Problems of personal data protection in terms of internet services socialization

Protection of personal data in conditions of socialization of Internet services. The problem of protection of personal data provided active development of communication on the Internet. The main ways and methods of using personal data by third parties.

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Problems of personal data protection in terms of internet services socialization

Olha Kononchuk

Methodist of 1 category educational and

methodical study training

(short-term program of thematic seminars)

Center for Retraining and Raising of Qualification employees of Justice


personal socialization internet protection

Olha Kononchuk. Problems of Personal Data Protection in Terms of Internet Services Socialization

In this article disclosed the issue of personal data protection in terms of Internet services socialization. Determined basic problems of the protection of personal data provided of active development communication on the Internet. Reveals the ways and facilities of use personal data by third persons, including fraud, criminals and law enforcement agencies to counter organized crime. The emphasis on the need to protect personal data especially the owners of such data. The article gives recommendations for users of Internet services for the protection of their personal data.

Keywords: personal data, personal data protection, communication on the Internet, access to personal data, social Networking, Internet services.


Конончук О. Захист персональних даних в умовах соціалізації інтернет- сервісів

У даній статті розкриті питання захисту персональних даних в умовах соціалізації інтернет-сервісів. Визначені основні проблеми захисту персональних даних за умови активного розвитку спілкування в мережі Інтернет. Розкрито шляхи та способи використання персональних даних третіми особами, зокрема шахраями, злочинцями та правоохоронними органами з метою протидії організованій злочинності. Зроблено акцент на необхідності захисту персональних даних у першу чергу власниками таких даних. У статті надано рекомендації для користувачів інтернет-сервісів щодо захисту їх персональних даних.

Ключові слова: особисті дані, захист персональних даних, доступ до персональних даних, соціальні мережі, інтернет-сервіси.


Конончук О. Защита персональных данных в условиях социализации интернет-сервисов

В данной статье раскрыты вопросы защиты персональных данных в условиях социализации интернет-сервисов. Определены основные проблемы защиты персональных данных при условии активного развития общения в сети Интернет. Раскрыты пути и способы использования персональных данных третьими лицами, в том числе мошенниками, преступниками и правоохранительными органами в целях противодействия организованной преступности. Сделан акцент на необходимости защиты персональных данных в первую очередь владельцами таких данных. В статье даны рекомендации для пользователей интернет-сервисов по защите их персональных данных.

Ключевые слова: личные данные, защита персональных данных, доступ к персональным данным, социальные сети, интернет-сервис.

Problem statement. In the modern world communication via the Internet has become an ordinary thing of everyday life. Over the past few years, social networks have become an integral part of the virtual space which unites a lot of people from different parts of the world. Search for old friends, relatives, classmates, and meeting new people, is possible within a large-scale project. The audiences of “Odnoklassniki” and “Vkontakte”, “Facebook” and “Myspace”, sites are really huge. Each user has the ability to find those who needs it. You only need to register on the site and start communicating with other inhabitants of the virtual universe [8].

Communication on the Internet, especially social networking is different from communicating in chat rooms and forums, and, moreover, differs from real life communication. The fact is that the social network users provide more information about themselves than in chat or forum. Really, social services foresee accommodation on the Internet information that somehow (through registration data, behaviors in virtual space) can identify a person. In particular, the majority of social networking involves placing on the personal page name and surname, date of birth, place of birth (residence), place of study / work, post, information about marital status, information about parents, brothers / sisters, children, etc.. Even if these data are depersonalized, that user will not specify his real name, indicated data providing the capability to uniquely identify it [4, p.110]. So, according to the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” they covered the notion of personal data [1, art.2].

The main material. Today, social networking is an integral part of almost every man's life. But not everyone realizes the threat of getting their personal data by other people, and its use on criminal purpose. Accordingly, in the modern world, there is a number of personal data protection problems.

