Social development as a strategic vector of social policy in the crisis

Studying the problems of formation and implementation of state social policy. Analysis of socio-economic problems of the Ukrainian state. Tasks and functions of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine as the main subject of the country's social policy.

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Lviv University of Business and Law

UDK 330.34:316.42

Social development as a strategic vector of social policy in the crisis

Romaniv I.F.


The paper considers the problem of forming and implementing social policies. It is proved that under the economic crisis the main strategic vector of social policy should be considered social development. On the basis of an integrated understanding of social policy in crisis conditions it is necessary to expand the activities of the development and implementation of social policies to ensure social development, protection, welfare and quality of life, normalization of institutions of educational sphere.

Keywords: social policy, social development, social development strategy, economic crisis


Романів І.Ф. Львівський університет бізнесу та права. Соціальний розвиток як стратегічний вектор соціальної політики в умовах кризи.

У статті розглянуто проблеми формування та реалізації державної соціальної політики. Доведено, що в умовах кризових явищ в економіці основним стратегічним вектором соціальної політики слід вважати соціальний розвиток. На засадах інтегрованого розуміння соціальної політики у кризових умовах необхідно розширювати коло діяльності суб'єктів з розробки та реалізації соціальної політики з метою забезпечення соціального розвитку, захисту населення, підвищення добробуту та якості життя, нормалізації функціонування установ освітньої сфери.

Ключові слова: соціальна політика, соціальний розвиток, стратегія соціального розвитку, економічна криза.


Романив И.Ф. Львовский университет бизнеса и права. Социальное развитие как стратегический вектор социальной политики в условиях кризиса.

В статье рассмотрены проблемы формирования и реализации государственной социальной политики. Доказано, что в условиях кризисных явлений в экономике основным стратегическим вектором социальной политики следует считать социальное развитие. На основе интегрированного понимания социальной политики в кризисных условиях необходимо расширять круг деятельности субъектов по разработке и реализации социальной политики в целях обеспечения социального развития, защиты населения, повышение благосостояния и качества жизни, нормализации функционирования учреждений образовательной сферы.

Ключевые слова: социальная политика, социальное развитие, стратегия социального развития, экономический кризис.


Formulation problems

The socio-economic difficulties being experienced Ukrainian State addressed immediately. One of the pillars of economic progress, the development of a socially-oriented economy is effective social policies. In conditions of deepening social, political, economic and spiritual crisis in the state social policy should be based on the principles lyudynotsentryzmu, strengthening national security in the social sphere, capacity and effective use of human potential. Human potential is a state of unconditional factors of economic growth, the country's competitiveness in the international arena, and ultimately - the welfare and living standards. At the current stage of the crisis of public social and economic development needs revision. Methods that are used to today justified primarily due to blur the ultimate goals of social policies. So important scientific and practical task today is justification for social development as a strategic vector of social policy in the crisis.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems of Social Policy and Social Development devoted a significant amount of scientific papers. From among them emphasize those whose social development is seen as an integral part of social policy.

The essence of social policy and its role in economic growth considered R. Kanbur (Ravi Kanbur). Scientists studied the content, objectives and instruments of social policy, analyzed social development strategy of the World Bank, established links between social policy and economic growth [1]. The dependence of economic growth on social attitudes investigated Al- han J. and P. Hahuk (Yann Algan, Pierre Cahuc). These work particularly emphasizes the sense of public trust in government economic policy [2].

«The social pillar» of sustainable development studied K. Murphy (Kevin Murphy). His work analyzes the regulatory framework on which is the formation of «social pillars» of sustainable development, including UN documents, European Union, etc.; grouped actual concept of social policy and sustainable development, developed social and environmental development paradigm based on concepts of justice (equality), awareness of sustainable development principles partysypatsiyi (including the maximum number of social groups in decision-making), social cohesion [3]. In this context, S. Bilyatskyy examines principles of social policy through the implementation of which is achieved through sustainable development of social comfort - proper condition to ensure social security [4].

Also outlined works, which were theoretical framework of our study should note scientists like A.I. Demkiv, G.S. Kesarchuk, L.Ya. Honcharuk, V. Troshchinsky, A. Petroye and others. However, in these and other works not fully justified remains vector of social development in the crisis, which is part of the unsolved problems of formation and implementation of social policy that considered in this study.

The article aims to study social development as a strategic vector of social policy in the crisis.

state social policy

The main material research

On the agenda of the United Nations Institute for Social Development «Social development in a changing world» successfully solved the current position of the developed countries on problems of social development. The introduction states that the modern understanding of social development should be based on only on achieving financial prosperity, but also social justice, solidarity and democratic participation, which is impossible without the introduction of effective modern methods of social policy. It is noted that in a crisis the social sector should be put at the center of debates on development and become a unifying factor in combating the crisis [5, p. 3-4].

