The legal basis of financial support of physical education and sports of Ukraine

The study of private law relations in the field of sports organization. Determining the methods of legal regulation of the relevant civil law, economic relations - in favor of private law. Assessment of the influence of the state on sports activities.

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Frank I.V.

Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk

International experience shows that the means of physical culture and sports have a universal ability to solve problems together raising health and provide healthy moral and psychological climate in groups and society as a whole. Understanding what the future of any country conditioned the health of society, led to the strengthening of the role of physical culture and sport activities to strengthen the state and society, active use of physical culture and sports in maintaining and strengthening public health.

Provision of paid services allows more widely satisfy the needs of citizens in physical education and sport and to use effectively sports facilities and eliminate their unprofitability. Only a third of them had certain conditions and technical equipment for provision of paid services.

As already mentioned organizations acting in the field of sport can be formed in a variety of organizational and legal forms. The Civil Code of Ukraine defines that the entities can be created in the form of associations, institutions and other forms established by law (part 1 article 83) - that is the Civil Code does not contain an exhaustive list of organizational and legal forms of legal entities, including those who are operating in the field of physical culture and sports.

In connection with that current legislation of Ukraine does not fully reflect the main features and criteria of budget formation of organizations that active in the field of sport, we believe it necessary to develop new modern concepts of funding of physical education and sport of Ukraine - through the prism of the analysis of laws and norms of regulation of analysis of enterprises in the European Union.

Key words: physical education, the law on physical culture, physical education regulatory support.


Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника

Фізична культура та спорт забезпечують вільний розвиток людини (ст. 23 Конституції України), здійснюють великий вплив на формування вольових та моральних якостей людини, розвиток та вдосконалення її особи. Одним з найважливіших аспектів такого розвитку є заняття громадянами України фізичною культурою та спортом самостійно чи колективно або на професійній основі. Сьогодні фізична культура та спорт поєднують в собі економічні інтереси бізнесу та загальнолюдські обов'язки держави, радикальним чином перетворена макроекономічна сфера, якісно змінені відносини власності в системі спортивних організацій та їх інфраструктурі, поставлена на ринкову основу діяльність всіх фізкультурно-спортивних організацій, в тім числі і непідприємницьких. Виникає нагальна потреба в організаційно- правових формах їх забезпечення.

Сучасний вітчизняний спорт набуває якісно нових властивостей, характерних для розвиненого суспільства з ринковою економікою. Комерціалізація спортивної діяльності та відповідні трансформації всієї системи організації спорту в Україні є необхідними та об'єктивними чинниками, оскільки так можна не тільки підтримувати стале матеріально- технічне забезпечення вітчизняного спорту, але і його динамічний розвиток та конкурентоздатність на міжнародній арені. Ці відносини здебільше стають сферою регулювання цивільного законодавства.

Відносини у сфері організації спорту поступово переходять у площину приватноправових і держава все менше здійснює керівний вплив на спортивну діяльність. Змінюються і методи правового регулювання відповідних цивільно-правових, господарських тощо відносин на користь приватноправових.

Ключові слова: юридична особа, спортивна організація, цивільне право


Прикарпатский национальный университет имени Василия Стефаника

Физическая культура и спорт обеспечивают свободное развитие человека (ст. 23 Конституции Украины), осуществляют большое влияние на формирование волевых и нравственных качеств человека, развитие и совершенствование его личности. Одним из важнейших аспектов такого развития является занятие гражданами Украины физической культурой и спортом самостоятельно или коллективно или на профессиональной основе.

Сегодня физическая культура и спорт объединяют в себе экономические интересы бизнеса и общечеловеческие обязанности государства, радикальным образом преобразована макроэкономическая сфера, качественно изменены отношения собственности в системе спортивных организаций и их инфраструктуре, поставленная на рыночную основу деятельности всех физкультурно-спортивных организаций, в том числе и предпринимательских.

Возникает насущная необходимость в организационно-правовых формах их обеспечения. Современный отечественный спорт приобретает качественно новые свойства, характерные для развитого общества с рыночной экономикой. Коммерциализация спортивной деятельности и соответствующие трансформации всей системы организации спорта в Украине необходимы и объективными компонентами, поскольку так можно не только поддерживать постоянное материально-техническое обеспечение отечественного спорта, но и его динамичное развитие и конкурентоспособность на международной арене. Эти отношения преимущественно становятся сферой регулирования гражданского законодательства.