Firstly, not every citizen understands clearly what information is considered personal data that can be given to other people. Many people do not understand why they have to provide someone the right to process their personal data. Privacy is often perceived as an ephemeral thing, and people are not fully aware of its value and there is a risk that personal data will be come others people positions. According to experts on information security, security codes can be compared with the keys to your apartment, which are recklessly left everywhere as if they distribute all the keys from their own home and hope that no one will use them [6].

In July 2010, Ukraine joined the Convention on the protection of people in the connection with the Personal Data Automatic Processing and the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the protection of people in connection with the automatic processing of personal data regarding supervisory authorities and crossborder data flows. In this regard, in 2011 Ukraine adopted the Law “On Personal Data Protection”, which provides each citizens broad rights and opportunities to ensure privacy [9, p.21].

On the one hand the protection of personal data about the person is guaranteed by law, but on the other hand, if a person has placed his data on the Internet public resource, such as a forum, social network, thereby he voluntarily, albeit indirectly, gives consent to the use of these data .

Now many online resources are in their registration forms add the issue of personal data users consent. The main recommendation that can be given in this case is read the conditions which you agree carefully.

By the way, this concerns not only the Internet resources. For example, during discount card registration the stores offer registration forms in which people agree to give their personal data for processing. Sometimes there are very vague terms of use, such as “I agree to my personal data transfer and to their use in the interest of third parties”. This means that you agree that anything can be done with your data. In this case, experts recommend not to provide information about yourself at all. Moreover, you can complain to the Parliament Commissioner on Human Rights, because the law provides a detailed explanation of what for and how the information about the person will be used [6].

The second issue of the personal data protection is associated with increasing in cases of fraud, intimidation and cyber bullying. Having personal information about the victim, the attacker can easily ruin his life or even destroy the financial welfare. Therefore it is very important to keep your personal information secret, hiding under numerous nicknames, numbers and neutral accounts to avoid trouble. However, due to the desire of many users to use social networks and dating sites it is impossible to hide all information about them. It is difficult to register a mate on “Odnoklassniki” site without specifying the name and the school. It is even harder to find old friends there. It is also a complicated process to get acquainted with a girl / boyfriend if you have not placed your photo and method of communication.

Citizens leave personal information on the Internet in various ways: voluntarily placed for the public give their consent to use while registering for online resources that allow the browser to remember their login, password and phone number [6].

“Fraudsters quite regularly try to use personal information in order to compel a person to” share “money - says the Head of information security department” MTS Ukraine “Sergei Zabelin. - Today, the so-called” social engineering is spread “when the scammers scare people with information about that someone in their family got into trouble and it is urgently needed to transfer funds to a particular account” [6].

Another problem of personal data protection on the Internet is the possibility of their use by law enforcement agencies in order to enhance the fight against organized crime.

It is important to note that in Ukraine this issue has not found its proper coverage at the level of scientific publications and the authors who have drawn attention to this perspective, pointed only to the prevalence of social networks and the approximate number of users. We believe that the underestimation of the social networks role and possibilities of their use in the fight against crime is unjustified.

One of the first tasks faced by law enforcement officers is to collect data on an individual constituent and most comprehensive study of its way of life, interests, etc., that allows you to create the appropriate psychological portrait, determine the range of its links and choose the best tactics of search operations and investigations.

So, having found on one of these sites completely an unknown man one can trace the chain of logical patterns through which you are associated with it.

In fact, social networks have become relevant virtual space where everyone can find the social and technical basis for the development of their virtual “self”. The important thing is that usually the person can provide information on the network (date of birth, school, institution of higher education, hobbies, etc.), that allows others to find the user's account. In fact, privacy and information becomes publicly available and easy to find [5].

In the New York Times there is a publication, on the transparency of personal information online research. The paper refers to the fact that approximately 60% of young Americans have placed online details of their biography and photos. However, a significant number of young people, unlike their parents, believe that to withhold information concerning themselfs is meaningless[6].

