Stages of formation of professional preparedness of patrol and security police employees

Stages of formation of professional preparedness of police employees: self-determination, formation, growth. The noncompliance of the physical preparedness level of patrol officers and security police with the crime situation requirements in the country.

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Stages of formation of professional preparedness of patrol and security police employees

Prontenko Kostiantyn, Doctor in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Physical Education, Special Physical Training and Sports Department, S.P. Korolyov Zhytomyr Military Institute; Plisko Valerii, Doctor in Pedagogy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Methodology of Physical Education National University T.H. Shevchenko «Chemihiv Collegium»; Griban Grygoriy, Doctor in Pedagogy, Professor, Chair of Physical Education and Recreation Department, Ivan Franko State University; Bondarenko Valentin, Ph.D in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Chair of Special Physical Training National Academy of Internal Affairs


The stages of formation of professional preparedness of patrol and security police department employees are theoretically substantiated in the article. The patrol and security police department employees from Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions (n=92) took part in the investigation. The analysis of scientific literature and statutory documents regulating professional training of the National Police of Ukraine employees was carried out. The content of the “professional preparedness of the police officer” term was clarified. The stages of formation of professional preparedness of police employees, which include the stage of professional self-determination, professional formation and professional growth, were distinguished. Based on the conducted research, the noncompliance of the physical preparedness level of the patrol and security police employees with the crime situation requirements in the country was established.

Keywords: National Police; patrol police; security police; professional preparedness; physical preparedness; in-service training.


Етапи формування професійної готовності працівників підрозділів патрульної поліції та поліції охорони

Пронтенко Костянтин, доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри фізичного виховання,спеціальної фізичної підготовки і спорту, Житомирський військовий інститут імені С.П. Корольова; Пліско Валерій, доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри педагогіки, психології і методики фізичного виховання, Національний університет «Чернігівський колегіум» імені Т.Г. Шевченка; Грибан Григорій, доктор педагогічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри фізичного виховання та рекреації, Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка; Бондаренко Валентин, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри спеціальної фізичної підготовки Національна академія внутрішніх справ

У статті теоретично обґрунтовано етапи формування професійної готовності працівників підрозділів патрульної поліції та поліції охорони. В дослідженні взяли участь працівники управлінь патрульної поліції та поліції охорони Київської та Житомирської областей (п=92).

Проаналізовано наукову літературу та нормативні документи, що регламентують професійне навчання працівників Національної поліції України. З'ясовано, що професійна готовність працівника поліції - це стан особи, який дає змогу здійснювати службову діяльність на належному професійному рівні й інтегрує компоненти професійної готовності зі спроможністю оперативно їх поєднувати, постійно оновлювати, накопичувати й розвивати.

На підставі здійснених досліджень виокремлено етапи формування професійної готовності працівників поліції: етап професійного самовизначення, професійного становлення та професійного зростання. Установлено невідповідність рівня професійної готовності працівників патрульної поліції та поліції охорони вимогам криміногенної ситуації в країні.

Ключові слова: Національна поліція; патрульна поліція; поліція охорони; професійна готовність; професійне навчання; службова підготовка.


The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine provides for a radical change in the concept of law enforcement authorities and has begun the creation of new units of the National Police. The results of the social survey show a gradual increase in public confidence in the National Police of Ukraine and the effectiveness of the initiated reforms. However, multiple situations videos of which are presented by their witnesses on the Internet network allow us to identify problems in the professional preparedness of employees of police. The analysis of failures made by the police officer when exercising their duties confirms the noncompliance of the level of professional preparedness with the requirements of the crime situation in the country. In some cases, a low level of physical fitness prevented the effective implementation of measures of physical coercion during stopping an infringement, while in others insufficient psychological preparedness inhibited the actions of policemen, hindered the precise motion activity associated with the use of special means and firearms. Due to the lack of practical experience in law enforcement activities by the vast majority of the employees of the newly formed patrol police and low theoretical preparedness, the performance of official duties was not carried out efficiently, with additional expenditure of time.

