Prospects of introducing scientific organization of administrative work into the activity of internal affairs bodies of Ukraine

Сonsider ratio of the concepts of "labor organization" and "scientific organization of labor". The role of management in the daily activities of the ATS. The problem of increasing the efficiency of administrative work management staff ATS units.

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Дата добавления 28.12.2017
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Valeriy Petkov (Cherkassy)

Стаття присвячена дослідженню застосування науково-обґрунтованих підходів управлінської праці в діяльність органів внутрішніх справ України. Розглянуто поняття, сутність та співвідношення понять «організація праці» і «наукова організація праці», роль менеджменту у повсякденній діяльності ОВС, проблеми підвищення ефективності управлінської праці керівного складу підрозділів ОВС. Значну увагу приділено нормуванню праці в сфері управління ОВС.

Ключові слова: органи внутрішніх справ, адміністративна робота, організація праці, наукова організація праці, менеджмент, впровадження.

Статья посвящена исследованию применения научно обоснованных подходов управленческого труда в деятельность органов внутренних дел Украины. Рассмотрены понятие, сущность и соотношение понятий «организация труда» и «научная организация труда», роль менеджмента в повседневной деятельности ОВД, проблемы, повышения эффективности управленческого труда руководящего состава подразделений ОВД. Значительное внимание уделено нормированию труда в сфере управления ОВД.

Ключевые слова: органы внутренних дел, административная работа, организация труда, научная организация труда, менеджмент, внедрение.

The article investigates the use of evidence-based approaches in the management of labor activity of the bodies of internal affairs of Ukraine. We consider the concept, nature and the ratio of the concepts of "labor organization " and "scientific organization of labor", the role of management in the daily activities of the ATS, the problem of increasing the efficiency of administrative work management staff ATS units. Considerable attention is paid to labor norms in the field of ATM management.

Key words: bodies of internal affairs, administrative work, organization of work, the scientific organization of labor, management, and implementation.

Formulation of the problem. Effective management is a manifestation of the analytical work of governing bodies and, in particular, managers who directly manage staff. Scientific organization of administrative work in the internal affairs bodies is the main task of effective management, and is the most important component of management science. However, the scientific organization of administrative work is one of the areas of scientific organization of labor. Scientific organization of administrative work is one of the manifestations of effective management and it particularly provides such organization, in which the practical implementation of specific measures is preceded by a thorough scientific analysis of the processes and conditions for their fulfillment, and most practical measures are based on the achievements of modern science and leading practices.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of crime prevention highlighted in the writings of O.S. Mihlin, A.A. Muzyka, Antonian, O.M. Bandurko, T.A. Shulezhko, O.N.Yarmysh, G.S. Semakov, V.V. Skybytskyi and other scientists.

Prospects of introducing scientific organization of administrative work into the activity of internal affairs bodies of Ukraine, studied in the works of N.Maximova, V. Orzhehovskyi, O.Yaremenko, O. Balakyreva, V. Lazorenko, S. Nikitenko, O.M. Kostenko, I.V. Korzun and others.

Statement of purpose of the article. The purpose and object of the study is to examine the problems and prospects and to analyze the practical implementation of the scientific organization of administrative work in the activities of organs of internal affairs.

The main material of the research. In this very aspect the great significance is acquired by the manager, the head of structural subdivision of the bodies of internal affairs. “The effectiveness of manager's work, from the point of view of its general characteristics, is the realization of functional goals and duties of the bodies of internal affairs and their structural subdivisions based on political, legal and other factors. Ensuring the effective activity of an internal affairs body implies also the achievement of the social benefit of legal requirements, which demands from the manager and employees to choose and use the most effective means, methods, acceptance of law and other regulations in certain conditions” [1, p.73].

