Ensuring information security by entities in information economy

Features and description of the problem of information security business entities. Methodical and legal vision of security actors. The emergence of the "information industry" related to the provision of information on the various types of activities.

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Дата добавления 15.12.2017
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National Aviation University

Education and Research Institute of Law

Ensuring information security by entities in information economy

Doctor of Science of Law, Associate Professor

Professor of the Commercial, Air and Space Law Department

Bezzubov Dmytro

National Aviation University

4th year student

Stepankivska Nataliia


The article tells about the problem of providing information security by entities. It determines the methodological and legal vision of it. It formulates offers for further research in the field of information security.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, information security, information economy, information security.


В статті розглядається проблема забезпечення інформаційної безпеки суб'єктами господарювання. Визначається методичне та юридичне бачення забезпечення інформаційної безпеки суб'єктами господарювання. Формулюються пропозиції щодо подальших досліджень у сфері інформаційної безпеки суб'єктами господарювання.

Ключові слова: підприємницька діяльність, інформація, безпека, інформаційна економіка, інформаційна безпека.


В статье рассматривается проблема обеспечения информационной безопасности субъектами хозяйствования. Определяется методическое и юридическое видение обеспечения информационной безопасности субъектами хозяйствования. Формулируются предложения по дальнейших исследований в области информационной безопасности субъектами хозяйствования.

Ключевые слова: предпринимательская деятельность, информация, безопасность, информационная экономика, информационная безопасность.

Formulation of the problem. The changes that have occurred in public life, political, economic, scientific field in recent years resulted in a significant increase in the amount of information. The rate of information changes has increased along with the latter. Under such conditions there has formed a situation according to which there appeared a gap between the amount of information that characterizes modern life and our ability to learn and use it effectively. There appeared a problem of informational disorientation, which complicated significantly the making of objective decisions and a possibility of forming an adequate behavior. Comprehensive informatization has led to new forms of political, economic and social relations, the emergence of so-called «information industry» related to providing the information to different types of activities.

Information and communication technologies have become widespread. They form information resources and preserve them, transfer information, provide various kinds of information services. This situation expanded significantly the possibilities of forming knowledge. Consequently it gave citizens, business entities, society, states the possibility of creation of intangible assets. The latter with their power are vital for the creation of benefits on any market or in any relationship. information security actors industry

Analysis of recent research and publications. Taking into account that information problems faced by society in recent years have become quite relevant, a significant amount of researches in various fields were dedicated to them. Considering the business we can draw attention to the works by Aristova I., Berlach A., Kohut Y., Kormich B., Maruschak A., Kurylo V., Nikolayuk S., Nykyforchuk D., Pozdnyshev E., Vertuzayev M. (Ukraine), Tsy- ganov V., Bukharin S., Yarochkin V., Odintsov A., Sha- vayev A., Doronin O., Nezhdanov I. (Russia), Bogan K., Inglish M. Prescott D., Miller S. (UK). Useful materials can be found in the works by Ukrainian scientists such as: Panchenko O. and Banchuk M., Eshchenko P. and Arsey- enko A., Prybutko P., Luk'yanets I. and Ostroukhov V.

At the same time the problem of information security, including the transport sector, remains open.

The purpose of this paper is to reveal the nature of information security in an information economy, to determine the legal and economic components of such an activity.

Presenting main material. One of the activities of economic entities in transport sector is to ensure a stable income by posting information about them on the Internet. Such an activity has several directions: the first one is purely informative (creating pages on the Internet); the second one is advertising, the creation of information portal about the company with advanced features (the possibility of registration); the third one is commercial (creating opportunities of portal goods selling via the Internet, payment for goods or services by bank cards and other services).

This activity was called -- e-commerce or an information economy as a kind of a state economy.

In today's economy e-commerce is a must for ensuring proper competitiveness of the enterprise of transport industry.

Ukrainian scientist points out that “the emergence of information creates the threats for information sphere. These threats are a part of the information environment and economic activities of all people of law. The threats lead to the emergence of the category of information security, but it includes many elements” [1].