Отношения в сфере организации спорта постепенно переходят в плоскость частно-правовых и государство все меньше осуществляет руководящее влияние на спортивную деятельность. Меняются и методы правового регулирования соответствующих гражданско- правовых, хозяйственных отношений - в пользу частноправовых.

Ключевые слова: юридическое лицо, спортивная организация, гражданское право.

private law sport state

Formulation of the problem. In terms of socio-economic and political transformation of modern Ukraine are particularly important issue of strengthening physical and spiritual health, a healthy lifestyle.

International experience shows that the means of physical culture and sports have a universal ability to solve problems together raising health and provide healthy moral and psychological climate in groups and society as a whole. Understanding what the future of any country conditioned the health of society, led to the strengthening of the role of physical culture and sport activities to strengthen the state and society, active use of physical culture and sports in maintaining and strengthening public health.

Solving Problems administrative and legal regulation of physical culture and sports and clear legal regulation, improve the efficiency of public authorities to exercise control in the field of physical culture and sports, a clear separation of powers of public authorities and local governments to develop ways to optimize the state regulation of Physical Education and sports significant determinants improve the quality of management in the sphere of physical education and sport.

Analysis of recent research. At the end of 80th years of XX century intensively developed material and technical base of general and sports and youth sports schools, providing them controlled sports equipment and equipment in accordance with regulatory requirements, built playgrounds in the community and in crowded places and rehabilitation of children, and before scientists raised the problem - research justify the intensification of the educational process [10, 13, 14].

It is known that a lack of movement in the lives of school children is one of the reasons why many vital processes. The required amount of motor activity of children and adolescents - a crucial factor and guarantor education comprehensively developed younger generation [13].

Current national sport becomes qualitatively new character of a developed society and market economy. Commercialization of sports activities and corresponding transformation of the entire system of sports in Ukraine are necessary and objective factors, so as you can not only support sustainable logistical support for national sport, but its dynamic development and competitiveness in the international arena. These relationships are mostly the regulation civil law.

Relations in the area of sport are moving in the plane of private and state governing exercise less influence on sports activities. Changing and methods of legal regulation of the civil, commercial relations, etc. for the benefit of private [13].

In Ukraine, only formed regulatory framework that regulates relations in the sphere of physical culture and sports. At the same time, relations concerning legal forms of legal entities of private law in force in the field of sports regulated by legislation rather weak. The Civil Code of Ukraine (the Civil Code of Ukraine) drew attention to the lack of regulation of relations involving non-business entities.

Goal - to analyze the legal basis of financial provision of physical education and sport in Ukraine.

Research Methods. The methodological basis of the study was a set of general and specific methods of scientific knowledge. Using the historical method of scientific knowledge provided an opportunity to explore the historical process of establishing the legal basis of physical education and sport. The system-structural method allowed to determine the place of laws, regulations in the areas of legal entities of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine.

Formal-logical method was used to clarify the legal and doctrinal definitions of legal factors determining financial provision of physical education and sport.

Results and discussion. In the centuries 23 of the Constitution of Ukraine enforceable human right to free development of his personality. It can be implemented independently or on a professional basis in the major and mostly through entities. The major market participants of nowadays Ukraine are the sports organizations, the basis of the so-called "third profit sector" of the country, designed to solve a number of lifesaving tasks in real support of millions of people, creating thousands of jobs, implementation of many community service projects [11].

At research legal aspects of health and sports organizations, we will proceed from the understanding of social formations in general, as a legal entity and legally formalized significant social education (art. 80 of the Central Committee of Ukraine), the legal entity of Private Law (ch. 2, Art. 81 Civil Code of Ukraine) general provisions of the partnership, specific provisions on associations of individuals, and in the future - their varieties.

Without going into clarifying the definition of a legal entity in the art. 80 Civil Code of Ukraine, which has recently written in the literature quite a lot, we will proceed with their kind in the private sphere (art. 81 of the Central Committee of Ukraine). Depending on certain criteria civil law identifies different types of entities.

