Ukrainians' courage and determination in defending their country iron will; the phraseological allusion wall of strength refers to tower of strength, used in William Shakespeare's “Richard III”.
He thought he could roll into Ukraine and the world would roll over. Instead, he met with a mal a wall of strength he never anticipated or imagined (USA3). So, let us continue to draw inspiration from the iron will of the Ukrainian people (USA3).
The Ukrainians met the challenge and are now fighting for the whole European continent. The Ukrainians are fighting head-to-head with the second army in the world. Their bravery is worth respecting and admiring on the frontlines, to stand up to dictators, to meet one's match, to make a fool of, to take up arms, to deserve credit for.
And now, in the perennial struggle for democracy and freedom, Ukraine and its people are on the frontlines fighting to save their nation (USA15). Instead, Russian forces have met their match with brave and stiff Ukrainian resistance (USA15). And, quite frankly, they're making fools of the Russian military in many instances (USA21). So, the brave people of Ukraine, including the many civilians who have taken up arms to defend their country, deserve every ounce of credit for pushing back the Russian assault and frustrating Putin's desire to dominate Ukraine (USA21). Because if you don't stand up to dictators, history has shown us they keep coming (USA21).
The evaluative insertion to deserve every ounce of credit for presents the instantly stylistic use of the phraseological unit to deserve credit for.
Speaking about the bravery of Ukrainians President Joseph Biden cites the words of Pope John Paul II, said in 1978. In his speech Paul II urged the Christians to overcome fear.
So, in this hour, let the words of Pope John Paul burn as brightly today:
“Never, ever give up hope, never doubt, never tire, never become discouraged. Be not afraid” (USA15).
American president emphasizes that dramatic shifts in the world history happen thanks to the will of ordinary people, but not the leaders, using again phraseological allusion iron curtain.
Let's remember: The hammer blow that brought down the Berlin Wall, the might that lifted the Iron Curtain were not the words of a single leader; it was the people of Europe who, for decades, fought to free themselves (USA15).
The Ukrainians' courage and determination made it clear to the world that the Ukrainians are able to make their way and decide for themselves. The sayings nothing about us without us (Nihil de nobis, sine nobis) means that no policy should be decided without the participation of the whole group affected by this police.
The -from the beginning, I've said and I've been not everyone has agreed with me nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine (USA28).
President Andrzej Duda. President Andrzej Duda made 65 speeches during the first 100 days of the war. He addressed both the Poles and other nations. He made numerous visits speaking for Ukraine and the Ukrainians.
All foreign leaders admire the bravery of the Ukrainians and the Ukrainian army, the bravery of ordinary people who defend their country. President Andrzej Duda does not make an exception. He stresses that the Ukrainians struggle desperately ktos stawia opor.
Armia i narod ukrainski stawiajq zaciekfy opor najezdzcom, bohatersko broniqcswojej ojczyzny (PL25).
The above mentioned example presents the instantinal stylistic use of the phraseological unit, as the basic form is extended with evaluation insertion stawiajq zaciekfy opor.
Unfortunately, there are many deaths and casualties. The price of freedom is very high. Many towns and villages are in ruins. The key words in phraseological units are `cena' and `krew' ktos placi wysokq cen, za cen krwi, ktos placi krwiq za cos, ktos przelewa krew, cos lezy w gruzach.
Od tygodnia cala Ukraina bohatersko stawia czola najezdzcom. Placqc przy tym najwyzszq cenq. Atakowane sq domy mieszkalne, bloki, szkoly i szpitale. Liczne ataki ze strony wojsk rosyjskich majq znamiona ludobojstwa (PL10). W jaki sposob Zachod powinien na to dqzenie odpowiedziec? Dqzenie, ktore dzisiaj jest po prostu placone krwiq przez Ukraincow, zubozeniem, cz^sto pewnie nqdzq. Bo jesli ktos byl w Irpieniu, Borodziance tak jak ja czy jesli ktos widzial Charkow czy Bucz, to wie, ze sq to po prostu zniszczone miejscowosci i miasta. Mariupol lezy caly w gruzach. Wfyc ci ludzie placq gigantycznq cenq za swoje dqzenie do wolnosci i prawa do samostanowienia o sobie, do prawa bycia cz^sciq Zachodu (PL60). To, ze dzisiaj Ukraincy broniq sfy, przelewajqc krew i za wszelkq cen% walczq o kazdqpfydz ziemi, pokazuje, ze nie chcq byc w rosyjskiej strefie wplywow, tylko chcq sami stanowic o sobie, chcq sami decydowac, do jakiej ewentualnie wspolnoty b^dq nalezeli to jest ich swfyte prawo (PL58).
