Culture of governance services providing

Comparing different scientific approaches to the definition "culture of governance services providing". Complex studying of the concept of the culture of governance services providing; scientific substantiation and analysis of its basic components.

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Дата добавления 21.07.2018
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Culture of governance services providing

Karpenko Oleksandr

Namestnik Viktoriia

The purpose of the paper is to study the concept of the culture of governance services providing, scientific substantiation and analysis of its basic components. Methodology. The research uses the general scientific methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis, namely: in the process of working out the domestic and foreign research base on the problems of governance services providing, in empirical comparisons of scientific approaches to distinguish the components of the system of forming a service activities culture of public authorities, as well as to justify the ways of the solution of the previously unresolved scientific problem, which consists in determining effective mechanisms for its practical implementation. Scientific novelty consists in the complex study of the interconnection of the concepts "culture" "public administration culture" "culture of governance services providing"; comparing foreign and domestic scientific approaches to the definition of the essence of administration culture; separating the basic components and identifying the features of the culture of governance services providing. Conclusions. The culture of governance services providing is a client-oriented system of interrelated functional elements (organizational, corporate, informational, linguistic, communicative, etc.) and is one of the basic components of the interaction between the authorities and the public. The forming of the culture of governance services providing contributes to: the improving the quality of service activities of public authorities, improving the image of civil servants and officials of local self-government, as well as improving social-power relations.

Keywords: service-oriented public policy, service activities of public authorities, governance services, culture of governance services providing.

Карпенко Олександр Валентинович, доктор наук з державного управління, завідувач кафедри інформаційно' політики та цифрових технологій Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України; Наместнік Вікторія Василівна, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент кафедри інформаційної політики та цифрових технологій Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України

Культура надання управлінських послуг

Мета роботи полягає у дослідженні поняття культури надання управлінських послуг, науковому обґрунтуванні та аналізі її базових складових. Методологія. У дослідженні використано загальнонаукові методи порівняння, аналізу та синтезу, а саме: в процесі опрацювання вітчизняної і зарубіжної джерельної бази щодо проблематики надання управлінських послуг, при емпіричному співставленні наукових підходів для виокремлення складових системи формування культури сервісної діяльності органів публічної влади, а також для обґрунтування шляхів розв'язання раніше невирішеної наукової проблеми, що полягає у визначенні ефективних механізмів щодо її практичної реалізації. Наукова новизна полягає у комплексному дослідженні взаємозв'язку понять "культура" "культура державного управління" "культура надання управлінських послуг"; співставленні зарубіжних і вітчизняних наукових підходів щодо визначення суті управлінської культури; виокремленні базових складових та визначенні особливостей культури надання управлінських послуг. Висновки. Культура надання управлінських послуг є клієнто-орієнтованою системою взаємопов'язаних функціональних елементів (організаційних, корпоративних, інформаційних, мовних, комунікативних тощо) та є однією з базових складових взаємодії органів влади та громадськості. Формування культури надання управлінських послуг сприяє: підвищенню якості сервісної діяльності органів публічної влади, покращенню іміджу державних службовців та посадових осіб органів місцевого самоврядування, а також удосконаленню суспільно-владних відносин.

Ключові слова: сервісно-орієнтована державна політика, сервісна діяльність органів публічної влади, управлінські послуги, культура надання управлінських послуг.

Карпенко Александр Валентинович, доктор наук государственного управления, заведующий кафедрой информационной политики и цифровых технологий Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины; Наместник Виктория Васильевна, кандидат наук государственного управления, доцент кафедры информационной политики и цифровых технологий Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины

Культура предоставления управленческих услуг

Цель работы заключается в исследовании понятия культуры предоставления управленческих услуг, научном обосновании и анализе ее базовых составляющих. Методология. В исследовании использованы общенаучные методы сопоставления, анализа и синтеза, а именно: в процессе обработки отечественных и зарубежных литературных источников по проблематике предоставления управленческих услуг, при эмпирическом сопоставлении научных подходов для выделении составляющих системы формирования культуры сервисной деятельности органов публичной власти, а также для обоснования путей решения ранее нерешенной научной проблемы, заключающейся в определении эффективных механизмов ее практической реализации. Научная новизна заключается в комплексном исследовании взаимосвязи понятий "культура" "культура государственного управления" "культура предоставления управленческих услуг"; сопоставлении зарубежных и отечественных подходов относительно определения сущности управленческой культуры; выделении базовых составляющих и определении особенностей культуры предоставления управленческих услуг. Выводы. Культура предоставления управленческих услуг является клиенто-ориентированной системой взаимосвязанных функциональных элементов (организационных, корпоративных, информационных, языковых, коммуникативных и т.д.) и является одной из базовых составляющих взаимодействия органов власти и общественности. Формирование культуры предоставления управленческих услуг способствует: повышению качества сервисной деятельности органов публичной власти, улучшению имиджа государственных служаших и должностных лиц органов местного самоуправления, а также совершенствованию отношений власти и общества.

Ключевые слова: сервисно-ориентированная государственная политика, сервисная деятельность органов публічной власти, управленческие услуги, культура предоставления управленческих услуг.


In modern realities of information and innovation society forming, as well as Ukraine's integration into the EU, there is a significant rethinking of relations between the state and society in order to meet the needs of each citizen. In the context of developing a new service-oriented state policy of Ukraine, the strategic task of reforming the domestic public administration sphere is to reorient the activities of the authorities from general administration to the direct provision of quality management services.

In this regard, the culture of governance services providing not only plays an extremely important role in public life, but at the same time is a powerful tool for public administration system modernization.

Brief Literature Review

Providing services in public administration in Ukraine, the role of culture in public administration were reflected in scientific issues by Ukrainian scientists, sach as: N.Goncharuk and L.Prokopenko [4], V.Dolechek [6], Y.Kuts [1, 12], O.Polyak [8], V.Stepanov [10], D.Sukhinin [12], Y.Sharov [13] and others.

Among the variety of foreign scientific works for research it is worth noting the following: B.Parekh "Rethinking Multiculturalism: Cultural Diversity and Political Theory" [15], G.Hofstede "Cultures and Organisations: Software ofIntercultural cooperation and its importance forsurvival" [17], M.H.Tayeb "Organizations and National Culture: A Comparative Analysis" [18], R. D. Sharma "Conceptual Foundations of Administrative Culture: An Attempt at Analysis of Some Variables" [19].

Purpose of Article is to compare scientific approaches to the definition "culture of governance services providing", to distinguish and research components of the culture of governance services providing.

Results (main material)

In modern state-building conditions, all spheres of life undergo systemic transformations, which causes radical changes in the value orientations of society. That is why building up the intellectual potential, taking into account the mental characteristics of the Ukrainian people, improving the motivation base of civil servants, and forming a new corporate culture creates a solid foundation for the modernization of the whole system of public administration.

To understand the subject of research it is worthwhile to focus on the definition of the concept of governmental services policy making. State policy of the management services forming and implementing is a purposeful comprehensive course of goals, tasks and actions that are practically implemented by the authorities, as well as means used to create, provide and operate a service state - the introduction of mechanisms for interaction between entities and objects of provision state and municipal services.

The purpose of state policy in the field of managment services rendering is the organization of purposeful activity of the authorities, aimed at creating favorable conditions for the needs of individuals and legal entities, in particular, in the realization of their legitimate interests, rights and freedoms [7].

According to G.Hofstede, "culture is the collective programming of mind which distinguishes on group of people from another [17]. M.H Tayeb defines culture as "a set of historically evolved learned values, attitudes and meanings shared by members of a given community [18]

B.Parekh defines culture as a system of values, beliefs, traditions, and practices which structure and regulate the behaviour of individuals as well as of groups of human beings; as such, culture influences the lives of individuals and collectives. A culture is generally embodied in its arts, music, oral and written literature, moral life, ideals of excellence, exemplary individuals and the vision of the good life [15, 143-144].

