The historical experience of personnel reserve of the executive committees of local Soviets of People's Deputies of the Primorsk Territory in the 70–80-ies of XX century

The activity of Soviet of People's Deputies of Primorsk Territory, party bodies on formation of a personnel reserve in local executive committees. Forms and methods of work of party bodies and local executive committees with a reserve on promotion.

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The historical experience of personnel reserve of the executive committees of local Soviets of People's Deputies of the Primorsk Territory in the 70 - 80-ies of XX century

Anastasiya Olegovna Petrova - graduate student of “The Far-Eastern academy of public service” (Moscow).


This article is devoted to the activity of Soviet of People`s Deputies of Primorsk Territory, party bodies on formation of a personnel reserve in local executive committees. The technology of formation of a reserve on promotion is analyzed, its qualitative characteristic is given, forms and methods of work of party bodies and local executive committees with a reserve on promotion from positions of an opportunity of their application in modern conditions reveal.

Keywords: executive committees of local Soviets of People's Deputies of Primorsk Territory, party committees, a personnel reserve on promotion, the personnel nomenclature, appointees, structure of a personnel reserve.

A feature of the recruitment during the 70 - 80's was its prospective nature, which is shown in training and building a reserve of administrative personnel.

During the Soviet era and now there are many definitions, but, as at the time, and now, under the personnel reserve refers formed on the basis of individual selection and comprehensive assessment of a group of employees trained and has the professional knowledge, professional qualities and personal properties required for promotion to higher positions [1].

Creating a reliable reserve Soviet staff was multi-faceted task, which included examining and selecting people for leadership, different ways of working with, training and retraining of personnel.

Recruitment in the reserve for the nomination for the apparatus of public administration were the executive secretary, the chairman of the executive committee, nomination must comply with the relevant party organs. If you post in the Soviet apparatus was entered in the range of frames, the selection of candidates for this position has the organizational department of the party committee. The process involved and the KGB. Within human services are often employed retirees from the KGB [2].

The reserves for the post of chairman, vice chairman, secretary of the executive committee took place in the parent government (at the executive heads of city and district Councils, for example, the regional Council's executive committee). Reserve personnel for these positions are usually adjusted depending on the evolving situation, but at least once in convening.

On the other managers and professionals apparatus reserve account of local Councils was conducted in departments and offices of the higher executive and the executive in the local Council. The composition of the reserve annually reviewed and approved at meetings of boards of divisions and executive offices [3]. At the formation of a reserve for the nomination reflected the age of the applicant, his work experience, educational level, the profile of the specialty, party affiliation and a number of other indicators. For example, the age structure of personnel reserve of the executive committees of local Councils of people's deputies of the Primorsk Territory in 1982 was as follows (Figure 1) [4].

Fig. 1. The age structure of employees at the executive committees of local Councils of Primorsk Territory, on the staff at the reserve in 1982, %.*

* Figure drawn the author on the basis of archival data GAPK, Foundation 26, register 37, case 386, 387.

personnel reserve executive committee

As demonstrated by the statistics the average age of employees who are in the reserve was equal to 36 years, the backbone of the reserve were serving the most able-bodied age of 20 - to 45 years. In the executive district Councils (58%), township and rural Councils (54%) - youth up to 35 years. In the urban reserve executive Councils of people's deputies into a more experienced, with an average age of which was - 36 - 45 years (52%).

The sex structure of the reserve of the Soviet Primorsk Territory on the nomination, in general, characterized by the following figures (Figure 2): [5]

Fig. 2. Gender characteristics of personnel reserve of the executive committees of local Councils of People's Deputies of the Primorsk Territory, 1982, %*

Figure drawn the author on the basis of archival data GAPK, Foundation 26, register 37, case 386, 387.

As can be seen from the chart - on the city, township and village executive committees of women in reserve to fill posts in the administration in an average of 3,2 times the number of men, as a stand-district executive remained approximately equal ratio of men and women, respectively 42% and 58%. Caring for the female staff, bringing them to the responsible work has characterized the activities of the majority of the executive committees of the Primorsk Territory. The reason is that in the period under review, large easy-growing food industry, domestic service, processing of fish, which worked, mostly women. In some industries, such as construction, there is an acute shortage of manpower. Therefore, the nomination of women are responsible for Soviets plots contributed to the improvement of the communications executive with the workers, frees up a significant portion of the male population for use in those industries where women's work was limited.

National Personnel Reserve to reflect the composition of the national structure of the population of Primorsk Territory, in which the Russian population (Figure 3) [7]. It should be noted that the actual ratio of active employees in 1982 and employees of the personnel reserve of the same year, the nationalities of some was the same: Ukrainians - 3% in reserve - 4%, other nationalities - 2%, in reserve - 1% of Russians and of the fact and in reserve - 95%.

Fig. 3. Ratio between executive Councils of People's Deputies of Primorsk Territory, consisting in the reserve, by nationality, 1982, %*

* Figure drawn the author on the basis of archival data GAPK, Foundation 26, register 37, case 386, 387.