Considering the given issue it is first necessary to determine the difference between the notions of “organization of work” and "scientific organization of work". To our minds, it lies in the method and approach to solving the same problems, and in the degree of scientific validity of certain decisions. The word “scientific” in this case means that solving practical problems of organization of work should rely not on subjective, empiric evaluations and decisions, and arbitrary methods and practices, but on the combination of scientific and practical achievements that provide the most rational and effective organization of work processes[2, p.15]. Scientific organization of administrative work is an ongoing dynamic process of improving the forms and methods of work. Science and technology develop constantly, that's why the organization of work must develop on their basis as well. Thus, the scientific organization of administrative work is a regular creative process during which the organization of work is brought to correspondence with the changing development conditions. “Scientific organization of work should be defined as the process of implementation of scientific and practical achievements increasing the general work efficiency into existing organization of work” [3, p.29]. The following issues are of great importance in this definition. Scientific organization of administrative work is regarded as continuous improvement process. Achievements of science and practices are introduced into existing organization of work ensuring its transition to a new higher level. The purpose of scientific organization of asministrative work is the increase of productivity. At the same time the scientific organization of administrative work provides not only for increase of productivity, but also for creating the most favorable conditions for comprehensive development and appropriate use of physical and spiritual forces of a human being and growth of his creative abilities.

As V.G. Aphanasyev states, the scientific organization of administrative work is not only a technical, but also a social problem. Here we speak about not just the ways of raising productivity using modern technical and organizational means, but foremost about building the system of relationships in a working group, increasing the interest to work, making it more attractive and creative, facilitating both physical and mental employee efforts, striving for work to become the means of improving his physical and spiritual abilities [4, p. 115]. Scientific organization of administrative work, that is effective management, considers the scientific rationalization of any work (both mental and physical) in the sphere of management at the first place. Meanwhile, there is an idea that rationalization of administrative work, that is effective management, is possible and efficient only the sphere of production. “Here, to our mind, there acts the inertia of established views that often makes us believe into ungrounded but usual idea and deny the grounded but strange truth. The whole course of our social and economic life shows that the most sensible solution to the problem of scientific management is nowadays a wide range of scientific organization of work simultaneously in all organs of state administration” [5, p.17].

Management is one of the types of mental activity; it is applied in the sphere of administration and community service and has a socially necessary character. However, its productivity is mediated through the performance of organizations, institutions, level of economic development, culture, crime prevention, etc. Activity in the administrative apparatus is generally creative by nature. Depending on the object it is combined with scientific, educational and other intellectual work. The effectiveness of management consists of manager's ability to complete certain work in a time unit providing efficiency, reliability and optimal management. Direct measurement of performance of this work is possible only concerning technical performers and partly professionals. As for managers, the effectiveness of their work should be judged by the results of their impact upon the whole group's activity, and not just by the efforts spent on their achievement. Sometimes it happens that the manager works a lot, fuzzes about, and receives no positive results. In spite of specific features of management, while solving different problems of its productivity increase it is possible and necessary to apply existing experience in the organization of employees' work. Above all it concerns such issues as the organization of workplace, up-bringing of conscientious attitude to work and standardization of certain types of administrative work. Just as the scientific organization of work involves the rationalization of labor processes, elimination of unnecessary and unwanted movements during the work, rationalization of managers' work aims to improve the correlation between the results of labor officials and the costs of human and material resources. The situation with scientific organization of work in Ukraine is far from being perfect. So far, the ability to manage is almost a personal art of a worker that is taken out of nowhere due to long working experience. However, the science and practice have proven that working methods, and hence productivity, are not a personal matter, but the subject of scientific rationalization, after which the efficiency becomes mandatory for all [6, p.27].

V.G. Vishnyakov gives the following definition of the scientific organization of administrative work, “it is an administrative in some way ordered work, which is organized, put into the system based on the recommendations of modern science and synthesis of best experience” [7, p.3]. G.A. Thumanov considers that scientific organization of administrative work is a means of improving productivity of the person who operates the information and makes administrative decisions by introducing scientific methods in planning and time management, streamline business operations and creation of the best working conditions [8, p.72].