The basic form of the phraseological unit ktos placi wysokq cen is replaced for Placqc przy tym najwyzszq cen, placq gigantycznq cen%, the speaker uses the superlative form of the base adjective and one of the synonyms.
The Ukrainians are ready to give their lives in this life and death struggle na smierc i zycie, ktos oddaje zycie.
Twarde starcie. Wojenne starcie. Zgodnie z regulami wojennegoprawa: na smierc i zycie (PL40). ... a z drugiej mamy absolutnie zdeterminowanych, oszalalych niemalze w obronie ojczyzny Ukraincow, ktorzy sq gotowi oddac zycie na kazdym miejscu, zeby tylko obronic ojczyzny (PL16).
Thanks to the Ukrainians' bravery, Russia was unable to reach its main goals of invading Ukraine in a couple of days and the war is getting harder and harder for both sides ktos polamal sobie zby na czyms.
Szczegolnie dla nas jest istotne, by Ukraina byla wspierana, by nie przegrala tej wojny, tylko aby byla to porazka Rosji, by Rosja polamala sobie zqby na Ukrainie (PL24).
Apart from using the sayings of public people, president Andrzej Duda is also the author of a number of them. Thus, speaking about Ukraine, he says, wolny swiat ma dzis twarz Ukrainy!
President Andrzej Duda often refers to the words of the former Polish president Lech Kaczynski. Andrzej Duda cites his words emphasizing the bravery of the Ukrainians.
Prezydent Lech Kaczynski w swoim historycznym przemowieniu w Tbilisi powiedzial, ze „Europa Srodkowa ma odwaznych przywodcow”. Jak zwykle mial racjq (PL38).
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. During the first 100 days of the war president Volodymyr Zelenskyy made 173 speeches. He addressed 122 of them to the Ukrainians and 51 of them to different parliaments, governments, European / world institutions and bodies. While addressing the Ukrainians, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy often gives account of his, government and army actions, inspires the Ukrainians, thanks them for their fighting. Appealing to foreigners, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urges them to help Ukraine, give more support, also he points out the new challenges, which the world faces, thanks for their understanding and assistance.
The Ukrainians have been defending their values for centuries. They don't give up, but unite and start fighting very often at the expense of their life. A number of phraseological units in Volodymyr Zelenskyy's speeches prove it віддати життя, ціною життя, питання життя й смерті, заплатити ціну, чинити спротив/ опір, сам на сам, дати відсіч, голими руками, йти голіруч, поки не потемніє в очах, стати живою стіною, триматися на плечах, бити противника його ж зброєю, плекати порожні надії, крок за кроком, повертати до життя, до снаги, внести лепту, викладатися на сто відсотків.
Many Ukrainians died in the severe fighting, nevertheless, they continue struggling. Щоранку о 9-й годині на всій території нашої держави будемо згадувати українців, які віддали своє життя (UK42). Ціною власного життя він підірвав міст (UK6). Знову хочу подякувати нашим людям у Херсоні, у Каховці, у Славутичі та інших містах, які не припиняють чинити опір окупантам (UK67). Натомість Україна дає відсіч ворогу вже 48 днів (UK95).
Unfortunately, Ukraine remains alone in its fighting and doesn't have enough weapon for proper counterstand, but people's will and spirit are unbreakable.
36 днів! 36! Саме стільки наша держава, наш народ сам на сам проти армії, яку називали серед найсильніших у світі (UK74). І будемо битися, поки не потемніє в наших очах (UK16). Ми будемо бити ворога його ж зброєю (09.03). Мирні українці прогнали голими руками (UK53). Це мирні жителі українських міст, мирні жителі сіл, які ставали живою стіною на шляху в окупантів, зупиняли військову техніку, розвертали танки у зворотному напрямку (UK139).
The Ukrainians should understand that the war would be long and exhausting. However, they start liberating their country step by step doing their best. The Ukrainians are capable of it and every Ukrainian should contribute to victory.