Explaining their position scientists suggest that it is based on the following factors:

a) limited natural resources;

b) looming economic disaster;

c) demographic imbalance;

d) increasing unevenness in the economic, industrial and information development of various countries and their growing instability;

e) accelerated development of high technologies and information processes in a small number of the most developed countries.

Under such conditions, the mass introduction of new methods of management, reasonable regulation of market economy and sustainable global modeling and continuous monitoring of economic and socio-economic processes are the only ways to avoid negative phenomena and their consequences in the economy. All this, in terms of scientists, could be achieved through global informatization. That is, the informatization of all spheres of society. This applies to the transport sector as well (freight transportation, logistics, mail service).

Business entities in the transport sector are companies of all forms of ownership and all legal forms which provide transport services.

Enterprises of transport industry must develop to meet the requirements of not only competition in the domestic market, but European transportation market as well. Therefore, the enterprises of the transport sector mostly take an active part in the development of information economy.

The question of the information economy and information security is a key aspect in ensuring the stability of the economic sphere growth of the country. These issues correlate as general and partial.

Information security of a transport sector company is a state of absence of threats and dangers to enterprises, establishments and organizations in the transport industry taking into account the likelihood of getting restricted information by people who can potentially harm the enterprise.

In fact, information security has three main components: the first component is normative (a set of state regulations and their application to ensure the protection of information); the second component is organizational (active organizational work by means of holding enterprise events dedicated to information security) and the third component is economic (i.e. financial support of information security activities).

At present, a new segment of economic relations is formed in the economic sphere. It is based on the development and implementation of purely informational products. A new type of a product has appeared in the market information in its various forms.

As for the economic problems of economic relations in the economic sphere, Eshchenko P. and Arseyenko A. mention that information economy is an economy based on information and knowledge, in which the majority of the gross domestic product is provided by the production, processing, storage and spread of information and knowledge [2]. We no longer speak about information as a commodity, but the information provision of production of gross domestic product.

Taking into account that the vast majority of information exists and performs its functions in electronic form, a specific so-called digital economy appeared in economic relations. Its concept is defined in terms of the development strategy of information society in Ukraine. In particular, a digital economy refers to a form of economic relations in the spheres of production, distribution, exchange, consumption of goods and services provided in an electronic form by means of information and communication technologies [3]. Obviously, this form of economic relations in business was called e-commerce. The latter has gained a widespread distribution, including the establishment of an electronic market.

Speaking of state principles, Strategy of information society development in Ukraine considers the development of e-economy one of its major areas. Here the state stimulates the development of electronic economic activity or its other kinds using ICT.

According to the Law of Ukraine “On the Fundamentals of Information Society Development in Ukraine for 2007-2015” the important task of forming digital economy is the development of e-business [4]. Specifically, the development and application of technologies and e-commerce tools by companies, implementation of remote services, information security. However, we should mention that the rapid development of information and receiving and use of new knowledge in the economy has led to excessive amounts of specific knowledge related primarily to technologies of getting profits. Unmanaged use of these technologies creates a threat of inadequately intensive use of certain resources: natural, energetic, human.

One of the main regulations in the field of information security is the Law of Ukraine “On information”. It outlines the key ways to achieve the state of absence of threats and dangers to information space at the macro level (the state) and micro level (enterprises, institutions and organizations) [5].

That is, in the economy there is a risk of uncontrolled development of information technologies and excessive accumulation of knowledge and their inadequate use according to existing conditions. Thus, the basis of the development of information and information economy should be providing information security. The latter should focused on both on adequate use of information for the economic growth of societies and an adequate regulation of information development, particularly in those areas that can pose a threat to society (energetic, environmental, spiritual, cultural).

At the same time, referring to the information economy we should pay attention to its dynamics and pace of development. Success comes to that person who not only gets good results, but also continuously focuses on improvement of tools and technologies to achieve such results.

We should make two interim conclusions here:

1. Objective understanding of the present and future prospects cannot be achieved only by professional knowledge, there is a need for greater knowledge of social, economic and political processes, analysis of their effects that occur in society and the world.

2. The current economy is impossible to stabilize in general, it must transform constantly depending on how deep is our knowledge.

