Normative and legal provision of foreign language education in military educational establishments in the Crimea at the end of 20-th – beginning of 21 stcentury
Experience of modern Crimean military educational institutions in the sphere of modernization of foreign language education is defined on the basis of improvement of its legal provisions on development of system of training of the military personnel.
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Дата добавления | 20.04.2018 |
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Selezneva N.E.
Postgraduate student, Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy (affiliate) CFU named after V.I. Vernadsky, Yalta
The legislative acts, normative and educational-methodical documents regulating the state and development of foreign language education in military educational institutions of the Crimea at the end of 20th - the beginning of 21st century were analyzed. The peculiarities of the normative-legal provision of the foreign language education of the military in the Crimea during the period under investigation are highlighted. The possibilities of implementing the experience of Crimean military educational institutions in the sphere of modernization of foreign language education are determined on the basis of improvement of its normative and legal provisions to develop the system of language training of military personnel of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: normative-legal provision, foreign language education, modernization, military educational institution.
military institution legal foreign
Проанализированы законодательные акты, нормативные и учебно-методические документы, регулировавшие состояние и развитие иноязычного образования в военно-учебных заведениях Крыма в конце ХХ - начале ХХI века. Выделены особенности нормативно-правового обеспечения языковой подготовки военных в Крыму в исследуемый период. Определены возможности актуализации опыта военно-учебных заведений Крыма в сфере модернизации иноязычного образования на основе усовершенствования его нормативно-правового обеспечения для улучшения системы языковой подготовки военнослужащих Российской Федерации.
Ключевые слова: нормативно-правовое обеспечение, иноязычное образование, модернизация, военно-учебное заведение.
The modern system of education of the Republic of Crimea, which has become a subject of the Russian Federation since 2014, is in the state of transformation, conditioned both by the objective necessity of modernization of education, and by the entry into the legal and regulatory field of Russia. According to A.V. Mamedova, the modernization of education, including the multilingual one as a large-scale plan for the implementation of specific activities at the present stage, should include the updating of all components of education: its goals, content, forms and methods, techniques and technologies of teaching and control [6, P. 107]. Modernization of foreign language education in Russian military educational institutions determined by political, ideological, economic, social and technological changes in society, the need to improve the quality of language training of modern military specialists is impossible without the improvement of the legal and regulatory framework in the system of both general and professional education. As stated by Kurnysheva E.A., the creation of normative and legal provision of educational activity at the higher educational institution is currently one of the fundamental factors that ensure the improvement of the quality of vocational education, innovation, efficiency, and prognosticity of the educational process itself [5, P. 3].
Practice of teaching foreign languages in military educational institutions confirms the need to increase the efficiency of the legal and regulatory provision of educational activities of military educational institutions in the field of improving language training. Thus, there is a need for study, objective assessment, creative thinking and the application of the best achievements of pedagogy, educational activity of educational institutions both at federal and regional levels, with the aim of efficiently combining historical experience with modern advances in scientific thought.
The study of normative-legal support of foreign language education in military educational institutions covers a wide range of issues in the field of political, legal, social, philosophical, and pedagogical sciences. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, a big number of research works emerged on political and cultural significance of the language (by E.N. Kalinin, N.E. Troiskaya, R. Phillipson), on the ethical and legal foundations of the modern Russian concept of education (S.S. Petrov), on the theory and practice of normative and legal provision of education (A.N. Kozyrina, D.V. Korf, T.N. Troshkina), on the philosophy of modernization of education (E.A. Pinchuk), including language education (I.A. Zimneva, V.V. Aseeva, N.D. Gal'skova), the theory and practice of the foreign language education (A.A. Mirolubov, E.I. Passova, I.V. Rakhmanov, I.L. Bim, A.A. Leontiev, G.A. Kitaygorodskaya, M.V. Lyakhovitsky, N.D. Gal'skova, I.I. Khaleeva, L.V. Khvedchena), ways of improving the quality of language training in a military educational institution (V.G. Vlasova, M.B. Ganachevskaya, O.A. Lebedinskaya, Y.V. Tropkina), etc.
At the present stage, the basic law on the basis of which the legislation on education is being built is the Federal Law On Education in the Russian Federation adopted in 2012, which establishes the main principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education [11]. Modern legal scholars A. N. Kozyrin and T. N. Troshkina believe that the system of sources of educational law includes, along with legislative acts, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which contains the basic principles of educational law, international treaties of the Russian Federation that establish the international legal obligations of the Russian Federation in the field of education, by-laws adopted by the head of state, the government and federal executive bodies, regulatory legal acts, regulating education at the regional (the subjects of the Russian Federation) and municipal levels, as well as local regulations [4, c.12].
