Джерела права Європейського Союзу

Система внутрішніх джерел права Європейського Союзу. Аналіз правової природи системи установчих документів Євросоюзу, ухвалюваних інститутами європейських співтовариств. Процедура укладання міжнародних угод з третіми країнами і міжнародними організаціями.

Рубрика Государство и право
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 09.08.2014
Размер файла 69,6 K

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Ключевые слова: Европейский Союз, Европейское сообщество, источники права Европейского Союза, „общее наследие” (acquis communautaire), общая внешняя политика и политика безопасности, сотрудничество в сфере охраны правопорядка и правосудия по уголовным делам, акты институтов Европейского сообщества.

Smyrnova Ksenya. Sources of the European Union Law. - Manuscript.

Thesis for obtaining the scientific degree of the Candidate of Sciences (Law) on the speciality 12.00.11 - International Law. The Institute of International Relations of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv, 2005.

Abovementioned thesis is devoted to the research of European Union law sources, its definition and juridical characteristics. Interrelations between the EU law sources and acquis communautaire are being analyzed in the research. The acquis communautaire concept is wider than the EU law sources notion because the latter doesn't include recommendations, nonbinding acts, political decisions, decisions of EC Court, doctrine notions and custom.

Complex of the EU acts, classified into internal and external on the criteria of object, subject, adoption procedure, implementation method and their role in integration process regulation in the EU, is being investigated in the work. Among the EU internal sources the author analyses establishing European integration entity Treaties, other statutory documents; acts of the EC institutes; acts adopted within the second (common foreign and security policy) and the third (coordination in justice and home affairs) pillar of the EU. Among the EU external sources the author analyses international agreements with the third countries or international organizations and acts adopted by the coordination bodies based on the international agreements.

The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement concluded between European Communities and their Member States, and Ukraine (PCA), recommendation acts of its coordination bodies are studied. Special attention is given to juridical characteristics and implementation particularities of Action Plan “Ukraine - the EU” (2005) that promotes an individual acquis for Ukraine.

Key words: European Union, European Community, European Union law sources, acquis communautaire, common foreign and security policy, coordination in justice and home affairs, European Community legal acts.

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