Особливості здійснення та реалізації самоврядного контролю в сфері обігу наркотичних засобів

Особливості здійснення та реалізації самоврядного контролю в сфері обігу наркотичних засобів, психотропних речовин і прекурсорів. Основні поняття, характеристика видів, суб’єктів та змісту самоврядного контролю в сфері обігу наркотичних засобів.

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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 08.02.2019
Размер файла 20,7 K

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Summing up, we can reach the following conclusions. Question elimination of discrimination is the subject of close attention in both international and national law. There is a large amount of international legal acts, directly or indirectly related to the problems of discrimination. However, the rules specific to non-discrimination, are too general, and sometimes are in conflict with each other, which, in our view, significantly reduces their effectiveness. Increasing efficiency is the principle of non-discrimination, as it seems, is to achieve by specifying its content, taking into account the general approaches to understanding produced legal practice in foreign countries.


1. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination : From

12/21/1965 [Electronic resource]. - Mode access :


2. National Legislation to struggle with racism and discrimination: Recommendations number 7 Euro commission to struggle with racism from 13.12.2002 g [Electronic resource]. - Mode access : http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/ecri/activities/gpr/en/recommendation_n7/REC7- 2003-8-RUS.pdf

3. Levchenko K.B. Legal analysis of the draft law "On the Prevention and Combating Discrimination in Ukraine" / K.B. Levchenko // Administrative law and process. - ? 1 (1). - 2012. - P. 25-32.


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Shevchuk .. FEATURES OF THE ENJOYMENT AND EXERCISE SELF CONTROL IN THE SPHERE OF TURNOVER OF NARCOTIC DRUGS / National law university named after Yaroslav the Wise, Kharkov, Ukraine

The local authorities with specific functions of control over observance of legislation in the sphere of turnover of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors. The implementation of village, settlement and city councils and their Executive bodies of control functions in the sphere of turnover of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors in the current legislation, has called self control.

The study of the problems of the governmental control in the sphere of turnover of narcotic drugs today are almost absent that, in its turn determine the topicality of the selected scientific search of this study. Noting that the control is the ability to observe, test, detailed analysis of specific situations and phenomena with the possibility of interference in the activities of the controlled object has the purpose of observance of legality and discipline, identify deviations from established norms, prevent violations, and bring those responsible to justice.

In Ukraine recognizes and guarantees local self-government (article 7), and Art. 5 of the Constitution of Ukraine stipulates that the people exercise their power directly and through bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government. In the Main Law of Ukraine stipulates that local self-government is the right of a territorial community-residents of a village or a voluntary Association into a village community, residents of several villages, towns and cities independently resolve issues of local significance within the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

The local government is exercised by territorial communities in villages, settlements, cities, both directly and through the village, settlement, city councils and their Executive bodies, as well as through regional and district councils that represent common interests of territorial communities of villages, settlements, cities.

The system of local self-government includes: territorial community; village, settlement, city Council, village, settlement, city Chairman; Executive bodies of village, settlement, city Council, district and regional councils that represent common interests of territorial communities of villages, settlements, cities; the population self-organization bodies.

Given the above, you can specify that the supervision by local authorities in the sphere of turnover of narcotic drugs, shall be constructed in accordance with the structure of such bodies and include: 1) control of the territorial communities, 2) control of the representative bodies of local self-government; 3) control from the side of village, settlement, city head, 4) control of the Executive bodies of respective councils, 5) control of the organs of population self-organization. Self control in the sphere of turnover of narcotic drugs is as collective entities - councils, their Executive committees, standing committees of the boards, audit committees, house, street, quarter and other collective bodies of self-organization of population and individual subjects, which include: to local councils of deputies, the Chairman of the Board, Secretary of the Council, chairmen of the Executive committees, heads of divisions, departments and other Executive bodies of the Council, chairmen of commissions and leaders of parliamentary factions.

The function of control in the sphere of turnover of narcotic drugs are also characterized by district and regional councils as bodies of local self-government, intended to represent common interests of territorial communities of villages, settlements and cities within the authority defined by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, and the authority delegated village, settlement, city councils.

Considering the above it is advisable to select the following features of the governmental control in the sphere of turnover of narcotic means: 1) the subjects of such control is the local community, the councils of different levels and their heads; the Executive bodies of councils; the population self-organization bodies,

2) implementing control authorities, local authorities interfere with functional activities of interest such control, 3) local authorities shall exercise control over compliance by the bodies of legality located within their jurisdiction, the acceptable level of risk for the population, 4) local governments perform their own (self- governing) and delegated oversight powers, the list of which is determined by the current legislation and the last of them is characteristic of public authorities, 5) management decisions of normative nature, including those, which have implemented the control powers of the councils and their Executive committees are mandatory for all located on the corresponding territory’s Executive authorities, unions of citizens, enterprises, institutions and organizations, officials and citizens, permanently or temporarily residing in the respective territory.

Key words: selfguided control, turn of narcotic facilities, psikhotropnykh matters and prekursorov.

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