Party membership in the reserve for replacement (especially in leadership positions) to give the advantage to enroll. This explains the fact that the majority (61%) of workers on stand-executive, were members of the CPSU. For professional and technical performers presented the less stringent requirements on party participation, so a large proportion of these employees were non-(35%). Members VLKSM (4%) were young executive (up to 29 years). The ratio of workers to party affiliation is represented Figure 4 [8].

Fig. 4. The ratio of executive committees of Primorye's local Councils, consisting of reserve personnel on party affiliation, 1982, %*

* Figure drawn the author on the basis of archival data GAPK, Foundation 26, register 37, case 386, 387.

When enrolling in the personnel reserve for executive employees, depending on the positions to fill have certain requirements, including the level (Figure 5) [9] and the profile of education (Figure 6) [10].

Fig. 5. Composition of executive Primorye's employees consisting in reserve, the level of education, 1982, %*

* Figure drawn the author on the basis of archival data GAPK, Foundation 26, register 37, case 386, 387.

Statistical data analysis showed that higher education had 59% of employees of the executive committees:

- City Council of Deputies - 83,3%;

- Regional Councils of People's Deputies - 60,0%;

- Township and rural Soviets of People's Deputies - 25,3%.

Auxiliary (part-time or evening) higher education were 3,5% of all employees. Employees with secondary, secondary special education, enrolled in a pool of executive committees Primorye were - 31%, including in the executive:

- City Council of Deputies - 15,0%;

- Regional Councils of People's Deputies - 38.2%;

- Township and rural Soviets of People's Deputies - 73.9% [11].

It should be noted that a number of executive committees of local Councils of the edge of the reserve are included in the nomination of officers who do not have appropriate training (1%, even without a secondary school education). This situation was typical of township and village executive committees of Soviets of People's Deputies : Krasnoarmeyskiy, Lazovskiy, Anuchinskiy, Yakovlevskiy areas. The main reason being the low educational level of rural residents.

Percentage of reserve personnel executive officers of local Councils of People's Deputies of the Primorsk Territory on the profile of education as follows (Figure 6) [12]: the largest proportion of persons with teacher education - 23%, approximately the same number were agronomists, engineers, economists (13% ), professionals with a legal background was - 6%. It should be noted that the positive trend to an increase in the number of professionals with a legal background with 3% in 1978 to 6% in 1982, the predominance of teachers in the reserve, mainly composed of the executive committee was not a random phenomenon, this picture was everywhere. Teachers are respected people, they were proactive in the area of life, villages, cities, and the party and Soviet authorities to enroll them in reserve for the nomination. In general, the composition of personnel reserve for the profile of education allows to build an effective work to fill vacant posts in the executive committee in accordance with its internal structure, built on branch lines.

Fig. 6. Staff executive committees Primorye, consisting of the reserve, on the profile of education, 1982, %*

* Figure drawn the author on the basis of archival data GAPK, Foundation 26, register 37, case 386, 387.

Registration and admission to the reserve personnel executive committees was held not only within the executive, but also constitute the nomenclature of executive personnel (mostly managers) in the party committees. There is a certain procedure for the formation of a reserve at the nomenclature of the Soviet authorities. Regional, district and city party committees to the department in conjunction with the executive heads of the respective local Councils selected reserve candidates for each position. In terms of creating a reserve of workers, of which he was to emerge. The first called on the nomenclature of human resources, exploring possibilities and prospects of political and business growth in those leaders who were already employed at the party, Soviet and other leadership.

In the district committees and the city party to address the accounting office for the nomenclature of personnel allocated to responsible employees. Departments of organizational work directly organizes and accounting personnel engaged in the preparation of proposals relating to recruitment, to make proposals to the Bureau of the party committees of all political parties, trade unionists, leaders of administration of local Councils.

All party committees were the principal accounting and control nomenclature. The main range of the bureau of territorial committee argued the party, registration and control - was the responsibility of the institutional division.

In the nomenclature of city and district committees party (accounting and control nomenclature) was composed of the heads of executive positions municipal, district, township, village Councils, heads of departments and chiefs of offices of city and district executive Councils, heads of enterprises and organizations subordinate to executive city and district Councils.

Also, for each reserve in the department of organization and work of the committee of the party filled a card which stated the following: name of the backup position, name of city or district committee CPSU; full name, affiliation and position, date of birth, party seniority, education and specialty, participation in elected bodies and a summary of the assignments performed by the party; stages of work, receive a salary [13].

The party committee has decided which posts to include in the nomenclature for approval as to harmonize and, based on the specific situation and characteristics of leadership, had the opportunity to modify the nomenclature in its sole discretion. Nomenclature of party committees was not just a list of posts, and «organizational enshrined the right and duty of the party committee to examine, review, recommend and approve leadership» [14].

The main basis for the replenishment of reserve personnel to bring in the administration of local Councils were partisan, Youth workers, leaders of the Soviet authorities, Councils of deputies, experts of the economy, foremost production.