Не треба плекати порожніх надій, що вони просто підуть із нашої землі. Ми можемо тільки вибороти мир (UK78). Але я впевнений, що нам, українцям, до снаги все це зробити. Нам, українцям, до снаги перемогти (UK41). Але крок за кроком ідемо вперед (UK56). І в Бучі вже працюють усі необхідні служби, щоб повернути місто до життя (UK79). Коли народ захищається у війні на знищення, коли стоїть питання про життя або смерть мільйонів, немає неважливих речей. Немає неважливих моментів. Усе має значення. І кожен може внести свою лепту в перемогу всіх (UK78).
Phraseological allusions бути чи не бути / to be or not to be (very famous Hamlet's words) or бо з нами Бог / Nobiscum Deus (the slogan of Roman warriors) show that the Ukrainians have difficult times, but the God is on their side.
«Бути чи не бути?» ви добре знаєте це шекспірівське питання (UK24). Що б вони там не мріяли чорт з ними! Бо з нами Бог! (UK12).
A very interesting example of instantial stylistic use presents the slogan of Volodymyr Zelenskyy's presidential campaign (2019) кожен з нас президент / each of us is a president. Now it changes into кожен з нас воїн / each of us is a warrior. А зараз так сталося, що кожен із нас воїн (UK9).
Another phraseological allusion in Volodymyr Zelenskyy's speech Ми не здамося й не програємо! Ми підемо до кінця (UK24) originates in the famous Winston Churchill's speech `We shall fight on the beaches' made on the 4 June 1940 in the House of Commons, when fascist Germany started bombing the UK Compare the original and Volodymyr Zellenskyy's version.
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender... Ми не здамося й не програємо! Ми підемо до кінця. Ми будемо боротися на морях, будемо битися в повітрі, ми будемо захищати нашу землю, хоч би якою була ціна. Ми будемо битися в лісах, на полях, на узбережжях, у містах і селах, на вулицях, ми будемо битися на пагорбах... І я хочу від себе додати: ми будемо битися на териконах, на березі Кальміуса та Дніпра! І ми не здамося! (UK24).. It is a very inspiring part of the speech stating that nobody will surrender.
Conclusions and directions for further research in this area
Despite living in different countries, and even continents, despite speaking different languages and appealing to different nations, four leaders of the countries share the same interests and values; have the same goals and intentions and, consequently, have the same vision of the war crisis. The contextual-interpretation and stylistic analysis of the phraseological unit's usage in the public speeches proved it. There are some common messages for all four leaders.
The first is the crimes of the Russian war machine in Ukraine, which is revealed by the following phraseological units war crime, war machine, commit war crime; zbrodnie wojenne, zbrodnie przeciw ludzkosci; воєнний злочин, злочин проти людства. Russia simply destroys and ruins Ukraine lay waste, grind into dust; ktos zrownal z ziemiq cos, cos lezy w gruzach; стерти з лиця землі, не залишити сліду, рівняти з землею, не залишити каменя на камені, обернути/ перетворити в попіл. Russia creates a new iron curtain in the world iron curtain, zelazna kurtyna, залізна завіса.
The second common message is bravery of the Ukrainians who resist the invasion giving their lives on the frontlines, mount resistance, take a stand, take up fight, pay the price, give / lose one's life; ktos stawia opor, ktos placi wysokq cen, na smierc i zycie, ktos oddaje zycie; чинити спротив/ опір, дати відсіч, платити ціну, віддати життя, ціною життя.
The third common message is solidarity with Ukraine stand shoulder-to-shoulder, stand side-by-side, on one's side, in lockstep, hold together, stay the course; ktos staje po stronie kogos, rami^ w rami^; стояти пліч-о-пліч, підставити плече.
Besides crucial military, political and financial support, the Ukrainians found a shelter in other countries welcome with open arms, open one's home and heart; pod swoj dach, ktos wyciqgnql pomocnq dlon do kogos, z otwartym sercem, ktos otworzyl serce przed kims; простягнути руку допомоги, знайти прихисток. The final common message is the opposition of the good and evil, in which the good must prevail.
Expressing personal vision of the war crisis, persuading the listeners, all four leaders often rely on instantial stylistic use of the phraseological unit presented by replacements, insertions, inversions and additions of the phraseological unit constituents and phraseological allusion. The instantial stylistic use of the phraseological unit highlights the creativity of the speaker and draws listener's attention making them consider the message.
The further analysis can be continued defining the phraseological units and the peculiarities of their usage in the other public speeches of the four leaders or applying the methods of corpus linguistics.
1. Верба Л. Порівняльна лексикологія англійської та української мов. Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2008. 248 c.
