Social communications as a sociopolitical phenomenon in the European Union information sphere

Study of the characteristics of the modern information society and the role of social communications as a political phenomenon in the information sphere of the European Union. Identify new forms of communication based on social and personal partnerships.

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Дата добавления 02.03.2018
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Nadiia Bilan, PhD in Philology

Taras Shevchenko National University

of Kyiv, Ukraine

The article deals with the role of social communications as a social and political phenomenon in information sphere of the European Union. Any information is presented with phenomena and laws of the outside world, men's intellectual activities, and it make some opportunities of reality predictions and changes for the convenience of the international community. The communication globalization phenomenon is related to the last quarter of the 20th century. It's also concerned with adjustment of international information and communication flows on the global level. The modern communicative society is characterized with constant communication growth and globalization. Information society formation specifies by its inhomogeneity, because different branches of social life give mixed response to environmental conditions changes. Forming and development of open civilized society is distinctive for nowadays. Some new forms of communication based on social and personal partnership appear in this type of society. Also these forms of communication are based on rivalry, legal and social fundamentals of formal equality of all citizens and on sound management of social interactions.

Key words: information society, communication, social communications, knowledge, information, integration, globalization.

The problem setting

Information-oriented society development is a fast and often unpredictable process. And nowadays people only start to understand its social, political and economic results. Information-oriented society development is marked by its heterogeneity, because different branches of social life have different reactions to environmental conditions changes.

Countries that have more developed information infrastructure putting their technological standards and giving their resources to the customers, form conditions of information structures developing and activity in other countries and have an effect on information spheres development in those countries.

Any information depicts facts and laws of the outside world, man's intellectual activities. It offers opportunities for reality prediction and transformation to the benefit of the international community. Information has become an international problem. It is a component of other vitally important global problems. Information factor has been a reason of the deepest changes in civilization life throughout history. It has united the world in one system that is at work in real-time mode. This union of the international community is a little bit formal, but global communication media can lead to further international collaboration concentration. An important characteristic of information global role is fast moving rise of information social value (even though information always has high value in the society), but only in 20th century information has transformed in a strategic resource of the humanity. As an important strategic resource any information is characterized with following peculiarities: as distinct from physical assets it doesn't decrease, but greatly increases in its use. Information resources inexhaustibility offers an opportunity for its use on behalf of the international community and determines information as a global problem of the civilization.

Phenomenon of communication globalization is classified as a phenomenon of last quarter of 20th century and associated with regulation of international informational and communicational flows on a global basis. Global communication analysis is made on such main points:

• transnational communication conglomerates as main players in the global communication system and in the sphere of information products and services extension on the international markets;

• social effect of new technologies, which includes satellite communications, on international intercourses;

• nonsymmetrical flow of informational and communicational products in the global system;

• misbalance in international information flows;

• difference of approaches to global communication networks and network society advantages determination;

• information society theory and new political doctrines ; .

The researches and publications analysis. Global problems are characterized with the following criteria, according to the classification of civilizational process development investigators (J. Masudy, D. Bell, Y. Daysard, A. Toffler, G. Lassvel, R. Coen, G. Jang, M. Bangemann, M. Castels, Sh. MacBride, M. Masmudy, G. Kan, U. Gorovic, I. Wallerstain, S. Hantington, Z. Bzezhinskiy, A. Toinby, F. Fukuyama, P. Draker, M. Kaplan, M. Porat, F. Mahlup, T. Umesao, R. Darendorf and others):

• Global problems deal with all human race, every social group and every person. They are omni-civilizational.

• These problems are an intrinsic factor of all world, certain regions and countries development.

• Global problems need constant international collaboration for their solutions. They need highest possible consolidated efforts of the world community, because these problems pendency makes a danger for tomorrow development.

Global communication processes determine necessity of new economical system creation that is characterized with its high level of national economies globalization and integration, new external national political system, new global superior stock and new conception of human race intellectual enrichment. Determination of approaches to understanding of the conception of “information society” as the third global civilization development level affords ground for thinking that this theory is a result of cooperation and development of numerous economic, social and political concepts in the second part of the 20th century. This theory also has had essential influence on building of international and national institutes positions that touch “information society” ideology implementation into international and national policy of the most states.

By the close of the 20th century researchers have given new definitions for information society. Those definitions tie social development exactly with information and communication sphere and media industry.

Researches of social communications in the European Community information sphere are only modalities of this sophisticated phenomenon. There are foreign works (by M. Bruggemann, M. Gabel, R. Englhart, E. Vartanova, A. Voskanyan, O. Galumov) and certain native works (by E. Makarenko, V. Ivanov, E. Tykhomyrova, M. Ryzhkov, D. Dubov, N. Karpchuk, T. Veremchuk, A. Savych, A. Kostenko and others) among those researches of social communications.

The object of the article is to define social communications content as a social and political phenomenon in the European Union informational sphere.

The goal of the article to characterize social communications in the information sphere of the European Union and to study social communications functions.

The methods used to study are the comparison method, the descriptive method and the systems analysis method.

The article issues and discussions

Nowadays the great attention is given to communication processes that are important in inner and international social life.

New communication media opens new perspectives and possibilities of international cooperation, but they also cause new dangers for observance of human fundamental rights and liberties principles in the information society.

Such problems as enhancement of the information role in the social medium, personal data security, private life information security and information sensitivity of international informational relapse become important in the European region. Information and communicative environment influences on the European society structure and its system of values, determines political priorities for the European countries and Pan European information policy. It also formed the strategy of the Continent wide information heritage.