The main role in the information economy performs difference, a new idea, which carries a potential value regardless of whether it is a product itself or it will be used to create more goods. In other words, a new cost is formed of the differences of information potential of entities.

However, understanding the differences may only exist under conditions of openness of information. The idea that no one is familiar with cannot have the advantages or benefits or of these benefits will be temporary. It is difficult to navigate in uncertainty, let alone succeed. The level of benefits will also depend on how a particular business entity is powerful in information. In this case, the ones who spread their ideas initiated at a high intellectual level and implement them in their activities will be powerful. Openness of such ideas can not deprive its owner of the benefits because it is not so much the essence of ideas as a creative approach to their use and the possibility to benefit from this approach. Nobody needs an idea or a new knowledge which cannot benefit, whether they are known or kept secret.

One of the properties of the information economy is its growing “virtualization.” The latter makes it possible to simulate different market situations, analyze market needs and fill it with required products rapidly. Moreover products can have different characteristics, down to individual orders. That is, market goes away from consumer products and begins to target specific consumers in information economy. We can say that there is a constant reengineering.

Information of production processes has led to the transition from collective to individual work, has created a kind of autonomy, its independence and self-determination in production processes, thereby it has increased the safety of production and at the same time it strengthened the responsibility of every employee for the level of his knowledge and results. Today's professionals must be able to work independently, make appropriate decisions by themselves, be professionally highly qualified for it, evaluate production and social situations correctly and be ready to take responsibility for decisions. Such professional qualities are a key to their ability to perform duties at work. Given the very high dynamics of information changes professionals should always ensure their self-development and self-improvement.

We should pay attention to one more feature of the information economy. The latter is characterized by payments made not by money but information about it. A large part of the money in circulation is nothing like information about them. In addition, the majority of this information except the money itself is assured by nothing more. The portion of such payments (cash flows) is growing. The National Bank of Ukraine gradually introduces restrictions on cash payments, making citizens and legal entities to use modern information technology. The prospect of such properties of information economy is obviously a significant decrease in cash payments even in everyday life.

However, some experts are concerned about such rapid development of information of economic relations, especially taking into account the overproduction of information. They compare such a situation with overproduction of goods leading to a corresponding crisis in the economy.

There are two threats:

1. Complexity and even a general inability to ensure effective management of economic development or activities of individual entities. Robots are involved in production and its management and a man is unable to intervene in production processes actively and on time. It can cause serious man-made problems.

2. Competition among the subjects of information relations highlights motivated information more and more. Specific product characteristics are substituted by internet comments about their use. The more effect such information has, the more attractive become the products.

Ensuring counteraction against the threats is an active behavior of an entity to ensure economic and information security of its business. Information security of an entity in the transport sector should reflect threats and dangers correctly. There are such directions of ensuring security against threats in terms of information:

1. Introduction of limited access to commercial information;

2. Creation of a system of limited access to commercial information;

3. Regulatory activities regarding information security (orders, instructions).


We can draw the following conclusions from the foregoing:

1. Information economy is increasingly turning into impression economy, just because information technology in the economic sphere has found a new use of information.

2. Certain markets have introduced low-quality products for which the information about the brand manufacturer, use prestige of its products, service (not free) help and related services has been spreading.

3. In addition to its positive qualities, there are some negative ones which can form very specific risks and threats in the economic field.

Securing business activities in the transport sector is a vigorous activity of business entities for the protection of classified information.


1. Begun, Anatoliy. Information Security: course manual. -- Kyiv: Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2008. -- 280 p.

2. Kormych, Borys. Information Security: Organizational and Legal Basis. -- Kyiv: Condor, 2004. -- 384 p.

3. Modern Security Threats to Companies and Banks. -- Kyiv: Consulting Company «SIDCON» Ltd, 2014. -- 90 p.

4. Nesterenko, Olexander. Problems of National Information Infrastructure and Ensuring its Security. -- www.iprkiev.ua

5. Panchenko, Oleg. Information Security of a Person. -- Kyiv: КИТ, 2011. -- 672 p.

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