R.D Sharma defines the administrative culture as the culture of public employees, whose behaviors are limited to only the administrative environment [19]. Public administration is merely an aspect of the social system. Thus, enhancement of the administrative capacity requires changes in social environment, i.e. the development of society. So long as the majority of the public remains poor, uneducated and unaware of their rights and duties, they cannot participate in development programmes properly. Import of high technology cannot deliver the goods in a situation of general economic and social backwardness. Therefore, if the data received from the field are defective, their processing on a computer by a highly trained specialist is of no use. The enhancement of administrative capacity thus requires the development of society in general, even as administrative development helps all-encompassing development. It can be concluded that administrative culture is not just a function of the training environment and the value systems of the civil service. In fact, it reflects the changing values in the social environment itself [16].

In domestic scientific studies, the public administration culture is regarded as a specific type of culture, which is a set of knowledge about the system of values and the purpose of the activities of state bodies, rules and norms of business behavior of civil servants [3, p. 240]. Public administration, based on cultural values, is under constant influence of a number of trends and factors of social development, the leading role among which are the processes of the environment and the internal drivers of the development of public administration. These processes occur under the conditions of an entire system of factors of social, economic, political and value-mental origin [11].

The notion of a public administration culture characterizes it primarily as a complex qualitative characteristic of the relationship between the subject and the object of state administration, that is, power and society in the global sense, or a government body (official) and a citizen (group of citizens) in a narrower sense; and at the same time as a systemic, generalized characteristic of state-management activity, which immediately emphasizes the high degree of special requirements that are put forward to employees of the administration and civil service in general. It is logical that its theoretical understanding is tied to the management culture of civil servants, which is formed within the framework of legal and moral norms defined by the state and society. Here two levels of management culture are distinguished: the culture of organizations (corporate culture), where culture acts as an object, and the culture of organizing systems, where culture acts as a process.

In carrying out an analysis of service activities it should be borne in mind that, on the one hand, service activities are historically evolving within a particular ethnic and national culture, and on the other hand - service activity is a professional activity. Then you should talk about corporate culture and ethical foundations of service activities. Taking into account the peculiarities of the sphere of management services, it is necessary to consider such components as information culture and linguistic culture.

Corporate culture is a specific form of existence of an interdependent system, which includes a hierarchy of values that prevails among local government employees, employees of other organizations, as well as a set of methods for their implementation, prevailing in the relevant organization at a certain stage of development.

Based on the foregoing, corporate culture, on the one hand, is a system of personal and collective values that are accepted and shared by all members of the corporation. On the other hand, the corporate culture is understood as a set of techniques and rules for solving the problem of external adaptation and internal integration of workers and rules that have justified themselves in the past and confirmed their relevance today.

It is interesting to note that the corporate governance system is the product of joint efforts of participants in corporate relations to formulate generally accepted legal and moral rules, norms, requirements that workers place before themselves or which require organization in a particular environment.

At the same time, the characteristic features of effective corporate governance are transparency of financial information and information about the organization's activities, control over the activities of the management, comprehensive protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the owners, independence of the controlling authority in determining the organization's strategy, monitoring its activities, etc.

It should be noted that the application of the corporate governance system, the basic principles of which are honesty, transparency, accountability, and responsibility, is a guarantor of full consideration of the interests of all participants in corporate relations.

Ethical norms can exist in separate organizations both in formal and informal forms. Ethical norms are the principles that employees of a certain organization or local government should observe in their behavior, decision-making, attitude towards employees and clients. They are based on the values and beliefs of a particular organization, as well as the rules of the current legislation.