Communication as a major program is a part of all projects of intergovernmental the European organizations, conceptions of the European countries foreign-policy activities, and it is a part of regional economic development. The Council of Europe and the European Union have determined the main conditions and principles for information society formation:

1) formation of integrated data-processing network system for free information circulation;

2) stimulation of social and public development for the European countries;

3) implementation of information economics conception and development of information services and electronic trading global market;

4) protection of the main human rights and freedoms and communication media;

5) investigations of new information and communication technologies detrimental effect on social security and the European civil rights problems;

6) observation of cultural and national identity;

7) protection of rights information intellectual property in the European information space.

In this vein Ukrainian scientist E. Tykhomyrova notes that European integration has become not only political but the communicational challenge. For intercommunion between European citizenry and the EU problem solving the European Commission has paid the great attention to communication problems, and communicational work has become an important part of all the European organizations and countries functioning.

Social communications help to increase creation of awareness among people and their mobilization. Social communications can become the most important tools for identity, integration, deference and democracy strengthening. They can help for better understanding citizenry and with a help of this understanding the EU will be able to improve its institutions and politics. As E. Tykhomyrova puts it, we should also speak about social openness and its security. The main element of transparence, as the scientist says, should be information easy and availability for its understanding. It is provided with easy and distinct language.

D. Dubov considers that communicational safety and security arrangements in EU are one of the most important tasks for the leaders of this polity.

The author proves that the problem of European political communication is linked with political communicators' concept lack in the EU. Those communicators should be able to play the role of translators between the EU high command and people. According to this, the role should be given to institutes of civil society (political parties, non-government civic organizations and other civil groups) that are, by definition, representative institutes needed for expression and realization of sovereign nation political interests. The marked multi-aspect communicative crisis in EU shows that the same institutes don't act effectively with their communicative functions.

Communication should in full measure be the EU politics in the service of people. It should be based on real dialog between people and politicians and alive discussions between people. All social levels should have rights for honest and full information about the EU. Also they should be sure that their ideas and feelings have been heard by the EU institutions.

The EU communication politics is one of the EU politics. It is put on practice on three main levels: global level, the EU level and individual state level.

The European Union legal and regulatory framework in the information sphere is wide and branchy. The main documents are always supplied and stepped up due to the changes in the European countries and in the world.

A. Kostenko underlines that the process of integration into the EU isn't general for every country, because every country has its own scheme of successful integration. social communications political society european union

T. Veremchuk gives following ways of the EU communication researches: historical; the EU communications effectiveness studying; the European integration mediatization studying; the European public sphere conceptualization.

Political-communication situation in the EU which is one of the most powerful supranational unions is characterized as a recessionary situation. This situation is a source and a result of political absenteeism strengthening at the same time. It is also a result and a reason of problems in the sphere of pan-European identity formation etc. The crisis of European identity has been d a reason of extreme groups' activation. It also has strengthened marginal powers in EU, and all of these are dangers of disintegrating intensification tendencies for this supranational union.

But S. Gutsaljuk proves that an effective realization of Ukrainian information policy in the EU countries provides catching of at least two main strategic tasks: active joining of Ukraine to the consistent the European information space building process and serious disbalance between Ukrainian and the EU information spaces negotiation process; formation of Ukrainian advantageous reputation in the EU countries for effective realization and protection its own national interests .

S. Gutsal gives following recommendations about advantageous reputation in the EU countries formation: prepare and instigate implementation intensive information campaign for forming of objective idea about Ukrainian realia in three key spheres: the EU institutions, official and business circles of the EU countries, European mass-media, expert, university and art communities; promote development of native information about Ukraine spreading system as follows: native correspondents development in the EU countries, closer cooperation with European inform-agencies .

New information technologies essentially influence formation of social experience system and underlying working parts changes which build man's self-actualization in the modern society.

The conclusions

In the modern society communication and converse are different (information transfer, emotional reciprocality, experience, education and socialization broadcasting). And an important feature of communication is that they are social regulating and social building factors. Modern forms of social communication form special subcultural environs. They are methods of social and everyday discourses. These forms also show social differentiation, social stratification, social hierarchization and relations and intercommunions categorization. Therefore modern communicational society is characterized with continuous growth and globalization of communications. Communication quality and quantity incessantly grow. Most people are involved in communicational process. Links between certain communications become stronger, communication work grows, and the communication network reached to the global level. Social communications increasing opens new possibilities that make people free from any limitations, any social control systems and coercions. It makes new basis for personal representation.

Social communications influence on the personal activity and behavior. They build communicational levels of the society in terms of different forms of communicative cross-effects.

Forming and development of open civilized society is distinctive for nowadays. Some new forms of communication based on social and personal partnership appear in this type of society. Also these forms of communication are based on rivalry, legal and social fundamentals of formal equality of all citizens and on sound management of social interactions.


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2. Vartanova, E. L. (2003). Mediaehkonomika zarubezhnykh stran. Moskva: «Aspekt Press».

3. Veremchuk, T. (2014). Komunikacii Yevropejs'kogo Sojuzu: do pitannja istoriografii. Osvita regionu. Politologija. Psikhologija. Komunikacii, 1-2. <> (2015, June, 13).

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8. Kostenko, A. M. (2009). Integracija Ukraini do Ievropejs'kogo Sojuzu: superechnosti ta shljakhi ikh rozv'jazannja: avtoref. dis. na zdob. stup. kand. polit nauk: 23.00.02. L'viv.

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