Provided by civil law corporate forms of legal entities' activities serve the purpose of regulation of legal entities system. Legal entity form is set of specific characteristics, which objectively excel in system of general characteristics of legal entity and essentially distinguish this group of legal entities from another [1, 3, 5]. Independent organizational form of legal entity is when the one of its' characteristic individuate it. Otherwise, this is separate types of organizations inside of one legal entity form.

Part 1 of Article 83 of Civil Code of Ukraine determines that legal entities may be established in the form of company, organization and other fixed by law forms. The Civil Code of Ukraine doesn't include exhaustive list of Legal entity form, including those, which act in sphere of physical training and sports. The legal status of these organizations is determined by Law of Ukraine “About public associations” and “About physical training and sports”. But they are worked out on different theoretical basis and thus were not correlated with each other [5, 15].

According to the Law of Ukraine “About State Registration of Legal Entities and Private Entrepreneurs” - public association is a voluntary social formation, which is framed on the basis of unity of interests for joint realization of citizens' rights and liberties. Public association, in spite of title (community, congress, association, fund, union etc.) is recognized as political party or public organization. Action of this law doesn't apply to religious, cooperative organizations, public association whose main objective is profit, commercial funds, local and regional governments, bodies of public initiative and other public association whose order of creation and activities are determined by relevant law [7].

Public organization is recognized association of citizens to satisfy and protect their legal social, economic, creative, national, cultural, sporting and other common interests.

Having regard to the above, there is a need for disclosure of concept and essence of legal components of the funding of sports organizations, causes of their genesis and features of evolution. Accomplish this it makes sense to determine the genesis of sports organization as a legal entity and the specifics of acquisition of such legal status. Duration of existence and prospects of development and improvement of organizations can't imagine not having made a brief excursion into the history and process of their formation and establishment of factors that affect these processes and their legal registration. It's axiomatic that people form communities (organizations) to achieve a certain result, which is dependent on their interaction [4].

Evidence of an association of people with common views on nature, society, literature, art can be found already in ancient societies, even Aristotle [3] and Marcus Tullius Cicero [2] talked about associations of people. There were various associations at different nations, which affected on socio-political development. In V century BC in Athens formed heteriyas - secret societies of like-minded oligarchs, against the democratic system, and there were organizations of Optimates in ancient Rome, they were adherents of the Senate and traditional (aristocratic) forms of government [2, 14]. Even in the earliest times in Rome, there were private corporations: religious unions (sodalitates, collegiasodalitates), professional unions of craftsmen (fabrorum, pistorum). According to Gui, Laws of XII Tables (D. 47, 22, 4) even gave religious unions the right to develop the Statute, in order to avoid their opposition to the law. The activity of such organization stopped with the reaching its' goals, disintegration of personnel or if the activity of the organization assumed illegal character [14].

As for the sphere of physical training and sports, the first sports associations were in ancient Greece and other ancient countries (it is clear that in those days the term "sport" does not exist, instead there was the term "gymnastics", "gymnasium", etc.). One of the brightest sources of literature of ancient Greece, which describes sport matches and competitions are Homer's "The Iliad" and "Odyssey". About 700 poems of "The Iliad" are devoted to a detailed description of the hero's fights like today's sports reportages bring across the atmosphere of competitions [2].

Of course, the ancient guilds and clans with a large conventionality can be attributed to associations according to the modern law, but these professional associations should be regarded as the first sports organizations. For example, there was a special state-regulated system of physical education of youth in the ancient Sparta in VII century BC.

It is interesting, that in eastern Galicia activities of sports associations were been regulated by a number of laws, including the Law "About associations" from 1897, which determined the legal basis of establishment, functioning and completion of activity of public organizations. For example, the activity of sports and gymnastic association "Plast" in addition to the Law "About associations" was regulated by the "Laws of Ukrainian Plast" [14].

Also should be noted that sport societies of those times exist at the expense of financial support of sponsors-entrepreneurs, membership and entrance fees. For example, entrance fee in sport and gymnastic society “Sokil” amounted 1 ruble, and membership fee - 5 rubles. Before the First World War sum of 5 rubles was the third part of the average monthly salary of a worker.