The corporate spirit of employees is formed in conditions of high responsibility for the results of their work. The main measures for further strengthening of the corporate spirit of governmental bodies can be defined as: bringing the mission and strategic objectives of governmental bodies to all employees; popularization of the mission and strategic goals of the organization, explanation of them at all levels; making each employee aware of his place in the structure and his role in achieving strategic goals; observance of corporate holidays; raising the prestige of the relevant governmental body, etc.

The corporate culture of each institution or organization is unique, with its particular features. Issues on this problem prove that there are no institutions with the same corporate culture, but they can use similar methods and foundations for the corporate culture forming and development. One of the ways that contributes to its development is principles of corporate culture using.

Adherence to the principles of corporate culture affects its further state, the effectiveness of the adoption of managerial decisions, the effectiveness of the work of employees. The study of the principles of corporate governance enables us to formulate principles that promote the development of corporate culture. In order to clearly identify with the corporate culture, first of all, it is necessary to develop its principles, which reflect the basic principles and provisions of effective personnel management. In this regard, it should be noted that each organization can independently develop the principles of corporate culture.

The basis for professional culture of a civil servant is his general personality culture, but evaluation of the level of its formation is not yet taken into account as part of the selection criteria for the civil service. From the point of view of integrated analysis, the professional culture of a civil servant can be defined as a systemic qualitative state of the personality that characterizes the level of social and professional development of a civil servant, the measure and way of realizing his essential forces and creative activity in the form of values, norms, style of thinking, motivation, professional and cultural competence, personal qualities in the process of professional activity and its results.

The professional culture of civil servants is internally structured and can be represented by the theoretical model, which contains: supersystems of higher order (culture of society, public administration culture, culture of civil service, culture of a state body), which simultaneously are external factors of its formation; subspecies of cultures belonging to the professional culture of civil servants: political, legal, managerial, economic, ecological, informational, innovative, psychological, communicative, culture of language, culture of work, moral and ethical and aesthetic, which are determined depending on the official competence of a civil servant; components (structural and functional); criteria for assessing professional culture and its level of formation [9].

Considerable importance in the service activities are the psychological features of the customer service process. In this direction, managers and staff of the institution should pay attention to the following aspects of their work as:

- forming of constructive individual and psychological qualities of workers who are in contact with citizens;

- sending in the positive psychological channel the situation of service in general;

- creating conditions for the manifestation of positive psychological properties of consumers.

A separate group of factors influencing the public administration culture includes ethno-cultural factors, which take into account ethnic composition of the population of Ukraine and the peculiarities of the national character of the people, which are directly related to its ethnic characteristics. Proceeding from the historical preconditions of the existence of the Ukrainian nation, its formation and development, one can speak about the polyethnicity of the Ukrainian people [1, p. 103].

As already noted, language culture, which includes the culture of communication between civil servants and citizens, a culture of conducting business negotiations, etc., is an important part of administrative culture. The high culture of written and oral business speech, knowledge of the state language, and the ability to use correctly the means of modern Ukrainian literary language are signs of civil servant's professiona lism.

Informational culture in respect of the state-management aspect lies in the ability to adequately formulate own need for information; to search effectively for the necessary information; to process information and to create qualitatively new information; to select and evaluate information and to apply modern information technologies in professional activities.

Scientific novelty consists in the complex study of the interconnection of the concepts "culture" "public administration culture" Ў "culture of governance services providing"; comparing foreign and domestic scientific approaches to the definition of the essence of administration culture; separating the basic components and identifying the features of the culture of governance services providing.

governance service providing culture


The culture of governance services providing is a multilevel complex system of interconnected elements and an important component of the public administration system. The development of governmental culture, in particular, the culture of governance services providing, should ensure the improvement of the quality of public administration, improve the management of human resources, and improve the image of the relevant state authority.

The main task of governmental culture in the context of public administration reforming is to create a proper motivation for the activities of each employee or local self-government officials. To achieve this goal it is necessary to develop certain value orientations, guidelines of personality and organization by defining general principles, regularities, needs and interests.


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