The content of ideas of the terrorist and terrorist threat among inhabitants of various regions of the Southern district of the Russian Federation

The analysis of a problem of modern terrorism, ideas of terrorists as executors of an act of terrorism. "Estimation of terrorist threat" questionnaire. Ideas of the act of terrorism, places of performance. Psychological content of ideas of the terrorist.

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The content of ideas of the terrorist and terrorist threat among inhabitants of various regions of the Southern district of the Russian Federation

Samoilina T.G., Seredina N.V.

In the article there is presented the analysis of a problem of modern terrorism, ideas of terrorists as executors of an act of terrorism. There is adduced the author's technique, an “Estimation of terrorist threat” questionnaire, structurally consisting of three blocks: psychological content of ideas of the terrorist; ideas of the act of terrorism, places of performance and ways of its avoidance; ideas of the hostages' behavior and ideas of own behavior of the interrogated in a case of capture. There are adduced the results of the research spent by means of the author's questionnaire in various regions of the Southern federal district.

Key words: the terrorist, the act of terrorism, hostages, appearance of the terrorist, purposes of crimes of terrorists, threat of the act of terrorism.

modern terrorism executor performance

The terrorism problem has got an unknown acuity in modern society. Though roots of terrorism as a political and social phenomenon go back to last centuries, its constantly changing forms make a relation to it as to a phenomenon exclusively new, inherent in modern society. Formation of this idea is also promoted by the fact that terrorism methods more and more become refined and destructive, and its distribution gets really menacing character [1, 5, 6].

A characteristic feature of modern terrorism is its orientation on the peace population. Therefore performance of acts of terrorism occurs mainly in places of mass gathering of people in the most dangerous way that leads to a considerable quantity of victims among which there are women and children. All of these causes powerful public resonance and growth of social intensity in society [6, 8, 10].

For prevention of acts of terrorism by the government of the Russian Federation there have been accepted the Legislative statements; there have been signed the international conventions on struggle against terrorism [9]. however, legal and political measures merely are insufficient in struggle against such a multidimensional and difficult phenomenon as terrorism. It is also necessary to consider social and psychological aspects demanding the all-round and deep studying.

The analysis of references allows to make a conclusion that now the terrorism problem in Russia is investigated widely enough from the point of view of political, legal, economic, social, cultural-religious approaches. Nevertheless, till now there are insufficiently studied the ideas of terrorists and the act of terrorism developing in various groups of population; there are poorly developed recommendations of actions in a case of performance of the act of terrorism; there is no due system of preparation of the experts intended for negotiation with terrorists. At the same time, the decision of the specified circle of questions becomes more actual [4, 5, 6, 10].

With a view to studying of the psychological content of ideas of the terrorist, and also estimation of the act's of terrorism threat there have been inquired inhabitants of various regions of the Southern federal district of the Russian Federation. Inquiry was spent by means of the “Estimation of the terrorist threat” questionnaire (N.V. Seredina, T.g. Samoilina).

The technique description

The technique is the questionnaire consisting of twenty open questions on which the interrogated gives answers in the free form.

The questionnaire is structurally presented by three blocks:

Psychological content of ideas of the terrorist.

Ideas of the act of terrorism, places of performance and ways of its avoidance.

Ideas of the hostages' behavior and ideas of own behavior of the interrogated in a case of capture.

Recommendations on the research carrying out of by means of the “Estimation of the terrorist threat” questionnaire

Interrogatory is spent anonymously. For reception of optimum results research is desirable for spending in the individual form. In case of interrogatory carrying out in a group it is necessary to provide the independence of answers, as the greatest value for research is represented by an individual opinion of everyone.

The instruction for examinee

“We ask you to answer the questions estimating a level of the terrorist threat for you and your relatives at the present time. We are interested in your opinion on each of the offered questions. We thank you for participation in research”.

Your Sex ____ Age ____ city/Settlement _________ Occupation _______

how does the terrorist look like? Describe his appearance.

What is the terrorist's national belonging?

What is his sex? What is his age?

What is the terrorist's social status (family status, material, educational, professional level)?

What are religious beliefs of the terrorist?

What character features does the terrorist possess?

how does the terrorist attitude to other people?

What are moral values and ideals of the terrorist?

how does the terrorist attitude to himself?

What does impel the terrorist to make the act of terrorism?

how can the terrorist differ from other people in crowd?

In what places of your city there can be the act of terrorism?

how is it necessary to behave at the act of terrorism?

how can hostages behave in a case of capture?

What actions of the hostage can safe his life?

Are there chances for the hostage to survive?

