Psychology of ethnic discrimination

Exclusion, discrimination, ethnic and organizational identity. The effect of exclusion and discrimination on ethnic and organizational identity in the workplace. Social identity in the organization. Analysis of sampling and data collection methods.

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Дата добавления 01.12.2019
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The main idea of this study is that companies should aim to eliminate potential causes of discrimination in their working environment since even thoughts about it can result in employees' distancing themselves from their organization


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Appendix A

The newsletter for the exclusion group

One department of our company faced the problem concerning poor performance among employees. The HR manager assumed that Exclusion of employees with different nationalities may be the root of the problem. She decided to check her assumption and ask employees about their relationships with minorities. The results show that the majority of the team would not want to work on the same project with them, would not want to go on a long business trip with them and would not want them to be in a top management position in their department. Exclusion affected not only working relationships but personal ones as well. The HR managers found out that the majority of the group would pull away from personal contact with these people and would not want to share with them anything, concerning their private life. In this way the company found out that Exclusion of foreign employees caused their poor performance in the department.

Appendix B

The newsletter for the discrimination group

One department of our company faced the problem concerning poor performance among employees from different nationalities. The HR manager assumed that discrimination of these employees may be the root of the problem. They were not feeling included to the group and were complaining about negative treatment by the majority of Russian employees. She decided to check her assumption and ask Russian employees about their relationships with minorities. The results show that Russians do not want to work on a project with representatives of another nationalities because they do not know Russian language and do not have anything in common (e.g. Background, interests, values). Also, Russians do not want them to be in a top position in their department because they do not share the same working values and culture. The HR manager also found out that Russians would pull away from personal contact with non-Russian people and would not want to share with them anything, concerning their private life. Thus, it was obvious that discrimination toward minorities causes their poor performance since Russians prefer to work with employees of their own nationality.

Appendix C

The newsletter for the control group

One department of our company invested a large sum of money in developing a training program for the employees of different nationalities. The training was dedicated to time management practices. Participants learnt how to manage their time and why it is important to have a personal schedule. They were trained how to set up this work schedule correctly so that they could do everything in time. Moreover, all participants learnt the underlying process of procrastination and how it can affect the common performance of the organization. In some of the exercises they had to analyse the reason for procrastination and tried to find an individual way of dealing with it. One month later the performance of the employees significantly enhanced and managers of the team called the time management training one of the most effective investments that they have ever done.

Appendix D

Organizational identity scale

1 - Strongly disagree

2 -Disagree

3- Neutral

4 - Agree

5 - Strongly agree

When someone criticizes my organization, it feels like a personal insult.

I am very interested in what others think about my company

When I talk about this organization, I usually say ``we'' rather than ``they.''

Organizationall's successes are my successes.

When someone praises this organization, it feels like a personal compliment.

If a story in the media criticized this organization, I would feel embarrassed.

Appendix E

Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM)

1 - Strongly disagree

2 -Disagree

3 - Neutral

4 - Agree

5 - Strongly agree

I have spent time trying to find out more about my ethnic group, such as its history, traditions, and customs.

I have a strong sense of belonging to my own ethnic group.

I understand pretty well what my ethnic group membership means to me.

I have often talked to other people in order to learn more about my ethnic group

I feel a strong attachment towards my own ethnic group.

I have often done things that will help me understand my ethnic background better

Appendix F

Debriefing text for participants in all groups

Dear respondent, You have come to the end of the questionnaire. Thank you very much for your participation in this study.

During this study I was interested how discrimination and Exclusion conditions affect organizational and ethnic identity of employees with different nationalities. In doing so, I was curious to what extent Exclusion affects the organizational and the ethnic identity of expats working in Russia and to what extent discrimination does?

Depending on the group of the study you participated in, I asked you to read a newsletter that related to an organization where majority of employees discriminate the people with different nationalities or exclude them from the group. If you participated in The control group you were reading the text neutral by content about the training program that effectively influence performance of employees in the company. Then you answered questions regarding to what extent you felt discriminated or excluded by the majority of employees according to this newsletter and to what extent you identify yourselves with your ethnic group and organization. All this procedure was needed to measure the effect of Exclusion and discrimination on the minorities' identities in the context of work.

If you want to talk to someone about how you felt during this study or afterwards, please contact the researcher, Aleksandra Kotsuba. She can be reached via email (A.Kotsuba or telephone (+79171073344).

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thanks again for your participation.


Aleksandra Kotsuba

Master student of Work and Organization Psychology in Tilburg University

Appendix G

Table 9

Wilks'Lambda test for organizational identity in relation to each condition




Hypothesis df

Error df


Partial Eta Squared

Noncent. Parameter

Observed Powerb




























Note: **indicate significance at the 5 % level

Appendix H

Table 10

Wilks'Lambda test for ethnic identity in relation to each condition




Hypothesis df

Error df


Partial Eta Squared

Noncent. Parameter

Observed Powerb




























Note: **indicate significance at the 5 % level

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