2. Дубенко О. Порівняльна стилістика англійської та української мов. Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2011. 328 c.
3. Селіванова О. Нариси з української фразеології (психо-когнітивний та етнокультурний аспекти). Черкаси: БРАМА, 2004. 276 c.
4. Селіванова О. Сучасна лінгвістика: термінологічна енциклопедія. Полтава: Довкілля-К, 2008. 711 c.
5. Cacciari C., Tabossi P Idioms: Processing, Structure, and Interpretation. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 1993. 356 p.
6. Cowie A. Phraseology: Theory, Analysis, and Applications. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. 272 p.
7. Gibbs R. Idioms and Formulaic Language. The Oxford handbook of Cognitive Linguistics / D. Geraeerts and H. Cuyckens (eds.). New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. P 697-725.
8. Glaser R. The stylistic potential of phraseological units in the light of genre analysis. Phraseology: Theory, Analysis, and Applications / A.P Cowie (ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. P 125-143.
9. Glucksberg S. Understanding Figurative Language: From Metaphor to Idioms. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. 136 p.
10. Kukharenko V. A Book of Practice in Stylistics. Vinnitsia: Nova Knyga, 2000. 174 p.
11. Kvetko P English Lexicology in Theory and Practice. Trnava: Univerzita Sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, 2009. 205 p.
12. Naciscione A. Stylistic Use of Phraseological Units in Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2011. 283 p.
13. Словник української мови.
14. Словник фразеологізмів української мови / відп. ред. В.О. Винник. Київ: Наукова думка, 2003. 786 c.
15. Frazeologia.
16. Spears R. Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. New York: McGraw-Hill's, 2005. 1024 p.
17. The Free Dictionary.
18. The Offord Dictionary of Idioms / Judith Siefring (ed.). New York: Oxford University Press Inc., 2004. 352 p.
19. Wielki slownik jаzyka polskiego.
20. Resources of illustrative material
1. Verba, L. (2008). Porivnialna leksykolohiia anhliiskoi ta ukrainskoi mov [Comparative Lexicology of English and Ukrainian]. Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha [in Ukrainian].
2. Dubenko, O. (2011). Porivnialna stylistyka anhliiskoi ta ukrainskoi mov [Comparative Stylistics of English and Ukrainian]. Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha [in Ukrainian].
3. Selivanova, O. (2004). Narysy z ukrainskoi frazeolohii (psykhokohnityvnyi ta etnokulturnyi aspekty [Essays on Ukrainian Phraseology (psychocognitive and ethnocultural aspect]. Cherkasy: Brama [in Ukrainian].
4. Selivanova, O. (2008). Suchasna linhvistyka: terminolohichna entsyklopediia [Current Linguistics: Terminological Encyclopaedia]. Poltava: Dovkillia-K [in Ukrainian].
5. Cacciari, C., Tabossi, P (1993). Idioms: Processing, Structure, and Interpretation. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
6. Cowie, A. (1998). Phraseology: Theory, Analysis, and Applications. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
7. Gibbs, R. (2007). Idioms and Formulaic Language. The Oxford handbook of Cognitive Linguistics / D. Geraeerts and H. Cuyckens (eds.) (pp. 697-725). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
8. Glaser, R. (2001). The stylistic potential of phraseological units in the light of genre analysis. Phraseology: Theory, Analysis, and Applications / A. P Cowie (ed.) (pp. 125-143). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
9. Glucksberg, S. (2001). Understanding Figurative Language: From Metaphor to Idioms. Oxford University Press.
10. Kukharenko, V. (2000). A Book of Practice in Stylistics. Vinnitsia: Nova Knyga.
11. Kvetko, P (2009). English Lexicology in Theory and Practice. Trnava: Univerzita Sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave.
12. Naciscione, A. (2011). Stylistic Use of Phraseological Units in Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
13. Slovnyk ukrainskoi movy [Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language].
14. Slovnyk frazeologizmiv ukrainskoi movy [Dictionary of Ukrainian Phraseological Units] (2003) / vidp. red. V.O. Vynnyk. Kyiv: Naukova dumka [in Ukrainian].
15. Frazeologia.
16. Spears, R. (2005). Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. New York: McGraw-Hill's.
17. The Free Dictionary.
18. The Offord Dictionary of Idioms (2004). Ed. by Judith Sierfring.
19. Wielki slownik jzyka polskiego.
20. Resources of illustrative material
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