Does terrorism threaten you or do you consider that this phenomenon won't ever concern you?

can the act of terrorism ever concern your near ones and relatives?

how is it possible to prevent the acts of terrorism today?

What actions is it necessary to undertake to avoid the act of terrorism? The preliminary analysis of the received results has shown the following.

As a distinctive feature in the terrorist appearance respondents name his unshaven face (40 %), athletic constitution (33 %) and mainly black clothes (20 %).

33 % of the interrogated respondents have noted that the terrorist can look like any peace citizen, i.e. he is indistinguishable in crowd. Other respondents consider that the terrorist can be distinguished in crowd on external features. 40 % of respondents have noted that in crowd the terrorist differs by an unkind look. 27 % of the interrogated have noted that in crowd the terrorist can be recognized by some features of his behavior (10 % - by intensity and constraint, 17 % - by special anxiety).

There have been received the following answers on the question on the terrorist's nationality. 60 % of respondents have specified that the terrorist can be of any nationality, 26 % of the interrogated consider that the terrorist can be most likely the caucasian, 14 % of respondents attribute the terrorist to the chechen nationality.

concerning a sex, 86 % of the interrogated have specified that the terrorist will be a male, 24 % - female.

According to 56 % of respondents, religion of the terrorist is Islam, 44 % of the examinee have answered that the terrorist is far from true religion.

The respondents' answers on the questions on other social-demographic characteristics of the terrorist were distributed as follows: the terrorist has low financial position (53 %), low educational (50 %) and low professional level (43 %).

According to the interrogated the psychological characteristic of the terrorist looks as follows. 56 % of respondents have named cruelty, 17 % of respondents have named resoluteness among character features of the terrorist. 13 % note that the terrorist will most likely suffer some mental disorder. The majority of the interrogated (67 %) consider that the expressed fanaticism, cruelty (52 %) is inherent in the terrorist, and 26 % of respondents provide the terrorist with some obsession.

According to 63 % of respondents the terrorist negatively attitudes to other people, he is haughty, he considers others below himself. 43 % of respondents have noticed that the terrorist is most likely indifferent to other people who are only means for achievement of the terrorist's purposes.

40 % of respondents consider that the terrorist sees the world around as hostile and needing changes.

From the respondents' point of view the purposes of crimes of terrorists are: promotion of political requirements (56 %), enrichment (43 %), religious beliefs (36 %), destruction and intimidation of peace citizens (30 %).

From the respondents' point of view of the act of terrorism consists: in explosions (30 %), in destruction of the peace population (56 %), in capture of hostages (30 %). According to respondents of all examined regions of the Russian Federation Southern federal district, terrorists either have the deformed moral values (blood lust, thirst of a profit, religionism, etc.), or don't have those ones at all.

According to the interrogated respondents, the terrorist is impelled to make the act of terrorism by the inspired belief that he will get to paradise, need and hopelessness, drugs influence, mental influence (“zombiing”), compulsion to performance of terrorist actions by means of threats, injustice of the political system, offence at the whole world and money.

On the question “Does the act of terrorism threaten you?” 98 % of respondents of the Dagestan republic have answered “yes, it threatens”. And, 18 % of them connect this threat with being in the republic: “threatens while I am in Dagestan”. 7 % of inhabitants of the Dagestan republic answering on this question have noticed that they really were in a situation of threat of the act of terrorism, to avoid which “it was possible only by a lucky chance”. 97 % of respondents of the Dagestan republic mark threat for their relatives, and only 3 % don't see such threat for their relatives.

All 100 % of the interrogated inhabitants of North Ossetia believe that there is the act of terrorism threat for them, and 90% don't exclude the threat of terrorism for their relatives and near ones.

95 % of respondents of Kabardino-Balkaria consider that the act of terrorism can concern their relatives or has already concerned, and only 5 % are assured that it won't happen. Only 5 % of respondents of Kabardino-Balkaria believe that the act of terrorism doesn't threaten them, other 95 % consider that it threatens or hope that it won't concern them.

54 % of respondents of the chechen republic have answered that terrorism can concern everyone of its inhabitants, 57 % hope that the act of terrorism won't concern their relatives and near ones and only 11,5 % are assured that terrorism doesn't threaten them.

Thus, the respondents' general idea of the terrorist includes the following characteristics. The terrorist is a reserved person of caucasian or any other nationality, with negative attitude to other people, having deformed moral values and religious ideals, with the low educational, professional and material level, whose behavior is moved by fanaticism.

Now the research of the problem of the terrorist threat in various regions of the Russian Federation Southern federal district continues.


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