Since historically after the collapse of the USSR from 1991 to 2014 the Crimea was part of Ukraine, the activities of military schools of the republic were subject to the Ukrainian legislation. In 1993 by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the State National Program Osvita (Education: Ukraine of the 21st century) was adopted, in which was the creation of a new regulatory and legal framework for education was stated as one of the main ways of reforming education [3, c.6].
The main documents that formed the state policy in the field of military and foreign language education were the Constitution of Ukraine adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of June 28, 1996, the Education Law (1991, amendments and additions No. 100/96-ВР of March 23, 1996) and On Higher Education (2002), approved by the decree of the President of Ukraine National Doctrine of the Development of Education (No. 347/2002 of 17.04.2002) and The Main Directions of Higher Education Reform in Ukraine (No. 832/95 of 12.09.1995).
Analysis of the above mentioned legislative acts showed that, in general, the state policy in the sphere of modernization of the education of the Crimea, including military and language training, corresponded to the Russian, European and global trends in the transition to a new humanistic, innovative, personality-oriented paradigm of education, aimed at founding a system of life-long foreign language education [10].
However, the legal and regulatory framework for foreign-language education in military schools in the Crimea at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century had its own specifics, conditioned by the historical, political, socio-economic peculiarities of the development of the region.
Due to participation of Ukraine in international peace support operations since 1992 and from 1995 in multinational exercises within the program “Partnership for Peace”, the Ministries of Defense of the UK and Ukraine initiated the educational program “Peacekeeping English Project”, designed for 15 years, and directed towards creating a whole complex system of military language training that would combine and strengthen the cooperation of military educational establishments, their command, teaching staff in order to support the high level of pedagogical, methodical and scientific provision of the teaching process [9, P. 94]. A wide network of permanent foreign language courses was built up for the personnel that were deployed abroad to serve or work on peacekeeping missions and for those whose responsibilities involved using a foreign language. At the level of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the issue of material incentives for servicemen for the knowledge and use of a foreign language was unleashed. The allowance for the knowledge and use of a foreign language was set at a rate of 5-25% of the monthly salary, which significantly increased the motivation to study foreign languages, which had a positive effect on the quality of foreign language education [2, P. 44-46]. At Black Sea Fleet Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov such courses functioned from 1996 to 2014 and provided foreign language training for the Navy personnel, on their basis the language laboratory of the scientific and methodological center for the study of foreign languages was founded.
In 1998, the Concept of teaching foreign languages in military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was developed and implemented. It reflected an integral system of views on the theoretical foundations and organizational arrangements for improving the educational process of studying foreign languages in military schools; a four-level system of language training was introduced, based on state educational standards, taking into account the requirements of NATO's language standards (STANAG 6001) [1]. The Concept stated the terminal objectives, content for every level and skill, principles of professional life-long foreign language education with the dominating communicative method of teaching, developing all perceptive and receptive skills with the priority of listening and speaking [7].
Considering the tendencies of the modernization of foreign language education in military schools and the analysis of the legal provision of foreign language education in the military educational establishments of the Crimea at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, it is considered possible to implement their experience for improving the current process of language training of Russian military specialists. It can be done by means of developing and introducing the Concept of foreign language education in military schools that would, taking into account federal state educational standards and international military language standards such as STANAG, formulate the requirements for determining levels of foreign language proficiency for graduates of various types of military schools; envisage the creation of a network of permanent courses for teaching foreign languages to servicemen on the basis of existing higher and secondary military educational institutions, the development and implementation of a national system of standard language testing for military personnel; introduce entrance and final state exams in foreign languages as well as create a regulatory framework at the level of the military educational agencies and individual military educational institutions of the Russian Federation to ensure material encouragement for the command of one or more foreign languages of servicemen; develop international cooperation in foreign language education of military personnel and professional development of foreign language teachers.
In conclusion, the research proves that the scientifically grounded application of the experience of modernizing foreign language education in military educational establishments in the Crimea at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century can contribute to the improvement of the system of language training of Russian military specialists, but further study of the problems of the objectives, contents, effective forms and methods of language training, professional training and professional development of teaching personnel, teaching materials and technical support of military educational institutions in Russia in the field of foreign language education is required.
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