Організаційно-правові форми соціального діалогу у сфері праці

Визначення поняття, предмету, суб’єктів, принципів, організаційно-правових форм соціального діалогу у сфері праці, здійснення порівняльно-правового аналізу міжнародних трудових норм у сфері соціального діалогу та актів національного законодавства.

Рубрика Государство и право
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.08.2014
Размер файла 43,2 K

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Tryukhan O.A. Organizational-legal forms of social dialog in the sphere of labour. - Manuscript.

The thesis on gaining of Candidate of law degree, the speciality 12.00.05 - labour law; social security law. - Odesa National Academy of Law. - Odesa, 2006.

The thesis is devoted to examination of separate theoretical and practical problems of legal regulation of relations arising out of social dialog in the sphere of labour. Definition, object, principles and subjects of social dialog in the sphere of labour are determined. The basic attention is drawn to exploration of organizational-legal forms of social dialog in the sphere of labour. Definition and list of organizational-legal forms of social dialog in the sphere of labour are outlined and their content is determined. On the basis of analyzed literature on the research topic, current legislation and practice of its application, international labour standards and positive foreign experience, propositions and recommendations on improvement of legal regulation of relations arising out of social dialog in the sphere of labour are provided.

Key words: social dialog in the sphere of labour, subjects of social dialog, principles of social dialog, organizational-legal forms of social dialog, professional unions, organizations of employers, labour collectives.

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