The scientific organization of administrative work sets three basic goals. Firstly, reducing of the resources is required for implementation of a certain management function. This may be achieved both by reduction in staff, and by the replacement of some skilled and thus highly paid workers with less qualified ones. Reducing of costs for the maintenance of buildings, stationery and transport costs is also important. Secondly, enhancement of the administrative work's quality by improving the forms and methods of their execution and reducing work deadlines are necessary. Thirdly, improvement of working conditions of employees, care about their health and education, which in turn will increase their feedback, is also important. All these methods of rationalization should be taken into consideration. For example, the staff must not be reduced at the cost of depravation of management quality or work conditions of employees. Only by the way of its scientific organization it is possible to solve problems of management productivity increase. It is possible to solve these tasks with maximum benefit to society only when people in the subdivisions will act on the basis of all knowledge accumulated in a particular area, all experience, all science and technology.

Difficulty in developing and implementing measures for scientific organization of administrative work is explained by a number of both objective and subjective factors. The objective factors include: large variety of factors that influence the results of the managerial staff, in many cases impossibility to establish the order of work performance, different options of achieving the same goal, a small share of recurring operations, inability to observe and control the basic processes of administrative work directly, and difficulty of its quality assessment. Accordingly, the results of the work of most staff management are not quantifiable; management effectiveness is often dependent on teamwork and become apparent after a considerable time. Finally, a significant number of militia workers have irregular working hours, which length is determined by the volume of their duties [9].

Effectiveness of administrative work is determined by two groups of factors of the worker's individual characteristics: qualification, experience, age, health, attitude to work and others, and also the environment in which he has to work (structure and staff, the psychological atmosphere in the group, equipment, payment, etc.). The task of the science of management is to identify the patterns of all these factors' impact on the productivity of a certain employee. It is possible to increase effectiveness of work by improving its quality (speeding management processes, improving information systems, improving the scientific validity of administrative decisions, improving the forms and methods of their implementation and control) and also by increasing the intensity of labor by mechanization, standardization of work, improving use of time and so on. One of the central problems of effective management is taking a full advantage of workers' abilities. This problem should be solved not only by creating the best working conditions, but also by the development of stimulation system. Sociological study established that worker at other equal conditions without work stimulation system produces only 50-70% of work he could do under its influence. In law enforcement bodies, as American scientists believe, it is necessary to continuously improve interaction of an investigator with workers of operative services during criminal procedure and investigation [10].

The task of management science is to develop the staff encouraging system for the most productive work, which is called motivation in the theory of management. There are three kinds of encouraging: organizational, material and moral. However, the organization of service in the administrative apparatus should encourage to hard work, to continuous training and development of professional skills. The employee must be in conditions of objectively existing growth. If the employee continues to serve, he must receive the seniority bonus, the latter should not be without qualification assessment, positive assessment can not occur without improvements in service, education, re-qualification system and so on.

Managers at all levels and ranks must associate material interest with the results of activity of the managed objects. Therefore, as N.H. Harutyunyan states, it would be appropriate to establish different payment categories on each position depending on education, work experience, qualification, and work conditions. The existing equality in pay does not encourage less experienced staff to extend their knowledge, improve skills [5, p.28]. “The system of moral and material stimulation for employees is being improved. A new step in this is the introduction by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the reduced term of assigning special ranks to workers of certain services, including district inspectors. Unfortunately, many goals can not be fully realized. There are objective reasons for that, but still there are many organizational errors and non-realization by certain managers of the importance of this work "[11, p.28]. Needless to say, the salaries of workers of internal affairs bodies are currently not sufficiently differentiated. As the practice of foreign countries shows, not all possible is being done for that. For example, in Germany patrol service staff has additional benefits. They receive pension 5 years earlier; for 20 years of service the pension is increased by 30%; an additional payment for outside night service shift and Sunday shift has been introduced; the head of subdivision has the authority to deprive police officer of bonuses for poor quality service and its low efficiency.

Thus, the objective conditions of work in the administration should have a stimulating effect on the employee. However, the effectiveness of material and moral stimulation depends largely on the subjective attitude to it. If a worker doesn't care about the promised material or moral incentives, if he sees an opportunity to continue using them without extra efforts, he continues to work at a usual pace. Material stimulation of workers has its peculiarities. Principles of progress payment (interest) are effective, but they are inapplicable in many organs of administration.