Work with a reserve of personnel stood at the center of attention Primorsk regional committee CPSU. At the Plenary Session VI Primorsk regional committee CPSU (April 1980) and subsequent meetings of the bureau of city and district committees parties have been developed to further improve the style, forms and methods of work with a reserve of personnel. Information on the implementation of decisions of the plenum of regional committee CPSU VI was discussed at the plenary session of the regional committee, VIII (October 1982), who noted the increased level of organizational and ideological and political work Party organizations edges with allowance for the nomination. And already in 1985 at the IX regional committee CPSU plenum (March 1985) was praised from the reserve in a number of the party, Soviet, non-governmental organizations edge [15]. As a result of the structure of executive personnel reserve of Primorsk Territory was the match of staff and provide for the availability of candidates to fill each position of executive committee, including not only the heads and their deputies, but virtually all professionals. Post Soviet executive employees in the personnel reserve often combined with the post of party organs. For example, a member of the executive Council of the city I had always been the party secretary city. In most cases, party leaders were members of executive committees of district Councils. This was done for the strengthening of party control over the activities of executive bodies in order to improve efficiency in administration.

At meetings of the bureau of city, district committees, at meetings in the primary party organizations edges regularly heard reports from leaders of the reserve. Responsible employees district committees, city edges systematically met with employees enrolled in the reserve, they studied the results of the work involved in the preparation of practical issues to work on the documents, asked the opinion of party offices, the party, the Council and employees [17].

The decisions of a number of executive committees of local Councils of higher and middle management positions listed for which the reserve was created, set the terms for those who work with the reserve, and was a reserve card. Proposing to set off in the pool at the heads of departments, chiefs of offices and other early leaders of government, a follow-up work with them fall on the heads of departments, offices, instructors branches, vice chairman, executive secretary. The decision to enroll in the reserve has been chairman of the executive. He also oversaw the work of the reserve [18]. At each position credited 2-3 candidates, including women. Each candidate is tentatively consistent with the leadership and party organization to work with the territorial committee of the party, the organizational department of industry department of the superior and executive [19].

Thus, with a reserve of personnel to use in local Councils of people's deputies was to ensure continuity of management personnel, expertise, optimize the organizational structure, as well as prevention of possible crisis situations in case of exit of key employees. Maintenance personnel reserve is a powerful element in encouraging the professional growth of the staff.

Literature and the sources

1. V. A. Sulemov, State personnel policy in modern Russia. Theory, history, new realities: monography / V. A. Sulemov. - M. : Izd-vo RAGS, 2005. - P. 310.

2. D. V. Dudkina, Soviet personnel policy and the local state apparatus (1917 - 1991) : Dis . kand. hist. science / D. V. Dudkina. - Samara, 2002. - P. 209.

3. I. V. Tryakov, Organizational and legal problems of senior personnel administration of local Councils of people's deputies: Dis. cand. legal science / I.V. Tryakov. - M., 1984. - P. 38.

4. Figure drawn the author on the basis of archival data GAPK, Foundation 26, register 37, case 386, 387.

5. Figure drawn the author on the basis of archival data GAPK, Foundation 26, register 37, case 386, 387.

6. XXVI Congress of the CPSU. Verbatim record. In 3 v. - M. : Politizdat. T. 1. - 328 p; V.2. - 264 p.

7. Figure drawn the author on the basis of archival data GAPK, Foundation 26, register 37, case 386, 387.

8. Figure drawn the author on the basis of archival data GAPK, Foundation 26, register 37, case 386, 387.

9. Figure drawn the author on the basis of archival data GAPK, Foundation 26, register 37, case 386, 387.

10. Figure drawn the author on the basis of archival data GAPK, Foundation 26, register 37, case 386, 387.

11. GAPK, Foundation 26, register 37, case 291, pages 2 - 167.

12. Figure drawn the author on the basis of archival data GAPK, Foundation 26, register 37, case 386, 387.

13. A. B. Konovalov, formation and functioning of the nomenclature of staff of VKP (b)-CPSU in the regions of Siberia (1945-1991): Dis. Dr. hist. science / A. B. Konovalov. - Kemerovo, 2006. - P. 97.

14. I. V. Tryakov, Organizational and legal problems of senior personnel administration of local Councils of people's deputies: Dis. .cand. legal science / I. V. Tryakov. - M., 1984. - P. 39.

15. V. F. Pecheritsa, Training and education of Party cadres in the Russian Far East: Monograph / V. F. Pecheritsa. - Vladivostok: Far Eastern University Publishing, 1985. - P. 56.

16. GAHK, Foundation 904, register 10, case 1199, page 98.

17. V. P. Pashin, Human resources of communist nomenklatura: methods of recruiting and training / V. P. Pashin, P. Sviridenko. - M.: GASBU, 1998. - P. 113.

18. O. T. Dzhavlanov, Nomenclature: the evolution of selection (Historical and Political Analysis) / O. T. Dzhavlanov, V. A. Mikheev. - Moscow: Ray, 1993. - P. 80.

19. D. V. Dudkina, Soviet personnel policy and the local state apparatus (1917 - 1991: Dis. .cand. hist. science / D. V. Dudkina. - Samara, 2002. - P. 209.

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