In theory, the social economy is inseparable the correlation of social policy and development, social policy is often regarded as a tool whose primary purpose is enable, provide grounds for social development.

Herbert Marcuse believed that technological society can not develop further, as is the last stage of destruction of nature and civilization is «repressive». The policy, therefore, should be the main driving force for overcoming the destructive tendencies translate from one-dimensional society (the one that swallowed aesthetic and historical measurements) to multidimensional formation and not destructive civilization [6].

The implementation of social policy in Ukraine is based on the Constitution, the Laws of Ukraine and subordinate legal acts. The starting point for the formation and implementation of social policy is a constitutional provision to define Ukraine as a social state (Art. 1 CG). In Art. 13 noted that the state provides social orientation of the economy [7].

It is important to note that the social origin of man can not be a ground for privileges or restrictions (Art. 24 CU) [7]. So focus of social policy can not be retrospective, that is directed to screen out people whose social status does not give sufficient grounds for development, while on the same basis in the context of social inclusion opportunities in developing and implementing human development should be created for all citizens.

M.V. Lyzun stresses that modern understanding of economic growth based on increasing the competitiveness of the state and welfare of the population. Analyzing the types of economic growth on a national basis in 4 of the 5 types (American, Japanese, German, Chinese model of economic growth) Academic clearly traces the importance of the social component.

Thus, for the American model is characterized by a high level of productivity and labor-saving methods of production and human capital, Japanese - education, tradition and culture, human capital, for the German - social policy, human capital, for the Chinese - education, human capital [8].

A similar trend setting role of the state in the development of socio-economic system of the state built its research O.M. Komyakov. Scientists focused on the nature of economic policy and its contribution to the regulation of social and economic processes of economic transition for strategic and tactical directions. A. Komyakov also stressed the importance of macroeconomic stability in a transition economy that depends on the development of civilized labor relations and labor market [9].

Relevant in the context of determining the principles of social policy is the problem of social protection and social security and the role of government in providing them. According to Art. 46 of the Constitution of Ukraine among the fundamental rights, freedoms and duties of man and citizen proclaimed the right to social protection [7].

The importance of achieving effective social policy based on the socialization of economic development emphasized L.Y. Goncharuk. Her work investigates the nature of the processes of social policy and economic systems of socialization, socialization economic analyzes the efficiency of the abstract economies in transition, the impact of socialization and social policy at the macro and micro-economic transition system offers the basic principles of social behavior and social policy and business [10]. However, almost no research addresses the problem of the formation and implementation of social policy, the socialization of the economic system in the light of the deterioration of general economic conditions, economic and social crisis.

Investigation of the role of the state in financial provision made social development V.M. Bulavynets. Scientists, including notes, «The history of domestic financing social services in the current and previous decades demonstrates practical allocation of funds for its operation, mainly from local budgets... the so-called» residual». Proclamation of social standards as a priority in the implementation of economic and social policy, also supported by practical steps. Continues to dominate the idea of secondary importance in social reproduction process and therefore channeling of funds for social development, some theorists believe and practice expenses, not investments. Such approaches to distribution and redistribution of financial resources of the state contribute to the physical and moral wear of fixed non-productive assets, deterioration of their structure, leading to a chronic shortage of funds for the proper functioning of the social sphere. Ignoring the social needs of the population is an important factor in social tension» [1І, p. 182].

Current problems in terms of decentralization of power is the implementation of social policies on the ground. According to Art. 143 of the Constitution of Ukraine territorial communities of villages, towns, cities approve programs of socio-economic and cultural development and oversee their implementation; regional and district councils approve programs for socio-economic and cultural development of the respective regions and districts, and control their implementation [7].

At the level of urban agglomerations explores the socio-economic aspects and problems of Z.S. Siroych. In his book Z.S. Siroych explores factors that determine the economic and social development of cities vectors in modern post-industrial era, promising social and economic problems in big cities; justifies measures to regulate social and demographic policy in major post-socialist cities; gives opinions on the approaches to the development of sustainable urban development strategies [12].

On the topic of social and economic development of villages worked GG Wrasse, who said: «Diagnosis and prediction of development of the productive forces in modern conditions of economic progress acts as a key instrument of implementation of regional social and economic policy. This is because natural conditions and economic resources belonging to the basic factors determining the specific nature of economic development of the area, the nature of the territorial division of labor, economic justification of priorities, specialization and cooperation of production. Taking into account the specifics of production and resource potential in the transit economy is a prerequisite for implementing the strategy of sustainable regional development, selection of the most effective ways to intensify the productive forces, issues of rational nature. Practical implementation of the priorities of the territorial organization of the productive forces during the forecast period will be an important factor in socio-economic development will contribute to the optimization of economic restructuring and growth of living standards» [13, p. 3, 18].