The formation of professional preparedness of policemen is a gradual and systematic process. Its effectiveness is determined not only by the development of professional qualities and the motivation of the employees to continuous selfimprovement, but also it depends on the availability of scientifically approved methods of training that take into account the stages of formation of professional preparedness [1; 3; 4; 7; 8].

Modern research in the pedagogy and psychology prove that the formation of a state of professional preparedness of future specialists requires developed personal qualities [2; 44 5; 11; 12]. The development of these qualities contributes to more effective establishment of a communicative relationship with citizens and a qualitative performance of official duties [2; 12; 13]. Many researchers [9; 14; 15] provide recommendations in their works for the formation of personal qualities of law enforcement officers. Scientists note that the personality is characterized by: intelligence, responsibility, freedom, personal dignity, individuality, discipline, tolerance, tact, kindness and others. The basis of these qualities according to the scientists is laid in childhood under the influence of upbringing in the family and becoming more advanced in school years [11]. That is, the preparation of future patrol police officers involves a number of stages and should be directed towards preparation for effective performance of the official duties [6; 8; 9]. The need for a thorough study of the stages of training and development of a system of professional training that would contribute to the formation of the professional preparedness of the policemen determined the relevance of our research.

Materials and methods

The research included the use of theoretical and empirical methods. Theoretical methods: studying and analysis of pedagogical, psychological, methodological literature, curricula, study plans and statutory documents; synthesis; summarization. Empirical methods: observation of the educational process, interviews with teachers and instructors who conduct lessons on subjects from the professional program of initial professional training of policemen and lessons in the system of professional training; oral questioning of current police officers on duty.

The questioning was conducted with the patrol and security police department employees from Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions (n=92).

The aim of the article is to determine the stages of formation of the professional preparedness of the staff of the departments of the patrol police and security police.


1) to carry out the analysis of scientific literature and the statutory documents regulating the professional training of the employees of the National Police of Ukraine;

2) to establish the regularity and characterize the stages of formation of the professional preparedness of the policemen.


The problem of forming a person's preparedness for activities has long attracted an increased attention of scientists. Various aspects of its research have been reflected in the works of many scientists [1; 12; 13]. In their work, they consider the general questions of increasing the preparedness of specialists for different types of activities. Scientists distinguished two types of preparedness: permanent and temporary. Researchers determine the permanent preparedness as beforehand acquired attitude, knowledge, skills, abilities, experience, quality, motives. Motivational, cognitive, emotional and volitional components are distinguished in the structure of the preparedness for activity. The analysis of other scientific works allows to conclude that in the research of the preparedness of military specialists for professional activity, a personality approach is usually used, that is, researchers consider preparedness for professional activity as an integral property of a person, a system of psychological qualities of a person required for successful professional activity and performance of official tasks. Regarding law enforcement officers, extreme conditions are usually identified as a specific sign of professional activity. In the structuring of psychological qualities, there is an attempt to integrate personal characteristics in a holistic manner, while practically all researchers distinguish between motivational, cognitive and operational components [12].

Leading scientific researches prove that preparedness for professional activity (professional preparedness) has the characteristics of general human preparedness for activity, but it has a certain specificity in accordance with the nature of the activity itself. In researches [3; 7; 13] in which the system of assessing the preparedness of future officers for professional activity was studied, «professional preparedness means the orientation of the individual which implies needs, beliefs, opinions, attitudes, motives, feelings, will and intellectual qualities, knowledge, skills, instructions for certain behavior in unusual conditions. Such preparedness is ensured in the process of obtaining education and training at an educational institution».

The formation of professional preparedness of policemen takes place during professional training, which ensures the expansion of the acquired knowledge, improvement of the developed skills in the process of specialized training. In accordance with Article 72 of the Law of Ukraine «On National Police» [10], the system of professional training for police officers consists of initial professional training; training at higher education institutions with specific learning conditions; postgraduate education; in-service training.

In general, the current system of professional training combines the initial stage of professional development, covering initial professional training and training at higher education institutions, with specific learning conditions and the stage of improvement (postgraduate education, inservice training).