Standardization of work in the administration sphere of internal affairs bodies is complicated due to the following reasons. We have to deal with the labor processes with prevailing mental, creative work that defies direct observation and measurement; kinds of work are considerably diverse in their nature and content, uniformity of completion periods. The assessment is necessary not only according to certain workers' expenses, but to the results of all administration body's activity. Standardization of the administrative staff work must be achieving two interrelated goals. Firstly, it is the determination of the complexity of certain types of administrative work. This is necessary for proper division of labor and the use of employees according to their qualifications, to ensure compensation in accordance with its quantity and quality, and for analysis of productivity and its cost. Secondly, it is determination of the necessary number of employees. This is needed to establish the correct proportions between different categories of workers, to plan personnel and payroll.

In terms of complexity, the share of intellectual work, and engineering work all operations carried out by staff management can be divided into three groups:

operations that are homogenuous, mass, stable, easy to complete. These are mostly organizational and technical operations related to recording, copying, reproducting of materials, also to receiving, sorting and transfering of business information, preserving and processing of documents, etc.;

operations associated with classification and systematization of operational, accounting, statistical and other data, calculation, selection of materials, reports, their analysis, etc. These are operations which require mental labor. Their characteristic feature is that they are constantly repeated in specified categories of workers (workers of functional services, investigators-methodists, etc.);

creative operations, unlike the second group of operations, are not systematically repeated and require initiative, experience, and high qualification. The main work of administration staff, operative workers, workers of branch services and investigators belongs to operations of such type.

Lack of clearly assigned duties complicates specialization, and lack of standards complicates the correct definition of the number of staff. Certain recommendations were developed concerning the personnel of some branch services; the practice of determining areas and staff needs of district inspectors for local internal affairs bodies was generalized; the methods of accounting the number of passport apparatus workers were suggested [12, p.47]. For example, analyzing the work of the passport apparatus, one may come to the conclusion that it is reduced to ten main types of work (functions), which in their turn are divided into separate transactions that may be fixed. It enables to take into account the time spent on selected activities and operations, to determine mid-progressive norms and hence the volume of work performed by any employee of the passport apparatus. Using the same method the required number of employees for all types of work is calculated. The most difficult thing is an objective accounting of all jobs and the actual time of their performance at middle organizational and technical conditions, experience and abilities of the employee.

With the help of statistical and mathematical studies of factors affecting the state of operative situation and the complexity of the respective roles of criminal search apparatus, the degree of dependence between the number of workers and each of these factors is determined. The recommendations of converting existing personnel of criminal search among internal affairs bodies depending on the state of operative situation are worked out. Nowadays the methodology for determining standards of personnel of the patrol militia service is being developed. Its development is carried out using various sociological research methods such as questionnaires and interviews, photographing and timing of working hours of patrol militiamen, the statistical analysis of the collected material using computer technology, survey of patrol militia service in urban internal affairs bodies, and experimental verification of the results. This has created a mathematical model, parameters of which determine the most appropriate number of patrol service on a certain city, a group of cities, and in Ukraine, in general. The investigator's work is now somewhat standardized by procedural terms of the investigation. Scientifically grounded standardization of investigators' work will allow to solve the problems of number and placement of investigative personnel; to maneuver personnel subject depending on seasonal and other fluctuations in crime rate; to create an objective criterion for investigators' work evaluation [13, p.43]. However, standardization does not aim at establishing any production standards for militiamen.

Conclusions and recommendations for further research. Thus, the scientific organization of work is a continuous and dynamic process aimed at achieving the highest productivity of workers considering the nature and specifics of the tasks they complete based on scientific progress and best practices [14, p.78-79]. As we have considered, standardization of administrative work in internal affairs bodies often turns from a problem of "scientific organization of work" into the problem of "management" as a more general one, related to their organizational structure and regulatory functions of employees.

administrative work internal affair


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