According to new research institute Pew (Pew Research Center) in the U.S., which was conducted within the project “Internet and American Life”, the publication of personal data on the Internet increases the risk of unpleasant and even dangerous contact with strangers. However, remember that even when the user does not publish personal information about himself, there are no guarantees that someone else will not make this.

It is right to agree with the position of V.M. Butuzov, who claims that real time communication enables an individual to change roles, appears in front of the audience using different names and creating different virtual images. This allows to improve communication skills and strategies. The flip side of this process is the factor of personal data with holding , substituting your own identifying personality factors by constructed or virtual [2,p.66].

Exploring the role of information in society, M. Delyagin rightly pointed out that the information revolution leads to the transformation of established social structures [3,p.45]. Thus, changing the stratification of society, increasing mobility of people due to the peculiarities of economic development and labor markets, city urbanization , partial leveling, and in some cases complete loss of neighborly relations, interest in the lives of people who live nearby, greatly reduce the effectiveness of information about people for traditional law enforcement methods.

In this regard, studies of the social networks functioning and possibilities of their use to obtain data on the person. Thus, the analysis of 200 users of social network “VKontakte” pages shows that 90% of the indicated pages include the name of the person, the place of residence and the address registration, the educational establishment, the place of holiday etc.

The study of this network shows that it can serve as an alternative source of constituting personal data and, if there is appropriate analytical information processing it can play a significant role in establishing the range of relationships of the individual.

In order to obtain more objective data a survey of 50 respondents aged 18 to 22 years was conducted, as social networks are the most popular with people of this age group. As a result, the survey estimated that 12% of respondents registered in the network for more than 3 years, 64% - 2-3 years, 18% - more than one year, 6% - less than a year. Concerning the frequency of personal page visits , 78% of respondents visit it daily, 18% -several times a week, 4%- several times a month and 0% less.

In terms of page view access by others respondents the results are the following: 80% - the page is available to all, 8% - to friends and friends of friends, 12% - to friends, 0% - to the user only.

In accordance with the intended use of the designated social network 4% of residence said that they used it for dating, 50% - for keeping in touch with friends, 46% - for dating and maintaining communication.

Moreover, analyzing the stability of relationships with people who are in the category of “Friends” ,the following results: were obtained the following results: 6% reported that they communicate with all people in this category, 36% - with more then of the 48,5% , less than 10% with a small part.

In terms of the reliability of any personal data in social networks 70% of respondents indicated that they were true, 26% that they were partly true and 4% - not true.

In addition, among the information deliberately distorted, 4%of residents identified information on place of residence; 8% of data on education, 4% on the age and marital status, 14%on contact information, 70% -of all data correct.

In determining the criteria that prevail in making decisions as for adding people of the category of “Friends”, the responses were as follows: close friends - 34% coeducation - 6%; common hobby - 12% of common friends - 8%, and acquaintances - 40%.

Thus, analyzing the results of a study a number of separate scientific significant findings can be done, namely:

- social networks are a key means of communication between people, young in particular;

- network users keep in touch with 60% of those who are in the category of “Friends” on their personal page;

- the main criterion for adding of people to the category “Friends” is close friendship;

- the vast majority of information posted on personal page is true.

In addition, based on the said above, it can be claimed that social networks that serve as information portals provide wide opportunities to test the collected information about a person, and getting new data. An important concern for law enforcement is that a significant number of social networking users place their pictures on personal pages to prove their relationship with other people, to get images of suspects or people in different age parameters who are looked for by the police. A characteristic feature of social networks is that in some cases photographs of individuals can be placed even without their permission by friends or acquaintances that facilitates obtaining personal data by law enforcement authorities.