A thorough analysis of the reasons that led a significant part of the policemen on duty to resign in a short period of service (from a few months to one year) reveals grounds for identifying problems relating to the qualitative selection of persons with established professional qualities. Other important reasons for inducing the employees to resign are the lack of proper organization and management of departments and a tight work schedule (a large number of challenges, especially in large cities, frequent public security services on weekends and holidays, lessons of inservice training on days-off etc.).

The researches show that high marks of service activity were achieved by those persons who prior to training in the initial professional training for police officers were characterized by a high level of formation of professional qualities (high psychophysical preparedness, well-developed psychological cognitive processes, personal, communicative and volitional qualities) [4; 5; 7]. This confirms the importance of qualitative selection of candidates for service in the National Police of Ukraine with a sufficient level of development of necessary qualities. Taking into account the above- mentioned, one of the stages in the formation of professional preparedness of policemen should be the stage of professional self-determination (pre-vocational training preceding the professional training).

The researches [3] indicate that the process of professional self-determination of the younger generation is influenced by two main factors: 1) the person himself as a very complicated self-regulating system; 2) the system of public orientation of youth in addressing the question of a conscious choice of profession (involves the targeted influence of the school, family, civic organizations, literature, art on the motives of choice of profession). The system of vocational orientation involves a wide range of opportunities for professional development of the individual, from which the person «draws» the motives and goals of his/her activities. When choosing a profession, it is very important to match the psychological characteristics of a person with the characteristics of future professional activities. Profession should bring pleasure and ensure the maximum realization of opportunities of the person (the benefits to society). Scientists have proven that the effectiveness of professional activity is largely determined by motivation, and not only by natural abilities [9]. Under certain conditions, in particular, with the high interest of the individual to a particular activity, the so-called compensatory mechanism may be included. Lack of abilities is compensated by the development of the motivational sphere - interest in the subject, awareness of the choice of profession, etc.

The choice of profession consists of a series of stages which are combined into a single process. Typically, professional selfdetermination encompasses senior school age, but it is preceded by a stage of primary choice of profession (characteristic for elementary school pupils). At this stage, schoolchildren have poorly differentiated conception about the world of professions, situational conception about internal resources, necessary requirements for certain professions, instability of professional intentions. High school pupils are superficially oriented in different spheres of work, but the formation of professional intentions is already taking place. The social and economic conditions, influence of the family, friends, teachers, age and sexual characteristics of the person, self-actualization and level of aspirations, the prestige of the profession, the degree of knowledge about the profession, professional interests, inclinations and abilities play a key role in the choice of profession at the stage of professional self-determination.

The stage of professional formation involves the acquisition of professional education. The Law of Ukraine «On National Police» stipulates: a person who has successfully completed primary professional education or who has been trained in higher education institutions with specific training conditions may work as an inspector of police [10].

A number of scientists are convinced that the formation and development of professional qualities of a policeman depends on the level of initial training [2; 3]. According to their data, the formation of the preparedness of the students of the courses of initial professional training for professional activities should be carried out in the form of targeted psychological and pedagogical training which involves the acquisition of a complex of special professional knowledge, skills and development of necessary personal qualities.

Initial training of policemen is carried out in accordance with the state standard of vocational education «Policeman» (by specialization), qualification: policeman (Code: 5162) in accordance with the developed professional training program of policemen who were first taken to police as police officers (inspectors). The course of initial training of policemen is aimed to create the special skills necessary for the execution of police powers, including skills in the storage, carrying, application and use of firearms and the need for constant improvement of their professional level, professional competence, improvement of skills to self-education [10].

The professional program regulates the list of subjects and related topics that are mandatory for study, their content, scope, purpose of training, forms of final control. The chosen subjects should help reinforce the level of basic knowledge and develop skills necessary for the effective resolution of the tasks of professional activity of the patrol police.

The final formation of professional preparedness and maintenance of this state at an adequate level takes place at the stage of professional growth. This stage is carried out in the course of direct service activity, involves gaining professional experience and further professional training. The system of professional training at the stage of professional growth includes postgraduate education and in-service training. Inservice training is a system of measures aimed at reinforcing and updating the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities of the policemen taking into account operational situation, particular features and profile of his operational activity. The Regulations on the organization of professional training of the employees of the National Police of Ukraine provides for the following types of this activity: functional training, general professional training, training in the use of firearm, tactical training and physical training.

