Відповідальність за правопорушення у бюджетній сфері: адміністративно-правові та фінансово-правові аспекти

Особливості притягнення до адміністративної і фінансово-правової відповідальності за правопорушення у бюджетній сфері, визначення прогалин законодавчого регулювання. Роль органів бюджетного контролю у застосуванні заходів правової відповідальності.

Рубрика Государство и право
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.03.2016
Размер файла 44,1 K

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Prots I.M. Responsibility for offenses in the public sector: administrative and legal, financial and legal aspects. - Printed as manuscript.

Thesis for obtaining the scientific degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences in the specialty 12.00.07 - administrative law and procedure; finance law; information law. - National University "Lviv Polytechnic" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Lviv, 2016.

The present thesis is devoted to determining features of bringing to administrative, financial and legal responsibility for offenses in the public sector, identifying gaps of legal regulation of these tort relations and providing reasonable recommendations aimed at improving the activities of public authorities with regard to taking measures for responsibility for offenses in the public sector.

The thesis examines the concept and content characteristics of financial and legal responsibility for offenses in the public sector (fiscal and legal responsibility) and identifies features of administrative responsibility for the breach of budget legislation.

The analysis of measures of financial and legal responsibility for budget offenses has been made, and the role of budgetary control authorities in the application of measures of administrative and fiscal responsibility has been described.

Based on the research conducted, the author's definition of the notion of budget offense and fiscal and legal responsibility has been suggested. Conclusions, offers and recommendations aimed at improving the legislative acts governing the application of measures of administrative, financial and legal responsibility for offenses in the public sector have been made.

Keywords: financial and legal responsibility, fiscal and legal responsibility, administrative responsibility, budget offense, breach of budget legislation, the public sector, measures of fiscal and legal responsibility, budgetary control authorities.


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