At the beginning of nineties years of XIX century in Odessa association of cyclists-amateurs entrance fee was 5 rubles, and membership fee - 10 rubles per year. Entrance fee in Kyiv yacht club was even bigger - 25 rubles per year. But next to that, we can find such a mention like: “Game (chess) took place in cycling club that had no relation neither to cycling (then still in its infancy), nor chess. For playing was provided a large room; there was convenient, if you do not pay attention to the noise from neighboring rooms, where was conducted gambling card game, - the main source of income of the club and the purpose of its existence” [2, 14].

Approximately once a year sport societies reported on conducted events and financial activity of society, inventory condition, also in reports were informed about the course of the general meeting, were published a list of active members, resolution of the city and provincial administration, that were related to the activities of the society. Such relationships are essentially internal organizational or even internal corporate.

In the second half of XIX century in Ukraine began to form amateur sports movement that found its reflection in the activities of sports associations. Development of this movement was with some complications and slow pace, permissive order of creation of such societies, a small quantitative structure, compared to the same movement in Europe, but it should be noted hat it had very developed forms which reflected in the legal support of sports associations. Sports organizations (unions) at that time did not have status of legal entity, had no right to acquire or dispose of immovable property, accumulate capitals, perform contracts, enter into obligations, be a plaintiff and a defendant in court [13, 14].

It should be noted that occurrence, formation and development of health and sport organizations like all other organizations in those days were under influence by three main theories of the essence of the legal entity - “the theory of collective” (founder A.V.Venediktov), “the theory of state” (founder S.I.Askanaziy). “the theory of director” (founder Y.K.Tolstoy). These theories disclose the essence of of the legal entity through human substratum and provided them with real social value. In this case it was related to state organizations which who played a dominant role in civil legal relations [2, 12].

Constitution of USSR of 1978 year in article 49 establishes citizens' right to associate in public organizations, simultaneously consolidating the purpose and objectives of development of physical education, physical culture, sport and tourism - upbringing of healthy younger generation, comprehensively prepared for productive work and protection of motherland, every possible encouragement and development of all types of mass sport, active involvement in sport movement most of the general public, achievement of the organic unity of physical education with the practice of building communism (articles 20, 24, 41 of the Constitution of USSR) [13, 15].

So the Fundamental Law considered the development of physical education as a case of state importance, whose purpose is serving the interests of working people, providing of sport in any age. Because of state orientation of development of physical culture and sport, general management of physical education and sport in USSR was performed by state authority, their executive and managing bodies in centre and locally.

The collapse of the totalitarianism influenced the position of sport - in the areas of governance and in the area of funding. In conditions of incipience of market economy federations of various kinds of sport, physical and sport associations, clubs unions gained independence, but not each organization could ensure the development of its kind of sport without state support.

In these years has decreased the total number of people who were involved in physical education and sports. Practically was destroyed system of productional physical culture which was mainly supported by trade union organizations. Because of the sudden increase in value of paid sports and recreational services, physical education and sports became unavailable for most of the general public.

Successful transition to self-sufficiency succeeded not to each sports organization. In general problem of transition to self-sufficiency of sports objects is organizational in the sense of providing paid recreational services to the population. Provision of paid services allows more widely satisfy the needs of citizens in physical education and sport and to use effectively sports facilities and eliminate their unprofitability. Only a third of them had certain conditions and technical equipment for provision of paid services.

As already mentioned organizations acting in the field of sport can be formed in a variety of organizational and legal forms. The Civil Code of Ukraine defines that the entities can be created in the form of associations, institutions and other forms established by law (part 1 article 83) - that is the Civil Code does not contain an exhaustive list of organizational and legal forms of legal entities, including those who are operating in the field of physical culture and sports.

Conclusion. In connection with that current legislation of Ukraine does not fully reflect the main features and criteria of budget formation of organizations that active in the field of sport, we believe it necessary to develop new modern concepts of funding of physical education and sport of Ukraine - through the prism of the analysis of laws and norms of regulation of analysis of enterprises in the European Union.


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2. Anthology of Ukrainian legal opinions .In 6 tome. Tome 6: Civil law [Editorial staff: Y.S. Shemshuchenko (head) and other / Compiler: Y.M. Shevchenko, I.B. Usenko, T. I. Bondarchuk, S. Y. Morozova; responsible editor Y.M.Shevchenko]. - K., 2003. - 584 p.

3. Aristotel. Politics /Aristotel // Writings: In 4 tome. Tome 4. - M.: Thought,1983. - P . 376-644.

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