Functional training is aimed at acquiring and improving by the police officer of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of legal and regulatory support for the service activity necessary for the successful performance of his official duties. General professional training involves the acquisition and improvement by the police officer of skills in the practical application of theoretical knowledge about the formation the preparedness for action in risk situations of various degrees, as well as provision of first aid in the process of performance of service tasks. Tactical training is aimed at acquiring and improving by the police officer of skills in the practical application of theoretical knowledge about the correct assessment of specific events, subsequent making lawful decisions and psychological readiness for action in risk situations of various degrees.

Training in the use of firearm involves studying by the policemen the principles of firing the gun, its lawful application (use) and improving the skills of safe handling of it, high-speed and well-aimed firing at stationary and moving targets, from different positions, in a limited time, in motion, etc. The purpose of physical training is the formation and improvement of motor skills and the development of physical qualities and abilities of a policeman taking into account the particular features of his professional activity. For patrol policemen and security policemen, the statutory documents provide for 108 hours of training per year for physical training, 22 hours for functional training, 18 hours for tactical training, 25 hours for general professional training, and 18 hours for training in the use of firearm.

At the stage of professional growth, the focus is on postgraduate education. It is considered as a specialized improvement in the education and professional development of a person by deepening, enlarging and updating his professional knowledge, skills and abilities, or obtaining another profession, specialty on the basis of the educational level acquired earlier and practical experience. Postgraduate education of police officers consists of specialization, retraining, internship, advanced training. Specialization is a specialized professional training which is conducted with the purpose of acquiring by the person an ability to perform individual tasks and duties having special features within the specialty that he already has. Retraining is a professional training aimed at mastering another profession by the employees who have received initial professional training.

The internship is carried out with the purpose of formation and strengthening in practice the professional competences acquired as a result of theoretical training concerning fulfillment of tasks and responsibilities in a current position or position of a higher level, collection of domestic and foreign experience, formation of personal qualities for the fulfillment of professional tasks in a new, higher quality level within a certain specialty. Advanced training is an increase in the level of preparedness of a person to perform his professional tasks and responsibilities or the ability of the person to perform additional tasks and duties by acquiring new knowledge and skills within the professional activity or field of knowledge. A distinction is made between a long-term and a short-term advanced training.

The duration of the long-term advanced training is at least 108 academic hours (two national credits or three ECTS credits). The short-term advanced training is less than 108 academic hours (one national credit or two ECTS credits).

professional police security patrol


The analysis of special literature, the requirements for the training of policemen and characteristic features of their service activity allow us to interpret the notion of “professional preparedness of policeman” as a person's state, which allows him to perform the service activity at the appropriate professional level and integrates a number of components (motivational, cognitive, operational, personal, emotional and volitional components) in combination with the ability to quickly combine them, constantly update and accumulate.

Based on the conducted research, it was established that the formation of policemen' professional preparedness is carried out in three stages. The starting stage should be a stage of professional selfdetermination. The success of this stage will be marked by a clear awareness of the requirements of the profession, formation of the future employee's motivation for obtaining appropriate education and proper law-enforcement activity and a sufficient level of intellectual and psychophysical preparedness. Next is the stage of professional formation which involves obtaining professional education. Employees who are first recruited to police as inspectors of the police have to complete an initial training for police officers. Analysis of the educational process at the courses of initial professional training indicates a gradual increase in the practical orientation of training.

A great deal of the training time is spent on the development of practical skills during the role-playing games (scenarios). However, the training program needs to be improved and further adapted to the current requirements of the crime situation in our country. The final stage is the professional growth that takes place during the direct service activity and involves gaining professional experience and further professional training. Significant role in increasing the level of professional preparedness belongs to in-service training. The conducted research indicates the need to adjust thematic plans to the type of training in accordance with the requirements of society and the crime situation in the country.


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