An important area of modern economic management is to develop a theory of countercyclical regulation. I.V. Hovrak and A. Taran emphasize the importance of ensuring the effectiveness of counter-cyclical government policies, which should include a program of activities for post-crisis development [14,p.53]. In the context of sustainable development and social policies S. Bilyatskyy considers some aspects of social security, including the issue of income improvement programs and their correlation with long-term employment. The scientist points out that while such programs and contribute to social security, they should not become an alternative employment [4, p. 3].

The main subject of social policy in Ukraine is the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. This is the central body of executive power, which is the main body of the central executive bodies of the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of employment and labor migration, labor, social security, social services, volunteer activities on family and children, rehabilitation and recreation for children and the protection of the rights of deported on ethnic grounds persons who have returned to Ukraine. The main tasks of the Ministry include: 1) the formation of state policy on social standards and state social guarantees for the population, to coordinate drafting forecasts and state programs on social and demographic policy; 2) the formation and implementation of public policies to regulate the labor market, labor migration processes, determine the legal, economic and organizational basis for employment and protect against unemployment; concerning the definition of state social guarantees on the rights of citizens to work, wages, as well as regulation and incentives, professional training works and professions working conditions; in pensions citizens; targeting of social assistance to vulnerable populations, including low-income and large families; in the provision of social services to families who may be or are in difficult circumstances, the elderly, the disabled, homeless people and street children, orphans and children deprived of parental care and other socially vulnerable groups; ensuring the rights of children receiving child support responsible fatherhood and motherhood; formation of the main directions of state policy and according to the law of state supervision on compulsory state social insurance, social dialogue on the formulation and implementation of social policies, regulation of industrial relations and others [15].

However, the economic crisis problems in social policy, social security arise not only in the context defined functions ministries are often involved other government entities. Yes, Aleynikov A.V. stresses that the impact of the global crisis on the Ukrainian economy has a dual economic and political framework. Institutionally not developed economic structure Ukraine fully assimilated all the shortcomings of liberal economy, and without its advantages, it can not adequately respond to all possible implications. There are four areas of influence of the anti-crisis policy, which are used in different countries: stabilization of the banking system, measures of monetary policy, support the real economy, support. Among these Ukraine chose the most effective: the financial support of banks, including nationalization; depreciation and increase the amount of guarantees on deposits. In such a crisis program can not quickly overcome the crisis [16]. Lack of humanistic priorities in global politics the crisis leads to deficiencies strategic management in a deteriorating economic security threats.

An example of this situation is the failure of one system of banks in Ukraine in the spring of 2015. As of March 2, the recognition of the bank insolvent its loan portfolio was assessed in the amount of 45.5 billion. USD. Commitment to legal entities constituted 24.7 billion. UAH., To individuals - 20,8 bln. UAH. During 2014 the bank's financial situation deteriorated continuously. It did not help refinance at a rate of 4.2 billion. UAH. and a stabilization loan of $ 960 million. USD. NBU Resolution № 692 / BT on 30/10/2014 p. Bank classified as problematic. However insolvent recognized only 02/03/2015 p. [17]. During this time, the financial problems of systemic bank reflected in thousands of Ukrainian citizens and families jeopardizing their social security. For example, pensioners who receive a pension could not get it in full on the day of transfer. As of February 2015 pensioners could get at the box office branches to 100-500 USD. day [18; 19]. V. Vlasenko said that according to information obtained from bank employees as of the end of February were huge problems with cash money issued only 200 USD in hand, every day that goes for social payments. If after the bank was receiving a pension or assistance newborn baby had come every day and waiting in long lines to collect payment of 200 USD per day [20].

There are at present problems and social benefits for people living in the area of counter-terrorism operations. To conduct decentralized reforms in transition in the crisis affected the financing of social organizations, educational and scientific spheres. Problems in social policy during the crisis is not unique to Ukraine, but also for example Greece, where stabilization policies within the painful reforms took place, which caused protests from people in need.

Thus, the basis of social policy during the crisis should first lay the vector of social development as part of social security. Creating conditions for the normal functioning of society, organizations, social services, social protection of population is regarded as a fundamental basis for social policy in the crisis.


On the basis of the study revealed that in times of crisis, social policy should be established and implemented in accordance with the strategic vector of social development as part of social security. The need for an integrated understanding of the social policy not only in the context of the framework provided by law Ukraine, but also because of the social problems that arise in society during the crisis due to the banking system, social organizations. Social development as a strategic vector of social policy in this case involves the creation of normal operation and development of society, protection from degrading influence critical factors. Further research is expedient to direct the study of economic and social relationships between the effectiveness of social policies and the level of social development in the crisis.


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    реферат [19,8 K], добавлен 13.02.2015

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