Another task to be solved by law enforcement officers is to establish connections between criminals, that is a circle of people with whom friendly relations are maintained, or relatives. Traditional methods of operative search activities do not allow to solve the task, as information sources in this case have very weak characteristics for analytical work. Unlike the traditional sources of information, social networks become the source of person s relations. Having carried out the analytical study the appropriate information it is possible:

- to determine the potential number of people who are on friendly terms with the criminal and indentify people and places engaged in criminal activities;

- to determine the number of people who can assist a person in case of hiding from investigation and trial;

- to identify a circle of people who may act as potential witnesses in criminal proceedings.

Some experience of using social networks exists to struggle crime accumulated abroad. In December 2008, the representatives of Interpol announced the intentions of active criminals search via social networks online. Interpol will post videos and photographs on the pages of popular social networks (Facebook, My Space) and on video hostings (YouTube). An example of the successful implementation of this method of investigation can be the Toronto police, who were able to find and arrest the rapist by posting information on social networks. Then the work with social networks was implemented into daily practice of Canadian police. Many experts believe that the information integration of social networks is one of the most effective methods of work with citizens in the field of searching for criminals. Moreover, some of the social network have also a mobile version that extends the range of their users. Thus, the management of social network Facebook announced that a mobile version of their project was visited by 20.8 million people [3].

According to the material above, I would like to give few recommendations, namely:

1) You can not put in your social networking profile photos of strangers without these men permission.

2) In no case do not send the information and the images to other people and the images of your friends closed profiles, to which you have access. Your friends have the right to decide who can see these materials.

3) Do not sign up under someone else's data. If you want to remain incognito you had better invent the name and leave the field blank for photos. Do not use other people's images, especially for real people. Use the images of celebrities if the photo loading is required.

4) Do not indicate incorrect data about educational establishments or place of work in your profiles.

5) Do not post very long public messages to other people, and do not leave the information which is not for public access. In this case, better use the personal correspondence.

6) Be patient to people who do not want to add you as a friend. The offer of friendship rejected twice is enough to satisfy that the user does not want to open his personal information.

7) While using nick names do not tell your friends the false information on purpose. Fictional data are acceptable only in terms of personal data protection, but not for deceiving the interlocutors.


In the modern world where Internet services developing with the huge speed and communication with their help become an ordinary thing, personal data protection is necessary thing. State of personal data legal protection in social networks today remains inadequate: the duties and responsibilities for the protection of personal data mainly rely on Internet users services.

The foreign countries experience in the field of personal data protection public service of personal data may be used to ensure the rights and privacy of Ukrainian social networks users. The normative part of this change is the Convention for the Protection of Individuals regarded to Automatic Processing of Personal Data and the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” and “On access to public information.”

List of references

1. Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”;

2. Butuzov V.M. Fighting computer crime in Ukraine (system-structural analysis): monograph / V.M. Butuzov. - K.: KIT, 2010. - 407 p. - (Science Edition);

3. Delyagin M. Place of the information revolution in human evolution / M. Delyagin / / posthumanity. - 2006. - S. 146 - 232;

4. Marushchak A.I., Panchenko V.N. Problems of legal protection of personal data in socialization Internet services / Journal “Information and Law” №2(5) 2012;

5. Harnessing the power of social networks to fight crime [electronic resource] / / Research Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Procedural Law of the National University “Odessa Law Academy”, Candidate of Sciences Tsehan Dmitry Nikolayevich - Electronic data (1 file). - Mode of access - / ?P = 446;

6. Internet blurs personal life: materials Cnews [electronic resource] / / Details. - 2007. - 17 October. - Electron. Dan. (1) file. - Mode of access: http:// www. podrobnosti. ua / ptheme / internet / 2007/10/17/465 688. html;

7. Personal data hide under seven locks [electronic resource] / / Newspaper of Kyiv City Council “Khreschatyk» № 180 (4200) of 18.12.2012r. - Mode of access -

8. Communication in social networks [electronic resource]. - Mode of access -;

9. Ukrainian Association for Protection of Personal Data, Journal “Byzness and Safety» № 1/2013.

Стаття надійшла до редакції 09.12.2014.

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